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912736 No.912736 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the richest continent on the planet (Africa) , so poor?

Or maybe the better question would be , why is japan so poor (in terms of natural resources) , yet so rich ?

>> No.912748

Because Africans don't work, and possess inferior intelligence.

Every year just the US gives billions of $ in aid to Africa. And none of it seems to help.

>> No.912750

You already know the answer.

>> No.912773


Read some papers on the "resource curse" or "dutch disease".

In general there is good literature available on the lack of economic development in Africa. How about you read that instead of asking a vietnamese water puppet theatre discussion forum.

>> No.912785

Read the betrayal of Africa it goes in deep about this. Basically all resources rich countries got butt fucked by the most advance and industrious countries . Africa being the worse off one since the Europeans not only took their natural resources enslave their people also bestroyed their social and government structures and arbitrarily set up borders and created colonies bundling people that don't get along together , commited massive genicides and opressions (like the case of the Italians in Madagascar ) and pourposly keep full countries ignorant and unstable all this about 90 years ago

>> No.912795


>> No.912802

Tumblr please. Then why is North Africa so based? Algeria for example - the French annihilated like half the population of that country only a century ago.

>> No.912803

So the strong overtook the weak?

Africans have like 70iq... Look at every civilization's ancient architecture, it's beautiful... It was astonishing...

Then look at African "architecture" 2015. Mudhuts and buildings made out of sticks.

>> No.912811

because i love reading ignorant comments like these.

it never gets old tbqh

>> No.912818

Science be raycist cracka!

Da blacks built da pyramids. Beethoven was black! Cleopatra wuz black! Thomas Jefferson wuz black!

>> No.912842

That's just the crap that gets spewed on US commercials, about 1/4 of Africa is properly civilized with major cities great architecture, 1/2 is shitty areas equivalent to Missouri or eastern europe, and 1/4 is the wartorn shit holes we see on TV.

As a comparison, about 1/4 of North America is also a war torn shit hole (we call it Mexico).

>> No.912877

This kind of question belongs in >>>/pol/

>> No.912879

Creditors are predatory parasites. They want to suck out as much as possible so they encourage unproductive growth strategies to keep their debtors in debt to them. Here's Ha-Joon Chang on Africa:
>In the 1980s, in their desperate attempts to survive the third-world debt crisis of 1982, most African countries became heavily indebted to the World Bank and its sister organisation, the International Monetary Fund. Their loans came with a lot of strings attached. The borrower countries were made to cut government spending, privatise their state-owned enterprises, deregulate their financial markets, and liberalise international trade and foreign investment.
>The reasoning behind these policies – often called the Washington consensus policies – was that big and intrusive governments were the main causes of poor economic performances of the African countries. Once you lift the "dead hand" of the state, it was expected, private sector entrepreneurs would burst out and revive their economies.
>The expectation was, to put it mildly, unmet. In most African countries, there was no private sector that could rush in to fill the vacuum left behind by the shrinking state. Even in countries where the private sector was reasonably developed, it could not thrive in an environment of vastly heightened import competition and collapsing public investments in infrastructure, education and skills.
>As a result, between 1980 and 2000, per capita income in sub-Saharan Africa fell by 9%. This was a highly embarrassing record for the advocates of the Washington consensus, as the interventionist policies – whose mistakes their policies were supposed to be correcting – had raised it by 37% in the preceding two decades.

>> No.912880

>Fortunately, economic growth has come back to Africa in the new century, making the 2000s the region's fastest-growing decade ever. However, this has not come about because the Washington policies suddenly started working, as admitted by even some of the World Bank staff at the conference. It has been mainly driven by the primary commodity price boom, fuelled by the rapid growth in resource-hungry China (with the end of civil war in some countries lending a helping hand).

>> No.912888

That's all from a bygone era. Blaming africa's poverty on something that happened 100 years ago is pretty fucking stupid. It happened. It's over. It's history. Poland/hungary don't wallow in self-pity for being stuck in the soviet union and communism ended only 25 years ago, they're more advanced than many african nations. So that excuse is bullshit. South africa was also under apartheid until fairly recently yet it's miles ahead of other nations, guess the buttfucking helped them huh?

Nah this isn't 100% true either, there were ancient cities in africa just like other places. Islamists have been destroying ancient timbuktu recently. The IQ issue is partly due to lack of education, the flynn effect has pushed advanced nations way up in average intellect.

