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9166004 No.9166004 [Reply] [Original]

Whats /biz/ stance on relationships/marriage?

>> No.9166020
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virgin here :(

>> No.9166022

Date until you have enough capital to marry someone OOYL

>> No.9166025

Date many
Marry late

>> No.9166051

It's just like crypto.
Pump and dump the pretty but useless ones while you look for your true gem, and when you find it hodl for life.

>> No.9166057

i'm a 23 yo virgin so i don't really have a stance

>> No.9166061

Biz strikes me as full of young men with healthy and fulfilling heterosexual relationships. You should definitely take any advice you get from here.

>> No.9166065
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>Never marry your shitcoins
>Look for that 100x that sets you up for life

>> No.9166069


Good advice OP

>> No.9166078

Relationships yes, never marry though you don't want some roastie taking all your crypto gains

>> No.9166084

Holyshit are you me ?

>> No.9166099

>marrying a roastie
If she a thot, you don't marry. If she ain't a virgin, you don't marry her for that matter

>> No.9166109
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Why don't you anons get of the house and make some friends together?

>> No.9166119


>> No.9166121

Married after 5 years together. I dont really see the point in the ceremony itself, but my waifu is happy, so im happy

>> No.9166129

I don't think we are from the same country XD

>> No.9166148
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fine, stay inside
Maybe close

>> No.9166155

I recently broke up with my gf of 4 years and i thought its no big deal but now i am kinda realizing i let go of that 100x you hodl for life.
She was perfect as a soulmate.
The thing i didnt kinda like was her physique. She had 0 hips, jiggly ass, crooked legs, her face was most of the time covered in pimple scars.
Thats the main reason we split up, i didnt like her that much physically, she wasnt the girl i could tell "you are the most beutiful girl ive ever seen" to.
But i realise i will never find such a soulmate ever again.
Do you think we wouldve had worked out in the end if we married?

>> No.9166158

Date many
Marry never
(Be rich)

>> No.9166165

I will stay in my batcave

>> No.9166174

i live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere australia, there's nothing to do here anyway

>> No.9166183

Fuck as many 7+s as you can to avoid mid life crisis. Talk to a ton of grils just so you learn to notice the bullshit. Settle down when you find a 9+ that doesnt manifest the bullshit you most hate in women.

28 and engaged here. Feeling pretty hopeful for the future. My girl is a stunner in looks and a phd in a stem field who just wants to have a family and be a stay-at-home mom till the kids are old enough. It feels sort of like if I invested into BTC in 2014. Some of the female bullshit is there still (expensive shoes and bags etc), but she recognizes the mindlessness of it and it's not financially destructive so whatever... we all have our vices...

>> No.9166201


>> No.9166204

If ur an ugly fuck. You made a mistake.
If ur chad ur fine

>> No.9166211

No, it wouldn't have because you're a shallow piece of shit and would've fucked up your marriage in the long run by cheating or some similar shit.

>> No.9166219

can someone elaborate on this beta chad 4chan defined spectrum?

there are only ugly fucks and chads? No middle ground?

>> No.9166221


It gets better anon, just keep focussing on yourself. Youve spent 4 years with someone so itll feel like part of you is missing, but when the love is gone you should part instead of holding onto what couldve been. Humans arent made to be together for a lifetime, atleast not that closely.

>> No.9166223

There is no reason for two adults to register their relationship with the government. If she brings up marriage, reject it once assuming good intentions and societal pressure. If she brings it up again, she doesn't trust you.

>> No.9166244

99% of the time fapping > marriage.

If you want to gamble on a 1% shot then marriage is for you.

>> No.9166253

Logically I want to go through life without the burden of a relationship or marriage, I want the freedom to do what I want without regard to another person's feelings. In practice I am in a long term relationship because I am too afraid of entering later years of life alone and without a partner.

>> No.9166275

it wouldn't have worked out cuz you're a shallow fuck
definitely a bizbro

>> No.9166280

Going through a divorce right now. Don't have any feelings left towards her. At least I got two kids out of this marriage. Other than that, biggest mistake in my life

>> No.9166288

Prenup and good to go

Also marrying a woman that has kids with another man is the ultimate form of cuckoldry

>> No.9166298

Marriage is essential. Kids should be conceived after marriage.

