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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9176930 No.9176930 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you still browse /biz/? Everyone who made it left, or hangs here to fuck with newbies. Apart from that its either people who are oblivious to what they're doing and want to be told what to do and discord shills. Why are you still browsing this cesspool?

Haven't been on /biz/ in months, I check and its just one obvious discord shill thread after the other. The only people whom I understand to still browse /biz/ are the linklets. The rest of you, what the actuall fuck are you doing here?

And I'm lmfao to all the newfags here, they actually think /biz/ can give them advice on anything.

All the people who we're actually in the same boat as you and wanted to make it together (except for linkies) are gone. So at this point you're either here because you're addicted and have a short attention span or you are genuinely this stupid to think that you can get valueable information here.

>> No.9176968

I personally don't know anything about ChainLink but they're actually the only people on this board that keep giving you valueable information instead of ;
X team member
X partnership
X moon

Owyea and i'm using reddit spacing, hope you guys get a boner.

>> No.9176977

biz is my substitution for human contact since I get none in real life

>> No.9177008
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your boy twu shilled me on ORI a few days ago and I caught an easy 10x. never say /biz/ offers nothing, you just need to seperate the bullshit shilling from good info

>> No.9177054

I got some really good info from /biz/, its just a waste of energy and time to filter it all. You're far better of being a lone wolf doing your own research.

>> No.9177236

>try to shill on biz
>realize everyone's shilling and there is noone left to dump on

Biz is sucked dry, I just come here because I'm an addict

>> No.9177287
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I wish we had biz and crypto seperate boards. This is just shilling board now, investment and econ board would be pure gold

>> No.9177464

shillers would just manifest themselves there, /biz/ has become a greed-ridden cesspool for discord PnD groups and whales that selfishly spread false information so they can get their way.

It litterly should be stickied to the top for newfags that come here that they should be fucking cautious or lose their precious shekels.

>> No.9177754

I come here to laugh at people

>> No.9178173

Theres good information here if you can sift and do research. Got in on EOS at $5.50 after reading a thread, then get on ORI last week for a 10x.

>> No.9178379

I don’t like my space
Or whatever it is
There is a lot good stuff
I’m not perfect
It’s like a cult but not

>> No.9178429

there should be a separate board for cryptoshit and a separate for people who are interested in freelance, coding, affiliate marketing etc

>> No.9178443

Agreed we need to make biz, biz

>> No.9178706
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I do it for him

>> No.9178777

Yeah I’m pretty much addicted because I’m bored in life and failed at everyone I ever put lots of effort into.

95% of threads suck. But occasionally you’ll get something interesting. I don’t know why I come here honestly. The pajeet shitcoin shill threads and link threads are annoying.

I guess it’s the only other place where people who feel shitty about themselves yet who are somewhat introspective congregate. Now we can talk about crypto.

Because we all know deep down, that’s our hope.

>> No.9178807

Because i get tired of pol and all the amerifats thinking anyone gives a shit about american politics

>> No.9178828

Unironically addicted. I come home from my job and Im basically straight on.

>> No.9178839

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.9178870

I made 10k based on information gathered on this forum. You really have to filter through the bullshit, doesn’t mean there is no value here

>> No.9178903

pretty much this. Less now since I started going to the gym. But I'm happy with my progress because what used to be my gaming time is now /biz/ time.

>> No.9178997
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Because I want, to fit, in