Did you pull that from classical economics? Industrial nations must produce goods in order to exchange them for resources, japan and germany are the 2 greatest examples. Those with industrial and technological advances will rule because technology and industry are a multiplier upon any nation. On the other side are resourceful countries like...mexico, canada, russia, australia, saudi arabia. They don't need to have advanced industries to be rich and so people don't push to become major industrial powerhouses. A country that combines all 3 becomes the richest of all. 'Murica.

African countries do enter periods of prosperity but keep getting fucked over by wars. 1990s somalia and liberia are examples of nations that went to shit after warlords took over.

>> No.912897
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Well, I don't know much. But I do know that these countries (foolishly) let corporations in to take advantage of their low or nonexistent corporate taxes. Then, after the 5 or 10 year grace period is up, the company closes shop or creates a new operation in the neighboring country.

Also, they use (or if you're edgy, exploit) the cheap low skill labor abundant nations.

Things like the US protecting industries like cotton also reduce the amount we buy from these African nations as well. Obviously, we should import cheaper cotton but, you know how it goes when the cotton farmer in the US complains about "muh job" even though the US likes to go on about free trade.

So, pretty much Africans are getting fucked and have been getting fucked for years. A few reasons are probably low intellect, low nationalism, high poverty, the inability to organize a real government without the help of a modern nation, etc.

This guy is right. North Africa is so much better off than everything else.

Things to watch:
>Tax Free Tour (Doc on corporate taxes. Very good from Vpro. Watch more Vpro docs.)

>Let's Make Money (How corporations use low skill nations to make profit. It's an edgy leftist movie, but still decent.)

>Any basic international trade theory

>> No.912906

Cold War didn't end long ago, you know.

>> No.912933

africa is kept in poverty through charity

why teach them to farm when american, chinese, etc grain can be shipped in?

foreign farmers get work, prices are much higher, foreign nations fulfill charitable obligations, the african nations continue to be dependent, etc

it doesn't make economic sense to stabilize africa. we don't want future rivals, we want exploitable resources

>> No.912935

because north Africa is not black. Only black Africans are retarded

>> No.912938

Harsh environment that will kill you = forced to adapt future planning and intelligence. altruism is beneficial since each person is valuable. K selection.

Easy warm environment = all you have to do is breed and your people will survive. r selection

>> No.912939

I lived in East Africa.. It´s a very poor continent in terms of resources.. Most land only has useless arid rocky/sandy soil.

Yes there are gold and diamonds but those can only found in specific areas in very remote parts of the jungle (in Sierra Leone for example)

Also retard IQ:


>> No.912941

like I said there are hardly any resources in Africa...contrary to popular belief... there are for example 10 times as much resources in Russia alone for example

>> No.912955


thanks to the white man

most of the infrastructures made by black people look like shit

>> No.913038

>But I do know that these countries (foolishly) let corporations in to take advantage of their low or nonexistent corporate taxes.

What a bunch of bullshit. Businesses have always brought BUSINESS to new places, you don't go to a country to "exploit" people like some wicked psychopath. Legitimate businessmen want to find cheap labor because they can exploit the GROWTH, NOT the laborers themselves. If little makoko can get by on 20 cents a day and you pay him 30 cents, he's happy. You've got a foot in a new nation, he's got money and more business is coming in. Over time the business grows exponentially as the country does and makoko makes more money each year. Exploitation doesn't work when slavery is dead and any employee can ditch you for a job down the street. And that WILL happen in a nation that's growing at 10%+ a year as many african nations could.

Instead you've got people like mugabe running around stealing land, destroying lives and the economy for millions of people.

>> No.913046

Everytime a cuck/black says this, they only reply with "muh ignohraaance".

>> No.913053
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Refer to Tax Free Tour. Many companies in certain areas of Africa are granted a 5 to 10 year corporate tax holiday because they are bringing industry and jobs. After the holiday is up, many shut down or leave because why pay tax to a shithole African country? All the company is interested in is raw material and profit. There is nothing wrong with that of course. And as you said, it does bring growth, which is good.

And agreed on Mugabe. He's a silverback gorilla.

>> No.913072

Hi there! I'm from Eastern Europe and I wonder what do you guys think of our shitty being?
The Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago and we still leave in shit. Why is that so?

>> No.913077

Raw resources are cheap. Manufactueed goods and money lending are expensive.

Theirs a reason the US economy went to a service sector focus and had the finance ondustry balloon after the reagan years and the shipping of factory work overseas.

