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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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916353 No.916353 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 21 year old Accounting and Finance senior in college
>apply for shit tons of internships
>work with professors on my resume, have previous internship experience, have 3.43 GPA and 3.57 Business GPA

1st Interview
>Thanks we'll make our decision by the end of the week
>Get an e-mail every week saying they're not done interviewing yet
>This was a month ago

Second Interview
>We're a local wealth management firm but you literally won't do any financial related tasks whatsoever

Third Interview
>Man you really nailed it but management changed their minds and they're not letting us hire you

Fourth Interview- This one really got me because I've never felt so confident about an interview in my life. It was for a Big 4 Firm
>Go to pre-night reception. Be friendly and socialize
>Have a great interview, don't stutter or stumble, answer all the behavioral questions right, come prepared for questions
>No second interview

I mean what the actual fuck? I'm worried it's because I left their recruiting meeting to go to a Financial Management Association meeting that I had already RSVP'ed for, but that was a week ago and the person I interviewed with wasn't even there. I even wrote a thank you e-mail.

What the actual fuck am I doing wrong guys? Seriously I don't even know how I can objectively improve anymore. Fucking shoot me.

>> No.916364

Seriously what the actual fuck. I'm completely baffled. I've literally gone through all the interview mistakes I've found online and I don't think I made any of them for my last interview.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm perfect, but fuck I thought I fucking nailed it. God damn.

Is is possible people just dislike you for literally no reason?

>> No.916368
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Hey, Are you. Dressing the part?

>> No.916375


Blazer, button up, slacks, tie, dress shoes. The whole shabang.

>> No.916379

Managers didnt get to where they are by being weak.

You probably looked good on paper but in person they could sense how much of a beta submissive bitch you are.

The fact that you are getting all frazzled after only 4 interviews shows how entitled and lame you are.

>> No.916380

>TFW finance major and keep reading about people experiencing this

FUCK FAM should I just switch majors while I can? I mean I do hear everyone complain like this about every major...

>> No.916385

Dude it's been prolly 6-7 interviews. I just left those out because they were less lame. Talking shit on an anime board doesn't make you look tough.

>> No.916388

what "interview mistakes" were you making? Asking since some of those might just be ok behavior and you're trying too hard or seem too desperate at this point.

>> No.916392

>wahh I'm not getting everything handed to me because I want it

Jesus Christ op, be a man and keep at it. Not just bitching about a few failures on a Chinese frog posting board

>> No.916393

Please reply. Am I wasting my time?

>> No.916395

I don't think I seemed desperate though. I didn't have shaky nervousness in my voice. I told them I'm open to more positions or offices if they need that and that I'm still trying to figure out which route I want to take my career.

>> No.916396

Your wasting your time by not improving yourself and being insecure

>> No.916397

I'm not bitching. I want to know what I did wrong so I can improve. I just don't understand I felt like I hit a home run.

>> No.916399

You're getting good interviews. That is a good sign. Keep pushing and something will work.

More info about the wealth management firm. Why would they want to interview someone with your background if you wouldn't do financial shit?

>> No.916406

Look like you nailed it.
Don't take it personal, the job market is just brutal.
There are often thing out of your control.
They wanted to hire a friend, or there wasnt any job, they just like to be kept busy.

HR are cunts, they know you need the job, but they just like people sucking up to them.

Work on your excel skills.

>> No.916407

I have no idea. It was on the career center so I applied.

>> No.916410

It's good your wanting to improve. But you could be completely perfect in the interview and they won't hire you for some reason on their end. On that same note, it's hard to say where you were fucking up at without actually seeing the interview. Other then basic things you get from videos online it's hard to say. Good luck and keep trying to better yourself and I will bet a company will pick you up sooner or later

>> No.916411

It wasn't HR though. It was with someone who had worked at the firm for 16 years.

>> No.916419

Why don't you just go on the buying side?

If your not getting hired, don't you need money by any means necessary?

You just gotta compete more, the boomers made it so we wouldn't get jobs.

Why are you trying to get all these internships and stuff?

I am 18 and I am leaning towards finance, but I want to work for myself.

>> No.916434

I don't have starting capital?

>> No.916448

Oh, well in that case, good luck in your endeavors.

Have you considered moving for new jobs?

