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File: 39 KB, 1280x720, aion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9204911 No.9204911 [Reply] [Original]

murt is back, and he's still BTFOing Chainlink.

>Why interface with Chainlink at all if you can get all the data you need through AOIN. The only reason someone would consider using Chainlink if there was some data available via Chainlink that they needed access to, and it wasn't available via AION. The same is true in reverse too.

>Hi, I didn't say that this application is stated in the whitepaper. AION bridges have a multitude of applications. But you can watch the AOIN CEO Matthew Spoke explain how AION bridges act as decentralized oracles by interconnecting blockchains and legacy systems at 46mins18secs right here: https://youtu.be/pa6QjCmtEXE?t=46m18s

In the video he says
>[with AION bridges it] doesn't matter to the system if you're going to look at another blockchain or centralised databases, the only process really is that many people are looking at it and they're all agreeing that they're looking at the same thing... looking at a government oracle database or whatever it doesn't matter, we've done some of this integration work where we have an oracle interacting with a traditional legacy database and pulling data from that database and making sure that as it gets pulled it in maintains its authenticity but that comes down to the validation process, how many people are validating it
Sell LINK bags for AION?

post 1 of 2

>> No.9204928
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More info here.
>Sure, if you’re familiar with the industry you’ve probably heard the term, oracle. Oracles were designed and they’re still being worked on by some cool companies like SmartContract.com, ChainLink, and Oraclize. They’re working on this concept of how you put data into a blockchain and as you put it into a blockchain how do you make sure that it’s valid and authentic. Generally, those designs were paid or focused on pulling data from non-blockchains into blockchains. You’re pulling it from a database or some sort of off-chain system. We looked at it the same way. A bridge is essentially how do you create a decentralized oracle that pulls proofs or data from one blockchain into another blockchain. When you see the intersection of two blockchain networks, you need a way to validate that something happened on the other side. You can’t rely on a single party to do that because then that party becomes vulnerable. They become the point that you might hack or you might go in and change the data. The bridge became this decentralized protocol, so a group of nodes would sit on a bridge and they would essentially watch for transactions. Let’s say on Ethereum and if they all agree that a transaction happened on Ethereum then they could pull that transaction in and transmit it over to AION. Because they’re playing that function, they’re getting rewarded by the network for validating cross-chain information.

post 2 of 3 (longer than expected)

>> No.9204959
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>They have to go and witness events on one side of the bridge and they have to transmit it to the other side of the bridge. If they do that according to the rules, then they get rewarded for doing that. Those rules are focused on incentivizing decentralization so the bigger the bridge the more decentralized it is, more people have confidence in the bridge so that’s kind of the goal. At every layer of communication, it’s as decentralized as possible. When we originally thought about it if I have a whole bunch of different blockchains, blockchain number one two three and four traditionally the only way to go between them was a centralized structure. You can only go through an exchange to connect all these decentralized systems. Actually we want to connect blockchains with a decentralized system. Logically in our mind if you want to connect blockchains with a decentralized intermediary then that intermediary needs to be a blockchain. That’s why we built AION. We built AION to be a blockchain that connects blockchains so that any point of intersection is always decentralized. There’s going to be different types of decentralization like massively decentralized networks or the less decentralized bridges. But at least you reduce that single point of failure concept and you try to incentivize decentralization as often as you can. People can have confidence that when data is moving from one chain to another. It hasn’t been changed or tampered with.

Is LINK unironically competing with AION? We should be worried, can someone refute this FUD?
AION has a huge team and is partnered with fucking Deloitte (!!), Icon, Bancor, Aeternity and Enigma.

>> No.9205028

here are all your answers, you can now stop giving spotlight to an idiot who doesn't ubderstand how LINK and oracles in general work.
I also looked at their whitepaper and there is 0 info about anything this guy is claiming.
If you need someone to hug you and tell you made a good investment, then I suggest you just sell LINK and fuck right off with your weak FUD.


