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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9167956 No.9167956 [Reply] [Original]

This board is littered with low iq incels from pol.

News flash, money from crypto isn't going to magically make you an interesting person. I laugh at you incels who think your ugly personality is going to grant you a girlfriend.

Mommy and daddy gave your spoiled ass everything you ever asked for. You are angry no woman wants you, I get it. You can't get a girl and your manchild crying ass blames women for it

Luckily for you there is a containment board filled with other angry virgins that you can cry in. That way you can ignore your poor social skills and continue to be an uninteresting loser.

This is BIZ, we are here to discuss crypto, not listen to your pathetic larps and sob stories. Improve yourselves or sink with the other incels.

Fuck off to pol and stay there, its a good thing you will never pass down your genes you autistic fat fucks

t, /fit/, /lit/, /biz/

>> No.9168906

Gullible virgins have become a national security risk in the US.

>> No.9168948

>reddit spacing
>This is BIZ

>> No.9168964

I worked for what I've got and didn't get everything handed. Still have a shit personality.
Wat do

>> No.9168980

How do I exploit crybaby virgins for money?

>> No.9169016

Become the 1 percent

>> No.9169031
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>> No.9169073

True shit

>> No.9169096

Unironically kill yourself you reddit-spacing pseudointellectual rapefugee cuckold.

>> No.9169131

mate i got the gf 1 year after joining 8/pol/
redpilled her about the jews and everything, and now at this point (years later) while i moved on from even talking about the stuff she still cracks jokes about kikes and nogs
newsflash, stepping on dwarves never made anyone a giant
and don't even try to pretend anyone who saves that kind of picture on his harddrive leads a happy, fulfilled life
sort yourself out

>> No.9169165
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t. shitskin roastie

>> No.9169263

Virgin detected.

>> No.9169270 [DELETED] 


Quality post.


>> No.9169368

Not a virgin you plebbitor faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.9169426

lol how pathetic do you have to be to go and answer that
proves his point honestly

>> No.9169513

Yeah the /pol/ posters are extremely annoying.

Just look at the thread about women /making it/. One women tries to offer some insights, and all she gets is loads of angry abuse from retarded /pol/ posters telling her all she is good for is making babies. This is /biz/, not pol, we only hate pajeets here, keep your muh white race breeder shit OUT of here

>> No.9169544


Oh look, a plebbitor. Go back.

>> No.9169569

lets see

>reddit spacing
>complains about /pol/
>defends women
>calls people for virgins
>This is BIZ, we are here to discuss crypto
>browses /fit/

let me guess, you joined this board in late december / january right?

>> No.9169592


Holy fuck, where are you newfags coming from? Someone ddos 9gag did they? There's a rule on 4chan - roasties MUST show tits or gtfo. If they do, next is sharpie in pooper. If you're not aware of that, you really need to go back.

>> No.9169608

>This is BIZ, we are here to discuss crypto
I'm ok with people discussing business as well

>> No.9169620

Just go back. Kill yourself.

>> No.9169621

That's 2009 /b/ you damn retard. You can still go to neo-/b/ and sperg out there instead

>> No.9169653

You don't even understand why that rule existed in the first place. Fuck off.

>> No.9169667

was not aware this had changed

>> No.9169671










>> No.9169717

>What are paragraphs and formatting
Honest question, how do you survive with a sub 50 IQ?

>> No.9169721

I've been on 4chan for about a decade now.
The tits or GTFO thing is funny as a meme reply. That's it. Sharpie in pooper is funny.
The long thought out abusive comments that demonstrate a highly conservative and misogynistic worldview are not 4chan oldfag memes. They are /pol/ incels.

>> No.9169767
File: 5 KB, 276x183, whitenightcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this inexperienced with life and women
>thinking defending thots on /biz will land you a missus
>everyone I dont like is a crying virgin
>everyone I dont like has poor social skills
>not understanding the wisdom of the last few threads are from guys who have life experience enough in life to state truth
>tfw op is so mad about reality they just cuckposted

pic related


>> No.9169776

>I've been on 4chan
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9169781

You are wrong and toxic. Diaf.

>> No.9169798

>This much projection
Go back to /pol/ or /r9k/ fucking incel

>> No.9169815

you dont need that in a 4chan post
you are not getting upvotes for correct grammar and formating here
so dont bother and just type, no one likes those reddit walls of texts

>> No.9169828

>What are paragraphs and formatting
it's still fun to trigger their autism with just spacing out sentences.

>Honest question, how do you survive with a sub 50 IQ?
consider the /pol/tards a refactored SJW's; same loud-mouth sense of righteous entitlement, but they're objectively as dense, as they come.

same reason you can rarely see them slither to /g/, /diy/, /lit/, /sci/, etc.

>> No.9169831

>replys with basically "no u"
>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel


>> No.9169864

>complains about "reddit spacing"
"no one likes those reddit walls of texts"

this reddit spacing meme is the biggest trick the cabal pulled on you all to try to make the woke posters seem disingenuous, you'll all be left behind in the awakening

>> No.9169882

But but aren't womans just useless whores????

>> No.9169916

dont ever talk to me like that you massive nigger faggot

i hope some pajeet convinces you to go all in into chainlink

>> No.9169928

>im not the autistic faggot, you are
>kys fagg0t!!!1!

