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9180161 No.9180161 [Reply] [Original]

>company announces they are replacing entire department with pajeets
>tells us we have to stay to train them or we won’t get a severance package

how is this legal?

>> No.9180215

because we say so filthy goy

>> No.9180231

what are they giving you for severence

>> No.9180233

Don't worry, the pajeets will turn the department into a shitshow and the company will fail.

>> No.9180240

Happened to me - twenty person dev and support team was outsourced to Philippines. I interviewed in the following month, then once I got hired left my card with security and never came back. Got a few calls I let go to voicemail after kek

t. Senior Enterprise Archicuck who used to code as well

>> No.9180252

Post more information, and get insider details out. Fuck them.

VPs, company name, contracting firm?

>> No.9180272

Use your 2nd amendment rights and shoot the invading pajeets. Crypto is going down anyway so there's nothing else to live for so just go 1820 Jacksonian democrats on them and wipe them out

>> No.9180278

Unironically, it's is the kikes.

If we could all stand together, we could kill them all, and feed them to our women

>> No.9180292

Then the compnany fails mid-lon term and they have to hire white people again to unfuck their shit again after making short-term profits

>> No.9180332

We need to somehow ensure companies that do this don't survive.

>> No.9180334

Refuse to train them then claim unemployment once you're fired.

>> No.9180373

That same thing happened to another department at the company my wife worked for. These people were forced to travel to the Philippines for 3 weeks to train people or they wouldn't get any severance.

>> No.9180398

They should be able to replace you with pajeets because that's freedom...

The real problem is the Jews destroying our currency and stealing our wealth through inflation. So it's forcing business owners to hire cheaper work.

This is all by design.

If we had real money ...gold....backing the currency then none of this would be happening.

Problem is the Jews have brainwashed you all into fiat currency...and your anti gold... while you blame the Jews... even tho gold is the answer

>> No.9180406


>> No.9180437

Most idiotic post I've read all day, gz

>> No.9180451

*rubs hands*
Now be a good goy and help your replacement.
You like cheap fruit, don't you?

>> No.9180492

H1b visa made it legal. That's why tech companies love democrats

>> No.9180495

Get fukt kike

>> No.9180497

>when the it bubble finally bursts

Bout time. I've met burger flippers smarter than most code monkeys

>> No.9180499

>is da jooz

The real problem are most of you idiots and normies who buy shit product made by these shit infested pajeet companies. Without your help they wouldn't survive.

>> No.9180503

I'm looking at this same scenario where I work wtf is going on. Literally can see code repositories in bitbucket by outsourced teams replacing our current applications with no info as to why or where these projects came from. Probably have a month before the news comes down.

>> No.9180509

Im litterally training my replacement as we speak. This system is fucked it's like they hand you a gun to shoot yourself with but make you source the bullet.

>> No.9180531


8 weeks salary, extension on health and life insurance benefits

They just told us today and we’re vague, to make things worse we have to train them while they are in India over web conferencing

>> No.9180563


>tfw when you have an unreplacable job with free fruit/meals

>> No.9180591

>when the it bubble finally bursts

Bout time. I've met burger flippers smarter than most code monkeys

>> No.9180604

Your mom can just get pregnant again.

>> No.9180627

it must be quite the predicament to be a goldbug while knowing nobody else cares about gold.

>do i get rich now, or do i buy gold and hope someday everyone thinks the same way i do..?

>> No.9180644


It's inevitable. Most code produced by pajeets is such utter garbage it will all need to be rewritten someday.

>> No.9180680



>> No.9180683

If I knew you in real life I would probably kick the fuck out of you. No offense but that's just what guys like me do to wimpy little babby men like you. Its the natural order of things

A gorilla roars

A dog barks

and buddy I hurt people

>> No.9180692

On things that never happened...

>> No.9180697

And this is why STEM is a meme.

>> No.9180716

>Feed them to our women
You lost me here

>> No.9180956

Give us their info anon
Revenge is worth it

>> No.9181018
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It's happening everywhere... in the private and public sector... either you become management or you get laid off...

Hope you make some money in crypto friend.

>> No.9181032
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"train them" badly and then collect your severance package.

Fuck the company for doing this Jewish horseshit.

>> No.9181060

Strike. You don't need a union, everybody will be sufficiently pissed off they'll go along with it. This is prime condition for a strike, you're all losing your jobs but for now they need you. If you're severely uncharismatic, convince someone who is to make the public call for action.

>> No.9181062

Train them wrongly

>> No.9181081

There are 1.3b+ Indians on this world, they are bound to replace us all one day or another.