Are you in Manhattan or anything yet?

>> No.916453

...No I'm still in school

>> No.916502

Like NYU I meant or another college near

>> No.916520

You have average grades in a saturated field. Welcome to the real world. There is nothing about you that is unique in the eyes of a prospective employer. I don't mean to be harsh, but it sounds to me like you are just getting a taste of the reality of the job market. Good luck to you. I wish you well.

>> No.916539

I'm anonymous. I can't look like anything.

Maybe your lack of intelligence is the source of your fear.

>> No.916598

I'm covering interviews for my replacement (there's a cascade promotion occurring in my team) and I've run into a strange problem.

Nobody fucks up.

Every single candidate that actually gets to me has the degree, the experience, and the people skills. Several people will be declined simply because I only have one position to fill and 7 applicants that fit it well.

>> No.916714

So how do I get the fucking job? Whats the point of even trying?

At first I was worried I wasn't qualified to work a big 4 firm but there doesn't seem to be anything exceptionally special about the people there.

>> No.916715

Talk more shit dude. We all have so much respect for you

>> No.916719

There you go mate. They aren't special. You just gotta break-in once and you'll be like them. Then we gotta look at you and say the same shit.

>> No.916734


I get that but how do I break in? Imm starting to get so demotivated here and I basically only have one chance a semester

>> No.916769


>> No.916784

And? Go do 50 interviews, if you dont a job by then? Do 50 more, etc. This is a competitive market mate, you gotta hustle.

>> No.916788

I would do 50 interviews if I had 50 interviews. For the 6-7 I've had I've hunted for relentlessly. I'm just demotivated, man. I know I'm a good intern (I have previous experience with a local company) but I need money and more experience.

I'm already starting to come up with business plans cause fuck this

>> No.916807

Interview #2 sounds like you got a job at a firm.

Get in and start moving toward the main stuff you want to do, take on the jobs that people don't want(in your desired spot)

>> No.916811

They're a sole proprietorship and I didn't.

>> No.916823

>So how do I get the fucking job? Whats the point of even trying?
>At first I was worried I wasn't qualified to work a big 4 firm but there doesn't seem to be anything exceptionally special about the people there.

The problem, OP, is globalization. Every motherfucker on the planet is competing for the same job as you, and for lower wages.

Because the people at HR are extremely mechanical and robotic with their approach, you really have to have reply back with exact pre-prepared answers to their questions. HR are basically like the spam captchas. They won't let you in unless you can prove that you are an obedient (but reasonably motivated) goyim and not some hotshot.

>> No.916834


So what do I do?

>> No.916836

KNOW SOMEONE!!! If you don't know somebody at a firm then find a temp agency that hires for white collar jobs and get in somewhere. If they like you then you're IN, that's the fucking game.

>> No.916841


You really have to be robotic and methodical with your answers in applications. Give evidence for everything. Don't lie because you'll get caught. Don't generalize shit about the company. They need to have a good reason why they should hire you. They don't want someone who's just going to jump ship for another high paying job after one year. You really have to fit their image of an "ideal employee" basically. "Ideal employees" vary from company to company so you must research.

>> No.916844

Finance is tough to get into cause it pays well and everyone wants to do it.

>> No.916847

>You're getting good interviews. That is a good sign. Keep pushing and something will work.
Until you realize that you've exhausted every local opportunity.

Work on your Masters / CPA while working at HR Block as a tax prep. It took my friend forever just to get a shitty accounting job despite having a near perfect GPA in undergrad and grad school as well as several years of tax experience as a prep. It's sad because he's smart as fuck and like a walking, talking tax/accounting encyclopedia.

>> No.916862


>engineering / commerce grad
> 6.3/7 average, extracurricular, internships the fucking works
>250+ applications
> sub 10 call backs
>6 interviews (thought I nailed them all)
>never heard back from 4 (not from a lack of my trying)
>final round interviews for 2
>got one (never been so relieved in my life)

the tips
>organise your search and be methodical
>proof read cover letters / your resume needs work (most probably)
>practice interview questions with someone else (try not to memorise answers, conversations happen organically)
>network (nepotism and cronyism are commonplace)
>use star approach to answering behavioural questions
>prepare shitloads for interviews so you are as relaxed as possible
>dress appropriately, no shit facial hair, no shit things on your wrists etc etc

yes handling rejection is hard on such a large and continuous scale particularly when less suitable blacks / aboriginals / women will get picked over you. it is not hopeless.

