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File: 33 KB, 600x600, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9196732 No.9196732 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you drink? Is there anything wrong with having 1-2 beers every night after wagecucking?

>> No.9196751

If I could repeat my teens and 20's I wouldn't drink at all

>> No.9196762

>Is there anything wrong with having 1-2 beers every night after wagecucking?


>> No.9196765

Yes you'll turn into a woman. Drink red wine if you must have something every night.

>I wouldn't drink at all
Or smoke

>> No.9196768


>> No.9196782

1 or 2 is fine but over time it may become 5 or 6..

>> No.9196812

I drink a litre of whiskey every night, usually jameson, famous grouse or some aldi/lidle brand

>> No.9196814
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>> No.9196845


>> No.9196872

Rest in peace Mr. Lahey

>> No.9196876
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Only if you're a baby back bitch. if you can handle your shit, alcohol is a godsend. it turns boys into chads.

>> No.9196880

Might as well drink literal onions

>> No.9196882

i drink 3-4 beers and or shots every night after wagecuckin at a bar. lost a ton of money this way and days just blur as i come home tipsy/pass out over drinking lightweight shit. today i skipped drinking went to the gym now sitting surfin biz with all this energy not sleepy at all. Now if i keep this up ill have my money saved to spend on LINK.

>> No.9196886

Smart man, I've just hit my 30's and am realizing why the Scriptures contain SO many warnings against alcohol

>> No.9196920


I dont drink. I stopped about a year ago, I'm 25. Im not saying that I will never drink again, but Im just not drinking now because I need focus and health for achieving and realising my potential in life

I drank a lot when I was a teen and to be honest I regret it, however I do like alcogol its nice

>> No.9196927

After a while it become a habit and you end up drinking more and more, it's a slow creep.

>> No.9196934

Same. No drugs either.
Amen, brother.

>> No.9196990

>How often do you drink?
Once in a few months
>Is there anything wrong with having 1-2 beers every night after wagecucking?
Very slow brain degradation. So slow you can't spot it yourself, but your friends will, after 3-6 months. But you will not able to spot it at that moment, so you will slowly start to losing friends

>> No.9197042

Ewwww, no thanks. Coffee and cigars are my thing. I like being in control though.

>> No.9197043

Wtf seriously what is with you guys in this thread

>> No.9197054

I only drank when socializing during uni.

>> No.9197062

Me not drink at all for preserving female beauty

>> No.9197069

I used to drink a fifth of gin every night for about a year. I have been sober for 7 days. Just got done with a run. My bitcorn money let me quit my job, I just became a drunk. Im going to travel Europe for a bit to find out what I want to do. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.9197072

Only reason I drink is to grow balls and be a dick when picking up chicks.

Beside that I dont drink.

>> No.9197098

proof of female beauty or there's nothing to preserve

>> No.9197105

>Is there anything wrong with having 1-2 beers every night after wagecucking?
yes you fat piece of shit. drinking during the week by yourself is for faggots that can't handle life.
Eat a better diet (keto) and you won't even feel the need to drink anymore.

>> No.9197127

Kill yourself

>> No.9197148

Vaping and boozing heavy is fine if you're not a wage cuck. Life's about yin and Yang. Spurts of hedonism followed by some tranquil activities. Of course, if you're not rich or a neet this is almost unattainable.

>> No.9197165

Even if it's not an addiction, two in a row seems high to me.

If you spend your day thinking about these two beer you will drink, you have a problem.
If you can skip it at will, without feeling bad, it may not be bad.

But, really, must study say one beer per day. With two, benefits of nutriments and yealds are neglected by alcool.

>> No.9197179

I can't sleep without having a few drinks.

>> No.9197198


All day everyday

>> No.9197204

Some hard and fast rules on how to drink like a successful adult rather than a 19 year old kid who shits his pants after passing out at a houseparty:

>don't ever drink alone. Better yet, only drink socially.

>only drink on weekends or holidays

>don't drink to get drunk (ie, understand your limits)

>> No.9197217
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>literally drinking poison
Mmmm love a nice cold beer so yummy

>> No.9197234

>he thinks he is in control when he drinks coffee

>> No.9197252

yes, you're at least 4 short of making it worth it

>> No.9197268

goodluck sir pls send bitcoin for my family

>> No.9197276
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>> No.9197296

Yea 2 beers is like getting half a blowjob

>> No.9197312

Not too easy to drink socially only on weekdays

>> No.9197320


>literally drinking poison
>Mmmm love a nice cold beer so yummy

Mmmmm yea alcohol is the devil.

>> No.9197334
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>only drink on weekends or holidays

work on your reading comprehension grogg

>> No.9197389

1 or 2 beers every day NEVER stays at 1 or 2 beers

1 or 2 beers 2 or 3 days a week is fine, anything more WILL NOT LAST.

