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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 900x564, anti-semitic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9218577 No.9218577 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't cryptocurrency inherently anti-semitic since the entire point is to keep money out of the banks?

>> No.9218595

why do you think we are all here and hyped?

a bunch of tech nerds are going to disrupt and eventually destroy kike controlled capital.

>> No.9218608


>> No.9218610
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>> No.9218613
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>> No.9218652
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why do you think we are all here and hyped?
hyped af

>> No.9218667

there should be a meme triangle in there sorry

>> No.9218685

Crypto is a scam. Holo is the future. Decentralize.

>> No.9218702

God who fucking gives a shit you niggers can't go an hour without thinking about jews

>> No.9218710
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>> No.9218719

the protocols of zion aim to establish a world currency thats supply is manipulate with respect to the population growth rate, so no

>> No.9218727

And that's a good thing!

But unironically.

>> No.9218741

Very funny and predictable post. :^)

>> No.9218771

why does everyone here think jew = banks? Yes there are a lot of jews in banking, but also in literally every other high paying profession. doctors, lawyers, actors, scientists. No one in my immediate family works in finance.

>> No.9218809

What makes you think something so blatantly anti-semitic is going to stick around very long? No one wants to be associated with dumb racists, Bitcoin and its ilk will never be accepted as currency for the common man.
I never implied such a thing. All banks are jewish, but not all jews are bankers.

>> No.9218816

for the same logic that led you to claim every /biz/ poster is anti-semitic.

because it's the baseline

>> No.9218831

It's like saying being against the NFL is being racist, because most of the players are black. I don't think it make sense

>> No.9218857

You guys pride yourselves on your aversion to labor work and instead prefer usury.

Which is why, throughout history over 300 nations have expelled you. You are the problem, not everyone else.

>> No.9218872

It's less about them being Jews, more the institutions that allows small groups of people that literally control money.

>> No.9218877


>> No.9218901

kys kike

>> No.9218915

I have a feeling you haven't had any meaningful interactions with Jews and you base all of your opinions on what you read on the internet. Maybe we're the exception (I don't think so), but everyone in my family prides themselves on having a good work ethic and starting their own business.

>> No.9218917
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There is literally nothing wrong with being anti-semitic

>> No.9218933

Also I'm pretty sure banks will adopt crypto in one form or another. It's a useful technology and it doesn't make sense to completely ignore it.

>> No.9218946
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No one is seriously suggesting that Jews are some giant monolith lol
We're more concerned with what's called "the propensity towards" and "over representation"

>> No.9218960

Wtf i am a jew and own crypto, should i sell?

>> No.9218964

Those already exists. It's called Coinbase.

>> No.9218975

/pol/ack cryptonazi here. No, there are plenty of jews in the crypto game, but the only reason they are in is because crypto threatens the foundation of their empire. I do embrace crypto since the jews are scared shitless about it, and I think the banks have too much power.

>> No.9218981 [DELETED] 

The amount of people I get telling me to kill myself every time I say I'm Jewish makes me think people do treat Jews as some monolith. Yeah they are highly represented, I don't personally feel like it matters. To me that's the same as women complaining that MEN are "overrepresented" in STEM.

>> No.9218994

Kill yourself

>> No.9219002

The amount of people I get telling me to kill myself every time I say I'm Jewish makes me think people do treat Jews as some monolith. Yeah they are highly represented, I don't personally feel like it matters. To me that's the same as women complaining that men are "overrepresented" in STEM.

>> No.9219005

>over represented presence in media, banking, politics

>teehee i don't think it reaaaally matters, you're just mad at girls, arent you!!!

This is why kikes all unironically deserve the gas chamber.

>> No.9219016

>you're just mad at girls, arent you!
I did not say you were mad at girls, I said your anger was irrational similar to that of women. nice reading comprehension

>> No.9219020
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kys jew

>> No.9219027

I dont think people would care if those roles didnt literally control society with fractional reserve banking. You're missing the point, retard.

>> No.9219032

They're just irrational crazy coincidences you stupid fucking goyim.

>> No.9219056

Maybe you guys wouldn't be so bitter about everything if you focused on improving your life instead of blaming all your problems on Jews. I've never seen a genuinely happy /pol/tard

>> No.9219110

It's probably pretty easy to be happy if you have shitty kike genes and this civilization looks amazing to you because you're used to wandering around the desert avoiding the local tribesmen you've conned from cutting off your heads.

But to an aryan white man, this society is a cess pit. Little boys chopping their dicks off, the school teachers encouraging it, film and television are husks of their potential and past.

And then, figure this. One day you start to look into who is responsible for making your previous comfy white town into a shitty nigger ghetto? Who convinced tommy to chop off his testicles like the cool dude on TV with lots of friends?


