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917584 No.917584 [Reply] [Original]

Are gold and silver going to go up when people realize the federal reserve myth of raising rates?

>> No.917773

I sure hope so. I have 10kg sitting beside me.

>> No.917798


you have ~$12 million in gold sitting beside you? fake and gay

>> No.917815

Don't you mean 10 mg, bro?

>> No.917820
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>shiny yellow rocks

>> No.917822
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>falling for the gold-standard bullshit

"quick, sheeple, paper money is becoming worthless! give me your paper money in exchange for these unusable yellow rocks!"

gold is basically Bitcoin for neo-conservatives.

>> No.917825

Yeah. Gold standard boys don't realize how many fiscal policy problems fiat currency solves.

>> No.917827

See how poorly commodities performed those years with low rates ?
Imagine what happens when FED raise them. USD gonna rip, gold gonna die.

>> No.917828

the rates have already been priced in, tho. thats why we saw the dollar gain a lot of strength

>> No.918051

Fiat currency has never worked, and it will never work

>> No.918108


>> No.918124

Here's what the Murrikan popular monetary policy has been over the last 200 years:

Gold Standard: Those evil bankers are holding gold, let's switch to silver
Silver Standard: Those evil bankers are holding too much silver, switch to gold.
Silver- Damn, this isn't working, let's try bimetallic
Bimetallic standard: Greedy Jewish bankers are abusing gold and silver prices to reap huge profits from bimetalic standard
Gold-Jewish bankers keep taking our precious metals, let's try a fiat currency system
Fiat-Damn Jewish bankers are fucking us over with this fake money, let's switch back to gold!
Bitcoin (just kidding guys)

See how nothing really changes when we switch systems? Dem damn evil jewish bankers always fuck us over.

>> No.918242
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>implying jewgold has worked any better over the course of time

>> No.918247

Wut. Are you implying businesses stopped accepting USDs since I got home today?

>> No.918272

It worked in the Civil war. As long as it's legal tender, it's backed by the government of the country it's in.

>> No.918290

>gold is basically Bitcoin for neo-conservatives.
Despite the obvious false parallel, I fucking kek'd. Good job, anon.

>> No.918323
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>> No.918344

Yeah, balancing the budget is easy when you don't have to.

Dollar gained on euro weakness. Dollar index is half euro.

IDK bro, the south had pretty nasty inflation.

So paper currency is "real" money but precious metals which were money for thousands of years are...not money? I guess the "unusuable yellow rocks" are less usable than paper currency, you can wipe your ass with paper and burn it for heat. It's funny that paper money is "money" until the government is gone, bankrupt, inflates it away. This has happened every time and in every country, you have no frame of reference because it simply hasn't happened to you yet.

>> No.918359

>IDK bro, the south had pretty nasty inflation.
And it wasn't legal tender backed by the government.

Thanks for the case-in-point. :^)

>> No.918367

dollar and oil, euro is little picture.

>> No.918373

Every fiat currency ever created in the history of the world has collapsed in disaster.

Your picture is irrelevant.

Inflation is tax and you can't print gold

Gold is best element out there to use as money.

You are #1 goy or just a kike

>> No.918393

so how do you split that gold between 7 billion people?
Will there be enough?

>> No.918403
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It doesn't fucking matter if you can print gold or not, in the end of the fuckin day its only worth what people THINK its actually worth. Goldfags like yourself need to get this mindset out of your head, Jesus. Money is whatever people put value on, it can be literally anything in existence.

>> No.918411
File: 27 KB, 1084x292, usd index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you smoking? The south issued currency.

USDX and Euro have excellent correlation. Draghi is big picture, oil is in the background. Oil is more important for exporting nation currencies, USDX only accounts for 6 developed currencies.

People put value into gold. What's so hard to understand? Nobody is forcing anyone to say that gold has value and no one is controlling how much exists.

>only worth what people THINK its actually worth.
That con game shit doesn't work. If the US government doubled the money in existence the value would drop to half immediately, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks it is worth.

>> No.918412

Gold is money because it stays the same weight over 1000's of years because it does not react with oxygen or much for that matter. Gold is soft and easy to work with for jewlery dentistry for fake teeth. More importantly gold takes real work to get out of the ground

gold doesn't react with other elements on the periodic table. so it will stay the same amount when u pass it along to your kids. it won't DECAY ... EVER.

bullets, food, etc after 100 years go to museum look at how these things look.

old gold bar , still same.

old gold bar can be in fire all good. old gold bar is soft , easy to divide, easy to recast....

what happens when someone wants half your cow, half your whatever item...

gold / silver fills the need for money and displaces bartering.

>> No.918413

>The south issued currency.
That wasn't legal tender. How are you not getting this? If you can't pay your bills with it, it's not legal tender.

>> No.918415


>> No.918416

The fed will be forced to raise rates at some point. This could happen at any moment.

>> No.918418

euro is the little picture.

>> No.918421

You're acting like that "full faith and credit" bullshit matters when hyperinflation comes.


^This was legal tender.

>> No.918427

The apocalyptic nuclear war happens. You are a survivalist. You go to a place by radioactive river with a gold bar. You want to buy provisions. You are in line to trade some gold for some food. Guy walks in with an automatic weapon. Gun guy shoots and kills everyone, takes ll the provisions he can carry. He ignores your gold and everyone else's. Guns are more valuable than gold in such a situation. And it doesn't decay like you do with 4 or 5 rounds of 7.62 in you.

