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File: 421 KB, 914x694, trady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9222668 No.9222668 [Reply] [Original]

Started in mid 2016 with $1250.

Turned it into just over $40k.

Ask me anything about crypto trading.

>> No.9222685

jeez anon, i asked with 2k mid last year and turned it into 120k and made a shit tonne of mistakes along the way

wtf did you do?

>> No.9222696

What's that in actual sats gained though? I 70x'ed my fiat but only 20x'ed my btc stack. I don't count my fiat multipliers

>> No.9222698


>> No.9222706


>> No.9222708

That is pretty bad actually

>> No.9222728
File: 199 KB, 1000x847, 1523205229783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you literally have to be handicapped to not be a millionaire already if you started in mid 2016. i started september 2017 with 10k$ and had 300k$ in january, down to 140k$ now. knowing people like OP exist reassures me that i'm gonna make it

>> No.9222732

lol OP, I think you did pretty well. I have made net losses since last year and the majority of people are in the same boat. Did you just buy and hold a bunch of lucky shitcoins?

>> No.9222742


if you had just hodled you would have more, who would want advice from that?

>> No.9222751

>wtf you literally have to be handicapped to not be a millionaire already if you started in mid 2016. i started september 2017 with 10k$ and had 300k$ in january, down to 140k$ now. knowing people like OP exist reassures me that i'm gonna make it

You know that going 30x far, far exceeded the market average for sept-jan, right? And most people perform worse than the market average.

lol at the skewed perceptions ITT, total delusion. This thing happened to me therefore it should have happened to everyone.

>> No.9222766

if you had just bought ETH and hodld since then you'd have about $700k

>> No.9222774

Nice larp.

>> No.9222788

Starting in mid 2017 is basically the same as starting in mid 2016.

All the action happened in 2017.

>> No.9222810
File: 176 KB, 2048x1365, 10703841_972006229482586_3648166770779481807_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started 1 month ago.

I have 7k invested.

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.9222822


>> No.9222824

yeah that's not that impressive my man, you should be way richer than that if you started pre-2017.

>> No.9222834

hello no, i watched BTC sind early 2016 because i used it to buy drugs. it's value almost tenfolded until i finally bought in big.

>> No.9222840

awesome because I deserve this
I have bad medical issues but I still manage to keep a job

oh god please make this work out for me

>> No.9222854

Bitcoin was about $500 when I started, it was about $1000 at the beginning of 2017.

2017 is when the action happened.

>> No.9222858

Yeah no, you're just not as good as you think you are. I started a year later with less capital and made the same amount as you.

>> No.9222876

What's your trading strategy?

Buy and hold?

>> No.9222879

Okay anon, you have done a 32x. It's impressive. Now you only have to do it again and retire.

>> No.9222953

how did you manage to do so bad when others literally 100x'ed their money by sitting on their ass and holding?

>> No.9223001

> 40x is bad


>> No.9223004

How did you manage to get in so early and make so little?

>> No.9223022
File: 1.13 MB, 1266x1086, Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 10.40.39 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started in october last year with an inheritance from my grandma of $1000.
Invested in the ICO of Confido, $15,000 in the first day of release on the market.
Put $5000 into another shitcoin masternode called artax turned that into 4.4 bitcoins in less than a week due to a pump.
Some could say i'm blessed.
ask me anything im 22.

>> No.9223024

It's not little.

Most of my friends who got in around the same time didn't make this much.

>> No.9223034

Bruh if i got in crypto in 2016 i would be a millionaire give me one more year and i will be.

>> No.9223038

well if you bought eth and hodled it till now, you'd have more then x60. If you bought any other you'd be way over x100. So you did pretty badly all things considered. I started mid 2017 and still went from 4k to 57k

>> No.9223044

And if I bought Bitcoin I'd have 20x.

>> No.9223050

Btw i'm worth $60,000 round about. Just tipped $100,000 in the bullrun of early january.

>> No.9223054

How long til AGI hits 1k each?

>> No.9223075

Hahahah estimated 2021?, idk i got in the ICO so i'll hold the bags for eternity wish i sold when it pumped to $1.50 but u live and learn.
I also had 10k venchain which i bought at 20c and sold at 50c which is my biggest regret. Just after the apoptheosis anouncement used the profit to buy more LINK :'(

>> No.9223076

lol goys xd i startd in march 2018 with 100$ and ran it up to 6mil xd you suck op

>> No.9223079

It's easy to say in retrospect, but in 2016 the whole thing was considered pretty much a joke.

