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9210257 No.9210257 [Reply] [Original]

>Own 16 BTC
>Started with 0.5
>Cost me dozens of sleepless nights and hundreds of hours of learning
>GF keeps bugging me to sell them to "buy something" nice because they were "free" anyways
>Doesn't understand that I need coins to make more coins
>Constantly arguing over this

Should I just break up? I'm THIS fucking close.

>> No.9210266

if she doesnt understand, she aint the one

>> No.9210275

Just keep telling her they will be 100k eoy

>> No.9210277

>bitch says something
>ignore or dismiss it
whoa that was hard

>> No.9210280

Just ignore her and don't even think about spending it on her.

>> No.9210281

You broke the first rule of crypto: You DO NOT TALK about crypto.

>> No.9210293

>Should I just break up?

>> No.9210300

when did u start?
what did u invest in?

this is the make or break question for you

>> No.9210303

When did you start OP.

>> No.9210305

>GF keeps bugging me to sell them to "buy something" nice because they were "free" anyways
Holy shit my friend said something like this too. "bro why do you care it's like free money anyway haha so what if you lose some"

>> No.9210308

>"They're mine. You don't have a say in this"
Whoa that was hard...

>> No.9210329
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also this, replace her asap now that she knows

>> No.9210338

sell one and buy her some dresses so she can take them off for you

>> No.9210341

About a year ago. Started with BTC/ETH trading, then went into alts. Before the crash I was invested in most of the top 50 currencies on coinmarketcap. These days I'm 90% BTC again, mostly doing swing trades.
Fucking nocoiners, I swear.

>> No.9210344

Dump her. She can't understand and it's a liability.

I've talked about crypto and my holdings to a girl I know and she was like "whoa cool you're going to be rich I hope you make a living of it." Will probably ask her on a date.

>> No.9210345

Tell her to shut the fuck or leave.

Don't let anybody crush your dreams.

Girls want instant gratification but you have a long term vision: bad match.

>> No.9210361

Women literally exist to spend money. If you are trying to make money, disregard everything she says. She will never understand your reasoning, it is pointless to try and make her understand. Just do you, if she doesn't get it, ignore her - if she continues, dump her.

>> No.9210362

just tell her that you lost private key or lost in margin. do you business as usual on side. fuck off brainlet.

>> No.9210364

Your GF seems basically retarded, so yeah id do it.

>> No.9210382

You are retarded for telling her about your crypto

>> No.9210385

Yeah you should break up. The power dynamic in your relationship is broken and can’t be fixed. A woman should NEVER tell a man how to provide and what to spend money on

>> No.9210404

Anon... I...

>> No.9210417

Tell her you lost it all, but its not a loss since it was "free anyways"

That fucking cunt.

>> No.9210422

that being said, you SHOULD cash out at least your initial investment if you haven't done so already. Preferably cash out something like x4 of your initial investment, to secure some profits. You wouldn't take that much of a hit and if the market continues the recent trend, you'd have no problem making it all back in a few weeks. You can also rationalize it by saying that it's better to take some profits instead of losing the same amount in a bad market condition, like last month for example. As much as I hate seeing the numbers on my screen go down (whether by losing or cashing out) it's important to cash out one in a while. But NEVER EVER let other people influence your emotions and make you cash out. It should be planned ahead of time and should follow your long term strategy.

>> No.9210423

She demonstrated that she has a poor person's mentality. In her mind, money in the bank is meant to be spent. She will only ever be as rich as what she's currently making because she will spend paycheck to paycheck never saving up a significant amount of money or using money to make more money.

I have a coworker who's always broke even though we get paid once a week. His dad just died so he inherited 40k. He bought him and his wife new baseball jerseys, took 3 weeks off work, and did a bunch of cocaine until he felt like coming back. I have no doubt most of his inheritance is almost gone. He has no excuse other than himself for being poor and he will always be poor because of his mentality. Your girlfriend is the same way.