But honestly, 1 or 2 beers is a waste of time and money, so the real answer is find something else to gratify yourself. It's not that there's anything directly wrong with it, but it occupies time and money you could spend differently. Drinking by yourself is a waste of money and undermines your brain chemistry.

>> No.9197411

and to be clear, drinking any more than 7 beers a week WILL take years off of your life. the more you drink, the more it will fuck your body up. No exceptions.

>> No.9197425

Yes, it lowers your T.
Stop doing it faggot.

>> No.9197452

Churchill was the ultimate goy, not a chad.

>> No.9197454


average male body can easily get rid off harmful effects of 1-2 beers a day. however 2 is the certain upper limit.

>> No.9197470

I don't know how you get pleasure out of 1-2 drinks after doing it consistently for months. Surely tolerance would have edged up by then.

>> No.9197512

You fucking pussys

I used to smoke weed every day after work. It made ME terribly lazy. That’s how it effects me. Even high sativa.

Now I drink about 4 beers a day along with 4 shots or so if Tito’s vodka. Iv been doing this for years with 0 ill effects. Alcohol is a god send to me, if I throw in my adhd prescription it makes me super human.

The key is to stay hydrated as fuck and work out every day. I try to piss clear all the time.

I’m still in anazing shape. Stop being pussys guys.

>> No.9197527

1-2 drinks a night has been all but proven to improve longevity by a significant amount. (as in 30-40% less likely to die per year from a heat attack) This assumes you don't binge drink as well. The effect is three fold; blood thinning effect prevents platelet build up which reduces heart attacks and stroke, reduced inflammation which is a cause of quite a few ailments such as high cholesterol and cancer, and reduced stress which reduces cortisol levels which bolsters both of the previous effects. It doesn't matter what you drink, but dry hoppy beers and dark red wines have the most additional benefits. (silicates, flavonoids, micro-nutrients, etc)

>> No.9197573


>> No.9197708

>that 30 year old boomer who hates fun AND trades crypto

the absolute state of biz

>> No.9197794

Partied my ass off from 17 to 26. Tapered down from 26 to 31 and stopped drinking completely at 33. 37 now. Alcohol/partying is the biggest waste of time and energy. I would be so much further ahead if I only partied from 17 to 22/23.

Past 6 years have bee the most financially successful of my life.

>> No.9197805
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I drink a 6 pack of steel reserve tall boys every night washed down with oxycontin 80mg

>> No.9197994
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I drink 2-7 beers a night, I am a wage-cuck who does taxes for a living, I still get to work every morning, but it is not healthy

>> No.9198027

This. I sometimes have a glass of red wine, cognac, or sake. Maybe once every other month now but if Im traveling Ill drink a bit more to socialize. Otherwise Im largely done, Ive had my fun, and am much happier/wealthier now.

>> No.9198050

What pis me off most
This guy will probably outlive me

>> No.9198092

You sound like an overweight fucking faggot.

>> No.9198099

>30 year old

whew lad

>> No.9198124

I drink a glass of wine just about every week day.
I get drunk every week or two with wine as well.

>> No.9198134
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That you burnt chrysler?

>> No.9198144

I've was kind of in the same mold, I'd only really drink heavily on social occasions (ie. friday nights going out) The problem was I don't really become uninhibited till 6+ drinks, and as I got older, that was starting to wear on me. Nowadays I just take phenibut which mimics many of the effects of alcohol, and stick to 3-4 drinks. Results are liquid courage without the hangover.

>> No.9198147

>drinking anything regularly besides water

never gonna make it

>> No.9198154

I despise alcohol culture, especially the beer side.
Also drunk people are the most obnoxious thing there is.
Used to drink heavy in teens into mid twenties, I feel horrible when drunk now I just don't see the point and day afters fucking suck.
Ghb is a much better alternative.

>> No.9198155

>comes home from wagecucking
>drinks the liquid jew

Never gonna make it, OP.

>> No.9198188
File: 140 KB, 1279x960, Alcohol is humanity's friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9198270


Yeah, when I travel I drink a little bit also.

>> No.9198339

Alcohol will ruin your life.

It's always "a beer when I get off" and it turns into "only a beer when I go out". Then you end up going out all the time, getting high calorie food, getting drunk, and fat.

Then you start only smashing 5ths of Blue Sapphire Gin while bumping an addy so you can jack off to trap porn, get hypnotized by the videos, dress up like a girl, stick things in your ass; all to cum about 5 hours later from the drugs mixing to allow you to last forever.

