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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9199126 No.9199126 [Reply] [Original]

This will probably be deleted for not being business related but I just want to say thank you to all anons for being the only thing that puts a smile on my face anymore. I’m just a stupid failure in all other aspects of life but I can forget about it when for a little while every night and you guys make me laugh. So thanks guys.

>> No.9199155

Cheer up. Don't be down.

>> No.9199164

damn anon now you made me sad


>> No.9199176

life follows the meme chart and you are in despair
buy the fucking dip

>> No.9199187

Hey Anon, I know I'm just another anon who probably hasn't been through whatever you may have, but it's never too late to try getting things back in order. Be it needing loans to go to school, whatever, if you have nothing to lose then work hard to get that something.
I've seen a few family members become useless husks of flesh, but you at least have the will to get up in the morning.
Don't know if this'll help but I'm rooting for you.

>> No.9199188
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Keep going. We all are going to make it.

>> No.9199210

Whether you make it or not financially really isnt that important as long as you improve yourself/finances/relationship/career throughout life. Theres more to life than money.

>> No.9199231

We don’t do feelsposting here faggot. Get back to yiddit.

>> No.9199797

i here for the memes not this meaningful shit.
why the fuck i even crying now fuck

>> No.9199890

Anon, your life is dipping? Buy and hold, just hold in there, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.9200596

I have been through your feeling and I understand it. Keep it up bro. You will make it. Don't give up.

>> No.9200863

/pol/, /biz/, /fit/ for all your physical and mental needs.

>> No.9200898

/fit/ is something to be grown out of. Even /pol/ reaches a point of diminishing returns. Learn the lessons and move on.

>> No.9200918

/lit/ is okay for book recommendations and /k/ for infographs but don’t stay around to expect assburgers

>> No.9200950

Sometimes life doesn't return to the mean. Sometimes you just die.

>> No.9201070

This is oddly inspirational

>> No.9201109

Join /fit/
Take the fight to all fronts of life, your still in the trenches son, snap out of it

>> No.9201121


dont get too down on yourself brother, better days are ahead!

>> No.9201210

we will all make it fren - a big amount of cash and the freedom for to do whatevever makes us happy

>> No.9201332

Drop what you are doing and do something for your self, develop a different focus of control. The outside world is not what is causing your issues, despite what you may think you have complete control of everything within your life. It's just in how you choose to respond when confronted by stimuli in the outside world, you have the choice to tell every person you meet during your day to fuck off if you want. You have a choice, just exercise your choices.

>> No.9201439

Be patient.
We're going to make it.

>> No.9201464
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>helping you physically or mentally
There is literally no reason to stay on /pol/, it's been horrible since the Trump got elected. My mental state improved greatly when I left.

>> No.9201574


>> No.9201611

If your IQ is more than a toaster there's no reason to ever be on /pol/

>> No.9202285

Go all in NBRI, be a millionaire for 200$.
Patience is a virtue.

>> No.9202434

The replies are too wholesome for the chans. /biz/ truly is the best board out there

>> No.9202453

thanks anon will buy smile for 100k

>> No.9203501

imagine if that happened in the middle of nowhere and her skeleton was left just hanging there

>> No.9203527

This. If you're not consistently improving yourself you've failed as a human and it's time to end it.

>> No.9203733


>> No.9203745

unironically this

>> No.9203957