>> No.9210428

ITT people who made money starting to realize Ayn Rand was right about everything

>> No.9210481

Here`s a little anectdote.

About a month ago, I owed my bro in law $20 I borrowed while we were on a trip.
I had no cash, so I paid him back with crypto.
That $20 is now worth $44 today.

Lesson is if you wagecuk, just buy her something in fiat.

>> No.9210491

Lmfao why does your gf know about your crypto

>> No.9210500

Lol rebbit

>> No.9210506

he's enjoying life retard

>> No.9210511

You're fucking gay

>> No.9210528

Consumerism and drugs are forms of escapism. It has nothing to do with enjoying life

>> No.9210530


>> No.9210538

Every woman that knows about my crypto does this.

Never tell women about anything money related.

>> No.9210541

Yes, break up.

You either find someone new and don't tell her about your crypto, or you stay with her, you marry her, she divorces you and takes half of it, then marries a chad.

>> No.9210561

No fucking shit.

>> No.9210586

I have a jersey and like to go out. I also have 30k in the bank and 30k in crypto. He lives paycheck to paycheck and will always be a wagecuck

>> No.9210588
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You told her about your crypto gains, and she will annoy you until she get his cut, that is 99% or 95% if she is nice. Then she will use the money to buy nice things for Tyrone.
This is the only way you will learn, just pay the toll and lets get over it.

>> No.9210609

You can take cocaine in a financially responsible way.

>> No.9210640

Do it.

Women can't function if they see money. She will lie/cheat/steal to take it from you. If she can't get it that way, she'll bring a frivolous lawsuit - or worse - make fake rape allegations. If that doesn't work, she will literally get some niggers to rob you.

>> No.9210661

She seems like the type of person that treats any money left over from her paycheck after bills as spending money. She keeps pressuring you to spend your money now how easily do you think she will burn through it when you finally make it? This isn't the type of person you marry so why waste time with her now

>> No.9210683




>> No.9210685

>anon I.......

You made what lot of people here are trying to, and that achievement is in danger because a pussy. C'MON

>> No.9210727


You own 150k usd in internet points... thats a modest house. Sell that shit and live rent free for life i mean fuck. Sure it could go way up but the gamble of more money or starting back at nothing isnt worth it if you started poor. So hard to go from poor to comfy. If i get to 200k in crypto im selling off buying a japanese econo car and owning a small home in a low tax area and saying fuck the world

>> No.9210728

it was over the moment you mentioned crypto
do it faggot

>> No.9210754

Is this copypasta?

This pasta has literally just convinced me to never cash out and go balls to the wall all or nothing, thanks Plebbit

>> No.9210758

No woman should stop you from reaching your personal goal. If she's holding you back, dump the bitch

>> No.9210772

>own 0.5 btc
>started with 16
>I spent a lot of comfy nights sleeping on coins i bought at random
>GF keeps bugging me to go get a job since we have to pay rent
>doesn't understand that my all in link bet will make me a millionaire very very soon
>constantly arguing over this

Should I just break up? I'm THIS fucking close

>> No.9210784

You cannot cash out any which way. If he is not careful those 150k could easily turn into 90k.

To move into a low tax country you need more than 200k. The Bahamas requires a 500k investment and Monaco 1.5 million.

>> No.9210785

150k is starting capital for trading.

You shouldn't be cashing out shit until you've hit at least $1mil.

>> No.9210793

Spoken like a true virgin.

>> No.9210804

women are a depreciating asset

>> No.9210825

kek, you felt for the moneyvagina
better go full homo

>> No.9210828

Should have never told her the amount you had.

>> No.9210835

Fuck one of these guys looks exactly like me. Where is this pic from?

>> No.9210836

She's been cheating on you with tyrone for the past few months anyway. DO NOT spend money on her

>> No.9210862

Do you just lie when someone asks what you do for a living? I find this hard to do.