Also on a more "no shit sherlock" level , instability is bad for business , a lot of my pipe tobacco is grown in africa , the initial investment for the plantation isnt much so if a dictator takes over investors arent badly hurt

Compare that to a semiconductor factory

>> No.913083

because their standards of living are lower so people are willing to work for cheaper, dirt cheap prices, they may not have the lifestyle of an American making 80k a year but its sure better than what they're used to

>> No.913094

Just my opinion but I would say too sudden of a transition. 25 years ago when compared when another socialist nation like China, the Soviets were very much advanced in almost all fields; I'm generalizing of course, but my father experienced first hand during China's transition from totalitarian socialism to a semi-ish market based economy. The changes were sometimes drastic, but it was eased in, and most importantly, a powerful and unyielding government made sure that the desired change was achieved after all the ruckus one way or another.

The problem was that the change was too sudden. Again, gross generalization, but Gorbachev basically said "hey guys! Remember those state owned factory jobs you had? They're privatized now! So you're gonna enjoy higher wages! If you don't get fired or the company goes under bankruptcy, but hey! We democracy now!"

The drastic social and economic upheaval, plus the arguably week leadership of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, failed to make eastern europe's transition correctly, so you get the situation today.

>> No.913113

And what would you do on our place?
Or I'd ask better what would make you think that the east is a good place for investment?

>> No.913114

I don't get it though. Let's say I go into an african country, that's an expansion of my business and now I have to pay tax there. I generate profits and taxes there, profits earned outside of that nation are taxed elsewhere. Even if I'm taxed it shouldn't destroy my business, my margins may be big enough that it still generates a good return. The only roadblock should be the government itself, stuff like stealing land, plants, money, inflating the currency to nothing and overall destruction of the country. Mugabe is an example of why no one wants to go into zimbabwe. He (somewhat recently) went out and stole a platinum mine so he could raise money for his campaign, shit like that will keep people away.(plus everything else that's happened there)

>> No.913144

It depends on the country. Some have done much better than others and it's partly down to stagnation.

AFAIK eastern europe has improved tremendously. Which country in particular and what is shitty about it?

>> No.913157

this is how it works in kenya:

there are around 30 something so called tax free zones in the country. Foreign companies (local companies not allowed) are allowed to do their business there, get an office etc etc, just the usual stuff.

A foreign company is allowed to do business totally tax free for 10 years in that partical zone/area.

What happens is that all of them surprise surpise dissapear after 10 years and show up at one of the other 30 zones with a new name but with same ownership...

Earnings outside the nation are not taxed either..

>> No.913160

The rest of the world had been pulling resources out of the ground since the bronze age, but most of Africa was struggling to invent the wheel until the 1900s

>> No.913163

Belarus is the one I'm talking about. Well the shittiest things here are
1) some 200-300 $ average monthly income
2) closed economy with 70% state owned factories
3) the actual scours people learned Belarus even exist was Sherlock series

>> No.913170


>It's the white mans fault!

>> No.913187
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Also I was married to an African woman...Thing is Africans are incredible stubborn...almost till an autistic level.

That doesn´t really help either in terms of contributing to society.

Further there are literally dozen of different tribes in each country (with all different languages, history, beliefs, and they all look different also, just like a French looks different than a German for example despite both being white etc)

In kenya alone there around 50 different tribes on a population of 40 million.

Most tribes dislike each other and will fight till death over power and resources if push comes to shove.

>> No.913192

Idk fam.

Why do niggers make every place they inhabit unbelievably poor and uninhabitable?

>> No.913280

ahahahaha that's some good stuff. why don't they just lower the rate for everyone then? no point in giving 1 group a big advantage, and why just a "zone"? shouldn't it be countrywide?

act more like estonia?

>> No.913325

well to be honest. the country is a bit of a wild west in terms of everything...It´s all one big economic chaos

I remember from the time that I lived there that there were hospital strikes over unpaid salaries for doctors and nurses (months of no payments as the government ran out of money)

Result was that people literally died in front of the hospital, and friends and relatives of those who died decided to lynch a bunch of doctors and nurses.. butchering them.

this is also a good one:


>> No.913327
File: 28 KB, 312x422, OH SH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that guy talking on a cell phone?

Time traveler spotted!

>> No.913432

Also Kenyans will break transformers to steal the oil and use it for cooking. You can read about it in the economist

>> No.913445


>> No.914148

blacks are really lazy and retarded
the japanese work hard and are conservative

there ya go

>> No.914168

looks jewish

>> No.914173

lots of the countries changed over too quickly from white colonial rule to black rulers who were inept

they should have had a different solution - the founder of the SAS proposed one but the British Govt at the time was keen to just grant independence and get out of Africa


>> No.914175

the bit around 6:10 if you don't want to watch the whole thing...

>> No.914178
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You honestly think we don't know the story of what happened in Africa?
You think that we just enjoy being racist for the sake of racism.