None of us knew we'd be seeing the SEC talk about 'hodling' 1.5 years later.

>> No.9223080


How does it feel that even when you lie to strangers on internet your achievements are pathetic? $40k is the annual mortgage repayments on a middle class house.

>> No.9223083
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I have 144 xrp and around 300 USD to my name, what do I do now?

>> No.9223086

It's not a lie, some of us know how to trade.

>> No.9223096

true i guess i got in just before the bull run so i was lucky i had no idea what a blockchain was i just knew after browsing /b/ and seeing confido it was gonna be huge. little did i know it was an exit scam. luckily got out with selling 40% of it but was up 35k from confido alone in 2weeks before the exit scam.

>> No.9223105

Hahahahah u measly peasant can't make a good trade?

>> No.9223115

kek i started with 1k in oct 2016 and turned it into 330k

>> No.9223119

All in on DDD, thank me later....
DYOR cause i don't want to shill a bunch of neets into the biggest project of 2018

>> No.9223123

Thats not even that impressovr try 10k to 200k since last april AMA poorfag

>> No.9223139

Nice larp.

I bet you have an IQ of 200 and a 12 inch dick too.

>> No.9223155

not a larp lol and i have masternodes to show for it too. makin 11k a month off staking

>> No.9223164

I'm a no coiner.
I want to play with money like you guise, but the following points made me pull out.
> The commission to buy bitcoin is too expensive, so assuming I don't lose it all, it will be a while before I make enough gain to compensate for it
>I'm afraid of the bubble exploding while I'm into it
>Penny stock tier pumps and dumps scams
This is pussy tier, but I have around $500 (converted from my local currency) I can afford to lose and don't turn all pink wojak

>> No.9223168

staking what?

>> No.9223193

just wtc atm, ven will launch their mainnet soon and then Ill also rent out a mwat franchise and get all the fees. so pretty soon ill be pulling 200k+ a year from doing nothing.

>> No.9223201

I hope this is post tax.

>> No.9223230

by mid 2017 eth was at $300. in mid 2016 it was at $10
literally every shitcoin went x10 from march 2017 to june 2017
starting in mid 2016, the only way you could have made only 30x without plain bad trades would be by holding btc or specific 2014 shitcoins. any other strategy resulted in better gains

>> No.9223255

Been looking into doing this for ages. How much $$$ do I need to get started?

>> No.9223270

this is the real nigga shit right here.

spoonfeed me on node staking anon?

>> No.9223276

Don't listen to these people. You did fine. The big moves were in 2017 not 2016. I think BTC only doubled in 2016. I started around the same time as you. Keep going and retire young. good job anon.

>> No.9223280

> from doing nothing
dunno senpai. if you state it that way it really does feel like it wont last.

>> No.9223289

I entered with $1100 and no prior trading experience, I'm up to $1570 in about two weeks. Some trial and error involved.

Just play around with an amount that you can afford to lose.

>> No.9223314


this best thing u can do right now is get into mwat and get like 100k mwat so you can rent out a regional franchise and also get the dividends in the form of kwt from the energy being traded on the platform.

>> No.9223315

Is 9% fee from a bitcoin ATM to buy a reasonable fee?
For a 500$ purchase this means 45$ turning into thin air.

>> No.9223320


so you made $40k in 2 years? lol is that alot? fast food workers make more than that

i turned less than $10k into $800k in 1 year trading crypto. my peak was 1.9 million in December

>> No.9223360

The difference is I'm not LARPing.

>> No.9223372
File: 23 KB, 400x321, anontheft_senpai noticed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you are my Love, I've been looking all over...

Should I keep liquidating eth and bitc and taking longer positions than I would have liked on alts (>day) or should I hold and wait for incoming jump? (I don't want to hold LTC when the bitc triples).

but illuminate me, precious, if for instance bitc is to reach 50k, what would the alt market look like. this question is even more substantial to me desu than any other because I would like to keep trading full time (I got the knack of it).

>> No.9223395

I think there's a lot of bizraelies with similar performance here. I too started with ~$10k in March of last year, peaked at 2.5MM before the whole bullshit in Jan. Still holding at 1.2 now.

>> No.9223400

That's all you made? Lol

>> No.9223411

I don't know what the hell you just said but thank you i'm gonna look into it. would love to be making an extra income, that would help so much.

