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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9215525 No.9215525 [Reply] [Original]

its basically a a word documentation just confirming you are on your hands and knees and ready to suck as much dick as necessary to get the job. you literally have to admit you are their bitch in it. its like a slaves letter to his master. completely twisted

after im finished writing a cover letter i look down at the paper and im just disgusted at everything i see written

>> No.9215552
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>> No.9215573
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skip cover letters, send only cv. you are only repeating cv in cover letter thus making you look only a bigger fool. all in all, if you are looking to have a 40 hour week job you are not going to have too fancy life


>> No.9215607

Victim Mentality. You poor poor boy. Find some enlightenment and hit the gym. Get some self confidence before its too late.

>> No.9215635

The stupid part is the person reading the cover letter is probably rolling their eyes thinking 'what a load of bullshit'. Just another pointless part of the process of getting a job.

>> No.9215715

You really do sound like a fucking loser anon. How the fuck is it anything like being a slave, it's a fucking exchange of your work for income. Christ, for a board that is supposedly about business and finance there sure are a lot of weak man children on here. Also don't listen to this cunt >>9215573 , send in a cover letter put 1 or 2 brief paragraphs in there detailing why you are a good fit for the role based on the advert. They are not going to through your CV if you couldn't be bothered writing a CV. Reading threads like this makes me sad as fuck that my fellow right leaning brothers are so pathetic they remind of more of SJW fags. Stop being a weak cunt.

>> No.9215765

stay sucking dick on cover letters then you boot licking faggot

you'll write one to me one day

i will never fake laugh again bitch boy

>> No.9215877
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Haha I already have a job as a stockbroker, it's easy as fuck and I earn good money.

>you'll write one to me one day
I really doubt that considering your faggy little NEET life you had planned isn't working out and you're desperately needing a job. Good luck with the job hunt anon, firms will be creating your good work ethic and can-do attitude kek!

>> No.9215937

Write a cover letter but make it generic sounding enough, while still highlighting key aspects of your experience so you don't have to change anything on it. That's basically what I did.

>> No.9215978

It's just a letter explaining why you'd be an impressive employee. Holy shit you are a pansy, no wonder this is so difficult for you. Like I want to hire someone that can't write fucking 1 page to talk about their accomplishments without getting all emotional about it

>> No.9215990

You're a wagecuck and have a wagecuck's mentality. Imagine being a hormonally normal male with healthy self esteem and calling another man your "boss". Lmfao.

>> No.9216030

I'm pretty sure a "hormonally normal male with healthy self esteem" doesn't feel personally insulted by the thought of someone else having a higher position in an organization. Honestly that sounds like black people logic
>I aint callin no white man my boss, i'd rather be poor

>> No.9216049

look at all these slave boys. i can literally hear your fake laugh through my computer screen. just picture you faggots around the office fake laughing at bills jokes while you fetch his coffee like a little slut

>> No.9216060

Please let me read…

>> No.9216103

Haha I don't really have a boss I just manage clients money and execute orders for them. I assume you're about 21 years old and had a casual position at McDonalds, hence why you have such a warped idea of a workplace. You probably think underlings still say things like "What'll it be boss", "anything you like boss". It's all pretty relaxed at work, and I'm not so insecure that I find someone in a higher position than me emasculating. Enjoy your ramen you sad cunt.

>> No.9216113

i get the ferling that a cover letter just gives the hiring manager an idea of your motivations.

if you sound like you WANT and SHOULD work there then its a good cover letter.

if you are writing a cover letter becuase you need to. its going to show and its going to leave a bland taste in their mouth.
compketley unforgettable.

look at the cover letter as the "spice" and "flavor" of your job credentials.
highlight your good parts. the parts that mesh well with the business tastes. make it pop. give it just enough, appropriate personality.

>> No.9216131

How's the job hunt going anon? haha got any feedback hahaha!

>> No.9216167

I'm 22 and a self made multimillionaire. I will never call another man my boss, you are only comfortable doing that because you are so comfortable calling your neighbor a "bull".

>> No.9216170 [DELETED] 

you're delusional and retarded. if you have enough money to not work then good for you. but you should realize that if 100% of people thought about it the way you do, society would crumble

>> No.9216191

you're delusional and retarded. if you have enough money to not work then good for you. but you should realize that if 100% of people thought about it the way you do, society would crumble

>> No.9216243

Probably a LARP, but if true you'll probably be poor in the long run as you don't know how to manage money, you just took a punt on cryptos and happened to do well as did everyone else. Only other people like myself are looking to build wealth in the long run, I'm happy to work till I'm 30 and the retire. Don't worry I'm sure you'll hold on to your money haha

>> No.9216251

Suggest you re-frame what you are doing. Instead of thinking of cover letter as supplicant, stop and go for a walk and think, "what problems does this person have and how can I solve his or her problems?"