No fucking shit people exploited their resources that has happened in every country in the world in some form or another. You learn that in 4th grade.

It doesn't change the fact that sub-Saharan africans have brains 5-10% smaller than any other race on average

There were jewish children teaching themselves to read in orphanages after the lolocaust and even with all the aid money in the world they can't get grown adults to read.

The brain is advanced enough that, with the right cognitive therapy, any one can be "smart".
But there is a genetic framework to the brain that will significantly influence intellectual development in the absence or cognitive therapy.
Not to mention hormonal factors that make Africans more confrontational and averse to learning or any "submissive" behavior.

I mean they've taught actual monkeys to read and score in the 90s on IQ tests, it doesn't mean monkeys are as smart as people

>> No.914179

cause they are dumb

im sorry to come out and say it like that but they are

most of Africa didnt have a written language let alone had invented the wheel.

When you cant into basic shit like that your economy will suffer in comparison to others

>> No.914215

I don't think Africa gets that much aid money... at least directly anyways.

>> No.914218

Not only that. I remember from one time. A western company (a bit a monsanto type of company) set up a testing field area with farm animals there. They were injecting cows with all kinds of experimental medicines/vaccinations.

At one point at night half of the cows got stolen from the test farm.

They later found out locals stole them and all the meat had been sold in street markets..

>> No.914233

Yes they do. Also Africa isn't the only example of what this anon posted.
These people from resource countries don't work because they're lazy. My personal belief is humans who migrated to uninhabitable places are more intelligent because it was necessary for them to be creative to survive.

>> No.914269

A lot of the charities have a focus on self sustainable development and skills training.

>> No.914287

Are you joking? If american investment banks thought there was any way to fund africa's industrialization they would be all over it
It would be a multi trillion dollar project

Africa has proved itself unfit for industrialism, you need willing participation to develop a count, you can't just build schools and send teachers in if they won't go to school

>> No.914291

It's poor because there's no infrastructure, and because the people that comprise Africa are too distracted with tribalism to make a sense of the "common good". The Euros only went half way with infrastructure (for example, most of Africa's railroads are narrow gauge and thus unsuited to moving bulk goods) and whatever they built got seriously fucked up during the decolonization era. And of course, despite "democracy" coming to Africa the whties still run everything, because they are the only group that can organize effectively.

As a result, the big takeway is that the "winners" of the world are the nations that can hold themselves together the best. The US runs the world because despite everyone's misgivings about muh obimbo or muh hicks etc etc everyone still pays their taxes, and tries to build things that benefit not only themselves but the nation at large. This is not the case in many other countries due to either self-indulgent corruption, tribal ties superseding national ones, or flight of human capital elsewhere.

This is more of a /pol/ topic.

>> No.914293

>humans who migrated to uninhabitable places are more intelligent
If they were so intelligent, why did they move to uninhabitable places?

>> No.914314

less competition for resources.

>> No.914326
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At their core, Africans don't have an interest in advancing/evolving, like white people and asian people do. They don't look at things and go, "I could build that, I could improve this, I could invent that"

As long as they have food, companionship, and warm weather, life is good. This is what satisfies.

Besides, as white people, we immediately look at ourselves and proclaim how smart and powerful we are, but what was the point of it all anyway? Down comforters and Dodge Vipers don't actually add anything to the human experience, in fact you could make an argument that they take away from it. The point of it all is really just a system of social comparison to separate strong from weak.

So, who's the real dummy?

>> No.914331


> African Americans are violent savages

White people captured the biggest strongest brutes, then further cullled them over 250 years of abuse, so that stronger brute genes would prevail.

Also they suffered tortuous abuse and hypocrisy for 250 years.

Are people really this surprised by the result? I'm actually suprised how many blacks have actually made it and are now productive functioning members of society.

That shit doesn't just wash away in a couple generations.

>> No.914335

> richest continent on the planet (Africa)
This entire thread is full of retarded /pol/fags.

Africa was fucked long before white people came in to exploit it. One of the most important features for a civilization is navigable waterways or coastlines with good harbors. In this sense, Africa is one of the worst places on the planet. It has few harbors along its entire coastline. The rivers are shit because they have uneven depth or a ton of waterfalls that make uninterrupted shipping impossible. The center of the continent is a huge desert that isolates communities from each other.

On top of this, most successful countries have had a temperate climate, possibly because this leads to the development of cultural habits of discipline and thrift that you need to succeed in agriculture in these climates. Most of Africa has a tropical climate, so civilizations with these kinds of habits didn't really develop there. Notice that the more successful African areas tend to be outside of the tropical zone.