>> No.9223414

>Started in mid 2016 with $1250.
>Turned it into just over $40k.
dude anyone can do this you literally didn't even need to trade, just hold corn from mid 2016 and you'd have at least that lol

>> No.9223440

even 8 mil won't make you fuckable

>> No.9223445


you think im larping because its so unbelievable to you. its 100% true but i understand you dont want to believe it because it makes you feel small and stupid

you think you're some kind of genius making 40x in 2 years when actually its laughable in crypto

and the fact you think $40k is something worth bragging about means you're dirt poor

>> No.9223465

bitcoin -ATM-?
hmm yes.
it's the banks....
they don't have clause to deal with crypto and they view it as "general assets" the say way a diamond exchange can liquidate diamond to fiat, but that will cost them.

>> No.9223471

gz, you're a richfag

>> No.9223476

Post proof.

>> No.9223493
File: 65 KB, 800x555, 1518807757244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right so I think I get what you're saying, but i'm a brainlet so bare with. If I buy a tonne of these I can start a franchise? doing what exactly? I know jack shit about nodes or how to utilize them for profit.
Is there a minimum MWAT to start a franchise? those KWT dividends you mention, are those to be sold on an exchange too?

thanks in advance my man

>> No.9223513

I made 150k with 2k, started last year in may

>> No.9223531


i'm about to sleep and dont give a shit so just keep thinking im larping

when someone says they turned $10k into a million, I don't think their larping because i did the same thing. its totally believeable to me.

did you post proof of your measily little $40k?

>> No.9223557

you can rent it out to someone if you dont want to set it up but they do everything for you. the biggest thing is the kwt dividends you get from the energy trading on the platform. 1 kwt = kw in electricity and you can sell that or use it etc. the max cap for the amt of electricity stored is 1 mw so the price can go very high and they are expanding everywhere starting this year and next year into america etc.

>> No.9223572

Anybody can just throw out random numbers, but I see zero proof being posted in these threads. As far as I am concerned, you are all larpers until proven otherwise.

>> No.9223575

they are partnered with the EU and other huge companies but they are under NDA and wont be announced until they launch with their service. They are projecting 100mil in revenue by the end of this year.

>> No.9223629

You fucking suck, retard. Started with $800 in November and now sitting on $25k, with 47k ATH.

>> No.9223636

fuck, so how many MWAT do you have and how much are you making per/month from the dividends?

I'm a poorfag so I could probably only afford about 5k. I'm guessing there'd be no point in buying for a yield so small?

>> No.9223640

>that 20 year old at taco bell who never believes people can make money
I turned $500 into $500k Nov-Jan.

>> No.9223650

with 5k u can get almost 100k mwat which is alot. this thing can easily 30x even 100x long term.

>> No.9223663
File: 32 KB, 600x600, hlhzGGn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started in January with 3k now at 3.8k

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.9223664


the difference is im not trying to sound like some kind of guru like OP is

"ask my anything about crypto trading" lol

>> No.9223666

it has the biggest dividends out of all the electricity coins and its trading below ico price.

>> No.9223676

Sorry anon I meant I only have enough to BUY 5K MWAT, which is like $200-ish.

fuck, I wish I had more money. This looks like such a good opportunity.

>> No.9223735
File: 8 KB, 342x189, mwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it

>> No.9223765

I guess 5K is better than nothing. Alright I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the help brother.

>> No.9223786
File: 75 KB, 742x577, mwatroadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9223829

After starting a franchise, do you need to do any work for it? I already run a business and can't afford to spend much time on much else right now. would be sweet if I could set it up and let it collect KWTs...

>> No.9223857

not even x40, barely above x30, I joined crypto in dec 2017, bought raiblocks and sold it at 2000% profit, I did almost what he did in a fucking month, it wasn't even a month, more like 3 weeks

>> No.9223876

When are they scheduled to launch the platform?

>> No.9223892

in a few months i think once it launches they will have a bonus for signing up so u get 0.11 kwt free per mwat you have its like an airdrop. no 1 really knows about this.

>> No.9223897

started with 500$ mid 17 and turned it into 75k .
and i'm like really really bad at trading.

>> No.9223924


So.....you're saying your strategy is WORSE than buy and hold? Op, I know you're proud and we're happy you've made gains. But you're not the Wolf of Wallstreet ok?

>> No.9223930

I don't like the fact that they're from Romania. I might throw a grand at it just because of how cheap it is, but am not convinced. Looks shady desu. Then again, scams moon the hardest.

>> No.9223951

lol they have a real business with profits and a European parliament member on their team.

>> No.9223965

Ease up on the shill. None of that means anything.