>> No.916865
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>What are some of your weaknesses?

>> No.916873

>I'm bad at networking because of my internship and study abroad
>Don't always keep up with the latest news because I don't spend a lot of time on social media
>I am somewhat conservative in my nature so I don't always go out of my way to reach out to someone. Some may think I'm being rude in this way, but I really do like meeting people

These always work for me

>> No.916875

Does it help to just be brutally honesty and say that you find that a stupid question because people are NEVER gonna say their actual weaknesses and will ALWAYS just recite some bullshit they read on business insider or something.

At my last job application they asked "why do you want this job?" and I wrote there "I can write a nice story about how I'm passionate about the work, but the truth is I just want to make money" and that made me stand out from the other applicants.

Does HR like to see people who are just straight in your face like this?

>> No.916884

That's a gamble, I'd imagine.

Most non-desperate interviewers know its a bullshit question, though. And they know that you know its a bullshit question.

The thing is that they use this question to judge authenticity as well as your answer. So if you say 'Uhh Im completely disorganized' you're fucked, even though you were being honest. While "oh my biggest weakness is that I'm a perfectionist" overloads them with bullshit.

>> No.916891
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>"What would you say is your biggest weakness?"
>Look interviewer dead in the eyes
>"That's a bullshit question and you know it"

I'm gonna give this a try in my next job interview.

>> No.916895

You'll come off as rude and insubmissive.

Not good qualities for a wage slave

>> No.916899

I'd regret it if I didn't say it.

>> No.916900

>what's your weakness?
>sir, honesty is not a weakness
I honestly don't give a shit.

>> No.916932

Just move to europe like I did and apply for a job as an American. If anything they just want you because you speak fluent english and you're American so they can send you to business meetings with other muricans and you will relate to them.

Also theres a shit ton of jobs here unlike in America. The finance field is pretty shit atm

>> No.916960

>Tfw everybody on finances wants to hire an actuary in my country :^)

>> No.917443

A lot of effort for some minor lols. But go for it anon, slam your hands on the desk when you say it too.

>> No.917448

You now realize you were sold a lie. Those firms only hire each others sons and people they knew in college from places like yale. Social mobility is a lie, your degree doesn't grant access to their class, but thanks for playing; sucker.
>Man you really nailed it but management changed their minds
>my uncles son needs the job
You best hope is to do book keeping at a local firm, I mean like a construction firm or other very small bit player in a non white collar industry, and move up as the firm grows or after 10 years get hired somewhere else as a accountant

>> No.917455

Those positions were filled before you even put your resume in.

Big companies literally get tens of thousands of resumes.

They only go through the interview process for legal reasons

I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for these kids, when I see these finance major threads pop up every single day on /biz/.

>> No.917456

the market is not entitled to hire you because you graduated or acquired good results, despite what the educational system and modern society might have you believe.

it's hardly fair, but it's reality. if you don't have good contacts and connections then it can take a while. don't panic, don't get depressed, you'll get there eventually, just keep going and use it all as experience, harden yourself.

>> No.917479

Glad I forced myself to learn German then

Jesus can I make a thread asking for help without boomers crying 'haw haw youre so entitled"

>> No.917481

i didn't call you entitled, i said the market doesn't owe you a job because you graduated, and it's the truth.

i'm not a boomer either, though i doubt saying this will convince you.

and if you had read my post entirely you'd have noticed my advice to you is pretty simple, either get good contacts who can ease your entry into the market and put in a good word for you, or just keep trying.

you prefer to come cry on 4chan instead, that's your right and your choice, but i dunno what you think people here can do to help you get a job.

>> No.917482

Usually if a group of people are telling you you have a certain quality, there is at least some truth to it.

>> No.917517

I was giving you a hard time. I just don't get why everyone assumes I'm here to cry. I feel as if I've been pretty non-butthurt about this whole thing.

>universal truth is measured in mass appeal
>people I've never met know me well enough to give me personality advice

Normally I'd agree with you, but no.

>> No.917520

>"Why is everyone picking on me?!?!?"