I'm pathetic

>> No.9198375

I drink 1-2 beers 5 nights a week. Have been for years with no increase in consumption. The 2 days off each week are very important for ensuring your tolerance doesn't rise.
It's probably better for your liver to drink 5 to 10 beers once a week but I learned as a young man that drunkenness is bad for your life so I spread it out.

>> No.9198392

t. salty boomer

>> No.9198421
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Please tell me you've actually done this

>> No.9198503


Iv been drinking and also mixing in drugs for 10 years. Usually only in weekends but sometimes during the week. I have a sense of responsibility and understand my 100k job a year is the reason I can do it. I go to fucking work every day

If you can’t drink and go to work the next day then it’s not for you. But some people have fucking work ethic and understand they got responsibility’s

My grandpa and my father in law both drank heavy after work. My grandpa died after a full life at 84. My father in law is in his 70s still kicking hard.

Don’t fud the alcohol and drunks, fud the looses who can’t handle their life.

>> No.9198538

Please be real

>> No.9198761

alcohol causes high blood pressure over time, usually from tolerance build-up (needing more than 2 per day) and weight gain. And instead of getting your "micro-nutrient" from beer and wine, what about just eating grapes and leafy greens? These sound more like excuses to drink than a reason to encourage it.
Telomere damage shortens your lifespan. Alcohol alters your telomeres negatively. You could argue lots of things causes telomere damage, but why expedite it with something aggressively? It also severly effects sleep. Daily use is just a vice.

>> No.9198767


Chill out tough guy. The drinking debate will always spark an egotistical asshole to provide anecdotal evidence and equate soberness to femininity and boozing to masculinity.

>> No.9198790

How much onions milk do u drink a day fag?

>> No.9198846
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all you retards fudding alcohol better be larping

alcohol is literally the greatest thing mankind has ever created

the only people who shouldn't drink are honest to god, physiologically addicted alcoholics, like the one's that will drink nail polish to stop getting the shakes

>> No.9198891


Water only bruh

>> No.9198901


look how fucking fat and useless those three losers are

>> No.9198914
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It's a very cheesy link but I've taken to it.

Spent all my 20's smoking myself stupid, it isn't until I'm forced to stop for a week that I realize I enjoy sobriety. And saving money.

When you're 17-25 it's the shit, when you're older you don't want to admit it's not as fun as it used to be. The second you hear that voice say that though, you can't ignore it. It's there and it said it. Now it's up to you to acknowledge it.

>> No.9198944
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>t. that 30 y/o boomer who doesn't brew his own beer in his own trappist cloister

>> No.9199002
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that escalated quickly

>> No.9199079

moron, coffee/chocolate was the best thing to happen.
alcohol is a depressant, caffeine is a stimulant and basically caused the enlightenment once people stopped getting sloshed all day and instead went to cafes had shit tones of energy and talked amongst their peers, debating and developing a new modern enlightenment society

>> No.9199345

>Ghb is a much better alternative.

It's a beautiful drug when used in moderation. I enjoyed it for a decade every other week or so until it spiraled out of control for a few months. I was sent to the ER once and could have died on several other occasions by blacking out and hitting my head on the floor.

>> No.9199380


Not really. My dad does that. Alcoholism isn't a rare thing anon & fuck they can put it away.

>> No.9199388


Everyone has to start somewhere.

>> No.9199390


>> No.9199401


An all too common tale of woe anon. I'm sure we've all been there.

>> No.9199434

>t. Defensive

That hit a nerve eh? Kek, nah you just drink for fun anon, sure.

>> No.9199483

when you have a real job you can't do that, you know, like those people that actually do things, and have peoples lives in their hands, like:
secret service,
nuclear reactor technicians,
hell, even serious plumbers and electricians

>> No.9199508

I fucking love suppressing my cum reflex and riding onaholes for 4-6 hours straight. I'm working on a handsfree stroke device so I can strap myself down and basically torture myself with pleasure without the temptation of stopping.

Prefer to use tryptamines to get me there though, I'm not so big on stims.

>> No.9199536

stopped 2 years ago. couldnt control the whiskey

>> No.9199596

Hey fag. I got a real job. I’m a ups driver. Been with ups for 17 years. I’m on the way to 105k this year.

I’m responsible. I also party, but I know how

I have had binge weekend with business owners, dentists, everybody u can think of

Like I said, during the week I stick to only alcohol and sometimes mix amphetamines into it. I’m asleep by 12-1am, drink tons of water, and go to work the next day and perform at 100% productivity if not higher.

People can’t do it. Their gonna be loosers either way. If u want to get down put your big boy pants on when u wake up and do your fucking job.

