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File: 444 KB, 1260x912, Screenshot 2018-03-14 at 6.58.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9179476 No.9179476 [Reply] [Original]

My goal is to invoke the ultimate normie fomo. Everyone will regret not being friends with me. :'(

>> No.9179511
File: 511 KB, 840x488, 25552CDC-4B63-4A10-BBF3-6CA70C54AAF3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually do fantasize about about unapologetically showing off my wealth in some way on an old snapchat account. i have a lot of friends i lost touch with, former coworkers and girls who seemed interested in me but ultimately flaked on there. would be fun to show off to them.

>> No.9179534

unironically this
i'll be as cryptic with it as possible
start out with "my new apartment"
then a few photos of new purchases
then some photos of vacations
absolutely 0 mention of where i get the money

>> No.9179574

same here. i thought i was the only one delusional enough to think about shit like this.

>post a photo on snap chat of a benz or porsche steering wheel with no caption
>views of the city from a new apartment
>vacation pics of some beach in hawaii or something

cant wait

>> No.9179588

No Anon. There are literally people that would see it and start planning how to steal from you. Stay low. Live your life.

>> No.9179601

hope you can make it boys but if you do, please don't let people use you because those fucking fake fucks will obviously try to come back to be part of your life.

screenshot this fgts

>> No.9179621
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i'll be returning to /pol/ and it will be glorious. being able to bankroll shills will be hilarious.

>> No.9179661

I'm wondering if any others take it as far as me.

On instagram i have an album of bookmarked/saved posts. It's called "After." It's literally what I dream about doing or experiencing after I make it, if I ever do. Places I want to visit, qts whose DMs I want to slide into, comfy living spaces, etc. Looking at them brings both painful and hopeful feelings at the same time.

>> No.9179668


Holy fuck......me too anon, just going to be stealth-rich, let the fuckers figure it out for themselves.

>> No.9179672

This. I think about what to caption on my Lambo pic every fucking day.
Kinda pathetic really.

>> No.9179677

this. dont pull an ian belina

>> No.9179683

it's going to be fun though
i'll remember how awfully they ghosted me, and i'll always be on the edge of giving them money and then "mmm.... nope"

>> No.9179691

Sounds like you two have very ambitious plans

>> No.9179706

the rest of my goals are none of your business young lady.

>> No.9179711

Want to do something kind of opposite. I realized while traveling that a lot of normies wanted to connect via social media. I dont want people to really know me, and dont want people to identify which sites I run and find my social media so Im thinking of having social media thats all private and Ill just buy a ton of fake followers to make it look like I have friends. Then I can share my info with normies and theyll see an account with a normal / above normal follower account and I dont have to risk my identity being found out.

>> No.9179712

Everyone is fake.
No one in their right mind would care about u when u are a worthless piece of shit. Doesn’t mean they are necessarily bad people.

>> No.9179740

yeah, i know. i'm not going to go all paul getty about it though.

>> No.9179750

Yea I'm just going to delete all social media and not give a fuck because I'm too busy traveling. How fucked were you that you need everyone to feel like they missed out on being your friend?

>> No.9179759

Opposite will happen. People will laugh at you because they'll see you're not genuinely happy

>> No.9179904

Talked with my bro about this today. Gonna buy some toilets, a frame some pictures of Sergey to set on top, and then get inside of a sleeping bag while wearing a full suit with just my neck and above peeking out. We'll be covered in chains and big macs laying beside the toilets outdoors.

Very excited about it.

>> No.9180189

This. It's not worth it, OP

>> No.9180210

fucking kek

>> No.9180248

I'm already looking at houses and furniture online
How conceited am I?

>> No.9180468

Pleb, rubbing it in poor faggots faces is literally the best part about being rich.

>> No.9180506

Nobody will care. People move on with their lives

>> No.9180517

Mueh, I feel disgusted.
All these ppl aspiring to be rich just to inflict envy.

What about starting a revolution with your money? Funding a private research institute? Travelling and getting new experiences? Returning the favor to all the ppl that ever did good to you?
Nah, I'll just be nigger rich and make em salivate at mah gains.