>> No.9205117

The stuff that he is claiming is spoken about by the AION team in the quotes I put above you brainlet.

You are way too overconfident. It's delusion, to be frank. Linkers refuse to even consider that Chainlink might not be the chosen oracle service even when it's proven in front of them that AION does exactly what LINK does first, with more partners, a bigger team, and more effectively using Byzantine Fault Tolerant.

>> No.9205163

No presentation with swift?
Not using data from jp morgan, societe generalite , bnp paribas and wells fargo?

Gtfo shitcoin

>> No.9205188

Except those "partners" are with SmartContract.com and not Chainlink. And they're in the past, not current (except for SWIFT, but we know nothing about what's happening there)


Just by briefly looking at their website you can see that they are much better than Chainlink. Better presentation, and overall a better project.

>> No.9205196

Just to add on this, I don't know what retard said this
>Generally, those designs were paid or focused on pulling data from non blockchains into blockchains. You’re pulling it from a database or some sort of off-chain system. We looked at it the same way. A bridge is essentially how do you create a decentralized oracle that pulls proofs or data from one blockchain into another blockchain.
You can see how he doesn't understand LINK, he's assuming it only connects non-blockchain data to blockchain and that's where it ends. LINK is doing whatever the fuck AION does and more.

No, the delusion is that this guy thinking
that they have decentralized oracles by pulling data from one blockchain to another kek. His comparison comes off as a pathetic attempt to shittalk LINK while at the same time lacking the knowledge to explain what LINK does.

Keep coping faggot, you just revealed yourself as a concern shill holding AION bags, not LINK.

>> No.9205264

I hold both. Both will probably pump at some point and I'll sell for even more than I'm in profit now. You people get to deep into this shit.

>> No.9205284

>You can see how he doesn't understand LINK, he's assuming it only connects non-blockchain data to blockchain and that's where it ends. LINK is doing whatever the fuck AION does and more.
Um, Anon, that IS where it ends.

>that they have decentralized oracles by pulling data from one blockchain to another kek. His comparison comes off as a pathetic attempt to shittalk LINK while at the same time lacking the knowledge to explain what LINK does.
It is explained ITT that AION bridges will be able to pull non-blockchain data onto a blockchain like an oracle and these will be decentralized, see >>9204928 and >>9204959

I'm not holding any AION but I am thinking about selling half of my LINK bags for AION now as a hedge.

>> No.9205320

When are you selling your link?

>> No.9205339

I linked you to the reddit thread where Jonny BTFOs your little "that's where it ends" theory. Also I noticed as soon as I linked the thread, someone downvoted Jonny's comment hahaha you little shit.

Get the fuck off my board with your low effort bait and shitcoins that try to bring down other projects in interviews just so they can try to stay relevant.

double sage

>> No.9205363

Nice. Why dont go all in Aion since link is so shit?
Oh btw the bridging is coming in 2019. Have fun holding sir!

>> No.9205364

OP is a fucking tool.

>> No.9205414

>Also I noticed as soon as I linked the thread, someone downvoted Jonny's comment hahaha you little shit.
Wow you are paranoid. No, I didn't downvote him. I upvoted him actually because he contributed something very intelligent to the discussion!

They never tried to bring chainlink down in the interview, they said they were "really cool" you fucking brainlet. They were just comparing the way the two work.

Aion mainnet is live right now according to murt

wow good argument

>> No.9205429

>AION has a huge team and is partnered with fucking Deloitte (!!), Icon, Bancor, Aeternity and Enigma.
Holy mother of god what are these partners just bought 100k of each

>> No.9205456

LMAO I'm not going to argue with you, faggot, I just hope you put all your money in AION.

>> No.9205488

Literally everything you posted is cerebral garbage, something I'd expect from a plebbit/9fag normie who has just discovered what crypto is and decided to buy some XRP at the highest green candle, and after being dumped on, realized that they needed to "wise up" and follow a Twitter handle, an obvious scammer, with the name Crypto[Common Name], who just shills the next coin that everyone else is talking about and pretends that his insight is Elder God-tier.