>> No.9210863

Sir run as fast and as far as you can... when you get married this gets 100x worse and will ruin you financially in the long run. She must have daddy issue and need to be showered in material goods to feel valued.

>> No.9210893

If a girl you just met asked you your exact checking/savings account balances and your credit score, you would tell her...?

>> No.9210930

I am not talking about a date. How can you hide this if you live with another person?

>> No.9210938
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Talking-to her about it is a mistake, and I have found mostly pointless.

I actually tried to include my gf, several times, and she can’t even keep her attention on me for 20 seconds once I start explaining anything.

They don’t wanna know they just want you to bring gains. Also girls instantly go dryclam at math (unless you got a nerdy math girl I guess) but turn into gooey gum drops as soon as you flash cash or buy them shit.

My girlfriend is smart and inquisitive so it’s extra annoying to me. That being her nature it will probably occur to her to ask me about our very nice gains some day. That will be a 20 foot high-horse I’ll becsitting in and will certainly cause a fight she will lose.

>TLDR: girls cant into crypto, its futile and a waste of your time.
>No girls allowed.

>> No.9210941
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My gf told me to sell in January. Why didn't I listen to her?

At least she doesn't know my portfolio's down 50%

>> No.9210963

t. woman

>> No.9210977
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“High horse I’ll becsitting on”

>> No.9211011
File: 129 KB, 640x447, 8D2B8077-E4D0-41B0-9EC2-7A768CD2C082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man.

>> No.9211031

My wife has no clue what "Binance" or "Coinbase" are. If I make it, I will not reveal how much I ACTUALLY have. Pretty easy to hide crypto - can just move some off Binance and into some other wallet that nobody knows exists. "Look honey! A hundred grand holy shit!!!" - she'll be none the wiser that I have a few mil in other places. I won't spend that "hidden" money, I will keep trading it or just hodl it at least.

And that's a "wife". OP is talking about a girlfriend. How the hell would a girlfriend know about your crypto if you didn't tell her?

>> No.9211038


>> No.9211054

just break up and stop whining online about it

>> No.9211070
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I know what street you live on

>> No.9211072

>buying a japanese econo car and owning a small home in a low tax area and saying fuck the world

low testosterone levels detected.

>> No.9211100

Down 50%?? I think you need to learn a bit more. I think you're gf knows the best for you desu

>> No.9211106

>gf steps out of line and nags you about finances
>slap her shit
>she shuts up for a month and acts extra submissive in bed
>she goes to the police
>arrested for having sex outside of marriage
>brofist the cops
thank god for white sharia

>> No.9211111

I'm a furfag who fucks my horses regularly and married a normalfag on purpose so I could procreate

thanks though

>> No.9211154

1 million dollars is all you need to /make it/
OP you need just one single 5x left
The last hurdle

>> No.9211180

if you're the kind of brainlet who needs to spend lavishly to enjoy life, why not spend half of what you get and invest the other half into a passive revenue stream? You get more money to spend, which in your sad consumerist worldview should equal more enjoyment

>> No.9211368

yes goy don't complain and warn other males about us

>> No.9211390

>I need coins to make more coins
fucking this

does the ride ever end?

>> No.9211403

Here’s a better investment OP, grab a copy of The Rational Male off Amazon for 10 bucks and realize why you should dump the bitch

>> No.9211440

Gold digger

>> No.9211470

Yes just do it, she's a waste of your time and energy. Just turn that 16 BTC into like 100 and you're done.

>> No.9211492
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>> No.9211530

So true

>> No.9211564

pump and dump her

>> No.9211921

Checked, furfag

>> No.9211959

Be careful who you let know about your holdings

I know you might feel the need to get it off your chest sometimes. But just be careful who you let in. It's very dangerous to talk finances with anyone

I talk to my boss about it because he's a gambler, and sometimes he gives me some insight. When my family members would be like "well, it's time to cut your losses before you lose even more" he'll be like "have balls kid, go all in"

>> No.9211963

> 2018
> trading cryptocurrency
> not being gay or a NEET in an effort to horde as many shekels

anon I...