>> No.9223984


Why would we bother? Apart from total brainlets (and I mean real, seriously terrible retardation) anyone in cryptos since this time last year back has in all probability done anything from a x20 (bad...just holding BTC and selling really obvious tops) to a x1000 (god tier ICO hounds and BitMEX traders - and no I'm not that good). So.....if you think it's a larp, I guess you're a newfag kek.

>> No.9223988


started in mid 2017 with 1500 , now 200k

what u do wrong opp?

>> No.9224039

x20 with bitcoin alone since last year?

Wow you are really the biggest brainlet in this thread

>> No.9224067

>reading comprehension
This is the power of brainletism, eh? Not bad.

>> No.9224095

His argument is based on total shit. x20 since last year while selling "obvious" tops, with obvious tops he means selling pre china fud? pre bcc fork? pre alt bull run in november?

Where is your x20? Oh, your rebuy in the OBVIOUS bottom

You are all pajeets with a 5 digits portfolio

>> No.9224107


>> No.9224136

Selling when it hit 20k resistance for example. Sure, "obvious" is a strong word, but 20x is an awful ROI if you started before the spring alt run.

>> No.9224251

These tips are exactly what I need for when I go back in time.

>> No.9224271

I started with roughly $3k in February 2017. Sitting on over $325k right now and still doing alright. I'm not larping.

How do you fuck up that badly?

>> No.9224291

How? Please help me learn.

>> No.9224463

sekrit bot strategy that worked crazy well in dec and early jan but then flatlined

>> No.9224493

It might take 10 years (accounting for almost worse case scenarios like picking a shitcoin) but very likely you will.

>> No.9224595

Worst case scenario is he'll get confido'd, brainlet. Which will unironically happen to 95% shitcoins sooner or later. You think a market with literal scams valued in billions is sustainable?

>> No.9224837

What’s your general strategy?
How often did you trade to achieve this profit?
How often do you take losses?
And most importantly, what’s your system for your stop losses? With the volatility of crypto I have some problem setting my stop losses, especially on bitmex, because if I would set it where it would be mathematically most reasonable they are almost guaranteed to get hit. Maybe you have some good advice for this.

>> No.9224902

i started with $150 in december 2016 and turned it into ATH 86K late december 2017
get on my level

>> No.9224935
File: 30 KB, 1330x287, volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like at the moment my biggest error by far is caring too much about the small shifts in percentage and not focusing on the bigger picture. it doesn't help either I get a rush everytime i buy and stare at the chart for 8 hours a day doing nothing.

how do you guys focus on ur day without staring at this shit for hours?

>> No.9225038

quite possible to understand the basics of trade of you're not retarded from simply trading. (invested 2 times 1100, and 1300 nis ~ 550 euro in total. lost first 1,300 and account valued at 90 xrp - meaningless funds in wallet).
Second time is where it matters, when I had a 1,100 spare nis (~250 eur) that I could sacrifice and now solely my accounts are worth 270 ~euro and wallet I will not post.

I read for 3 hours or so on sites and apps and news about the coins and general Forex stuff...

It is most possible to understand the economy of it without understanding the technology.

>> No.9225062


>> No.9225085

That feeling should go away or be cyclical at the very least. Unless you have a superior level of autism. This shit is exciting, obsessing makes sense, but shouldn't get out of hand.

>> No.9225090

How did you only manage to get a 40x?

>> No.9225103

The road to Israel long....

>> No.9225119

Shit op I started with $350 in January this year and got $25K out of it. You need to up your normie money stealing game.

>> No.9225162

40x is actually really good.

>> No.9225176

Do you day trade? I only got around 300$ to play with but when I short on hourly basis I only get a few bucks for 2 hours of staring at the screen.
I was thinking of configuring a trading bot like gekko since I'm good at programming to short because there's no way of competing with other day traders that do the same. Every second counts.
Is my approach wrong?