>> No.917532

I remember when was a young buck that thought i was going to be top shit out of school.... Them the world teaches you a hard lesson that OP just found

>> No.917533

>putting words in my mouth as maximum damage control

You seem like you might be under age

>> No.917537

I never thought that. I'm more than fine working my way up. I'm applying for internships for christ sake.

I'm just hoping for a moderate 50-60k starting salary with my CPA

>> No.917545


You're too late buddy. Also in all seriousness, reach out and speak with people in the field. Ask good questions, learn about the field. Not just the bullshit to seem interested, actually be interested. Don't worry too much about whether or not they can get you a job (however, ask if it's going really well), keep applying, and by the time you get to interviews you'll sound like one of them.

If you can't ask good questions, go do something else because you don't really want to do it.

Source: Have poor grades from semi-target school, don't know anyone in industry, have IB offer

>> No.917635

Same thing happened to me.

>> No.917872


>> No.917896

>too late
I have 3-4 semesters left and 9 months of internship experience already under my belt

>> No.917902

and this
The big firms you went to already had A++ candidates already pooled and many of them were friend of a friend's, someone's kid, or someone from their alma mater or some other ivy league school.
The odds are against you in the job market so beating yourself up or sweating it too much doesn't help. Just keep at it and show a bit low. A mid level position might be an easier get and allow you to get in and advance.

>> No.917919

You're not a senior then, unless you're the kind that does a fifth year

>> No.917920


OP here. Just got hired making $15 helping a local company with their audit.

>> No.917922

I am

>> No.917924

I disagree, as someone who's locked in a good post-grad job. If you put in the effort and you're smart, you'll be fine. Most people just don't want to work that hard because it's not really what they want to do

>> No.917928

>my anecdotal experience trumps statistically backed analysis


>> No.917929

Congrats mate

>> No.917931

Thanks homie.

I didn't even interview. The lady called me and was like 'I'm swamped can you work tomorrow?'

>> No.917933

Okay fine, I'm better than you guys for whatever rationale (nepotism, privilege) Keep telling yourself it's the market's fault, and not something else you could do

>> No.917938
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Lucky sumbitch!
Good for you OP.
At least things are working out for you.

>> No.917946

>still trying to figure out which route I want to take my career

Huge red flag for any hiring manager. You come off as a flight risk, somebody who isn't sure about the position and may see it as a stepping stone. It costs time and resources to hire and train somebody new, employers want somebody committed for the long haul.

>> No.917962

Lol ive made so many threads bitching about life and then only have to have it fall into place the next day

Congrats OP

>> No.917986

Entirely this

I used to say shit like oh I wanna learn about the different jobs and see what I like to questions about what my passions are or why I want to work and was buttmad I couldn't land shit.

Finally one interviewer told me at the end that it's a weakness and I need to find a passion. Once I did find a "passion" that I can spin really well my results were a lot better.

>> No.918220

Fuck. Really?

So I should just make something up and say I wanna get my CPA and go to grad school?

Pretty much I told then I wanna get my CPA I'm just undecided about grad school.

I can't believe that would fuck up an interview.

>> No.918238

>getting upset

>> No.918275

Where did you find a picture of my dad?

>> No.918305

>My people skills are not great/I tend to be overly blunt with people when I talk to them
Its not a huge issue because I am an eng student interviewing mostly for technical jobs that don't require dealing with customers/the general public

>> No.918337

>I told them I'm open to more positions or offices if they need that and that I'm still trying to figure out which route I want to take my career.

Holy fucking shit never do this. OMG. No wonder you flunked the interview. This is terrible to hear for a hiring manager.

I work as a Loss & Prevention Manager for Sears and as part of my position I have to hire customer service and LPAs. You want to hear that whatever position the person is applying for is passionate about the position and wants to make it their career for ever. Someone who is just "figuring out what route they want to take their career" is a huge flight risk.

You're a fucking adult. You should know what route you want to take their career and be confident. Even if you're lying. Be a man and be confident about the direction you're taking yourself. If they ask you if you're open to other positions say something like, "I want to succeed in a stimulating and challenging environment, building the success of the company while I experience advancement opportunities".