>> No.918438

Almost anything is better than fiat currency

>> No.918457

>If the government engages in shitty monetary policy, it somehow proves fiat currency doesn't work!

Are you familiar with the phrase "apples and oranges", anon?

But y'kno what? Keep at it. Argue that the gold standard is superior all the way to your death bed. It doesn't affect our lives. Your opinion will forever be fringe.

>> No.918607
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If gold is "worthless" why do countries load up on the stuff? And after loading up, why do they use the military to protect it?

>> No.918612

Literally nobody is saying it's worthless. They're saying its value is mostly arbitrary.

>> No.918831

Did you just make this up?

>> No.918833

You forgot to add rare.

>> No.918834


If paper money is "worthless" why do people load up on the stuff? And why do countries protect their right to print it? And after loading up, why do they use the police to protect it?

>> No.918847

>So paper currency is "real" money but precious metals which were money for thousands of years are...not money?
Both can be "real money", given the right circumstances.

> It's funny that paper money is "money" until the government is gone, bankrupt, inflates it away.
What makes you think people will trade commodities for your gold once government is wiped out and anarchy ensues? If you want "security", buy a remote cottage, lots of firearms and ammo and find a way to become self-sufficient.

> This has happened every time and in every country, you have no frame of reference because it simply hasn't happened to you yet.
The survivors of societal collapse usually were the well-positioned and heavily armed elite.

>> No.918848

>Inflation is tax
Thanks for stating the obvious, genius.
>and you can't print gold
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
>Gold is best element out there to use as money.
Translation: "I'm a retard who believes gold has inherent value".

>> No.918850

>People put value into gold.
What "people" value isn't relevant in a society without fiat currency backed by government. The only thing that matters in such a scenario is food, arms, clothes and shelter.

>> No.918854

>If gold is "worthless" why do countries load up on the stuff?
It's not worthless, but rather arbitrarily valued, just as everything else in this world.

> And after loading up, why do they use the military to protect it?
They don't actually do this, your meme-pic notwithstanding. Gold is literally worthless when compared to ordnance, because the guy/organization with the largest arsenal holds positions of power.

>> No.918855

I made up the order of the arbitrary standard changes, but this is the exact behavior shown over time. We have switched between gold, silver and bimetallic standards so many times over the years. Even when choosing to switch to fiat, we switched on and off of it 3 times. The excuse never change. It's always those greedy bankers fucking us over. Really, any monetary system has its drawbacks. If the gold standard was really so great, we'd still be on it. After all, banks started as a place to hold your gold reserves and money started out as gold certificates. It's not really like bankers will do any better or worse under any of these conditions.

>> No.918863

>not getting
We had bimetallic once because it was Hamilton's idea and we unilaterally realized it was a horrible system.

>> No.918866

The point as that we've tried so many different ways and switched so many different times, but the end excuse for switching is always the same. The common people get whipped up into supporting a new monetary system scheme when somebody who looks to benefit from that scheme convinces people that the dirty evil (jewish, if you want to whip up ethnic hate) bankers are using the current system to hoard money and we need to switch it to fix the problem.

Sounds a lot like the gold shillers out there these days, don't it?

>> No.918881

I don't disagree with your main point, but I'm just saying your history is all jumbled. We haven't alternated all that much, and the reasons have always been economic--not because of hatred of some scapegoat. Before fiat, it was mostly due to the relative value of Gold vs Silver, and what the government wanted to see as far as monetary policy (we didn't have a central bank, after all). The first fiat currency in the US was in the form of greenbacks during the Civil War, which were used purely so that we could fund the Civil War itself. We always intended to return to the silver standard afterward. Then we adopted the gold standard in 1873. After that, it was a pretty linear transition toward fiat currency with a few breakdowns of the gold standard thanks to the economic catastrophes WWI and the Depression and we left the standard in 1933 and completely removed gold backing in 1971.

Again, perhaps I'm being pedantic, but I think your argument, true as its conclusion may be, is pretty misguided.

>> No.918899

>trade commodities for your gold once government is wiped out and anarchy ensues?
Who says anarchy ensues? People still want to trade and enjoy civilized lives, national government don't provide that- people do. Soviet russia disappeared but the countries and cities didn't disappear.

>The survivors of societal collapse usually were the well-positioned and heavily armed elite.
I'm not saying that everyone will die, just that wealth can be wiped out and pieces of paper controlled/issued by banks aren't always the best for your net worth. It's money until it isn't.

If you took away all the fiat currencies and told people "figure it out" there's a good chance they'd revert to precious metals. It's just what we do. There's no way of knowing what will happen in the future but if history is any guide, fiat currencies will be destroyed.

>> No.918902

We're on the upswing for commodities and gold for the time being, but I wonder how long it will last. Something tells me that Yellen is going to do a rate hike and it's going to crash the commodities hard.

>> No.918907

What do you think the minutes will say today

>> No.919237

A picture of the Dubai Marina, taken from the Palm Jumeriah presumably.

I lived there for a while. Shit was pretty dank. It's the most capitalist place I've ever seen. Shit was cray.

So yeah, fiat ftw.