>> No.9225197

2016 XD, started mid 2017 with $100 now have over 20k;

>> No.9225206

A lot of people made 200-300x but yea 40x is good

>> No.9225228

Pls teach me senpai
t. >>9225176

>> No.9225250

Op don't listen to the hold fags
That worked in 2017 but 2 issues
We may not get another run like that for a longgg time
They didn't have shit. Their blockfolio said a certain number but they held it all the way back down like idiots
If you didn't sell your coin into btc ready to trade into fiat the number on your screen of your balance is nothing. Just pixels

For someone who actually trades OP did real good. Problem with swing and day traders is we sell too early , at least I do

It'll make a peak that you think is the top, barely go down a little and then make another, repeat

So your rebuy wouldn't be worth it and you hold off till it goes lower but in 2017 bull market every coin kept making new floors. With certain days jumping 200 percent

So traders actually got rekt , but try that hodl shit now retards
I've been in plenty of blockfolio threads. All the hodl fags held from 1 million crypto worth to like 100k
as an example

>> No.9225270

next level larp

>I invested 50$ (my launch money for the whole month) last week
>Crazy rollercoaster. Up and downs from an ATH 2,13m to a low 5$
>How? Some epic shorting and long skills. but i have stopped it, and cashed out my initial of 50$ so i can buy something to eat

>> No.9225291

tell us how!!!

>> No.9225349

this is a troll right? or honeypot

>> No.9225379

I got into a new shitcoin right as it was launched, mined it with a shitty gpu and payed $350 total for coins. In the end i had $25K but i could've sold a day later for $50K. If i were to have sold the coins today they'd be worth $1000~

>> No.9225384

No I just want to give back and help new traders.

>> No.9225434

I did better then you op.

Started 3k-ish around march 2018, 70k, 3 days ago. (Today down to 60k)

You dont have to ask me anything, i will tell you.

>ponzies in march, got in early and out in time (up to 20k)
>noticed around 6.april soros, rothchilds statements, then saw alot of news articles about how mentality towards crypto has changed. Got into eos, bch. (Up to 70k)
>now the more money I have the less balls I have to hodl it into anything, so I started trading to avoid losses and went down to (60k)
>atm all in EoS. Gonna stay here gor a while

Also told my wife to get into bitcoin core at 7.9k and ethereum at 621. She made around 10k now.

>> No.9225466

I see.

How did you do it? Do you day trade? Is anyone here day trading? Also, what about trading bots, I'd only trust FOSS bots as anyone can go through the source code and you can configure them easily.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong if I can only make few bucks in two hours on average from daytrading. I read books and watched videos on reading japanese candles but the patterns don't necessarily predict the future prices as crypto trading is pretty volatile.

>> No.9225684

How reliant are you on TA verses psycological analasys of the market?

>> No.9225743

>Amazing brainlet

.......anon, wow. Read it again. I never said I personally did a x20. I said I didn't do a x1000. Holy fuck, such a failure.

>> No.9225774

started march 2017 with 700 $, ended with $55K by January 2018.
you're a shit trader OP

>> No.9225809

Yeah how the fuck can you be so damn awful at crypto that that is all you’ve made? Started last April with 2500$ and should be crossing the million threshold by end of may

>> No.9225842


Kek, profittrailer with EMASPREAD? Killer in Nov to Jan market. Not sophisticated enough in a crash though. V2 is much better though, set up confirmation of the higher timeframe trend and add PT magic (to change to trading Tether automatically in crashes) and it'll keep making money regardless. My current strategy (which is very safe) manages 1 to 2% per day right now & even when we get barted it never drops below 0.7%.

>> No.9225909


I use profittrailer - it's fine. I've tried FOSS bots (Gekko mainly) but they're really sketchy - too much focus on TA, not enough on position sizing & DCA strategies (which are a big part of making it work). Honestly, I wouldn't worry. The devs of these bots are making money hand over fist - exit scamming for a few million would be retarded.

>> No.9226027

Thanks, I'm going to check out profittrailer and give it a go.

>> No.9226083

because you were in the market during the biggest market-wide bull run in decades. not that hard you larping shitposter.

>> No.9226116
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Started with 1000€ in mid 2017, now I have 1500€, peak was 5000€ in January. I have no idea how people are making 200x gains in this crazy market.

>> No.9226133


Theres dozens of us. I started with $2,000 and I'm down to $1,366 with an ATH of $5,000.

I work full time so I can't trade at all hours.

>> No.9226288

I don’t get it. How is underperforming the market an achievement?

>> No.9226295

Why are you so bad at crypto? I started in Nov 17 with 3k and turned it into 120k.

>> No.9226380

Holy shit please go on...

I just got into crypto and have $3000 disposable income coming the next month. (I have $600 in ADA too, for what that's worth) I was thinking of using cryptohopper + the MiningHamster trading signal, which I've heard is good. Apparently this strategy is good for beginners and can yield 2ish% a day, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. How well do you think $3k investment plus cryptohopper and signals could do by 2019?

