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9208349 No.9208349 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 200,000USD with a gamble all on BTCP. MY WIFE HAS FREAKED!

>> No.9208365

kys yourself

>> No.9208370

And what about your wife's son?

>> No.9208380

Is it your wives money or why is she mad?

>> No.9208389

you hold or you sold? cause all the shit i accumulated i hold just in case there's a bull run this or next year every last single shitcoin and shitfork will 10x

>> No.9208391

Cost average down and hold.

>> No.9208393
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I lost 34000 USD when coinpouch was hacked and all my xvg was stolen.

This is now a JUST'd thread. Share your stories bros.

>> No.9208400

Rape her.

>> No.9208405
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Great larp. Pics or gtfo.

>> No.9208418
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i bought coss

>> No.9208419

100x leverage trading on bitmex never again

>> No.9208426

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes
you deserved it 100%

>> No.9208436

I held through December and January. I just don't have the balls to be a day trader.

>> No.9208460
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To make matters worse, I held onto Zclassic until it completely tanked selling @5USD after I bought in @90USD because all the news and development said Zclassic would no longer be supported.

In the past week, it skyrocketed back up to @40USD BUT I HAD ALREADY SOLD @5USD DESPITE TELLING FRIENDS OF MINE NOT TO SELL IT.

If #BTCP doesn't go up to over 150USD, I am so fucked, my whole life would be ruined, no larp.

>> No.9208464

I lost a Bitcoin on Mex and traded like an addict never again

>> No.9208509

That's what you get for holding XVG.

>> No.9208520

>be 25 yr old me
>had some success in stocks
>figured crypto should be easier, and more exciting
>pull out all my shares, buy in to gamble in crypto
>just in time for the Late 2017 to Early Jan 2018 bull run
>Years of stock gains lost (~30k)

I'm sure a lot of similar justening stories to mine.

>> No.9208645
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True. A lesson well learned. The dev shilled CP as the safest wallet availible on ios in their rush for bringing new factoids, but when it happened... the "vergefam" didnt give a shit about their earliest and most loyal holders what-so-ever. They pretended like it never happened, while coin pouch silently filed bankruptcy.

I strongly suspect that the devs were involved in this theft. A little while later... they funded the pornhub deal with 75 million xvg that just happened to lay around.

Anyway, im allready making some nice profits with other projects. Never touching the verge scam again.

>> No.9208700

big deal op. im down $400,000 from ath.. and i dont give a fuk.. im gonna be making it back soon with my all in holochain investment

>> No.9208877

>be 20 year old me
> bought 4 million xrp at 0.0006 cents as a lul
> forget about it
> cash out to buy eth with a small profit
>still have nightmares about it

>> No.9208892


>> No.9208935

look on the bright side faggot when your wife rightfully divorces you for being such a loser she won't get anything because you're bankrupt. seriously tho I would kys myself

>> No.9208951

oh wow... should we tell him guys?

>> No.9208954

>my wife
obvious larp

>> No.9208970

your portfolio is going to get holocausted so hard
rip anon

>> No.9208982

>wife knows
>wife is

>> No.9209471


>> No.9209573

Accidentally sold 275,000 Zilliqa for 3.5x when I thought it was 35x first time it was traded on Huobi. Totally JUSTed myself and couldn't bring myself to buying back as it ran away.

>> No.9209617

if you still hold you should have recovered by now, unless you fell for the meme shit coins

>> No.9209695
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if you want to go even buy SLT smartlands is one of the most promising coins out there. 7 mio marketcap and very good whitepaper. you should check it out.#

your wife will thank you

>> No.9210092

you'll come back from it OP.
i've been down more than 80% like three times since 2016
fucking sucks but you will hold those bags like a champ.
shame you sold that ZCL... what was the point though?

>> No.9210113
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I would feel sorry for you guys, but you were too deluded and rejected my advice
Hell, I distinctly remember you faggots telling me to get in when it was like $2.00

>> No.9210375

Realy? I got justed hard for btcp but damn im sorry for you fellow btcpjusty

>> No.9210426

nothing to say other than you completely 100% deserved it for falling for it.

>> No.9210451
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$3.5 MM today.
Luls were had.

>> No.9210532
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>buys more than 100k HOT
mfw possibly no larp

>> No.9210663



>> No.9210682

just hold it and wait, it'll be fine sir !

>> No.9210699
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All in Holochain is your last hope.

We welcome you brother.

>> No.9210792


Getting married before making it

>> No.9210816

huge sell walls on the coin right now, obvious accumulation

>> No.9210887

Kill yourself

>> No.9210898

kek, you gonna wish they put you in a gas chamber

holocaust is a non working fake

>> No.9211066
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My body is ready