>> No.9180543


>> No.9180556

Those poorfags won't give a shit. At most they'll take a moment out of their day to say "huh, good for him" and move on

>> No.9180614

I’m planning on doing exactly that.
>have shit ton of money
>stay in bed all day and play vidya
>take picture of myself laying in bed in Gucci pajamas and post it on insta
>a thousand thots like my pic in unison
It will happen one day.

>> No.9180626

I won't show off, but it might be fun to just change my profile pic to a big mac and see if anyone pics up on it

>> No.9180635

Cos all strong persons gloat at others misery, right

>> No.9180651

God, I'd love to make it, leave Scotland and move back to Australia.
Before I left I'd make it well known here how I made it off crypto so my bitch ex would find out. Then I'd go travelling for a year all over the world, buy myself a house and keep travelling. All while posting it on instagram.

But realistically I hope I leave my bitterness behind in Scotland when I see it disappearing into the distance. I suppose I'd like some sort of acknowledgement. But the way to true happiness isn't looking for it in the same place I lost it.
The best revenge is a life well lived.

>> No.9180704

Big time this.

That being said, if you make it hard enough and live however you want, you might not be able to hide it anyway.

>> No.9180718

In a way, absolutely. I’m doing it right now.
>inb4 still posting

>> No.9180770

Most of you faggots who are "planning your return" to Instagram are probably still in college or just out. Redpill yourself and realize that social media is a wasteland of vanity and faggotry. I'm gonna have 1 post on instagram and that will be the only one I have for the rest of time.

Like >>9180626 I'll change my profile pic to a big mac but I'm gonna buy the cheapest light blue Lamborghini Gallardo I can find and film myself smashing it to pieces with a sledge hammer. This is the ultimate instagram trigger post. It triggers the envious who sees someone with so much wealth that they can destroy a lambo on a whim for social media. It will trigger the "modest" the people who say shit like "I value experiences over things" because lets be honest experiences are just more consumerism and smashing a LAMBORGHINI is one helluva experience

>> No.9180969

An old friend that introduced me to crypto already "made it" from getting into bitcoin and ripple back in 2014. Dude is a multi millionaire now but he still spends 99% of his time in his same one-bedroom apartment watching Netflix and playing video games. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten him to come out with my other friends. Money doesn't suddenly buy you confidence and charisma.

>> No.9181008


>> No.9181016

Hello incel

>> No.9181776

I'd have to really make it. Like 10 million+ prob not happening with my port though

>> No.9181788
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>return to Instagram

>> No.9181929
File: 304 KB, 646x595, 345346456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw already made plans on what buildings I will buy

>> No.9181968

My dream is to have 2 houses. One near the mountains and one near the beach. I've been looking for properties that are near both. No shame in scouting the market for when we inevitably moon

>> No.9181981

this is fucking embarrassing, why would you ever care what your high school peers think once you leave high school? Picture some lonely loser faggot showing up at the 10 year reunion trying to show off the car he spent 40% of his money on. That's just sad and embarrassing. Grow up

>> No.9182079

I'd only make a comeback on social media if I was sponsored/getting paid to promote but you'd have to really make it like I said probably 10-20MM

>> No.9182328
File: 665 KB, 1791x1791, 1521525538895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to show off a bit, but all these fags wanting to get rich just so they can "get back" at random faggots from highschool, who they think slighted them somehow, are fucking pathetic. I just hope they're underaged fags who are still in high school because if any of the posters i called out are over 20 years old and saying that kind of shit they should probably consider an heroing

>> No.9182356

best post in the thread so far

>> No.9182374
File: 123 KB, 720x703, 1516941376640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo this is me, im actually in the middle of some experimental therapy to restore vision loss in one eye... even if that doesnt work, I imagine a big portion of my energy and possible funds will be toward helping those who have lost senses. I'm also a congential anosmic (nose blind), so I'm already down now to 3.5/5 senses.
>mfw i need the singularity to become a real linkmarine cyborg to heal my human flaws

>> No.9182442

>making it
>continuing to be bitter

lads im deleting all traces of my previous life when i make it. i've already started desu

>> No.9182473

sounds fun desu

>> No.9182486

Exactly. All that money and still a bitter little faggot child