>> No.918453

Happened to me 3 years ago, had to take a shit entry level position barely in my field. 3 years later I've been "promoted" to the senior level of my position but still only make 40k in Texas. Still busting my ass trying to move up to management just so I can make 55k. Literally graduated top of my class but didn't network. Networking is key in that field don't think you can just learn the material and get a job. Btw I've been on maybe 30 interviews during this time and always golet told to fuck off. Tl;dr is suggest switching to accounting. Then they suck your Dick to beg you to come work.

>> No.918517

False and False

>> No.918519

Holy shit those are all stupid as fuck. What kind of job are you applying for with those answers?

>> No.918705

lol I'm making $85,000 starting with city benefits as a policeman and I'm a college dropout.

>> No.918795

Have you even read the thread?

What would you say?
>hurr durr I have a short temper

>> No.918796

Nobody believes you.

>> No.918891
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Well shit, I'm a maths undergrad who's stuck between focusing on getting into finance or engineering, so far I've been quite biased towards finance (engineering looks like a oversaturated minefield that's moving out of the UK) but after reading a thread like this, I'm worried.

Is there anything anyone can tell me? I'm already seeking internships and the like, but I'd be nice if someone can tell me if I'm right or wrong to be focused mostly on finance, is there any good/bad stuff about either that I've missed?

If anyone wants my full opinion on the two fields, pic related.

>> No.918916

>If they ask you if you're open to other positions say something like, "I want to succeed in a stimulating and challenging environment, building the success of the company while I experience advancement opportunities".
Actually, no. Don't even say this.

>> No.918927
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>> No.918968

I'm in a similar position to OP. I go to college on Long Island and the firms offer positions on Long Island and NYC. I've always been definitive on NYC but given the Long Island office as aN option or second preference. Is that terrible?

>> No.919019

Pretty normal for a cop in nyc

>> No.919031

Engineering is only good if your ultimate goal is becoming an entrepreneur, having your own firm and making your own product, digital or physical. So spend 2-3 years working for someone else to get a feel for what works and what doesn't, and get out. Wagecuckery as an engineer is soul crushing, and once you become gray you get the boot. If being a wagecuck is the goal, finance seems like a greener pasture.

>> No.919039
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OP, realize that these companies interview many people for a single position. They don't want a guy that just checks out. They want someone that is exceptional and they would be morons to not hire on the spot and that's what they wait for.

You're just not exceptional. There are 10 guys exactly like you who are applying for the same position. This is why diversity reigns supreme in interviews, as long as you have the stats to make yourself credible enough to hire in the first place.

>> No.919574

Any business related job requires having meetings with people and networking. If you ever said this is a job interview they'd laugh you out the fucking room, is this bait? You must've never worked an actual business job in your life.

>> No.919632
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>he went to college

Waste of time tbh. Why don't you accept that this job market is fucked and that you're better off working a blue collar job?

>> No.919665

I interviewed at Nordstrom, Bloomberg, two local hedgefunds, Delta Airlines, and probably a couple other places that I've forgotten about before getting my current internship at a Fortune 100 company. Just gotta stick it through, you get better with every interview.

I do have a 3.9 finance gpa, but I didn't have any work experience tho

>> No.919734

so you got a 4 year degree with debt for a 15 an hour job? I make the same amount of money without a degree ...should I go back to school fam? this world is such a mess

>> No.920061

Belt and shoes match? No black and brown

>> No.920167

My family paid my tuition and I don't even have a degree yet.

Are you stupid? I'm pulling 400-500 a week part time while I'm still in school.

Yes, reconsider college. You're not gonna make it

>> No.920171

>implying networking matters once you actually have the job

K dude

>> No.920175

>Finance is tough to get into cause it pays well and ever
This is false. Finance doesn't pay well outside the big firms. You literally make more as a tradesmen if you don't get a job with a top finance firm.

>> No.920179

If you can get a job through nepotism then DO IT. Most places only hire friends or family. Government jobs are only nepotism by the way. You don't have to be great at your job. Develop contacts and that's it. This muh GPA is x.xx wiht majoring in faglord studies is useless to any hiring manager. Also top academic post are filled by the word of other academics or family. Same goes with science jobs. This is the real world kids. Merit means diddly. Its all networks and politics. You guys are just learning this the hard way, which I feel sorry for you.

>> No.921014

After your internship is up how do you think you get the job?