>> No.9211997

200k is not enough to retire on if you have more than 10 years to live

>> No.9212021
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>buy some dresses for her so she can wear them for Chad

>> No.9212033
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this tbqh

>> No.9212264

This, break up with da hoe

>> No.9212274


These are the people you vote with.

>> No.9212410
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domp eet. find another.

>> No.9212489

Coins & Tokens = real money

Why would you spend money just to buy something rather than saving it?

>> No.9212875

you got the right idea

>> No.9213088

You never had a long term relationship with a female clearly. Women are children pretending to be adults. Men are adults hoping they could have the same responsibilities of children but knowing someone has to make things work.

>> No.9213140
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Most people dont understand that you need huge amounts of coins to make larger amount of coins

keep doing it bro, never drop them.


trust me on this, just dont go there

here are some tities for you

>> No.9213144
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>Women are children pretending to be adults.
The earlier one accepts this, the happier his life will be.

pic related
It is not hating on females, it is understanding how nature really works,

>> No.9213162


>> No.9213934
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You dipshit, never tell roasties about your crypto.

Fuck, nobody in my loser family knows I have 6 figures in crypto and just believe I'm barely scraping by like they are. KEEP IT THAT WAY!

>> No.9214105

a truly RP aware post. Great information, I hope others can benefit from it here too.

>> No.9214115


if you have a gf and a few hundred k in crypto whcih she doesn't know.
You have a happy life and no worries because you have the money BUT YOU HAVE TO LIVE like you are a poor wagecucker.

Really this sucks the most that I have to hide that I don't care if something costs 2$ instead of the cheaper and inferior 1$ version.

That I can pay rent and all my stuff with literally no income somehow.
I have to pretend to be a poor wagecuck.
At least for another 1-2 years to make sure that she really loves me.

Maybe best way:
Create a business, transfer all money to business.
She don't have to know the exact numbers of the business income, gg

>> No.9214161

If you're already considering it, just save yourself some time and hazzle, hand cut that bitch loose

>> No.9214373

Yes. This.

>> No.9214603

People have already said it but yeah, people are bad with money and cannot comprehend not spending it or at least not basing your entire life, purpose, and happiness around spending. They are money gains goblins and will only drag you down for a fleeting moment of consumer-dopamine. She is clearly irresponsible with money and has a lousy attitude so consider that red flag on all future decisions. You don't need to break up but assert yourself and can give her an ultimatum about breaking your balls over this. You can go the jewish way and say you lost it or whatever

>> No.9214661

>listening to women

>> No.9214771

Malaysia only takes $30k and a monthly income of $2k to get granted a permenant retirement visa. I'm sure other countries are similarly priced.
>inb4 3rd world
Fuck no it's not, Malaysia is comfy as hell and very much 1st world

>> No.9214805

I broke that when I started a while ago and people now ask me all the time, "Did you stop trading crypto because you realized it isn't profitable, anon?". I just nod and smile now, watching my portfolio grow.

>> No.9214978

There is a more annoying gf: IRS. and you cannot break up with her

>> No.9215039

Remove from life and post nudes. Do it OP. For crypto.

>> No.9215075

### STOP ###

you came to a Burmese image board famous for defining the fucking term "incel" and you ask them for relationship advice? Do you even like pussy?

First she wants you to buy her something nice ofc. Second, she wants you to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Women keep men from focusing too hard. It's a double edged sword.

### OK GO ###

>> No.9215100

Behind every great man there has been a woman.

Trying to keep him good enough

>> No.9215113

I'm sorry OP but it seems your gf might be slightly retarded :(.

>> No.9215153

Yes, you will find someone much more worth your time and abilities when you're 16 BTC is 160 BTC in a few years. If you've already managed to 16x your original investment, I imagine you're capable of 10x it from here.

Do not settle for her.

Dump her.

