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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9190137 No.9190137 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9190156

VEN will be $5 EYO.

No useful dapps.

>> No.9190175
File: 67 KB, 1335x823, 1524854488204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017—— Mid April 2018: Development Completed

Mid April—— Mid May, Alpha 1.0

Mid May—— Early June, Alpha 2.0

Early June—— End of June, Beta/Public testing, Source Code Open

End Of June—— Mainnet Launch

>> No.9190317

Why would they need testers when it's apparently been running for 2 years?

>> No.9190328

WAR VEN !!!!!!

>> No.9190384

Consortium/private chain vs public chain. Different blockchain, different code, different concerns. But yeah no same thing right? Dumbshit, 0/10 another clueless fag, neck yourself

>> No.9190410

Prepare to eat shit /biz/. Your FUD is soon to be BTFO for good. You'll have your poverty to keep you warm at night after that though, it'll be fine

>> No.9190414

why wouldnt they just have the 150 coders test it?

>> No.9190447


>he didn't read the article
They are testing it right now and have been since mid-April, as stated in the article. Learn to read or just neck yourself, either way.

Yeah no makes sense to just have the same people who wrote it test it and not bring in any fresh sets of eyes and certainly not professional code auditors and cyber security firms

Another /biz/ dipshit, 0/10

>> No.9190469

It should be ready to go. Where can I find the wallet?

>> No.9190485

Biz nevef actually rea the article m8 for them the titlr is enough informative and that why they stay poor

>> No.9190489

>certainly not professional code auditors and cyber security firms
Are their programmers not professionals? I thought they had some serious partnerships, why can't they just outsource testing to one of their big partners?

>> No.9190492

loooooool, stay poor faggot thundernode checking in this muther fucker

>> No.9190534


Yeah releasing a wallet for it while it's still an ERC-20 token is a good way to use resources as opposed to releasing a wallet along with the mainnet, I.e the point at which a wallet will be necessary and not just a superfluous self congratulatory attempt to show your project isn't a shitcoin

Your attempts are not going to work, just kill yourself

>> No.9190577

Great question tho you know since the poisn't of the article certainly is not that nothing is going to be released before the community and professional third party audits

And you're totally right, again, it would be better to just release it without that stuff who needs certainty or professionalism. It all worked out for ethereum they've never had any code problems

Jump off of a building

>> No.9190608


Oh yeah no you're right again the only people to review it should be the people who wrote it, the fact that they want it to be audited by the community and professional cybersecurity firms is a sign of their weakness not their professionalism they can just fix any issues later like ethereum, I'm sure their clients won't mind

>> No.9190626

Right right right again they have partnerships so that automatically means their partnerships must be with cybersecurity code auditing firms so the fact that their not using them must mean it's a scam

Wow you're smart I bet there's no chance PwC is helping with this too

>> No.9190720
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He's obviously baiting. It's pretty low quality bait too. No need to get so defensive. Chill out and enjoy the gains over the next month leading up to mainnet. Remember to take profits in the week leading up to mainnet!

>> No.9190744

Oh I AM enjoying this!

>> No.9190900
File: 85 KB, 1068x562, VeChain-VEN-1-1068x562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9190973

fuego, copping that album one hunnet

>> No.9191118

>Wow you're smart I bet there's no chance PwC is helping with this too
Is that why they were removed from the website?

>> No.9191455

we've already been through this in multiple threads, they weren't.
you're really trying too hard for some reason.

>> No.9191493
File: 76 KB, 561x431, pwcmissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see it..It must be where I can find the github / wallet download.

>> No.9191616

oh i've never heard that before
protip: you left out whitepaper.
fuckin rookie newfag

>> No.9191623

Lmao people are still holding these bags.

>> No.9191643

Is this anon retarded or just a saltywalty?

>> No.9191657

wat about bitocean

>> No.9191679

yeah just about 70k of these bitches
going to be super rich one day
plans on living off Thor and selling few every now and then

>> No.9191687


entry price?

>> No.9191723

Yet to see proof this isn't a chink scam. All questions are met with FUD and KYS faggotry. Is Oxford still running numbers for the economic model too?

>> No.9191738

between 0.40 and a dollar
its my first large investment in Crypto
bought it all with fiat last year

>> No.9192000

fortunately literally nobody gives a fuck about proving shit to idiots on biz.
you've already outted yourself with how much you know about it.
so transparent.
step it up anons, jesus.

>> No.9192025

top 5 this year faggots and you won't be able to stop us.

>> No.9192063

So oxford, PWC, BMW, and Breyer aren't red flags? 2 have disputed the "partnerships" PWC china is a franchise that scams US investors, and Breyer is an advisor (not an investor). I'm sure there's more but we're kept in the dark.