Divorce laws are fucked up though. Should not be slanted to one side or the other.

>> No.9166312

99% of the time laying in bed is better than working. 99% of the time eating McD is better than going through the hassle of going to the grocery store and cooking.

We are a generation of weak men and true happiness will elude people like you till the day you die in your basement with cheeto dust in your beard and BJ3000 sucking your shriveled dick.

>> No.9166324


The way everything is now marriage is a scam
But sadly You have to make some children

Relationships: just dont give a fuck and fuck women

>> No.9166337

Omegas -> Betas -> Chads -> GIGACHAD (one and only)

>> No.9166341

Physical attraction IS very important. If you just broke up with her because she wasn't a 10/10 then it was a huge mistake, but If you didn't find her sexy at all then it most likely wouldn't have worked out in the long run.

>> No.9166346


it is really simple, it the past you had kids so they can work for you, so people had 10-15 on average.

Today marriage is literal garbage, and kids are unaffordable.

So we arrive at where we are.

>> No.9166353

Shit they released a BJ3000?

I gotta upgrade my 2000 model.

>> No.9166370

I met my future waifu couple weeks ago.
Super conservative christian Korean girl with almost no experience in dating.
I'm gonna pump my seed into her every single night after we get married.
I literally found a gem of all gems.
I'm also Korean by the way because a Christian conservative Korean would almost never marry outside their race because their parents wouldn't allow it.
Get jelly bizbros haha

>> No.9166371

lel, it took you 4 years to realize you werent attracted to her?

>> No.9166390
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>go on ‘date’ with girl, drinks and some dancing
>at the end of the night, move in to kiss her, she balks and says she’s seeing someone
>walk away pissed off, resolve to just put her on ice for a while
>hit her up yesterday, she’s mad at me for ignoring her because she thought I liked her, says she never said she had someone EVEN THOUGH SHE TOLD ME TO MY FACE SHE DID

I don’t understand these creatures

>> No.9166405

I should add that the ‘date’ happened three months ago.

>> No.9166415

pump seed before marriage.

Thank me later.

>> No.9166428


Found the guy who will off himself when he finds out his 10/10 princess roastie cucks him with a nigger

>> No.9166434

probably your fedora was bumping her head so she had to think up something quick KEK

>> No.9166443

Fuck club sluts and marry a virgin.

>> No.9166460

I'm just gonna get an arranged marriage because it's an option for me. (Half white half Arab)
I've been in a relationship twice and have been with a decent amount of women. They all had something wrong with them, be it daddy issues, baggage, or plain fucking craziness.
White girls are fun to fuck and party with but I'd never get married to one

>> No.9166462

Girls make no fucking sense man, she probably wanted you to say something to not feel bad about kissing her, then got angry because you didn't

>> No.9166471

This 1000x

>> No.9166478

I very much enjoy being in a relationship. I'm deeply introverted, and spending time with a gf is the only socializing I genuinely enjoy.

>> No.9166484

She probably just thought you went for the kiss too fast and had to come up with some shitty excuse on the spot. That, or the other guy she was seeing dumped her and you're her side cuck.

>> No.9166513

Never saying never but I'm willing to take my chances. I know that's something a weak timid beta like you will never understand. Life is not a game that rewards the fearful and a big part of things that matter like love and family is putting yourself in a situation where you can get devastatingly hurt.

>> No.9166561

Congrats man

>> No.9166596

I am on a similar trip. 3 years into the relationship and she went from a hottie 7.5/10 to a 5.5/10 and covered in pimples. If i find a better one i will have to dump her even tho we go welll together and she loves me dearly

>> No.9166676

Maybe let her know so she can do something about it before you just dump her out of the blue?

>> No.9166734

she tried dozens of times and her face cant be fixed. the acne is out of control. not pretty

>> No.9166810

I'm on 5.5 years with my mine she owes me a grand and its going to be til like October till I get it back. Ugh. She shuts down Every time I ask about the loan I had to use my credit for plus the grand she owes me. Didn't even pay the first payment on time and it fucked my credit a little. She's always been an on and off again but enough to ruin my other female ventures.

I will say this. I now know how to put up with bullshit and deal with stuff that really pisses me off. Plus the stress forced me to improve myself to Better for the next girl.