How can you help them? Are they trying to move into a new market? Maybe you can help them understand that market better. Stop, put yourself in that persons shoes. Maybe his biggest pain in the ass is that he keeps hiring people but then they don't show up on time. So you talk about how you had some crappy job cleaning the swimming pool in high school but it meant you had to be there, without fail, every morning at 5 am. And so he thinks to himself, "If I hire anon at least I know that he will be fucking reliable and show the fuck up, unlike the other dumbasses I've hired."

How are you solving HIS problems. Write that in your fucking cover letter and you will get hired.

T. old fart who has written and read lots of cover letters.

>> No.9216255

Holy shit go back to yahoo answers this is gay as fuck

>> No.9216279

Also no self made multimillionaire refers to themselves like that outside of rappers, so it's a LARP. Generally wealthy people tend to be more humble and don't feel the need to brag on an anonymous picture board.

>> No.9216285

The wagecuck angst flows through your blood. I had a perfect ACT score and started a business (I won't say which/what I do, because I'd likely get doxxed, my story was printed in some local newspapers). I'm independently wealthy, I only worked one wagecuck job back in high school and decided enough was enough. I'd never call another man my "boss" ever again. I have enough money to live 100 lifetimes without ever working again because of how well it's managed.

>> No.9216286

Send a CV and then call a week later to confirm that they got it. 90 percent of people don't do this and it differentiates you from the herd and almost always has yielded an interview for me.

>> No.9216288
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Here in my country we don't do that cover letter bullshit waste of time but I really feel ya OP I delayed my CV for 5 months just because I didn't wanted to update it.

I felt bad writing down the shit I do and the feeling of rejection If Im not chose for a new position, today I had an interview and felt alive again, if you have a dead end job you have already nothing to lose.

Spend your free time in your personal projects.

tldr go ahead and suck dick to get your way up if there is no other option.

>> No.9216316

I totally believe that crypto would create some brain-dead millionaires. what you said applies to old money much more than new money

>> No.9216319

Literally. Cover letters, resumes, cv, letters intent or whatever.... christ they are just about the saddest things the human species ever created

>> No.9216325

Kek, great LARP! If you don't make it in crypto can always write stories for a living.

>> No.9216330

i hear you anon
i'm a 153 iq autist and had a perfect academic record up until the point i dropped out because i couldn't stand writing cover letters
cover letters make sense for talentless people who are used to shine through their social value, but for someone who usually excels it's absolutely crushing to be suddenly forced into a system where begging is mandatory
i wanted to go in biology, do useful research in green energy, have a family in my own country and contribute positively
instead i experienced rejection after rejection for dropping out of the mold, started playing video games, making money, met my wife on the internet and left my home country to be with her
and this was lucky, i could have been that PhD who couldn't get a job in his 30s and killed himself
about a third of people with genius level intelligence end up underachievers because of the need of society to protect the feelings of the masses
great system we've got
it's not about saying smart people are worth more than dumb people... it's just about giving smart people proper opportunities to do the research and build the technologies that make life better for everyone

>> No.9216333

They are. You are in a position of total subservience, imagine having your resume thrown in the trash because the "font" wasn't appealing enough to the disgusting cretin reviewing it.

>> No.9216406

It's okay, in the long run they will lose their wealth like a lot of people have on this board. It's the exact same with people who win the lottery and don't know how to manage their money, eventually going broke within a few years. It makes it all the more sweeter, given these are usually the people that are so cocky and think they are so clever. I obviously want my fellow biz bros to do well but only the ones who deserve it and don't suffer from narcissistic tendencies.

>> No.9216433

It's not narcissism, it's just normal self esteem. You walk into a job every day and are subservient to a stranger, you call him your boss. Ergo, you have low self esteem. He is your boss, your master, and you are his servant.

>> No.9216442

Anon, your dad was talking about kicking you out. You better go suck his cock and pray he lets you stay in the basement

>> No.9216468

>posting on anime boards insulting everyone for having a job while bragging about your wealth and intellect
>just normal, healthy self-esteem

>> No.9216561

I'm a multimillionaire with lots of free time and a great sense of humor, naturally I'd end up on this website.

