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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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921224 No.921224 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you bet against the markets yet /biz/?

>> No.921230

Because our job isn't to make you feel less insecure about your investing decisions.

>> No.921253

Because QE isn't over.

>> No.921261

Because I don't "bet". I plan and make sure that I will come out ahead no matter what happens.

>> No.921263

Really? Tell /biz more about your "planning".

>> No.921826

it's about hit my prediction level for another drop

>> No.921989
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>make sure I come out ahead no matter what happens

>> No.921997

Not him, but i have just over 1m in stocks, and another 800k in cash, earning a safe 3% pa. with banks (yes, Australia has good bank interest).

If my stocks plummet, i just buy more with my reserves, and when it goes back up, I'm rolling in it.

There's really no situation where i lose out.

>> No.922002

im in Australia too, i earn 2.7% pa. what bank are you with? im with anz, im 18 so im not too sure if this is a stupid question

and also, tell me more about yourself, more specifically how you gained such wealth - went to uni? what uni? what you study? age? and any recommendations. and especially what you wish you would've known if you were my age

i currently work at coles getting full time casual hours and make around $500-600 a week, i put in 400 into savings, so i have quite a bit sitting in the bank (6.2k) and biz is now the main board i frequent.

>> No.922003

>i earn 2.7% pa. what bank are you with?
I have 200k in each of the big 4 banks, with their own version of a "Reward Saver" account. The rates vary a bit, they're a bit below 3% atm. ANZ is a fine choice.

>tell me more about yourself
I'm 29.
I did ComSci at Melbourne University.

After University, i applied for a couple of corporate jobs, but quickly decided it wasn't for me.
Spent years developing apps, while being dirt poor.
Unexpectedly, one of my apps went fairly viral.
My income is much lower now.

My focus is trying to grow what i have into something that will last the rest of my life.

>what you wish you would've known if you were my age
Nothing really. There's no secret sauce.
Just be happy and enjoy your life.
Most of all, find a job that you enjoy.

You already seem to be smart with your money. Just keep it up, and you'll get to where you want to be.

>> No.922012

that's awesome, entrepreneurship always beats wagecuck. I really cbf wageslaving hours of my week away to make decent $$ - so I, too, am trying to capitalise on an idea of mine. Probably something to do with fitness, gym, just health related. far too often i have gym rats purchasing ridiculously over-priced ''fitness food'', so there is obviously a market and idiots to capitalise on.

>> No.922034

the point is not to "invest" in markets in the first place

>> No.922112

I was told not to fight the tape.

>> No.922114

How do you get to be so rich? Tell us the secret.

>> No.922153
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>> No.922806

careful. that industry is pretty heavily saturated and controlled by the big guys. id personally never go near food or drinks.