Japan, on the other hand, was a poor backwater for a long time because arable productive land was incredibly important for most of history. Still, Japan got rich later because it had enough of the elements to enable success in the new industrial age: 1) access to navigable water (like England, Japan is an island) and 2) a culture of discipline and thrift developed through temperate agriculture (the intensive rice farming of Asia might explain why Asians have generally been successful immigrants even when their home countries have been shit). Another factor, of course, was openness to adopting a technologically superior outside culture, which very few countries have done in history. From the events of the Meiji Restoration, Japan became one of the few to emulate the West in response to the trauma of foreign dominance, which allowed Japan to rise above its peers in Asia. In contrast, the much more geographically advantaged China doomed itself through arrogance and isolation.

>> No.914350

As for modern economies in the postwar era, note that the few Asian rags-to-riches development success stories, particularly ones following the Japanese export/investment model, have been made possible by the global economic system led by the United States. Japan would have recovered some, but it would not nearly be as rich if Cold War considerations hadn't pushed America to subsidize Japan and give it an extremely favorable trading environment both in terms of access to American markets and membership in trade organizations like GATT. China itself only began its growth miracle when Deng Xioaping shifted the country toward more Western-style capitalism and, just like with Japan, the United States helped integrate China into the US-led system, such as its entry into the WTO.

Instances of a country pulling itself up by its own bootstraps into affluence are for the most part a UN fantasy.

>> No.914351

you are, you fucking moron. the fact that you use an electronic device to write that drivel just proves it.

>> No.914364

Yeah, so his point would be better if he managed to become a super-hero/menonite hybrid and shared his thoughts through non-electronic means, right?

fucking coon rofl

>> No.914367
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Isnt Africa's main natural resource slaves?

>> No.914387

You are pond skum

>> No.914398


still is to this day!

statistics say that theres more slaves in Africa now than there was in the combined history of the Atlantic slave trade

>> No.914422

It depends. I'm from Romania and things are A LOT better than they were in the 90s (still nowhere near the west but it's only been 15 years since things started moving, the 90s were basically a lost decade for every ex-commie country except maybe East Germany). Belarus seems to be a special case because you seem to be a Russian satellite. Everyone else is aligned with Western Europe economically and is better off for it even though, as it's been shown recently, they're massive CUCKS.

>> No.914466
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It's the genetics.

>> No.914470

Because the natural resources of Africa gets taken to the rich countries, and the rich countries benefit.

Why Japan is so rich even though they're poor in natural resources? See my first paragraph.

Rich countries steal poor countries' natural resources.

>> No.914472

>So the strong overtook the weak?
More like the strong steal from the weak, and then post on an imageboard saying that the weak are poor because they don't work, that it's their own fault. How about you return all the wealth you've stolen?

>> No.914496

OP's pic has a time traveller in it. Center left side of image has a white guy in a suit behind the counter talking on his cell phone. Pick is from the 60s. Mind blown.

>> No.914497
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The time traveller

>> No.914500
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I don't have much historical knowledge about africa or anything, but how was it before colonialism? were they on par with say Aztec civilization? Or more like Aboriginals?

Honestly it seems like historically, Eurasia had a 1000 year tech advantage on the rest of the world because of the Romans even including the dark ages. And because Europe is so cramped and everybody had been waging for for nearly 10.000 years, military technology was magnitudes above that of any other culture. So when everybody picks up where they left in ~1500, Europeans where able to colonize whatever they wanted (save for mainland Asia because it was developed).

Doesn't seem like an intelligence/not willing to work issue. Just that Europeans hated each other with such passion that they got really good at fighting and enslaving people. And isolated cultures like Aztec/Abo/Negro kind of missed the boat on tech development.

>> No.914514


huh. look at the state of africa pre-europeans colonization

we built civilization

>> No.914520
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Can somebody please explain to me what happened between 1914 and 1974?

>> No.914526

2 world wars
cultural marxism
winter of of occidental civilisation

>> No.914528

How did that lead to the colonies getting diminished?

You'd think during a world war those colonies would start being sucked dry for resources to sustain the armies.

>> No.914542

they were, but so was the home base. it became increasingly expensive and harder to justify, and this combined with the nascent leftist cancer during the 50s and 60s lead to decolonisation

>> No.914546

>were they on par with say Aztec civilization?

lord no, they were much worse off, the best claim to fame they had was the Wall of Benin which was made of wood

suprise suprise the countrymen of Benin would tear down chunks of it from time to time for firewood, and one such opening let in the colonialists.