>> No.9216605

the funny part is that you genuinely believe you're not a narcissist

>> No.9216649

I haven't worked a regular job in over a year nigger
>inb4 irony

>> No.9216654

this thread only proves my point even more

look at all this slave mentality in this thread. you cant even criticise the job application system without these cuckolds going for their masters

you literally are reek from game of thrones, so damaged and abused you actually lash out when people criticise your master

disgusting people

>> No.9216657


Anon, trolling aside: if you ever say this kind of stuff to people in real life, see how they react, and still want to keep saying it then you may have autism

>> No.9216684

Funniest and truest thing I've read on /biz/ in quite some time

>> No.9216705

no one wants to go to work everyday. no one likes their boss. it's obviously far from a perfect system. you're just such a pansy that it's hilarious, the cover letter is the easiest part about working but you're acting like it's some emotional trauma

>> No.9216743

sorry dude some of us have self respect. writing a cover letter and enjoying the process is a sign of a serious subservient streek within your personality

i bet if your boss asked to fuck your wife you'd say ok

>> No.9216829

I'm a NEET because I got lucky with crypto. But when I did work, my ego was not so fragile that I got my feelings hurt by writing a cover letter

>> No.9216896

thats because you are a little bitch in your real life

probably a serial liar, fake laugher, basedboy open mouth smile to cover up the deep sadness you actually feel, yes man coffee boy

me and you are not the same, i will never be you. i will never fake a laugh for brownie points. you ass sniffing little twerp

>> No.9216932

>>Spending time on cover letters
If you're writing more than three sentences, you are wrong.

>> No.9216964


>> No.9216973

You sound very insecure. If this is what you do when you've "made it", what was the point of making it in the first place. You sound like a very sad and bitter person. When I retire in a few years, I couldn't think of anything more sad than endlessly posting in a thread ripping on people who earn salaries. If you aren't larping I truly do pity you and never want to be anything like you.

>> No.9217002
File: 220 KB, 1666x1077, bizume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you write in your email if you have to email HR directly regarding interest in their job openings? I know I have to attach my resume and cover letter, but what goes in the actual email? Should it be the cover letter with my resume attached?

>> No.9217003
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good boy reek

keep defending your master

>> No.9217008

lmfao you have 0 perception of reality, literally none of those things apply to me. you're the little bitch that gets upset about writing one page and you convinced yourself it's because of muh self respect. I don't even think about these things because I'm so far above that, you're no different from a little boy obsessed with his swag. you think jeff bezos or elon musk are worried about their self respect when they do their work? no, they just do what they need to. But you don't get it because you were born stupid and you will be doomed to mediocrity for the rest of your life. And you will forever be less happy than me because you'll take every inconvenience as a personal attack on your fragile ego. Fuckin loser lmao, I can see why this is so hard for you.

>> No.9217010

perhaps getting the job and then having it steal what's left of your soul every single day

>> No.9217029

jeff bezos and elon musk never had bosses you mess

>> No.9217041 [DELETED] 

shouldn't you be writing cover levers for mcdonalds instead of complaining on anime boards?

>> No.9217060

shouldn't you be writing cover letters for mcdonalds instead of complaining on anime boards?

>> No.9217070
File: 69 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks hes gonna be the next jeff bezos or elon musk by working his way up the food chain of a pre a established company

>> No.9217123

Brother, your low self esteem is radiating through the screen. You mock wagecucks such as yourself because their boss feeds them less of the scraps than yours does, but you desperately don't want to face the fact that you're a simple wagecuck yourself. You have a boss, you are a servant, just like your fellow wagecuck that happens to have a master in a McDonalds uniform. Face the facts, you are a low self esteem male who is a cuckold, you refer to another man as your boss, you submit "cover letters" that will be evaluated by dumb, bitchy women on SSRIs who will thrown them in the trash if she doesn't like the font or how large your email address is written. You are a wagecuck, and you look like a clown mocking your fellow wagecucks, and you give off cuckold vibes when you mock us for not submitting ourselves to a system that only low self esteem males think is acceptable.

>> No.9217137

as a previous recruiter working for a mid level agency i can confirm that most agents receive in excess of 100+ applications for several roles daily, most scurry through CV's looking for key related content unless it's for a role where there are hundreds/thousands applicants in which case it's software processed.

unless you're applying for a senior/exec role skip the cover letter and add role related terminology to your cv (both visible and in white so they match the document) if the cv is analysed by algorithmic software your resume is likely to be selected ahead of others if more role related terminology is found embedded in it

>> No.9217198

What does CV stand for?

>> No.9217284

Curriculum vitae which means the "course of life" in latin.

>> No.9217402

I just looked it up. It looks like it's just a more bullshitted version of a resume. Seems really pointless.

>> No.9217472

>a third of people with genius level intelligence end up underachievers

source on this?

>> No.9217500

Great advice is ignored becuase it's uncontroversial.
It is appreciated.