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File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, FunFair-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9195394 No.9195394 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still following this coin?

The price has been moving sideways for ages now despite the altcoin mini bull run the market as a whole has experienced lately. The reason for this is that a massive Chinese whale has been dumping millions on the market for months. He's almost out, with just 150 million tokens remaining from a start of around 800M. I've been arbitraging his coins for months. You can monitor his activity here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4db029f12e39f099523c05f6a8709df1efbc5873#tokentxns

This is one of the most legitimate projects in crypto and has a working product that you can use today at showcase.funfair.io

Jez San is the CEO: pkr.com founder, genius, game developer, creator of Star Fox (SNES) graphics chip
They've got a huge team and it's growing (360-degree video, use your mouse to look around): [YouTube] FunFair Office Walk-through (embed)
They are a white label casino platform provider. That means that they provide a service for a casino in a box that people can throw some money at, change some logos, and press "go". For those of you who aren't privy to the industry or can't read between the lines, this means that regulation is not an issue and KYC is the responsibility of the casino operator. In other words, FunFair will essentially get at least a few grey market casinos that can and WILL be easily accessed by Chinese and American players.

Their product hits the Ethereum mainnet about two weeks from today, and the first operator should go live mid-June.


tl;dr: Buy my bags, shilling, etc.

>> No.9195424

Yup. They launch this month. Pumped!!!

>> No.9195444
File: 162 KB, 1960x386, FunFair casinos 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. They launch this month. Pumped!!!
I'm really not interested in the beta launch, but I'm extremely excited about the first operator

>> No.9195446

Thanks anon, I'm in.

>> No.9195618

There currently isn't much marketing behind this coin but that will all change as we get closer to launch.
Jez is extremely active on discord and his credentials are solid.

The fomo will be epic.

>> No.9195673

motherfucker can't you just be silent and patient. why would you not want to wait and accumulate more

>> No.9195733

I literally ran out of money and can't afford any more. The more people who see this now, the more powerful the FOMO will be in late June. Plus I can be one of those dickheads who posts links to archived threads and says, "I told you so"


>> No.9195788

>There currently isn't much marketing behind this coin
Actually, there is, but they're a B2B company and all of their marketing is toward operators. This is unlike most other cryptos which just endlessly shill and hype their coin price with basically meaningless partnerships and so on.


Personally, I think this thing is going to pull a Ripple.

>> No.9196118

Is this the new
>just bought 100k

>> No.9196243

Protip, they also have a pending casino games developer license in the UK, which would enable them to license companies there in addition to the shady locations described in the OP


>> No.9196254

Still have my 300k in cold storage. Not selling till $1.

>> No.9196260

Lol, I'm not convinced it will hit $1 just yet, but I really do expect $0.30 to $0.50 by December if the greater crypto market doesn't tank

>> No.9196261


>> No.9196290

I don't think it'll hit $1 this year or even next year. But it's likely in 2020.

>> No.9196299

>I don't think it'll hit $1 this year or even next year. But it's likely in 2020.
Why do you say that? I think by 2020 things will look very different, so they reallyneed to pull a home run out of their hat in 2018/2019. They're already 90% of the way there. From here on it's just beta, minor adjustments, and launch.

>> No.9196375

I think it will take some time for adoption to catch on but it should be snowballing by 2020.

>> No.9196382

But why that random and arbitrary date?

>> No.9196388

subtle FUD 101 just stop replying to him

>> No.9196485

also i just realized this thread is copypasta

>> No.9196492

It's a conservative estimate. Opengl and HTML5 aren't new technology. And I've spoken with game developers and potential operators on the Discord and Telegram. They're just barely touching their toes into the water at this point. The online gambling industry is very saturated. So it'll take some time for new devs and operators to carve out a nich for themselves. I don't see large casinos adopting the technology anytime soon simply because online gambling is so cute throat. It's too much of a risk for them. Which is why I foresee new developers paving the way for mass adoption. But they are just warming up to the idea and technology.