Hence the non-sequitur ad hominem.

>> No.9205491

>They were just comparing the way the two work.
By spreading false information and subtle FUD
>"yeah link is cool but we can do this that chainlink can't"
Umm, sweetie, yes it can

triple sage

buy AION

>> No.9205509

Roadmap from their website:

>Phase 3: Everest 2019
Participating Network Bridging.

What you can do in phase 1 is swapping from erc20 tokens to mainnet token - which is far from what chainlink does

>> No.9205551

Why is anyone still talking about this guy? If this confuses or concerns you, you really should consider exiting cryptocurrency because you will get scammed or buy something retarded because you are incapable of understanding arguments with regards to the technology on a basic level.

Seriously, the fact that some people take this seriously is worrying.

>> No.9205584
File: 454 KB, 1280x1200, EA10ACDD-47A5-46FD-8619-D0CE37F30187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smartcontract.com was named by the WEF as the company that brings 10% of GDP on the blockchain.

Chainlink has
>WEF + Klaus schwab on their side
>endorsed by SWIFT because of successfull POC that speeds up the bond market
>huge consulting companys like accenture, gartner and capgemini are absolutely BULLISH on chainlink and mention it in their reports for years
>lots of other fortune 500 companys if you dig deep enough

and there is more but I‘m too lazy to type it all up, DYOR.

>> No.9205662

Wow good argument... Not.

>By spreading false information and subtle FUD
What was false info? Wtf retard

>>"yeah link is cool but we can do this that chainlink can't"
>Umm, sweetie, yes it can
What is wrong with your reading comprehension? they didnt say that

>> No.9205797

Not a good argument, just fax m'sir.

>> No.9205878

Are you the faggot who were constantly repeating what nootropicat said? like there was some faggot before who keeps on reposting nootropicat's fud, being all toxic and shit saying LINK was BTFO, etc etc, but in the end admitted that he was just some cowardly cunt who wanted some reassurance? is this you? all over again with the same bullshit youre spewing instead of just asking. i'm sure there are loads of marines here who would want to argue this shit but you chose to act like a massive faggot cunt instead.
in the talk that faggot murt keeps on linking he says that the ceo explained how it's possible that aion can become decentralized oracles too but besides the saying that "oh we can do this too" they don't explain much further. afterwards they say that the only problem is the technicals, that is, we think we can do this we just need to make it or some shit. no talks about how it will be decentralized, how validation will occur, who the validators will be, how fast will the validation be, will there be automation, what would the penalty be for faulty nodes, etc etc, fuck, nothing, just that "yeah we can do this", and this faggot murt (are you him?) thinks that it's way ahead of LINK for some reason. or that somehow AE -> AION -> contract is better than LINK -> contract?? what a fucking dumbass. some other anon already explained how AE is absolute garbage as a decentralized oracle network because there's nowhere in the whitepaper explaining how it will be done, just that it could be, just like what the aion ceo is talking about in his vid. useless shit, useless fucking fud, all bullshit, why even bother. you are a fucking brainlet

>> No.9205892

t. autist who got triggered, went full autist. fuck your dumbass shit

>> No.9205999


>> No.9206438

Thanks for posting this. murt was saying AION is live right now. Wow what a liar.

Dude any discussion of chainlink online we hyper focus on because there is never anything happening in the world of link. Also this is a discussion board, we can discuss stuff and come to understand crypto better.

>> No.9206493
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 4DAF707D-2348-4CBC-9BDE-369EADF8BEBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these AION holders shitting up LINK

they actually don’t understand LINK whatsoever, AION is irrelevant to LINK.