>Eurasia had a 1000 year tech advantage on the rest of the world

If the migration out of Africa theory is true Africa should have had the advantage of time

>Doesn't seem like an intelligence/not willing to work issue.

check out Sub Saharan IQ and the mirror recognition test; ill give you the gist of it. Most sentient and semi sentient species when introduced to a mirror have a few seconds of shock before coming to the realization that the reflection in the mirrow is in fact themselves. Theyve done the experiment on a plethora of species- dogs,cats, moneys, gorillas, tortoises, lions, walruses, dolphins and humans. Its supposed to gauge how long the species takes to recognize itself- basically its neural cognitive ability

i want you to guess how sub saharan africans did on it. I'll also let you know that out of all the species they did it on, one completely FAILED the experiment. They didnt recognize that it was them in the mirror. I'll let you guess who that was too

>> No.914549

>vietnamese water puppet theatre
oh that's a new one

>> No.914554
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>> No.914555
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because every time an African nation tries to move up in the world

the former colonial powers make sure it never happens
and that goes for black nations as well as rhodesia/SA/etc.

>> No.914566

>Every year just the US gives billions of $ in aid to Africa. And none of it seems to help.
Africa doesn't need aid money. It needs a new government that isn't corrupt.

All the aid money in the world won't be able to fix Africa if its leader is a puppet planted by the rich countries. It needs a non-puppet leader who will do what's best for Africa, not what's best for the rich countries.

Every time a good leader comes out, the rich countries assassinate him, or fund groups that will dethrone said leader.

How can Africa become rich if the rich make sure that Africa remain poor?

>> No.914649

>Black people get 200.000 year headstart of Europe

>Iz da white mans fauultt we dindus nothin

Black people are just born with lower IQ, and they live in a hot environment

>> No.915515

>white privilege.jpg

Is this nonsense accepted as education in the US nowadays? No wonder everyone will support Trump.

>> No.915532

Rhodesia, ruled by white minority:
> They also established a relatively balanced economy, transforming what was once a primary producer dependent on backwoods farming into an industrial giant which spawned a strong manufacturing sector, iron and steel industries, and modern mining ventures. These economic successes owed little to foreign aid.
>[...] Rhodesia began to demonstrate that she had the potential to develop a greater degree of economic self-sufficiency

Modern-day Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), ruled by black majority:
>unenployment rate of 94%
>Government spending is 97.8% of GDP
>number of official currencies:8
>laws requiring that 51% or more of non-black Zimbabwean owned companies had to be handed over to black Zimbabweans were implemented
>GDP per capita: 600 USD
>np industry, only mining

>> No.915589

>Notice that the more successful African areas tend to be outside of the tropical zone.

notice that they're populated by non-blacks (countries north africa) or were also shit until whites came along (south africa)

>> No.916665

>check out Sub Saharan IQ and the mirror recognition test; ill give you the gist of it. Most sentient and semi sentient species when introduced to a mirror have a few seconds of shock before coming to the realization that the reflection in the mirrow is in fact themselves. Theyve done the experiment on a plethora of species- dogs,cats, moneys, gorillas, tortoises, lions, walruses, dolphins and humans. Its supposed to gauge how long the species takes to recognize itself- basically its neural cognitive ability

>i want you to guess how sub saharan africans did on it. I'll also let you know that out of all the species they did it on, one completely FAILED the experiment. They didnt recognize that it was them in the mirror. I'll let you guess who that was too

Any source for that?

>> No.916670

They have a low IQ which actually influences a ton of things but is kept out of mainstream by liberals who want to force that every race is equal in every way (this isn't racism it's statistics, there are some very intelligent blacks but the average IQ of Africa is very low).

They also have a terrible culture of war so they can never fucking grow because some new warlord takes over and controls all the land and destroys growth.

Some African countries have started to improve from finally being free and then go back to shit cause some dictator takes over (Zimbabwe).

>> No.916731

Everything starts with the brain.

>> No.916953

there are written accounts of Arab merchants (from Oman SA, Dubai etc ) who went to Africa (kenya , Tanzania Zimbabwe) in the 10th till the 12th century.

The arab merchants managed to trade shoes for large chunks of gold with the African locals, or pieces of glass for gold. Also they reported wide spread cannibalism, women with lots of children from different (unknown) men.

According to them the Africans were unknown with the concept of cooking/boiling food and ate almost everything raw-

I would say more like aboriginals.

>> No.916984

That's funny, considering I just saw some trash show about guys going to africa to dig gold. The gold is just sitting there, right near the surface, all you need to do is dig a little. Not even deep enough to need actual machines, like in the alaska gold mining show, where the areas have already been dug out by earlier expeditions - in africa, you can dig gold with simple manpower, it's so easily accessible.