>> No.9181089

>If we had real money ...gold....backing the currency then none of this would be happening.
hello Peter

>> No.9181102

Why is it idiotic? Prices are rising right??? They've been rising a lot since we went off the gold standard. Prices are rising because of jew fiat.

When on a gold standard prices are low and life is good.

Inflation is killing us all so the govt is bringing in pajeets from all over the world to work for half the cost.

You don't see a fucking correlation between the dollar dying because the Jews are destroying it.... and pajeets being flooded into this country?

You are the real retard if you can't look at this objectively from a macro economic level.

>> No.9181142
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Good thing the west has strong leaders with core values and principles who will never sell us out.

>> No.9181172


>> No.9181179

How can you be anti Jew yet also anti gold?

The Jews know youb hate them... but they are laughing because the one thing that would kryptonite them is everyone owning gold as their savings instead of their Jew controlled banks.

And they've brainwashed you fucking morons into thinking that because you can't eat gold it isn't worth anything! And then they flood the country with pajeets to take your jobs for cheap labor.... and then you are hopeless and go do heroin that the Jew military industrial complex has imported from Afghanistan the past 16 years under the guise of fighting "Terror"

>> No.9181189

Gas gas gas I'm gonna step on the gas tonight ill fly and be your lover

>> No.9181216

this. Just get the group together and beat the shit out of the boss after you leave and get the whole group synched up saying the dude attacked a girl in the group. Also fuck the pajeets up and beat the shit out of a couple of them. I hate to say use violence but those fucking jews and hindus got to learn the hard way

>> No.9181239

gl anon


Dis they force you to as well?

>> No.9181271

>how is this legal?

If it's not legal, then it stops a business from doing what it wants. That's called "red tape". Mr Trump job is to cut red tape, not make more. Deal with it, socialist.

>> No.9181292
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>> No.9181303

Isn't this what trumplets wanted? Less regulation aka the freedom for their boss to fire them.

>> No.9181307

Is it illegal for training them wrongly?

>> No.9181325

stay and train them, get paid, chances are they won't do it as good as you anyways

or if they do then you probably sucked and needed replaced

just do your best in anything you do :D

>> No.9181352

The only reason the boss has to outsource to pajeetland is because of regulations. If there weren't so many of them then the company could actually turn a profit paying American workers and wouldn't have to outsource. Of course they'd probably outsource anyway because they're greedy kikes, but in an ideal world what I said first would happen

>> No.9181423

>blaming the victim
>typical jew

>> No.9181446

Which regulations exactly?

>> No.9181462

Fedora levels off the charts, all of my wew.

>> No.9181471

You even notice how many jews have "Gold" in their name? Gold was the jewish money before they took over fiat. Until then, fiat was the way to ESCAPE jewish money. Now that they’ve taken over fiat (with the Federal Reserve act for instance) they have done a good job of giving fiat a bad name, but if we went back to the gold standard things would be just as manipulated as before.

>> No.9181480

>stupid fat retards who shove overpriced McDonalds cancermaize in their faces all day long are the victims
>but it's da joo's fault for selling it to them


>> No.9181489

There are trillions of cockroaches in the world too. Are they going to replace us?

>> No.9181508

In a word, no. He won the rust belt (winning the election) because he said he would cancel TPP and bring back tariffs.

>> No.9181524

Open borders libertarians = Shit tier
Restrictionist Libertarians = God tier

>> No.9181530

>There are trillions of cockroaches in the world too.

Last time I checked there were only 80M turks??

>> No.9181545

In America, McDonalds is UNDERPRICED because it’s subsidized by the government. Crap food is even sold to school kids in the lunchrooms. Try again.

>> No.9181562

call ice.

>> No.9181569

Don't necessarily need gold, just stop taking loans from a cabal of global bankers would be a huge asset as we wouldn't have a debt-based currency anymore.

Not really an argument m8

Bretty much

>> No.9181589

Making your own food is always gonna be cheaper and healthier you lazy fatass.

>> No.9181628

You got a union anon ?

>> No.9181630
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>> No.9181645

confirmed virgin holy shit lmao

>> No.9181746

Not if the crap food is being subsidized (school lunches for instance).

What is your point anyway? That the victim of a scam is to blame but not the con artist himself? People assume their government wouldn’t allow poison food on the market, because they don’t understand the level of semitic hatred against them at the top levels.

Why do you hate White people so much?

>> No.9181769

Literally use the it team to outsource the rest of the company and compete with it, they cant stay afloat with new competition and an army of pajeets

>> No.9181791

walt disney died years ago but hes frozen. he still hates nazis like you...

>> No.9181833


>> No.9181924

> being so disposable that you can be easily replaced with a pajeet

You have no one to blame but youself