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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1523710589905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9163124 No.9163124 [Reply] [Original]

Strap-in, boys. This might be the dump that finally kills the rally.

>> No.9163177
File: 24 KB, 500x648, 1502374807357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have baad feeling about this

>> No.9163208

Looks like we landed and are starting to recover. The market was overheating, but it's was a weird place for it to have happened. Shorters who should start to think about closing.

>> No.9163213

If $9200 breaks without a very strong bounce that's honestly probably it.

>> No.9163234

It's bounced off 9250 a bunch of times in the last couple of days.

>> No.9163264

Is there anything comfrey than being a Bear?

>> No.9163272

Was it this that happened at this time yesterday night as well? I was too focused on my alts, I looked from time to time to BTC to see that it wasn't doing anything insane, but I thought I was safe as long as he hung around 9.5k. Oh well, still massively up for the day and at least that's behind us now.

>> No.9163275
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not today

>> No.9163291
File: 114 KB, 638x720, -le-plus-poilu-au-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're jerking off and you find you just lost 500k

>> No.9163301
File: 908 KB, 1296x1311, 1518967774993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dump that kills crypto

>> No.9163302

You fucking faggots say this every day

>> No.9163307
File: 67 KB, 600x400, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Bogdanoff tear down support

>> No.9163309

It always seem to dip when china's in charge. I think it went a little lower last night. Bunch of assholes if you ask me, I'm trying to sleep.

>> No.9163310

Not true. 3 white soldiers on the weekly

>> No.9163316

Every day we get closer and closer to breaking the channel. We are literally 1 dump (or a continuation of this dump) away at this point.

>> No.9163317
File: 53 KB, 576x960, 1510235104121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say peanut butter?

>> No.9163361

You bear fags get baited so easily, they make it seem bearish so shorts build up and so they can rally ahead. Keep shorting, we need fuel to 14k.

>> No.9163376

Isn't 3 white soldiers bearish tho?
I've learned it means impending correction

>> No.9163391

la creatura

>> No.9163405

Signals trend reversal. On the weekly. I'm sure you could figure it out.

>> No.9163416

No its bullish but TA is a meme so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.9163498

?? The dump is still going. We're getting dangerously close to the bottom of the channel, and sell volume remains absolutely massive.

>> No.9163558

Nah, whales are just fucking with people playing with leverage. Do what you want, unless for some reason it's different this time (I doubt it is), it will probably be right back right to where it was, or close to it, within an hour.

>> No.9163574
File: 169 KB, 1000x600, avalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it boys. It was nice knowing you all. May our memes live on forever.

>> No.9163617

It's (potentially) different this time because of how close we are to our lowest support area (for this rally). For the rally's duration we've remained nominally in the center of the channel in which we've been trending, but for the last couple days we've remained in the lower quartile and, in fact, trended to the bottom of that quartile. This dump is the closest we've come to exiting out the bottom to date with one exception (the mass sell-off from $9750).

>> No.9163672
File: 488 KB, 1332x668, memelines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it hold?
that is the question

>> No.9163678

You sound like a faggot and your post will provide little no value to anyone that reads it. kys.

>> No.9163741

Wow, great contribution.

>> No.9163743

Will it blend?
I am from reddit.

>> No.9163762

Don't start a fight you can't finish.

>> No.9163771

Of all the ta that exists, elliot waves are the most useless. Purple will probably hold.

>> No.9163780

will you fuck off?
never even had an account

>> No.9163786

No idea what the fuck you're even talking about, to be honest. Carry on with your sad little life, I guess.

>> No.9163794

yeah you did, stop lying idiot

>> No.9163795

It’s because of people like you that the rest of us aren’t making it this year, kindly fuck off.

>> No.9163811

Fuck off you twat.

>> No.9163815

From looking at it, it looks like an exact repeat from yesterday. We might go a bit lower, even though I don't think we will, but I would be extremely surprised if it doesn't recover the same exact way. In any case, I'm not selling at this point, especially since all signs point to it recovering and I'm still 10-12% up for the day. Everyone is free to do what they want though.

>> No.9163830
File: 94 KB, 1280x1280, shig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rodger waves

>> No.9163832

Fair. I don't necessarily 100% believe we're going off the cliff right now either, although it's getting more likely each time this happens.

>> No.9163856

"TA is a meme" is also a meme

It's bullish according to textbooks but from personal experience in crypto markets, it's one of the weaker patterns.

>> No.9163858
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1521275522941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad brah. Didn't mean to come at you. Lets forget about it and be friends

>> No.9163892

Yeah, of course, the market can't always be like it's been in the last 2-3 weeks or else we'd all be billionaires by the end of the year. It will go down at some point, I just don't think it's now. I'm not a pro trader by any means, but personally I'll be a lot more worried about a huge crash when BTC reaches for 10k or above, especially if it does it in a day.