>> No.9226442

Okay and he wasn’t ? And yeah I sure am larping

2500 into eth as first investment, sold around 100 to fuck around in shitcoins, lost a little but went all in on antshares at like 3$ sold between 12 and 15, fucked around shitcoins some more lost some money then went huge on xlm around the ibm hype bought around 8 cents sold during the pump at about 30 cents and have been all in on Vechain since then with average buy price around 50 cents

Not everyone is a pathetic broke loser like you anon some of us can actually make money doing this but yeah I’m larping lol

>> No.9226500

Started with $2500 on December 17th

So far I'm up $100, 70/20/10 on LINK/REQ/OMG

Am I going to make it?

>> No.9226526

>I made a shiton of money in a bull market where you could just hold and get rich, ask me anything i'm a trading genius

>> No.9226568

Started with 500, now got 0. Am I going to make it?

>> No.9227271

Link? Lol no

>> No.9227325

ya i dunno OP seems shit desu. I didn't get in until mid 2017 (around when ETH was 250-300 as you mentioned), I started with $8k USD and am now at about $155k USD, although my ATH was over $300k

And that's not doing any fancy trading, mostly just holding, a few minor trades when things really mooned (sold a big stack of QTUM when it was up near $80, sold a bunch of COSS near $3)

If I'd been in this since mid 2016 I'd definitely be well over $1MM right now

>> No.9227382

>I started 1 month ago.
>I have 7k invested.
>Am I gonna make it?

Probably not and anyone telling you otherwise is lying

>> No.9227392

you just described the most made-up scenario in the history of biz. literally no one can make all those calls unless they're larping.

post anything as proof. please.

>> No.9227451

>If I'd been in this since mid 2016 I'd definitely be well over $1MM right now

Are you just extrapolating your 2017 growth into 2016? Because that's not how it works.

Go and look at some 2016 charts and tell me how you'd have achieved these returns.

>> No.9227579

I made 100% gains last year and cashed out and fuck this market. Anybody buying this hyped up bullshit deserves what will happen

>> No.9227673

How tf so retard literally just bought the most hyped coins when they started getting hyped, bought eth because bitcoin was too much when I was new bought ant shares when it was being spammed everywhere on reddit 3$ wasn’t early if you had a brain, and xlm after the ibm announcement how is that me making a made up call lmao literally they partnered with ibm retard why wouldn’t you invest... and Vechain when they were rumored to partner with Chinese Walmart

Never seen so much jealousy in my life send me your address I’ll tip you a ven for the trouble I’ve cause you buddy... but sure I’ll go dig through my old Bittrex shit just for you anon , also bought wtc sub 1$ sold that at 2-3$ though cause the name is retarded, that a larp too?

>> No.9227775

You should have made substantially more than that lmfao

>> No.9227784

What are you worth now, stinky linkie?

>> No.9227863
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, youmadbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC then ETH @ $18 then Antshares @ $6. Thats how I ended up with thousands of NEO. Not everything is a larp.

>> No.9227971

Exactly anon lol literally the most shilled coins on reddit and biz, not my fault you didn’t buy it’s your fault you’re not a millionaire

>> No.9228245

you're looking at it wrong

the cryptocurrency space is becoming exponentially more valuable each year. Of course being in it sooner rather than later will translate to higher profits, assuming you aren't making horrendous mistakes like margin trading or 'buying high, selling low' (which personally I would never do)

It's like saying "if I bought gold during the year it was $300/ounce i'd have made more money instead of buying it the year it was $600/ounce" like ya no shit, that's how this works.

We're still considered early investors/adopters, but being earlier would have been nice.

>> No.9228285

Why didnt you start with less money. i also started trading in 2016, i also turned it into 40k, but i started with 150 cause broke and in college...


>> No.9228355

>the cryptocurrency space is becoming exponentially more valuable each year.

Last year was a special time and is not going to be repeated no matter how much cucks pray and hope and grip their get-rich-quick tokens

>> No.9228617

quit with this "special time" shit, the total mcap is barely above $400B when it was over $800B last year and every projection is pointing to us breaking $1T in 2018

you must not like money

>> No.9228823

No it fucking wasn't. You've been under-performing the market like mad.

How the hell have you done so badly? What did you buy? Can I follow you somewhere so I can counter-trade you?

>> No.9229047 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 280x268, 1444439614266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started in december with 6k
I have 1.5k now

>> No.9229318
File: 40 KB, 600x485, 1525123692536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started in december with $6k, not have $3.5k. feels bad being a total brainlet

>> No.9229479

I guess they're still way smarter than you because they realized when it was the right time to sell.