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File: 16 KB, 320x180, AMA Where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9180120 No.9180120 [Reply] [Original]

>It is going to come out before the end of April guys
>We totally filmed it a week or two ago
>Actually we filmed it yesterday
>It will be out soon
>No wait we need a few more weeks
>Several months pass
>Jibrel? Oh that is that scam I ran on those autists
>I can't believe anyone still remembers it

>> No.9180353
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>We had a pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and are in advanced discussions having crossed a critical milestone. We are working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges in the world. The business team is conducting user-acceptance testing for Jibrel’s products. We are working with 2 top-tier VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising rounds. An Islamic bank piloting commodity based Murabaha loans using our jAsset system. WBF Dubai, ECOH Kuwait, AEF Kazakhstan, VEEN Korea (events). The list is endless.

>b-but muh AMA
how does it feel to be the single dumbest nigger on biz?

>> No.9180415

Do you honestly think you can trust a single fucking word he is saying? Even assuming all of that WERE true none of it would be reflected in the mcap. It would all be jAssets and jCash.

>> No.9180460
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weak fud. I'll send a postcard from the moon

>> No.9180488

We get it....you want to keep the price of JNT low. This kind of low effort fudding has the opposite effect though because it challenges the non-brainlets to respond. Fuck off with this shit anon. No one is going to sell because the AMA is a day later than they thought it would be.

>> No.9180528

I don't have to do anything for the price to stay low. The market does that for me. People trying to get out of the sinking ship by luring in more people does that for me.

The purpose of this though is simple. To laugh at the jibliets.

>> No.9180540

>ask for AMA
>get way better info
you'll never make it

>> No.9180548

>pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and our discussions crossed a milestone. Working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges. team is testing for Jibrel’s products. working with VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising . a bank piloting commodity based loans using our jAsset system.

So nothing?

>> No.9180637

>Way better info
>We are allegedly doing these things
>Even the things we are doing are pilots or pitches

Pretty much this. A lot more nothing and garbage. I'm going to send a letter to a bank and then post that I have passed a critical milestone and we are in talks.

>> No.9180641
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>> No.9180954

Correct. You are retarded.

>> No.9180958

big fan of the jibs but the team truly are irresponsible douchebags. how the fuck are you late for an AMA?

>> No.9180983

They spent all that time coming up with lies to feed the community.

>> No.9181070

Dude, they never said when the AMA was coming out...just said near the end of April. They've also made it clear that they aren't prioritizing community communication. The success of this project doesn't rely on your faith and your 10 jibbies.

>> No.9181107

same story every year... just with different coins.

it's a fraud project, they will keep delaying until they can dump all their tokens

>> No.9181134

>The backpedal
They said mid-end of April. The project is doomed if they can't make even the most basic of communications.

>> No.9181152

You should sell then.

>> No.9181161

I already did back when it was 75 cents after picking it up at 34. after the listing.

>> No.9181191

But you still make JNT fud threads? Are you afraid of seeing JNT grow anon?

>> No.9181226

I'm about as worried about JNT mooning without me being on board as I am about Bancor mooning without me being in.

And I am not worried about Bancor. There is just nobody left around to shit on for Bancor.

>> No.9181267

There's only a small handful of us JNTs left around here, but you know we aren't fucking worried about the AMA and we aren't fucking selling. Can't be much fun for you....

>> No.9181383

Seeing you squirm while making excuses for another deadline missed is always fun.

>> No.9181433

I used to like to FUD this coin myself but you have to admit it looks silly when every thread has more fudders than supporters- when I see a coin I legit don't like I just ignore the threads, but in JNT threads there's like 50 people talking about how shitty it is. Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd?

>> No.9181529

The points of fud are quite juvenile as well. We aren't squirming.

>We had a pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and are in advanced discussions having crossed a critical milestone. We are working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges in the world. The business team is conducting user-acceptance testing for Jibrel’s products. We are working with 2 top-tier VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising rounds. An Islamic bank piloting commodity based Murabaha loans using our jAsset system. WBF Dubai, ECOH Kuwait, AEF Kazakhstan, VEEN Korea (events). The list is endless.