>> No.9192081
File: 92 KB, 1280x753, 165165165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ruin it, let them get scammed, the memes will be great

>> No.9192190

this is truly boring now
you fudanons are getting worse at this
i'm out

>> No.9192231
File: 80 KB, 951x484, ScummyLuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut and run..just like the chinks.

>> No.9192378

It's still not working

You're still an idiot though

Probably a VEN holder "accumulating" another 8 tokens with his poor ass

>> No.9192399

Yeah Breyer isn't an investor and that's why VeChain is listed in the portfolio section of the website for his fund. Do you know what portfolio means?

>> No.9192437
File: 138 KB, 1101x366, breyercap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9192460

So what has oxford come up with?

>> No.9192549


You've been on this FUD campaign for so long now. The same weak talking points for weeks on end. What do you hope to accomplish? No one's buying it.

>> No.9192553
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1524322624140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bmw bs
>breyer bribed
>bitse? whats dat I just chinky I no nothing

>> No.9192571

Waiting for an answer. You half wits just regurgitate the same bullshit with no answer.

>> No.9192642


When you say something like "PWC china is a franchise that scams US investors" you discredit yourself as a mongoloid retard that doesn't know what they're talking about.

You don't want to be convinced, you just want to spread FUD (or you're actually fucking stupid).

>> No.9192665

>Post has a timeline to mainnet launch with other news along the way as a way to help biz gain sats
>but are the partnerships real?

>> No.9192793
File: 92 KB, 757x519, voicearticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I should've said FRAUDED

>> No.9192885

Anyone notice when I post picture proof of some suspicious activity, the shils disappear only to be replaced by a new one.

>> No.9193039


>> No.9193121

That page is literally and unambiguously entitled 'Portfolio'. It would be fucking weird to list VeChain as part of his investment portfolio if he wasn't invested, wouldn't it?

>> No.9193195

Read up on his portfolio.. The only outlier that is worded with "advises" is VEN.

>> No.9193224

you are literally complaining about there not being a wallet when it is still an ERC20 token

you dont wanna be convinced, just fud

>> No.9193244

Must be next to that medium article collection of 100 pages thatll be called a white paper..

>> No.9193259

Ignore the troll. He probably gets paid in for every (you) he gets. Notice how irritated he gets when people stop giving him attention.

>> No.9193264

herro round eye.........yes buy VEN rery good round eye. no ask question, BUY ONLY rery good

>> No.9193270

notice how none of u faggots can answer give me factual proof of oxford, bmw, breyer, pwc, wallets, github, whitepaper.

>> No.9193309


>> No.9193312

BMW has never disputed the partnership.

>> No.9193329

"start up"

>> No.9193353

Breyer bribed, yea that’s why his son is working with Vechain too lol come on guys your fud is weak as fuck

>> No.9193370

You’re gonna be eating your words before the end of the summer anon. Probably at about the same time you’ll be fomoing in.

>> No.9193371
File: 181 KB, 549x1031, VENBMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9193456

This twitter page is probably run by an intern who doesn’t know shit. You can literally see where they realize that they are tweeting about the wrong company (some other blockchain company) and start saying something else. If you don’t know anything about the BMW Startup Garage program and you think it’s something any start up can just sign up for you are misinformed and should look into the project.

>> No.9193474

The tweets about the Startup Garage and Vechains involvement are a confirmation of a partnership lol.

>> No.9193487

I'm already laughing faggot. I bought at 25 cents and sold. Only I see the writing on the wall, and it's all bullshit. When this shit dumps like when I eat spicy wontons, I will post screencaps of you faggots.

>> No.9193526

Such shitty trolling that it almost looks like you're trying to make Vechain FUD look bad.

>> No.9193565

What's your counter point to PWC china fraud, Breyer as an "advisor" not investor, BMW startup garage program (anyone can sign up for) and Oxford who refuted the "partnership".
All you mongoloids say is "he is fudding hurr durr kys".. PROVE ME WRONG FAGGOTS

>> No.9193618

No one has ever been able to explain with few sentences of simple English (no buzzword bullshit) what vechain actually does. What is the purpose?


>> No.9193644

It makes you money if you buy now and sell before mainnet.

>> No.9193683

Even if you're right, why are shitcoins like Verge and Tron still alive. They pumped very briefly and then went back down to normal but they are still alive. Truth is, most crypto investors are pathetic and if people still haven't figured out Tron is worthless, its going to be at least a year before people figure out if Vechain is worthless. I'm not saying Vechain is or is not a shitcoin because its too early to tell, but even when everyone on biz knows if its shit or good, it will take a while before the new crypto investors realize it. If its a scam, then there will be a lag and you will still make good money before it comes crashing down.