>> No.9199791

People say that all the time, sure
They're always like "man I wish I didn't go to all those parties or didn't drink or go after girls or smoke", asf.
But this is always AFTER they've done all of that in their 20s

What about the NEETs and the like whining on r9k about how they'll never get to experience "X" (young love, young sex, hot young girls, getting sexual experience, going out to parties with the boys, and just having a wild time)

I often look to my grandpa for insight on this, and what he used to do basically all the time as a young man is ride around from town to town (in Switzerland) on fucking horses while drunk with his friends
And he had a successful painting business and now is 86 and owns a few houses and still drinks pretty often anyway
Don't waste your youth being a nerd, guys

>> No.9199882
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>> No.9199906

That’s why there are so many depressed neet threads

Iv partied hard... iv has great experiences.... I’m married to a beautiful lady who I have threesomes with.... I’m fine working 55 hours a week because I have a release after work and on the weekends

I’m 33 and I’m doing better than 90% of my peers, and they fucking hate that I know how to have fun but keep my responsibilities in order

Like I said, most people can’t do it because they are weak minded. To them I say stay away from alcohol and drugs. I’m happy with how I live and wouldn’t change a thing.

>> No.9199984

When we went on outings my dad used to say that noone would be able to take this away from us.

>> No.9200012 [DELETED] 


It's hard to give super broad advice because there is always that fairly large section of people who actually Skype just stay away from X abusable thing outright
But for those who can walk the line neither tipping toward being too lazy, nor toward not getting enough fun, these things can be a great boon to their lives.
I even know a girl in uni who can literally part hard 3 times a and still gets a 4.0 gpa
Absolutely incredible how efficient one can make oneself

>> No.9200036


It's hard to give super broad advice because there is always that fairly large section of people who actually should just stay away from X abusable thing outright
But for those who can walk the line neither tipping toward being too lazy, nor toward not getting enough fun, these things can be a great boon to their lives.
I even know a girl in uni who can literally part hard 3 times a and still gets a 4.0 gpa
Absolutely incredible how efficient one can make oneself

>> No.9200047

Same, my liver hurts right now and I always feel like shit. Just guessing but with use and legal bills, I'm $300K in the hole since 14.

>> No.9200057

I can't sleep unless i'm black out drunk I prefer bourbon or sometimes red wine whichever it is I like a shit load of it

>> No.9200090

I was taught this when I was about 21 by a good friends dad who is a very very successful dentist. We did tons of coke and drunk all night. I hung out with him a few times in my earlier youth

He told me if I can’t buck the fuck up and get to work and handle my responsibilities it’s not for me

I have another very successful friend who is a consultant. She worked for ibm but now works for another “firm”’. this bitch eats meth on the weekends and is a party animal. She’s been doing this for The 7 years I have known her right along with her best friend who is an attorney... but they go to fucking work and take their career serious. Going to work slightly high on drugs or hung over is 100% unacceptable.

>> No.9200093

I have the perfect genetic makeup for being a rampant alcoholic so I avoid 99% of the time. If I do drink, I never drink the next day. Never. I saw too many drunken scenes when I was a kid.

I'm no tea-totaler. I blacked out 3-4 times between the age of 14 and 22. Scary stuff. From what I've heard, I'm a jolly drunk in my blacked out state and I like singing. It is at least comforting to know that I don't turn into a viscous psycho or start doing really weird shit. Never the fuck again.

>> No.9200135

The only drug I've done that I'd call a net positive effect in my life is phenibut.

Everything else is a net negative. Booze, MDMA, weed, etc. I'd classify LSD as 'neutral'--the fun & introspection breaks even with the hangover.

>> No.9200140


>> No.9200742

t. Idiot who was never taught how to responsibly drink with parents.

I've been drinking beer since I was 14 and I unironically feel fine.

>> No.9201830

Agreed with anons saying 1-2 beers is a waste of time. Go for it and have some experiences and don't hold back or don't waste your time. A "beer to unwind after a hard day's work" is bullshit. That's sitcom-watching tier shit.

That said, even though I had great times being drunk with friends and women in my 20's, I'd choose to go back and not drink if I could. Easy for me to say because I had fun experiences with it and might think differently otherwise. Still, I know for a fact that you can have a fun life without alcohol, it's just more difficult -- but it is better. That difficulty is a part of why it's better to go without it.

The idea that it takes years off your life doesn't intimidate anyone, and for good reasons. Quality > quantity. But what you don't notice when you drink habitually is that the quality of your life decreases and you don't really notice it until you go completely sober. Even if you just drink on the weekends with your high class buddies.

>> No.9202046

I actually enjoy the taste of some beer/liquors. Also pairings with food. Sometimes I like getting drunk with my close friends, bonding and joking around.

>> No.9202182
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>tfw I know it's real and not a larp because I did similar things