The africans are literally walking on gold, just two feet down or something, and somehow that they weren't intelligent enough to dig that up in thousands of years, is the white man's fault?

Besides, many countries, like the nordic ones, germany and so on, didn't actually take any notable amounts of materials from africa, if they had any colonies at all.. and they're the ones that created the most developed societies of europe!

It's perfectly at home in /biz/, you revisionist asshole. It's a business and economy question. It's only /pol/ material in your mind because the answer is "because africans are inferior human beings".

Equal opportunity doesn't guarantee equal outcome, and africans had the BEST opportunity of all of mankind - yet they failed.

They had farmers - white farmers. But they drove them out, and then the famines started. Funny how that works, huh? Look at Zimbabwe, they drove the white farmers out and then they all fucking starved (and the economy died as well, with the famous hundred trillion dollar notes).

They're giving land back now, because, news-flash, niggers are literally too stupid to run farms.

>> No.917005
File: 120 KB, 782x421, notcapitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africa is fucked because of war.

Japan is rich because it is a secure little island full of industrious people. They lack resources but it is the perfect place to take resources to to be processed, which is where like 95% of the profit comes from.

>> No.917067

still believing trash shows are real and not scripted. You think jerry springer was real as well?

I travelled thousands and thousands of miles in Africa.. it´s simply nonsense.

>> No.917117
File: 68 KB, 644x644, 1411785235861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I traveled blah blah blah
Haha, fun anecdote there, friend. I can travel for thousands of miles in most of India, and conclude that the country consists of only farms and shitting streets. That doesn't really mean anything, because it's not the truth, though.

Africa is the most resource rich continent (easiest access), a place where you can just pick your food from the local fauna most of the year, with no real troubles, and where you only need to dig into the ground to find your resources. Despite this, the africans never amounted to anything, and never will. The simple fact, once again, is that africans are simply inferior human beings. Period. They are less evolved (no neanderthal genes), and this is reflected in the societies they build, the advances they (don't) make, and the subsequent outcomes that they get.

Did you know that in the US, where they're fed just like everyone else, have the same conditions and same schooling, they still fail? No, let's make that one better, did you know that the poorest white students are on par with the richest, most well-off black ones? Pic related. Even when you give a modern american negro (i.e. not a fullbreed) all the help he can get, he still only reaches the level of the most disadvantaged whites.

I'm not talking about IQ specifically, but the overall (general - there are always outliers) characteristic of the people in question. Blacks are inferior to everyone. Arabs/semites are superior to blacks. Asians are superior to arabs. Whites are superior to asians. This is the simple truth, that self-hating whites such as yourself deny despite it being obvious.

The white man didn't keep the black man down. Blacks had all the opportunity in the world. Thousands of years. The only reason it seemed cruel for us to approach them when colonization happened, was because they presented no resistance. Like a kid flailing at an adult, we simply ignored them, walked right in and sat down where we wanted to.

>> No.917271
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>of 82 blacks, only 2 passed.
>they have better results with chickens

i dont have the link for it but i saw a youtube by a sjw saying that these results were "problematic" and should be shuffled under the rug

>> No.917286

I conduct a business in Japan!
I want to sell a Japanese product abroad.
I am looking for a broker.
The one with the interest
Please inform it of

>> No.917790
File: 25 KB, 704x528, 1444009047573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. That link appears to be broken, but Google helped me find the document, so no problem.

>i dont have the link for it but i saw a youtube by a sjw saying that these results were "problematic" and should be shuffled under the rug
pic related

>> No.917791

Sorry I've noticed now that the URL is not in fact broke, but it was one of my userscripts causing that. Nevermind.

>> No.918018

Poor bait

>> No.918021

oh please bitch you really fucking think africa was a nicer place before the europeans came over?

>> No.918037

that chart could be interpreted another way, high testosterone energetic africans who have more drive do better than whites of equal intellect

disclosure: im white

>> No.918041

>Africa is fucked because of war.

Their wars are pathetic in scale. Europe had wars for thousands of years including both world wars yet it's doing fine. Just compare any nigger army to the Wehrmacht just to see what a ridiculous comparison it is. Africa is fucked because it's simply inhabited by people with the intellectual capacity of a preteen.

>> No.918049

> Muh Guns, Germs and Steel

>> No.918060

Neccessity is the mother of success.

