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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9215170 No.9215170 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, I know exactly what I'm going to fucking do once I make it thanks to you glorious bastards.

See pic related.

She's a dominatrix that's situated in Albany, NY.

She does farting and brown shower play as part of her repertoire of things she can do with you. Holy fuck she has a goddamn model body I'm sweating just imagining it.

Tell me what to fucking buy RIGHT NOW for a brapp session with her.


>> No.9215199


>> No.9215215

Good lord is she ugly

>> No.9215218

She looks so beat. A few too many brown showers, I think.

>> No.9215250
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>those armpits

>> No.9215255

ok. you could have had a hairless east asian dominatrix but you want that one. i hope you make it anon but we have very diff tastes in dominatrix.

>> No.9215271

how can she fart on demand? that's actually kind of impressive. I probably fart less than once per day on average

>> No.9215324
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Her site says if requesting either of those, to give her at least 24 hours advance notice. I'm assuming she loads up the previous day.

>> No.9215325

>Making all your money to literally eat some POWER bitch's shit
Why man? Have you ever actually done this before or have you been slowly hooked in by porn? This vicious cycle of "premium" thots and thirsty betas with bux is fatal.

That thing isn't even hot. Don't let it justify being a massive cunt. If enough of you broke the cycle, she'd have to latch on to one permanently or even worse.. get a fucking job.

>> No.9215353

Because femdom is hot you fucking queer. I'm not the one that needs to enforce my masculinity by putting on a tough guy "women need to be put in their place" act. We get it, you're a big, manly guy. Calm down bucko.

>> No.9215379

Humanity was a mistake

>> No.9215393

>brown shower play
Lets not be coy, she diarrhoeas on you, correct?
Can any anon give me insight into this?
What's good about it?

>> No.9215465

>inhale through anus
>fart the air out
I know girls can also queef on command like this and I personally can burp on command in the same way by inhaling into my stomach.

>> No.9215470

Scat is technically illegal to advertise so they all use different terms for it.

And no, she just means regular taking dumps or rather, open to shit happening as part of a scenario.

You can ask many people with this fetish, and the most common thing I've found is that there's a strange attraction to the contrast between an object of beauty doing something completely the opposite. Also you need to be a bit masochistic.

Think of it as a form of olfactory masochism, where instead of deriving pleasure from getting physically hurt, you get it from her stench.

Also I'm more into the build-up before the act, and the act itself. Shit is disgusting if it's just sitting there, but the moment it's coming out, or moments just before while you're pinned down and helplessly lying there with her ass in your face?

It's just extreme femdom dude.

It can also be extreme domme for the guy as well. Tie them up, make them shit their pants.

>> No.9215477

>I'm assuming she loads up the previous day.
Loads up on... fart?

>> No.9215495

You know how when you've been holding a dump for a while and you start farting as a side effect of it pushing gas out as well?

Or, have you ever held a fart for a couple hours? You can just let it build up and then let them out later.

>> No.9215504


>> No.9215543


>> No.9215564

This is absolutely disgusting. You should be so ashamed

>> No.9215604

I can burp on command too but how the fuck can you inhale air into your anus?

Loads up on boiled eggs, beans and indian food

>> No.9215712

youre such a fag

>> No.9215754

>My hard limits are that I do not allow clients any contact with my pubic region


>> No.9215759

>t. dyel who has never had protein farts

>> No.9215945
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>> No.9216084

Whatever floats your boat. Even still, you could probably get what you're looking for free of charge - from someone hotter - instead of paying for it. Outside of major urban areas, femdom chicks are usually starving for fresh meat.

>> No.9216185

I think your money would be better spent at a therapist and on some glasses anon. You are one sick, blind motherfucker. You really make an argument for eugenics.

>> No.9216211


>> No.9216563
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I'm thoroughly disgusted by this fucking thread and the absolute fucking state of /biz/

>> No.9217154

damn she 's fuckin ugly

i'll record a video of me farting for 10 link

much cheaper than that whore

>> No.9218143

You're biology has literally malfunctioned though. Men are supposed to be leaders and masculinity is a byproduct of that. What kind of animal let's the weaker sex dominate them? One that probably shouldn't pass on their shitty genes. Stop drinking out of plastic bottles and eating onions, you've done enough damage to yourself.

>> No.9218155

Thats a man, man.

>> No.9218810

You're not alone.

>> No.9219010

That’s fucking degenerate