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9176661 No.9176661 [Reply] [Original]

Money just does so much for us.

It helps us survive, pay off bills, helps you get women, helps create more opportunities and so much more.

All this "money isn't everything", "money won't give you happiness" stuff is complete bullshit.

Does anyone else here agree ?

If not, why ?

>> No.9176679

hell yeah nice little spic girl there you can see her ass is nice from the front

>> No.9176700

I dont really care about money, I would care more about getting a gf and frens. But I am a socially retarded khv
If I made 10millions over night I would still be miserable

>> No.9176708

Money is just tool

>> No.9176711

money IS everything, but it's regrettable that it's so

>> No.9176742

Richfag here. Money will definitely not give you happiness. That is something that has to come from inside you. To an extent it will make you happy, but that benefit is gone once you're past the 'comfortable living' level of wealth. Yes, it's nice to eat high quality food whenever you want. Yes, you can attract all the wrong women with flashy cars and designer clothes. But you can never buy satisfaction or happiness. Don't delude yourself if you're depressed and think money will fix it; it wont. Also the phrase "Mo money mo problems" is accurate on many levels.

>> No.9176744

The only thing I want to buy is my freedom. If I could take care of my family without money, I would give zero shits about it

>> No.9176844

It's all about your genes.

>> No.9176852

Will make me happy when I can move into a high trust white society

>> No.9176880

Money will make you happy for a bit. Then you'll go back to where you were. Hedonistic treadmill my friend, if you want to be happy learn to move the set point. Money doesn't do it, but it does make temporary problems easier.

>> No.9177105

Depends what drives you. There are so many arrogant roasties out there. I love the idea of luring one of these too-good-for-everyone types, playing dumb while I lead her on and sell her a dream, then humiliating her in bed before dumping her for another one, leaving a trail of broken female egos in my wake.

Money will facilitate this enormously. Absolutely can't wait.

>> No.9177212
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I don't care for being "rich" I just want freedom from wagekeking.

>> No.9177971

It's just that there are comfier problems
At a point of my life I went to the brink of poverty and trust me you don't want the type of problems that come with that

>> No.9178048

How old are you anon? I think younger people generally want to be filthy rich. I tried and failed with several businesses in my teens/early 20s. Now I run a business making okay money, investing in crypto, etc. Honestly just trying to get like 500k post-tax and then im going traveling, been learning a 2nd language for awhile, and will seek out a waifu to marry, have kids, live in a nice little house, eat at some nice local restaurants, work on some stuff that makes me happy.

>> No.9178315

money is only a means to an end, so if you're someone who doesn't know what to do with your life, it won't give you any lasting satisfaction

>> No.9178353

bitter incel detected

>> No.9178399

I'd definitely be happier if I wasn't a poorfag student.

>> No.9178535

Everyone is different
Amazing how we see things
Nothing wrong with being out going
Nothing wrong with be modest
It’s when people want population control by killing and not consuming control
I don’t know if you can understand what I said but as time goes on you will see
Ted turner

>> No.9178695

What if getting rich this easy is going to demotivate you in improving yourself? Most of our time now is focused on means to make more money and if we ever achieve the goal then what's next? You are gonna feel lost for a while and remember the good times, the journey itself.

>> No.9179035

Money is nothing without the ability to throw it in the face of everybody you hate. I'm a simple person, but my ex was a superficial, new car every other year, 100 pairs of shoes, $3000 handbag buying cunt. 10/10 until she got knocked up by somebody who beats her, got kicked out of her parents house and started delivering pizzas. I loved that girl for all the wrong reasons. I think she loved me too deep down, but couldn't get over the fact that I was broke. Can't wait to make it. I hope she has to start whoring to feed her kid.

>> No.9179055

money only helps you get low quality women

>> No.9179083

you're a subhuman who fell for another subhuman

>> No.9179117

Low IQ normalfags need to leave

>> No.9179181
File: 160 KB, 800x800, you-started-this-war-i-never-asked-for-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked over 100 roasties, the experience has just made me hate them more.

This anon gets it.

>> No.9179211

If you're not disciplined you can fuck yourself up real good.

>> No.9179258

>Fucked over 100 roasties

That makes you the male equivalent of a roastie.

Don't give me any bullshit about locks and keys, you decided to put your dick into over 100 pieces of human garbage, that makes you human garbage too.

>> No.9179285


this too

>> No.9179349

I agree.

>> No.9179399

Having experienced long term depression mixed with being broke as hell so my neighbors hooked me up with food, I'd rather be better off financially and still have depression.

Financial stability can help keep things from ending up like some people I know who are homeless and in the pits of despair.

>> No.9179439

Hmm.. I am not sure - she doesn't turn around very much for pictures, so may not be as good as the front:

>> No.9179466

Unironically I’ll be set if I can just find a tiny apartment and some good internet.
I don’t want a lambo or big house or fly first class to destinations everywhere or big titty bitches.

>> No.9179491
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Pretty much this, I just want to be retired ASAP, had some decent hits, now sitting at $175k in crypto and I only have about $10k in FIAT... literally haven't cashed out any more than I needed to pay taxes or bought anything I didn't absolutely need. Knowing I could walk out of my job tomorrow and be absolutely fine for 5 years is liberating... now I just want to feel like I can walk out and not have to do shit for the rest of my life

>> No.9179548
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Hi, I think you mean:

>if you're 'stupid' you can fuck yourself up real good.

Discipline is more of a "muscle" you need to train so you don't stray from whatever it is you're doing.

Anyone can get disciplined if they train themselves.

But stupidity is a completely different game.

If you're stupid you're going to blow all that money like there's no tomorrow.

e.g: people who spend hundreds/thousands on drugs, booz, new cars, expensive escorts, etc.

So starting out undisciplined and not stupid is still somewhat okay.

>> No.9179591

>you decided to put your dick into over 100 pieces of human garbage, that makes you human garbage too.

Yes indeed anon. Women have fallen, and they've taken all of us down with them.

>> No.9179665

Money is (or was) debt from the economy to the person that holds it in the form access to services and commodities. As such, yeah, of course it's important.
more money less problems is accurate. it's not the money itself but how it is handled that creates these "more problems", especially how it is handled socially and spending wise in a way that often increases the complexity of the lives of the rich, and thus headaches. Those things are choices not inherent with having money, however.

As someone who used to be a poorfag but am now richer than my 200k+ yearly wage parents, I definitely simply have less problems and less barriers towards doing and living in the ways that make me happy.

Just owning a house that I built to my needs on land that I carefully selected for my needs (secluded but within range of a big city) has improved by life quality tremendously.
Access to private healthcare has also led to undiagnosed issues I've had for a long time finally being diagnosed and taken care of.

These are just the very most basic things where money can improve your life that you richfags probably take for granted and don't even think about. The lack of economic anxiety by knowing I am safe and can get what I need without being continually approved of as a wage slave is also "priceless" (ironically).