>> No.9163916

No, /I/ am from reddit

>> No.9163951

That's nice. This is a nice thread now.

>> No.9163992

RSI crossed on the 4h and looks like it's gonna on the daily soon, hope you're out boys

>> No.9164165

TF is an RSI cross nigga

>> No.9164643
File: 193 KB, 1500x893, Macro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see pic everyone,
and also this:


(read the text below the chart)

>> No.9164672
File: 51 KB, 540x378, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it. Come, sell it

>> No.9164696

more like $8500 methinks

>> No.9164708


also this:


>> No.9164726
File: 33 KB, 392x364, 6666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were the days...

>> No.9164737

How hard is it to understand it's going sideways until a whale decides to pump it or dump it ? It has nothing to do with your meme lines.

Look at the candle that went from 9500 to 8700 then back up. You can't predict it so stop hurting yourself. Self fulfilling prophecy only works when a lot of people are following your moves.

>> No.9164738

So... he's been calling for it to go to 6k daily for two weeks?
>this it it guy, the reversal starts now...
>ok, we're going up, but this is it...
>still going up, but today is the day...
>oh shit, we're going up, 6k inbound...
>be careful people...
>ok, it will rise a bit more, then straight to 6k...
Good for him I guess. He might be right eventually, or not, but he's just spouting bullshit like everyone of us.

>> No.9165681

Dumping again and the channel's breaking... no bounce yet, and sell pressure continues. Not looking good for long positions, lads.

>> No.9165745

>no bounce yet, and sell pressure continues
Look again. I get that you might have a short open, but this doesn't seem like the smartest moment to short.

>> No.9165773

> "he's been calling for it to go to 6k daily for two weeks?"


>> No.9165783

Hah. Everyone here is a broken clock.

>> No.9165792

I just tethered up for the second time in my life. Trying a new thing, I am up 170 percent these last weeks. Just trying not to get september/january/feb/march justed again.

>> No.9165842

He's like an inverse Marius.

April 17
>If we won't sustant this level we will pull back lower to level around 4500.

April 19
>After touching 61.8% FIBO we will se brutal BEAR Pull to 4500-4000$.

April 19 again
>We will see maximum spike to 8600-8700$ then BRUTAL bear pull back to around 6000$. (...) This is Bear fishing. Do not buy now!!

April 22
>Bitcoin is moving to absolute perfection. I would be very careful in this position. From my sources, big players will start to short at 9300-9500. We will see btc at 6000 maybe even this week.

April 24
>Just look at the perfection of reversal. Here we come. Short is here.

April 24 again
>We could be seeing reversal to 9300$. (...) If we close below 9000$ again, it's obvious that we will see 6000$ level again.

April 25
>If you can see we reversed with BTC from my levels to 8610 right now. Just as was expected (...) this momentum is showing me clearly my prediction was clear and we will go to 4500$.

April 25 again
>We bounced from my personal EMA just as was expected. Just like i said we are pushing Back.

>For today, Bitcoin is showing that he is weak again. (...) From where we will push to 6600$ atleast. If BTC will show again that he is not strong enough and will need to find new bottom he will go around 5000-5500$.

If he keeps saying it will go down daily, at some point he will be right, but he's just saying random shit.

>> No.9165900
File: 34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the lesson in all this is that the market is trying to reach equilibrium and the first cryptos, like BTC, are going to lose some market and value in favour of altcoins. We're unlikely to see BTC mooning when it's so over-securitised and analysed by the MBAs now. The new goldrush is probably gonna be in altcoins like Sky, Iota and Neo.

>> No.9165921

Kill yourself, nujack spammer.

>> No.9166185

In other words, prepare for the moon of our lives

>> No.9166222

>Is there anything comfrey than being a Bear?

yes, being a long term holder who has an unshakable faith in the future of crypto. Someone who sees the tide instead of the waves.

This is the true comfy hold.

>> No.9166232


He Sounds like a tool

>> No.9166699

Maybe you should look again? Fell another $150, painting ANOTHER bear flag.

>> No.9166911

Do whatever, none of us has any control over the market. It seems to me that it's just doing the same thing again and being stopped at exactly the same place, but if you think you're right, go for it. There is support here, that much is obvious, but who knows, maybe the 5th-10th will be the one that makes it go through. Or maybe we'll get through this stretch and start going up again soon. We'll only know for sure once it will have happened anyway.

>> No.9166965


Also, fair (again). You're a good d00d, hope you see gains regardless of the way you lean.

>> No.9166991

Same to you.

>> No.9167218

kek so accurate
kys OP, bears just look fucking retarded at this point

>> No.9167600

lool it just pumped $50
bears BTFO kek fucking faggots

>> No.9167750

Isn't there some massive crypto event on in May?

Bears can take their dump we're going to be bull running sooner than later

>> No.9167782