>> No.9181588

Every other coin posted on this board either has 100+ shill posts of positive sentiment, or is completely ignored and is swiftly archived with a single digit reply number. I haven't seen this level of autistic pajeet fudding in a long time. The closest analogue is stinky linkies and even those threads aren't this full of one sided samefagging. Like I said before, I'll post from the moon, these autists can beg me for scraps.

>> No.9181702

I was legit upset after they changed the token but I'm in very heavy so I just decided to ride it to 0 if need be and take my lumps.

I did spread a little FUD earlier about the missed deadline because it is a joke at this point. And the news about a central bank meeting means very little to me as it really will probably b Jcash.

But the speculative value of this thing alone is still off the charts.

>> No.9181734

Only the telegram admin, who is nothing to do with jibrel, said near the end of april.The actual team members just said soon.

>> No.9181812

Very little if any of the news has to do with jBonds. But look at Ripple.

>> No.9181823

What an unfortunate ID I have.

>> No.9181862
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>> No.9181872

Kek has spoken. We got NI3G0tED boys pack it up

>> No.9182001

Sell now before it is too late.

>> No.9182233
File: 567 KB, 1693x525, jntadmin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9182321

ahahahaha holy shit.
Just bought 6k more

>> No.9182337

he has multiple pictures of different people, who knows why

>> No.9182345

That is clearly Talal in the background. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Is Talal an assassin?

>> No.9183210

Sorry, i don't know how this can be bullish? Yeah bullish for Jibrel Network to succeed its vision. But the investors of the Jibrel Network token aka JNT, wont benefit from anything of that.

jCash wont be reflected in mcap and doesn't need JNT
jAssets most likely will only be used for settlement and not even then its a must have, just an option...so it wont be reflected in mcap eithe

Explain me your point of view, since you clearly have more information then we have

>> No.9183403

>he fell for the FUD

You might wanna dyor

>> No.9183418

Thanks for confirming it

>> No.9183454

>but in JNT threads there's like 50 people talking about how shitty it is. Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd?
Sorry to break it to you guys but that's what happens when a mega pageet shill coin collapses.
Coinmetro tards will be the next ones to get it.

>> No.9183484

why are you needlessly assuming jCash will be the predominant option? why are you needlessly assuming jCash not needing JNT is a permanent thing? is it because you didn't dyor? surely you wouldn't do anything like that before fudding a thread, right anon?

>> No.9183500

They said themselves JNT is not needed for it. The price crashed when everyone realized they had become bagholders as they changed the project so that JNT was not required for jCash.

Where the fuck have you been.

>> No.9183660

oh so that's a permanent thing now? or are you just a FUCKING MORON who can't read properly? kys

sage this faggot thread

>> No.9183679
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1440654767714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just dawned on me that most of you niggers have been sitting here for 2 straight months unironically believing that jCash not being backed by JNT was a permanent thing, holy fuck my fucking sides

>> No.9183697


exit all positions. this is your last warning.

>> No.9183698

>2 Straight months
>They came out with that curveball a month ago
>Implying it isn't permanent when everything points to it being
Shill or deluded bagholder. Your choice.

>> No.9183715

Are you really that dumb? There is no more need to discuss jCash for price movements. It wont have any effect on it since they wont use any on chain and solvency system for it. You can still live in your bubble and dream about jCash but sorry, it wont happen.

Now the REAL difference between jBond and jCash have to big as fuck, otherwise there will be no demand for jBond. But then again all the bagholders already know for sure that jBond will be used and only jBond. I don't care about percentages dropped by the co founder, i care about real adventages.

jAsset on the other hand is still debateable, i give them (like always) the benefit of doubt, but most likely will be disappointed once again.

>> No.9183732

Jesus. Ridiculous. Cognitive dissonance is fitting perfectly. They wont switch the solvency system depending on bull or bear market. They need to creat a sustainable one, wether JNT investors like it or not

>> No.9183761

It is always Or not with JNT.