Stay on the hustle and grind and you will find a much more attractive woman, both physically and emotionally. She seems ugly on the inside and a fucking idiot if she wants you to cash in now.

>being this much of a beta faggot

>> No.9215196

Yes you can, but it involves leaving a semi-permanent, maybe taxable snapshot of your account balance with the lawman. Not going to reveal how because brainlets and irs lurkers will ruin it for the people who can figure it out on their own and do it before anybody catches on.

>> No.9215249

short her teeth with 4x leverage

>> No.9215494

Yiff in hell tho.
(Or do whatever you wish, who care?)

>> No.9215587

Why do you say this? I'm new to the /biz/ world sorry for being a fag

>> No.9215867

OP she spend YOUR crypto that YOU singlehandedly earned.

Yeah you should let her spend it

>> No.9216840

>settles for a 4/10 then bitches about her

When I got into crypto, I told my gf soon after. Helped her make her own coinbase account. She put in her own money and is happily sitting on 1btc and 20 eth. She doesn't want to sell until she can afford an apartment. I don't want to sell until my stack is worth 2.5 mil.

When coins moon she texts me excitedly. When they crash she gets worried but I reassure her.

Get yourself a gf who isn't shit and she will enjoy gains with you

>> No.9216868
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>> No.9216934

So to your GF your work is free?
Last time I heard people are being actually paid for their time and work.
Also IRS thinks that your work is a taxabl3 commodity.
So just tell her how much they are really worth.
Seriously. Count the hours and the hourly rate and show her that it ain't free.
Also. It's your fucking money so I don't see how she doesn't understand that you are in charge of it.
Thank God you aren't married.

>> No.9216975


>> No.9216995

Yes, amd keep the next broad out cha paper business unless you're going to marry her.

>> No.9217055

First of all why the fuck would you say to ur gf that u possess a damn internet coins that is worth a lot. You already set your own trap anon.

>> No.9217087

yes, fuck her. anyone who pushes me to do something related to MY FUCKING MONEY has no interest in my life. buy something nice for who? her????

>> No.9217487

How close?

>> No.9218462


>> No.9219096

My portfolio is over 100k strong, and I'm wageslaving in a part time job, living with my mom (who is the only soul who knows about my funds) and my girlfriend is absolutely in love with me.

I've banged hookers behind her back and got real bored. Now I can't even watch porn without thinking of having sex with her. Roastie gf with IUD is the best fucking value sex on the planet, I must've shot my load hundreds of times in her now.

>> No.9219168
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motherfucker this is a business board
we are all trying to be jordan belfort here

theres your answer

>> No.9219183

No he broke the first rule of being a man: letting his woman dictate ANYTHING in his life

>> No.9219355

holy fucking shit! 16btc! you could easily fucking double that in this current alt market. just explain to your misses that btc will inevitably reach 30k this or next year, and by then you could have like 50btc which is 1.5 million

>> No.9219444

>he worked "hundreds of hours" for $150k
You poor baby.

>> No.9219644

Anon,I can imagine your stuggle even if I am a poorfag.
I started with 0.02 and now in on 0.11 and friends who were aware of what I was getting into can't stop telling me to cash out"and get myself a nice pc or a PS4 so we can play fortnite and other shitty games together" because I already x5d so I proved my point and should stop wasting my time with this.
Fuck them, i really enjoy the thrill of trading,.even being as poor as I am.

>> No.9219869

>my girl doesnt understand crypto
>but understands investments
>gives me money to invest for crypto because i understand it.

be an alpha OP don't let your girl tell your what to do

>> No.9219884

She doesn't understand. Teach her or let her go.

>> No.9219980

I can smell the beta. Traditionally speaking, woman are the counter to the constant need for a man to be more. We take the risks and they gently assure us to be cautious. It is wise to listen to all opinions, just weight them baka.

>> No.9220315

>Old people hands
Ew, nothing more disgusting than an old hag trying to retain youth.