Because your shitty desert tribe sapped everything good, all the potential. Your tribe held it down because they're scared of it, and because it is better than them.

>> No.9219195

>has ethno state
>has dual citizens in my government
>receives billions in aid and trillions in utilizing my military for their nation
>control international finance as I've already said
>pushes open boarders
>(((fellow whites)))

>> No.9219214
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Jews will get their hands in on crypto and eventually do what they do best - pump and dump once they get enough control. Sure, a bunch of nerds and neets will get rich but time is on their side.

>> No.9219227

Society, at least in America, has been improving by nearly every metric over the decades. It's not my fault black people decided to move into some town, and I don't see what your solution to that would be. And I have no idea wtf you're talking about with Tommy chopping off his body parts, but if that happens it's 100% bad parenting, not jews lmao

>> No.9219272

>destroy family unit
>make women work
>television raises kids
>eat shitty food because working all day
>indoctrinate schools with jewish marxism
>discourage masculinity

Yeah this just all happened because it was better... Hehe just more coincidences, you stupid goyim!

>> No.9219291

What we need is a crypto like monero that is virtually impossible to pump and dump.

>> No.9219370

you're just thinking of everything you dislike and attributing it to jews. It's not my fault you eat shitty food and let TV raise your kids. You can prevent all of those things just by being a strong leader for your family. I know because none of those things were a problem in my fmaily

>> No.9219390

Typical kike with no empathy.
And that's why you took advantage, that's the only reason you kikes were succesful in the first place.

Because Europeans have empathy and thought you could do better. And you stabbed us in the back over and over again.

The holocaust, but for real this time.

>> No.9219420

>Letting someone else charge you fees for giving you the privilege of having them collect interest off of it

The concept of banks stems from the days when money was strictly physical. Gold, silver, copper.
People would bash your brains in for that cold metal, now they can bash my brains in all they want, they still ain't getting into that wallet unless I let them.

>> No.9219440

First of all it's insane to expect me to empathize with someone insulting me nonstop, I also value masculinity and I consider that to be a pansy move. Second of all, you are completely unable to take responsibility for your personal failures. It's honestly hilarious that you tried to blame jews for the shitty food you eat

>> No.9219454

>I know because none of those things were a problem in my fmaily
gee i wonder why - its almost as if your culture practices the exact opposite of what they parrot to the goyim in the media

>> No.9219459

I always knew the jew intelligence meme was just a meme.

>> No.9219473

You're also unable to look at people as individuals without putting them into a group and judging the group as a whole.

>> No.9219500

>To me that's the same as women complaining that men are "overrepresented" in STEM.

you're quite the dumbass eh?

>> No.9219501

>practice tribalism and nepotism at every opportunity

>"we're all uniue and individual snowflakes, we swear!"

I'm going to find a jew to knockout tonight just for you!

>> No.9219522

>I've never seen a genuinely happy /pol/tard
That's because semites and brown people still exist.

>> No.9219528
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>> No.9219539
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>> No.9219543

It's human nature to be biased towards similar people, you think asians, indians, blacks dont practice nepotism? lol. also that is completely different from what I was talking about. you really have no perception of nuance. of course a /pol/tard would try to hurt random people over an internet conversation. btw since you like stereotypes so much - how many jews were school shooters? zero.

>> No.9219551

Wow I feel really bad for you.
I used to be filled with hate like you, anon. It doesn't get you anywhere. Yeah, the degeneracy will live on, but it only seems so in-your-face because it is WITH you in the here-and-now.

Let that hate go, It's the biggest, heaviest bag you will ever hodl and it only ever loses value.

>> No.9219559

>Columbine school shooter Dylan Klebold revealed he was Jewish


>> No.9219609

I learned something new, I won't mention that example anymore. Apparently he also idolized Hitler so I think it's reasonable to have his jew card revoked.

>> No.9219638

You're pretty dumb and I'm getting bored of you.

But even Hitler liked Jews, they just had to give their full allegience to Germany, above Judaism. Tens of thousands of Jews fought in his wehrmacht, even some given commander roles.

Hitler was weak, I wish he was the monster you kikes like to pretend he is. I wish the holocaust actually happened.

>> No.9219668

If you ever wonder why nothing in your life makes sense, it's because you're delusional. I would recommend seeing a doctor, but he'd probably be jewish and you wouldn't trust him either

>> No.9219706

>notice historical patterns
>notice jewish names in all positions related to societal subversion

" OY VEY!!! you should go see a doctor and get medicated! "

Never change, kikespawn. It would be a real shame if you smartened up and prevented the world from eradicating your subhuman genes from the planet.