>> No.9196524

It's going to be small operators, people who don't traditionally run online casinos. FunFair isn't even aiming for traditional casino markets, they're basically looking to compete with etheroll and ultimately take on an untapped market segment. Sure, opengl and HTML5 aren't new, but when things like etheroll have as much attention as they do, this is a shoe-in. See also: >>9195444

I don't see it hitting $1 (whatever that means) at any point really, unless Bitcoin surges upward, in which case you were probably better off just holding Bitcoin or another alt anyway. I do, however, see it doing extremely well within the next few months for the reasons outlined above. See also >>9195444

>> No.9196553

Furthermore it's quite the transition for the big casinos to get into the blockchain industry. They're old money who stick with the tried-and-true. New operators won't have the same bias against blockchain technology.

>> No.9196567

I checked all the transactions and it is just not true, also 800mil tokens would mean 17% of the circulatin supply

>> No.9196578

>it's just not true

>> No.9196584

correct figure was 600 mil*

>> No.9196767

The tokens that were sent out by that wallet are way less than 600mil

>> No.9197083
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1511747541977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you've recognized that he has 17% of the coins in circulation, and you've recognized that he's not dumping them all at once? Are you able to put 2 and 2 together?

>> No.9197101

This post >>9197083 is for you

>> No.9197142


yeah. I bought yesterday and was looking to bump your post, but I'm too dumb to speak intelligently about it, so I went with a low effort comment.

>> No.9197199

Sold it all for Tron a few weeks back and more than doubled.

>> No.9197283

Bump, 15k funlet here

>> No.9198106

The minute this shit coin hits $1 I’m dumping my bag.

>> No.9198327
File: 776 KB, 1600x1800, AB8D49D3-CB0E-4CBB-AF71-C6863BA675BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could afford more but I got 100k at.03-.04

>> No.9198343

122k funlet reporting for duty.

>> No.9198360

75k funlet here, bump

>> No.9198413
File: 300 KB, 935x909, 680EAEAB-CC9B-481D-A766-5E8A14C484A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason people like you WONT do that is at that point it will probably be the best asset you own.

People don’t realize some of the latent use cases here, mostly because a lot of people really do get crypto advice from this place.

>> No.9198417

he has 150 mil remaining

>> No.9198667

his contention is that the whale never sold 600 million tokens

>> No.9198688

700k here

>> No.9198732

I only have 450. I bought some because holding FUN is a requirement for a chadfolio

>> No.9198874

450k? nice.

>> No.9198961

I think he actually has 450 coins.

>> No.9198979

well... at least he'll have $450 to spend on a nice iPad in a year or two

>> No.9198991

If the project is so legit why is this dude selling 800 million tokens worth?

>> No.9199006

He puts most if not all of the funds from the sale into Dai. I can only speculate, but it seems fairly obvious that he's anticipating a market crash. He bought in at ICO when Bitcoin was like $800, so he's still up millions of dollars even though he lost BTC on the exchange. He literally doesn't give a fuck about the price he cashes out at, which is why FUN has been suppressed for so long.

>> No.9199010

>/biz/ logic

>> No.9199049

>I've been arbitraging his coins for months.
tfw I had a bot set up for this but he stopped selling on ED

>> No.9199062


>> No.9199152


>> No.9199312


I'd love to launch a good online poker service using this, other games too eventually. I hope they'll do well.

>> No.9199346


What a gimp - sounds like he's all luck and no trading strategy. Probably an early miner who held some back.

>> No.9199382

>What a gimp - sounds like he's all luck and no trading strategy. Probably an early miner who held some back.
Well, look at it this way. You're a whale with a million dollars and you buy into an ICO. Suddenly BTC and ETH go literally 10x, then 20x, then back to 10x of what they were when you first bought into the ICO. You can't really dump your tokens because the mcap is too low so you have to do it slowly, and if you do dump your tokens, you technically lost BTC/ETH on the trade. However, you're still up literally 9 million dollars.

It makes sense that he'd sell while things are still extremely high, he's got a lot riding on the line and is up massively on a big initial investment. If he's some Chinese guy this could be his life's savings that he's covertly moving out of the country etc.

>> No.9199701

we'll know in about 2 months

>> No.9200265

Right, as that's when the first operator should go live. As long as crypto doesn't die by then, I'd say we're doing pretty well