>> No.9183817
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>> No.9184074

guys guys the SULTAN himself is presenting this on arab TV in late feb it's gonna be great

>> No.9184703


>> No.9184865

>the most amazing news keep coming out for this project
>probably the most solid fundamentals and your best chance at the biggest moonshot in crypto
>some people still keep fudding it, with weaker and weaker shits
lmaoing@ur life

>> No.9184879
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>> No.9185069

holy shit you're right

>> No.9185444

News is bullish. The nature of the project isn't though.

Waiting for the AMA and more details about jBonds and jAssets, maybe there is still money to be made by this project

>> No.9185516

You have to take them at their word anon. If they expect jBonds to be more popular than jCash we don't know enough to dispute it.

>> No.9185674

True. We will see how it turns out

>> No.9185693

It's funny. Faggots are willing to take giant leaps of faith with various chink scams like TRX or VEN. But a project that has real partnerships and an entirely professional team? That's where they draw the line. After all they missed the AMA """deadline""", right?

>> No.9185707

What partnerships? This is full of hot air right now. SEED group? You don't know anything about the details, yet they were promised months ago.>>9185693

>> No.9185810

Then sell and buy some chink scam, you faggot. When investing in a crypto, you're trusting that the team won't chink you over or fail to deliver. If you don't think you can trust Jibrel, then you should not even be here. Fuck off.

>> No.9185880

That's the 2018 newfag mindset. Welcome to the crypto world.

>> No.9185965

I'm quite sure I've been here longer than you, dumb decemberfag.

>> No.9186015
File: 76 KB, 785x562, 1523885221803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But my penis is longer

>> No.9186173

pic with timestamp or it didn't happen faggot, I bet that you have a micropenis

>> No.9186225

Well then don't initiate the dick measuring contest when you yourself have a dicklet.

>> No.9186261
File: 7 KB, 213x237, investar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9186277


>When investing in a crypto, you're trusting that the team won't chink you over or fail to deliver.

This is a completly wrong statement. How many crypto project have delievered so far. Check out the top 100 projects which keep changing up monthly. Nobody cares about the end product, everyone cares about the way to the "innovative and revolutionary" product.

Speculation and hype is everything crypto project need and that is the number one rule for months now. I am sorry, but Jibrel Network will never be part of that game...

>> No.9186357
File: 97 KB, 1024x595, 1511951373203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you are dumb. How is it wrong you retard? You stating the current bubble nature of the market does in no way contradict my statement.

>> No.9186402

Sirs AMA is delayed? Sirs how can that be?

>> No.9186902

Nah, this doesn't need the speculation at all. Maybe it'd be nice to have a pump from speculation in the short term, but what's really going to drive the price up is if the follow their roadmap and have genuine demand for the token. Once that happens you can guarantee people will fomo in.

>> No.9186924


>> No.9187024

Pretty much this. The faggots at the crypto subs on reddit practically slobber over coins they think will make them tremendous gains and pump the fuck out of them (ven wtc trx nano nano nano). When JNT continues to follow along on its roadmap, getting bank partnerships and a constantly increasing mcap due to tokenization, reddit normies WILL FOMO in, regardless of how much NEET freaks and losers FUD delays and missed deadlines on this site.

>> No.9187317

but sir, when moon? when lambo??

>> No.9187410


>> No.9187491

Eoy 2019

>> No.9187546

Whoever the fuck thought a project with terminology like "jCash" "jAssets" was a solid buy is fucking RETARDED. Lmao at these plebs, can you say "jUsted"?

>> No.9187618

Sounds alot like iphone and ipod, what a failure they were!

>> No.9187641

No one knows exactly when the FOMO will hit and that’s the beauty of it. It could take weeks, it could take months, or it could even take years. That’s why it’s important to get a decent sized stack of JNT and patiently wait for the FOMO. I expect a minimum 30x when it really hits.

>> No.9187957

I think the moment they tokenise anything, people will take notice. There is not very much real money in crypto so even a few million will cause a big pump.