Overall marriage is different than love and attachment. My brother is literally marrying his now fiance because "it's her dream to get married". That's a dream? To each their own. I personally just enjoy female companionship where they make you feel appreciated for your effort in life and what you come from.

>> No.9166867


Not sure what its legal status is anymore but get your hands on acutane if you can. Has side effects and causes horrific birth defects so girls also have to get on birth control while they take it but it wiped out my adamantium backne almost immediately back when I was a teenager.

>> No.9167058

Never loan money to friends or family and expect it back, that's rule #1. If you do, great, but many times it ruins relationships.

>> No.9167187

Depreciating assets

>> No.9167211

buy her accutane on steroid sites with your btc.

>> No.9167235


she don hav to know bout dat

den alla my criptos stay myne my nigga

>> No.9167342

opposite problem here, sort of
3 years gf, 10/10, great taste, incredibly smart, i like just being with her and she can be loving and affectionate as well
she's loyal and wants to be with me all the time despite having better options
yet she cannot stop starting fights about stupid bullshit or criticizing everything i do, and whenever the going gets tough she never has my back
almost makes me wish for a psycho girlfriend and one of those loveless relationships where the case is clear cut. it's much harder to leave someone who makes your heart melt and keeps your dick happy

>> No.9167373

told my current gf that we're never going to get married, ever, n'or do i want any kids. so if she's fine with that then it's ok, if not, she should move on.

we're both in our 30s

>> No.9167382

The longer you know a person the better the sex can get. It's satisfying to know that a person actually enjoys getting destroyed by you

>> No.9167383

godlike brapper that one

>> No.9167397

You called her out of nowhere or she was contacting you?

>> No.9167412

I had a psycho girlfriend, She was 9/10 at least, we broke up a few months ago and i feel so empty. Hanging out with her and constantly fighting was the only thing that kept me going. Now i work, eat and sleep

>> No.9167452
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>> No.9167495

i've never had any desire for kids. there's no reason for me to have them.

>> No.9167498
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I saw a girl who looked just like her so it made for a good enough excuse to hit her up. Her side of the story is that she called me the day after and I never returned the call. She basically spilled her guts out to me about it last night and this morning, I had no idea she was this affected by my not talking to her. But in a perverse way it seems to have made her heart grow fonder for me. Idk.

>> No.9167503

>Don't become an evolutionary failure
Why not?

>Family line not extended
So what?

>> No.9167508

i'm aware of that, but i don't care.
no point of having a kid i'd care nothing for

>> No.9167534

sorry to hear that anon
can relate to that, no matter how awful they might act, the hole they leave once they're gone is tough to fill. constant challenge beats nothingness, it's like pink wojaks during the crashes vs black wojaks of post crash depression

>> No.9167579

>1+ to that mate
thats the advice I give any foreign guy who I make friends with and is new to my country.
Tfw I'm with Japanese girl, almost all my friends are with foreign girls apart from one guy I went to school with. White girls are hot af when their 15-23 but their all batshit crazy and damaged as all holy fuck. Once that youthful vibrancy wears off they seem to become 100% worse with whatever they have.
Tfw I get deathstares walking down the street holding the gf's hand by white girls, girls at my work and previous work like to have very loud conversations about how the asian girls are "stealing all their men". Ex's that threw me away like I was nothing back in the day come crawling back to me with a sickening desperation now they are all mid 20's now and cant land a decent guy.
Mfw girls here are crazy, but think they deserve to be crazy and cant understand why the men here dont want them for anything more than sex.

>> No.9167648

i've always been a romantic, and i'd probably like a LTR, with maybe some fuck buddies on the side if i could get them.
but i'm very cynical, at least for marriage
girls seem obsessed with what job a guy has, planning on maximizing those alimony gains.

my best buddy has his wife leave him because she was bored. wtf? lose half of everything and more because she gets bored one day? fuck it

>> No.9167659

If she breathes she's a thot.

>> No.9167675

So you are black?

>> No.9167762
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Yeah marriage sounds great until she divorces your ass and takes over half your assets and fucks you over financially, fuck that.

>> No.9167808
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incels wont be breeding and thats a great thing

>> No.9167811

Are you me? The fighting about bullshit took so much energy, I couldnt take it anymore.