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9170940 No.9170940 [Reply] [Original]

why do Pajeets do this?

>> No.9170954

I sold some pajeet some Ripple (he paid a premium, would never touch the shit otherwise) and now he won't leave me alone. Always with the "sir" and shit

>> No.9171003

Hitting on girls is frowned upon in their society, but white grills are seen as huge sloots by the rest of the world. Problem is, because they don't have exp hitting on grills they don't understand the social dynamics of it.

>> No.9171022
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hate pajeets but thats fucked up bro

>> No.9171027

doing the lord's work

>> No.9171034


Adding on, their movies and soap operas show them guys incessantly showering girls with attention until the girl falls in love.

>> No.9171111


this is total nonsense, the behavior is obviously unacceptable from a purely logical standpoint, and doesn't require any experience with social dynamics

they are simply very stupid, very aggressive, very awkward, and very egotistical in general

indians are gross, creepy, doughy little betamales and they should have been contained in India, instead of invited to our countries

>> No.9171362
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pajeets are absolutely fucking disgusting, i can't even fathom why such an unpleasant species even exists. i guess they're slightly better than abbos, but i don't view those as humans anyway.
if i was given access to nuclear launch codes the first thing i would do was wipe india and pakistan off the face of the earth.

>> No.9171405

Why you not send bobs and vagene?
You a bitch lasagna?
Also buy mobius, sirs.

>> No.9171417

> the behavior is obviously unacceptable from a purely logical standpoint

It's logical from a western perspective, you <80 IQ brainlet. It's logical to you because that's the type of society you were born and raised in, it's what you've seen growing up.

And yeah, there is a significant amount of pajeets in India that are just low IQ tards - blame that on the British for introducing muh liberalism and destroying the caste system.

>> No.9171462

these kind of things make me sad. some chad out there is getting a different girl each night while this poor bastard will probably live and die in lonliness and poverty

>> No.9171561

I wish I had that determiniation, instead I am too scared to talk to girls

>> No.9171600

>you look like a ghost
>proceeds to photoshop his picture onto hers

Fuck. That got a laugh out of me.

>> No.9171707

>sorry for photoshop

>> No.9171741

i have never texted a girl first. pathetic pajeets. i've never been texted first either but still

>> No.9171874
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He asked for it. I told him it was a shitcoin but he was thinking it was the next Bitcoin. He wanted to put in another $100 when it hit $3 and that's when I stopped responding

>> No.9171940

>paying someone to buy crypto for them over text message
the absolute state of normies

>> No.9171957

I can't really wrap my head around this right now. Why didn't this guy buy the XRP himself?

>> No.9172105


>> No.9172849

Idk, he never adequately explained that to me, but I think it has to do with India cracking down on that shit. That's the other reason I stopped interacting with him; I might have been facilitating some international money laundering bullshit or something, and I have enough shitcoin worries as it is

>> No.9173042

Because their culture is full of arranged marriages, the autism genetics are then passed on and magnified into the general populace, this is why patriarchal shitholes like india and pakistan breed these sorts of people.

>> No.9173189

Arranged marriages, modern "males" thinking they deserve every girl on earth because they have a job.

>> No.9173668


>Tfw pajeets might single handedly be the largest piece of evidence against intelligent design.

>> No.9173759

Lol, an indian hate thread brings out the man-hating feminists.

>> No.9173823

why didnt she block him?

desu, he got better game than me though

i've never written with a girl before, i got no guts at all

>> No.9173898

>written with a girl

Goodbye pajeet