There is no need for long term planning when you step on a large game animal every time you leave your hut to take a piss

>> No.918086

no it couldn't

>On top of this, most successful countries have had a temperate climate, possibly because this leads to the development of cultural habits of discipline and thrift that you need to succeed in agriculture in these climates. Most of Africa has a tropical climate, so civilizations with these kinds of habits didn't really develop there. Notice that the more successful African areas tend to be outside of the tropical zone.

Behavior is genetic
Natural selection killed all the stupid, violent Europeans because you need to be smart and work together to survive

Natural selection killed all the smart but weaker africans because food is scarce in most places and they were very territorial

Also, africans didn't always cook their food while Europeans were forced to because of the cold
Cooked food is what allowed the brain to grow bigger because it preserves more calories

>> No.918090


>> No.919256

>Be African
>See this thread.

You cucks are oh so funny.

>> No.919270

Because Imperialism failed. If it had stayed in Africa, you'd be looking at a much more technologically advanced, rich (money wise), and prosperous continent.

>> No.919302

>If it had stayed in Africa, you'd be looking at a much more technologically advanced, rich (money wise), and prosperous continent.

No not really.
There's no reason at all to uplift a colony to sufficient or advanced. You want to rule it on the absolute cheap and I mean really cheap, keep the population dumb and brainwashed and super easy to exploit, and exploit it economically.

>> No.919305

Read "Why Nations Fail"

>> No.919307

If the colonies were never on par inporgress during all those years of colonialism what makes you think that another 60 will make it successful? After Belgium got Congo from Leopold 2 they had it for 50 years and all they had to show for it was 500-600 priests and a dozen or so University educated locals.

>> No.919311

>Cooked food is what allowed the brain to grow bigger because it preserves more calories

How so? Isnt the only advantage of cooked food is that fact is easier to digest?

>> No.919312

Also check your library or read up some papers online if you want to learn more in country by country basis.

Reading colonial economic history is pretty neat.

>> No.919349


My African History course I took in college taught me that Africa is poor today because of imperialism, colonialism, and evil white men.

"Why Nations Fail" taught me that, yes, Africa was colonized, but the main reason Africa is poor today is because African countries lack the inclusive political and economic institutions that foster prosperity.

Each academic will cling to the explanation that suits his or her biases, but I think most everyone outside the study of sociology knows which argument is more persuasive.

>> No.919358


Seconded and "Guns, Germs, and Steel"

>> No.919593



I really don't think you have any idea what this word means.

>> No.919637

What's with this meme claiming Europe stole all their resources? This isn't true at all. Africa would be a world power if they stopped sitting around in their mud huts and shooting each other. But we all know that's never going to happen; niggas gonna nig. Eventually a country like Russia or China will step in and put the land to use, and perhaps even give the chimps living on it something to do.

>> No.919823

Because African Governments are hijacked by a ruling elite who use their positions to extract wealth from the country and distribute it amongst themselves and fellow cronies.

This has been going on since we first received independence in the mid 20th century.

You can find this in the Congo with Kabila and that Jew Dan Gertler who own the commodities within the country extract all value for themselves.

You can find this in Zimbabwe with Mugabe and Zanu PF officials who use policy and propaganda to steal minerals, farms and other wealth producing resources from the country.

You can find this in Angola where Jose Eduardo Do Santos Angolan president since forever uses his position to build himself an empire using connection to swing big business deals his families way. Daughter is worth upwards of $4billion on Government backed telecomms, media & energy deals.

You can find this in South Africa where ANC affiliated individuals or really the NEC(National Executive Committee), use their positions to extract wealth as well. Billions disappear every year, Billions are channeled to affiliated individuals every year. The son of the president is involved in Multi Billion Dollar oil deals which are approved by scumbags like Kabila.

This is just the SADC region we havent even started on Nigeria, New Guinea, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Sierra Leone etc.

These people use policy that the Govt is extremely intervensionist in an economy so that they constantly hold sway over anything happening in the country.

Money is then easily stolen as the Govt runs like an Oligarchy. Only cronyism is allowed, forget Capitalism.

Its said you can't do businesses in Africa without a link to the Government in some way.

>> No.919858

Why do you guys think everything that builds advanced society is based on genetic determinism ? Do you think South Korea is the progressing faster then North Korea purely because they are smarter? Do you really think that USA will be surpassed by Japan in finance because Japan's population is smarter then the USA? What's make a good society takes more then genetics.

Even if you do make a advanced Society(Greeks, Egyptians, Nazis)and have smart people...you country can still go to shit anyway.

>> No.919862

Its not oil, its PCBs so it lasts longer that cooking grease and gets shit extra crispy with its insanely high smoke point.

>> No.920411

A good video on the subject called "Why are poor countries poor."