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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 71 KB, 1000x1080, eos-crypto-currency-chrystal-coin-icon-vector-20393313[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9219616 No.9219616 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9219626

6k tps LUL

>> No.9219787

whats happening?

>> No.9219798

the dumpening

>> No.9219807

I don't see anything happening..

>> No.9219815

Anon, I...

>> No.9219824

I think he meant to post an Eth pic

>> No.9219829

what because you can buy reddit gold with eth now? lmfao thats retarded, not gonna fix its fundamental flaws

>> No.9219833

>That 1h chart looks soooooooo beautiful

>> No.9219844

Im pretty sure he meant EOS. And also pretty sure as well its happening

>> No.9219864

Rockets are fueling up

>> No.9219878

It's happening = dropping in price like a piece of shit

>> No.9219881

The dumpening?

>> No.9219885

$30 by Sunday

screencap this

>> No.9219901


This is the dip boys.

>> No.9219905

Eh i wouldnt be surprised. Everytime EOS remains stable for a day it skyrockets hard after. Just check the charts.

>> No.9219932


lol at idiots selling before block.one starts the fomo party 2 weeks before mainnet launch. They will invest 250 million that they have in cash into a massive marketing campaign unlike the crypto world has ever seen before leading to mainnet.

>> No.9219935

holy shit, 400 eth worth of sell walls fone in seconds

>> No.9219953

Comfiest hold of 2018

>> No.9219954

There is so much money traded of this right now. It blows my mind.

>> No.9219968

All into eos from 8$ and still holding comfy..

>> No.9219973

650 eth buy wall popped up for a minute too. Holy shit this is going places. Im sos orry i ignored this coin for so fucking long.

>> No.9219989

Going to crash just like Tron. It's called the normie cycle

>> No.9220019

price dropping on binance LUL

>> No.9220052

Please can someone here not be an asshole and honestly answer me a question about eos. Last night I had a panic attack and chest pain I went to the hospital because eos had dumped from 240000.

I can't explain what I did but I shoved absolutely every last dollar I had into eos earlier at 208000. Can someone tell me ill be okay? I'm so fucking stressed and I'm panicking so much here.

>> No.9220093

Lol that’s the biz way Man, you got it high, host wait until it’s low enough to sell it!

>> No.9220139

Normies use products.

>> No.9220190

It will come back up, I think we will see 25-40 pre launch.

There is still going to be atleast one more day of insane trading.

Like 6-10b in a day

>> No.9220206

Sell now and buy BCH. You’ll be fine.

>> No.9220218


any potential loss in sats will be offset by the untold airdrops coming from block.one funded dapp projects that skip ico and just airdrop their tokens to eos holders.

>> No.9220229

honestly chill the fuck out and stay away from shitcoins if you had to go to the hospital over this. that's fucking ridiculous as the result of a speculative investment that was entirely your decision. people like you that treat hospitals like their binkies are a big reason health insurance is so fucking expensive

>> No.9220248

I was so lucky to getin @ 4 dollars on the last dip and margin traded to double my eos position thing could half and I would make more money off eos that I do at my current job

>> No.9220278

the reason health insurance is so expensive is because your health system is completely fucked and greed driven.

>> No.9220285

Yeah like this alone is kind of insane. And it only takes one of these dapps to be worth something significant too. Just one. That's fucking insane.

>> No.9220311
File: 8 KB, 250x200, 30724243_1499552890170621_1316397825432485888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro it seems like y gambling with your life right now.

Y can listen to those EOS shilling it fine if y believe them but heard me out man if y are investing in sth and y feel so anxious about it than stop it man it's no good for y both in profitability and your physical health right now. I'm have been in this market long enough to know only the one with the cold head,strong hand and mostly lucky can make it out rich. If y cant take the losses then leave m8. Comeback when y are ready for it.

>> No.9220312

You are watching eos/eth pair. Ofc it will go down while eth is mooning. Watch eos/usd pairs.

>> No.9220330

I got cancer from your y’s

>> No.9220364

That’s actually true
>typical medications cost up to $500 a bottle without insurance
>doctors visits are $100-150 per visit
>blood tests are $450
>a half-day hospital stay for a severe flu is $6000
The system is designed to squeeze as much money from insurance companies as possible and thus the insurance companies try to squeeze as much money from the government and their customers as possible. Not a single part of the system is actually concerned with the well-being of the people. It’s interesting because if everyone is dead who will they make money off of? I guess they’ll keep you just alive enough to continue paying.

>> No.9220403


Is this confirmed how it works? The snapshot is used forevermore for airdrops?

>> No.9220435

That's the standard that they're setting. EOSdac (eos decentralized autonomous community) already airdropped to holders. Basically gave me a free 400 bucks.

>> No.9220439

>literally live stock
difference being it's actually in the best interest to keep live stock healthy..

>> No.9220447

I think the SEC would have something to say about that.

>> No.9220451

Not forevermore but there are going to be endless airdrops to holders.

Only 4-5 at launch I believe

>> No.9220459

And not a fuck was given, nor sewed, Nor swayed in the wind. All the fucks were nevermore.

>> No.9220467


SEC wont allow block.one to push EOS into the mainstream via adds raised from VC's?


>> No.9220518

Hmm, I wish silly and tried to time the eosdac dump, obv now wish I had just bought deep and stayed there this whole time. I don't have a lot of EOS any more.

>> No.9221500



relax homie, we're all gonna make it