>> No.9206506

>AE is absolute garbage as a decentralized oracle network because there's nowhere in the whitepaper explaining how it will be done, just that it could be,
I thought aeternity just launched mainnet? they launched something, thats why it was pumping

Your post was actually very good anon, i'm not the nootropical poster. You don't need to get so angry, we can all be friends here we can have fun FUDing and discussion chainlink and its competitors together without getting angry

The anger that link posters display when someone even hints at a criticism is extremely concerning. If you can't address brand new FUD calmly and logically, but all you can do it become a screeching autist and dismiss it entirely, then you dont really understand why LINK is the best do you?

>> No.9206523

okay. sorry for being an autist. i checked out their tg and that faggot murt was asking on their tg 2 days ago about this shit. the admin there couldn't say anything except repeat the conference shit, he cant explain it but the faggot murt took it to heart, then sperged about it on the link you posted. there wasn't any talk of technicals, just that it can happen. only talk of technicals is regarding the aion bridge. also, there isn't anything in development regarding that right now. it's the VEN debacle all over again. they only allow devs to develop the tools for a 3rd party oracle to be developed. the admin that faggot murt was talking to told him that there are tools available for a bridge to be made for that certain legacy system/api that they can connect to the blockchain. does that mean that you need to develop a "bridge" (or in the context, an oracle) for every system/api? why not just use fucking chainlink then? why the fuck does every major platform bother about this shit, trying to broaden its scope instead of focusing on its own stupid bullshit that isn't even completed just yet. reinventing the wheel like stupid faggots when they can't use that wheel just yet

>> No.9206559

>i thought AE just launched mainnet
i don't know anything about AE and their roadmap i just read their whitepaper and checked how their oracles work. it's similar to mobius in that there are supposedly validators. AE doesn't expand on the validators, just that there are. mobius expands on this but doesn't elaborate on how it will be done. just that there are third party validators named ancillary stakers who will do the validating. they would be financially motivated so theoretically nothing malicious would happen but the whole process isn't exactly explained, esp automation in relation to validation which is important in my opinion
>the anger is concerning

>> No.9206570

unironically putting a reddit link into OP
OP is a faggot and deserves a life long ban

>> No.9206579

there's also another competitor named augur but when i checked out their whitepaper i immediately closed it when the whole process involves someone reporting the data manually
> Outcomes are determined by Augur’s oracle, which consists of profit-motivated reporters, who simply report the actual, real-world outcome of the event. Anyone who owns REP may participate in the reporting and disputing of outcomes.

>> No.9206619
File: 150 KB, 498x464, murt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only allow devs to develop the tools for a 3rd party oracle
>can only build a bridge one at a time for every system/api
>need to build a bridge for different api sources reporting one data
the talking points he said on the reddit post you linked are just copypasted by responses from the admin in chat. he can't explain the conference shit that's why he juts keeps on copypasting it because the admin he was talking to couldnt explain either like the dumb faggot they both are.

>> No.9206641

>are just copypasted by responses from the admin in chat
*are just copypasted responses from the admin in aion's chat

>> No.9206735
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this is from february, when someone asked about chainlink. so from that time, link and aion are different in purpose, but 3 months later they apparently just made chainlink obsolete. fuck this guy

>> No.9207224

kek, good post

fucking kek
you should actually post this here in response to him. he is a smug bastard and he was acting like he was so smart. "well done, you got there in the end" fucking hell and he's just copying and pasting off hand comments from probably a community manager in slack. i hate redditors for real.

>> No.9207276

that's because oracles are becoming the new hype buzzword anon. and we're in at the ground floor.
there are lots of whitepapers for ICOs popping up right now that implement their own decentralized oracle for their service but without any proper explanation of how it all works (instead of just relying on chainlink which will obviously be superior).

This is just like that, they're trying to get hype going but without any real substance behind it. this is unironically bullish as fuck.

I'm impressed by your research, going to slack and looking for murt was a stroke of genius. i hope someone responds to him and says well done for copying and pasting from slack lol