>> No.9169947

>The tits or GTFO thing is funny as a meme reply
fucking retarded s0yg0y newfag

>> No.9169957




>> No.9169959

No it's still the same, which is why i suggest you go back to your designated contamination board and stay out of the ones which have a IQ requirement above double digits.

>> No.9169963

kys or gtfo

>> No.9169975

Retarded cumdumpsters like you is exactly why that rule is needed

>> No.9170003

Making It will make the loneliness more comfortable at least.
I'll be able to play call of duty modern diversity vxii on hd cinema curved wall screen in my castle in 10 years when my linkies mature.

>> No.9170017
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Shoo shoo and take your deranged friends with you.

>> No.9170039

wow the virgins are mad, maybe you inbred fat shits can go post on the MGTOW forum and cry about it? Seems like a productive thing to do.

>> No.9170061

no u

>> No.9170116

>holds 1/5 of the replies
>borderline suicidal

you don't get much social interaction, do you?

>> No.9170155

more like incels from blockstream

>> No.9170168

years of posting in that low iq echo chamber has resulted in them getting incredibly defensive when confronted on their "ideology" elsewhere.

thats fine, he will die alone and be full of regret

>> No.9170176

Kill yourself. This isn't a website where we compare our social e-dicks. You can do that over at the plebbit normiecentral. Just kill yourself you fucking rapefugee.

>> No.9170200

Incels are lost boys

I will always be here for my lost boys. Its a dark place to be in. You need to be willing to crawl yourself out of the deep hole, and its a long journey and you will embarrass yourself along the way.

Some boys can do it and become men, some cannot.

>> No.9170261

>so triggered
>so powerless
what is this website about mr. dogmatism?

>> No.9170288

>muh dogmatism
>spouts feminist and white knight meme arguments and insults
you're pathetic

>> No.9170367

>being woke

Get some IOTA, Cardano and Link and off yourself please :^)

>> No.9170406

>spouts feminist and white knight meme arguments and insults

never said anything close to that.
i just enjoy calling /pol/tards on with their totalitarian memementality

>> No.9170409
File: 50 KB, 740x740, c57199a9-21c3-4ffb-9b3c-7f40ddc432cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholeheartedly agree with this. Pol is a containment board for sad white incels. This board is where we make a fuckton of money, fit is where we worship iron and get girls.

>> No.9170425

Funny cuz these "chads" are all following the basic bitch ideology (you wont gonna make it with that faggot) while right-leaning boys can handle and process cold ass facts.
Louzy chads and boomers wew

>> No.9170443
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lol you whining faggots are worse than poltards, fuck if you keep doing this cancer threads I think you'll make melike them in despise of you

>> No.9170457
File: 25 KB, 214x235, 63DB2466-3F99-4B29-8F5A-8D2999C16D1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ was always a /pol/ colony tho

>mfw my nazi ass got rich from ethereum
>mfw getting even richer with chainlink

Numales hate me cuz they ain‘t me

>> No.9170525
File: 267 KB, 506x409, 1511132747895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


biz is littered with sand/niggers, beaner, pajeet and whatnot chinmixes

... biz needs a cleanse

>> No.9170569

>if you call /pol/ for the social sewer sludge they are , then you must be from the other brainwashed herd

thank you for sharing your feelings on who you'd like more and less

/biz/ *was* an offshoot of /g/. /pol/ swarmed it with the prospect of quick riches.

>> No.9170629

So that means you found the golden middle, huh?
Jesus fucking christ end you're pathetic life.

>> No.9170720


>muh roasties
>muh pajeets

I don't get it, what have you seen in this board that made you so mad? I agree on pol, I went once there and was insufferable, but you sound like an angry retard who just hates poltards. You are part of the problem, why don't you go make this thread on pol?

>> No.9170733

not here to project my life's beliefs or spout political agenda.

your """/politically incorrect/""" board turned into the Big Brother of 4chan, and a breaching point for the party/corporate/state PR units.

>> No.9170922


He still thinks 4chan isn't a full fledged normie board by now. Cringe.

>> No.9171006

> Doesnt want to share his beliefs
> Does so by bashing ideologies to show of his "hive mind"
> What is the horseshoe theory?

The shilling in /pol/ got a fuckton worse and abhorent blatant, but the mindset off the oldfags is still in shape. Debating/debunking newfags and shills is a nice workout for your mind and your character. Now kys, you Dunning-Kruger faggot.

>> No.9171020

my grandma is on 4chan. What's up Memaw!

>> No.9171083

sick reddit spacing faggot, not even /pol/ but plese kys

>> No.9171118
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i love pol tho

>> No.9171796

Must be hard being born ugly. Sorry losers. As consolation, at least you'll soon be able to buy affordable sex robots--that way you can enjoy yourself as your gene pool is wiped from history!

>> No.9171808

incels are from /r9k/ skimpletong

>> No.9171866
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>> No.9171868

oh hey virgin poltard, please see

>> No.9171873


>> No.9172557
File: 153 KB, 1024x683, 1523777971266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... but anon
I already have a perfect conservative hot wife and two kids. All I needed for a perfect life was $ to live a comfy life.

10+ year lurker of 4chan and full on 14/88 family man.

>> No.9172947

ok cool, 1 in 100 (and thats without proof, probably a larp but ill give you the benefit of the doubt)


>> No.9172969

Top kek im married and could probably get your gf to cheat on you. I’m chad and you’re a fag

Sieg heil

>> No.9173093

Incels are sissies in denial. Get on those knees and learn to pleasure a real man