>> No.9193695

it will x2 before mainnet tho, dumps after, same with eos

>> No.9193724
File: 19 KB, 504x384, d2fiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel stupid now, thanks.

>> No.9193730

The absolute state of VEN shills

>> No.9193898

How is it too early to tell if VEN is a shitcoin? Shitcoins don't get partnerships the magnitude that they have, and aren't supported by billionaire tech investors like Breyer and Draper. VEN is one of the few coins I feel good about holding long term.

>> No.9194056


Lmao, what the fuck does this even prove?

No shit PWC China isn't the same as PWC US. It's not the same as PWC Singapore or PWC France. They're LLPs, this is literally how every member of the Big 4 work, wouldn't expect you to know that though, you're too retarded to even get an interview at one of them.

Show us proof of them committing fraud on behalf of Vechain if you're going to run around spreading this bullshit.

BMW startup program is, once again, not something that anyone can move up to the round that Vechain has. They're far past the sign up stage at this point.

And Oxford never refuted their partnership, they only didn't like the hastiness of Vechain's announcement, which is a blunder on Vechain's part, but not a major one. It's the same shit as WTC prematurely announcing their Alibaba Cloud partnership.

>> No.9194189

I think its fairly obvious that its not a shitcoin, and will never be a shitcoin. However, I tried to be open minded and support the main point of my post, which is that even if Vechain turns out to be a shitcoin, it will be a while before it is dumped and it will pump like Tron before it does. So, no matter what it is still a good one year hold at least.

>> No.9194252

PWC china was who vechain touted as their big partner, and now they were removed from their list of partners on their website. PWC china is a fraud machine, BMW startup garage is a joke partnership, just like the LMVH bullshit too. THEY ARENT PARTNERSHIPS. They didn't "jump the gun" with oxford, where the fuck is the economic information when were a month away and we haven't heard a peep from oxford nor ven about the big partnership.. What ever happend to that michigan state parnership? Haven't heard shit about it either. It's all hot air puff pieces these chinks write up in medium articles and you fucks eat that shit up hook line and sinker.

>> No.9194426

>they were removed from their list of partners on their website
Partner logos on their site are linked to articles that first introduced the partnerships. Hover your mouse over a logo to see for yourself. The first PwC article was removed (something to do with DJ Qian, I don't know the backstory), so its logo disappeared.

>> No.9194698


Again with the PWC China fraud bullshit. Show proof that they're committing fraud on behalf of Vechain.

"BMW startup garage is a joke partnership." is not an argument.

"They didn't "jump the gun" with oxford." that's completely unsubstantiated. You're just pulling that out of your ass and saying that it's true.

Sunny was the FUCKING CIO of Louis Vuitton. You saying that their partnership is bullshit is once again just you assuming shit with limited research and presenting it as fact. Just because details are scarce doesn't mean that it's a lie.

I also like that you completely ignore the DNV GL partnership and the fact that one of their C-level executives was on stage with Sunny and a leading PWC partner to endorse Vechain during that stupid hammer ceremony.

>> No.9194800


>he spends time trying to get people on 4chan to believe that Jim Breyer, Tim Draper, DNV GL, and PwC are invested in and working with a scam


this guy is going to be so angry when vechain is $50 and people post screenshots of his dumb shit in a few months for a laugh

>> No.9194823

it reminds me of the screenshot that gets posted once in a while of the guy on here ranting a few years back about how buying Ethereum at 60 cents is an atrocious investment and makes you a fucking retard because it's built by a 21 year old autist etc

you are that guy

>> No.9194828
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BMW AND LVMH are start ups. Which are just fucking play dates for business, there are no "partnerships". PWC china frauds foreign investors by claiming a certain company is worth a certain amount like 100 billion, but the company is worth 10 billion. Alibaba is a company that people think are frauding foreign investors. DNV GL doesn't need vechain, they're exploring other blockchains as well, I wonder why.






>> No.9195106
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, scut-farkus-hed-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love scam coins. I buy them early on and profit, dump my bags, then try to warn others of their tom foolery. Only it didn't work for BIITCONNECT, ELECTRONEUM, ELECTRIFY ASIA, BCASH, TRON, and now VECHAIN.

this is my last post, it's been a real fun day asking you fags questions that have yet to be answered.

-Call me Chip, You fucks will know when I come back..

>> No.9195222
File: 46 KB, 1396x177, call me chip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you soon chip ;)