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File: 50 KB, 1096x616, skynews-elon-musk_4257258.jpg?20180316152729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9151820 No.9151820 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he look so tired? Isn't money supposed to help you sleep and make you less stressed?

>> No.9151837

>Isn't money supposed to help you sleep and make you less stressed?
no, no one is saying that


>> No.9151907

He literally works 16 hours a day.

>> No.9151932

>Isn't money supposed to help you sleep and make you less stressed?

not when you have to work for it

>> No.9151972

(((CEOs))) dont work

>> No.9151978

elon is not a normal ceo

>> No.9152012

So he sleeps on the Tesla factory floor because he can't afford rent. Thanks, got it.

>> No.9152144


>> No.9152148

He actually does shit.

>> No.9152179

even his bags have bags

>> No.9152190
File: 58 KB, 539x530, 1415837952032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude's leveraged up to his eyeballs, he's probably not even that liquid and all his assets are tied up in his businesses. he's not that comfy. and especially right now with all the tesla shit going down

>> No.9152203

He literally pays for his living expenses by taking loans with his stock as collateral. Tesla will be fine by the way, don't fall for the kike media FUD. The stock has easily the biggest upside of all big public companies.

>> No.9152320

BMW and VW are going to fuck tesla in the ass. it's over in like 5 years

>> No.9152395

Wow, retard. It's almost as if multiple companies on the market could compete and thrive. Everyone wants Tesla, anyway. No one gives a flying fuck about BMW or VW cuckmobiles. The only one who is positioned to compete in the Tesla's luxury vehicle market is Porsche. There's literally no competition for Model 3. Kys.

>> No.9152401

Porsche is owned by VW you 16 year old onions boy

>> No.9152412

No shit you mouthbreathing neckbeard. They're two different brands.

>> No.9152414

No one wants those cuck German cars kek. Rather buy a lada than give dumb Germans that vote for Merkel money

>> No.9152425

>says VW is a cuckmobile
>says Porsche is the only one who can compete with Tesla
>doesnt realise VW owns Porsche
On a scale of 1-10, how much of a retard are you?

>> No.9152432

>this back tracking

you're too stupid to discuss this rationally. you drank elons koolaid tesla is dead

>> No.9152452

Watch "Revenge of the Electric Car", you'll see him crack just before the original Roadster release.

It's a great documentary, too. It starts like a pretty standard "big oil conspiracy" documentary (with sources and everything) and pretty much ends with the very beginnings of the electric car era.

Great little piece of recent history.

>> No.9152463
File: 177 KB, 533x388, immense laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's you blown the fuck out my boy

>> No.9152467

>too retarded to realise that Porsche and Volkswagen are two different brands owned by the Volkswagen Group
Audi, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, Škoda and Bentley are all VW cars as, apparently. This is what 2 digits IQ looks like.

>> No.9152505

nope technically Porsche S.E. owns VW Group which owns Porsche so you're still wrong kek

>> No.9152537

He actually did sleep on PayPal's floor in the early days. And a few years ago he said that he can't afford to buy a new house (to be read mansion) because of alimony.

>> No.9152567

I get the feeling that Elon doesn't see himself in the light that others do; when it comes down to it, he still feels like a lowly startup nerd.

He just wants shit to be done.

>> No.9152578

Keep quiet >>9152401, you slimy fucktard.

>> No.9152587

>sn't money supposed to help you sleep and make you less stressed?

>> No.9152597

i'm just memeing

> Audi, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, Škoda and Bentley

>implying they won't all BTFO tesla

>> No.9153481


This guy has been right all along.

The anon arguing with him has a serious case of the REEEEEEs

>> No.9154637

He does though

>> No.9154907

Probably because he's working hard and he knows his company is way overvalued

>Tesla is up to its shoulders in debt
>Market cap higher than Ford
>Sells a minuscule fraction of units Ford does
>Cars Tesla does sell have shit margins
>No rainy day money at all if the cycle takes a down turn

It seems pretty obvious why he looks like shit. He always tries to do things for his vision of advancement, but most of his companies (SpaceX excepting) have garbage fundamentals.

>> No.9155044
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>> No.9155083

>It seems pretty obvious why he looks like shit. He always tries to do things for his vision of advancement, but most of his companies (SpaceX excepting) have garbage fundamentals.
Which is also why SpaceX is the only one of his companies not public. He only sells shares for the shitty ones.

>> No.9155669

You would look even more tired living his lifestyle:
>work all day
>party all night
>sleep only when you get to mars

>> No.9155972

Fuck you faggot

>> No.9156018
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>> No.9156179

In a way at least if Telsa fails hard something will have come out of it. The industry has been more aggressive about batteries, electric, and self driving because of its existence. I think Musk honestly cares more about this than Tesla being viable (even though he cares about both).

That being said, he makes too many promises he can't keep. Not sure if he's a delusional level optimist or just trying to stay in the game as long as he can squeeze it for.

>> No.9156224

He is a ceo of 3 different companies.

>> No.9156382

time is his enemy

>> No.9156482

You want to know the real reason?

It's because he's balding and uses minoxidil. That shit helps regrow hair but also causes aging of the face, most notably dark circles and bags under your eyes.

Look it up.

>> No.9156521

It's this thought mentality that will keep you poor forever. Sure, some CEOs are lazy and don't do much, but they're the exception not the rule poorfag

>> No.9156562


So from now on we should always refer to Porsches as Volkswagens, because there is no relevant difference? Ok.

Oh wait, no you're a nitpicking retard and you missed his point.

>> No.9156571
File: 427 KB, 1024x576, tesla-crash-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone wants Tesla
I hate Tesla. Cant wait to see it burn and die.

>> No.9156599

I wouldn't buy a Tesla if cost wasn't a consideration. Many better options

>> No.9156764


Great electronics, shit mechanics
He could have owned the industry, if he had just listened to people who actually built cars before

>> No.9156955
File: 185 KB, 700x400, fsuclemsongame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEOs dont do a shit!
>Managers steal money from hard working citizens!
>All they do is sitting in back office and driving lambos

Fuck off blue collar!

>> No.9156983


What is hair translant

>> No.9157081

>hair translant

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9157143

Have you ever run a business, OP?

>> No.9157417
File: 78 KB, 1200x657, xbiqykK[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair translant
he needs brain transplant, not hair.

>> No.9157596


Not knowing hair transplants are supplemented by finasteride and minoxidil.

Brainlet detected

>> No.9157636
File: 2.49 MB, 1809x1177, jared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally works

>> No.9157641
File: 31 KB, 460x432, gnwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big oil cuntpuppet detected

>> No.9157870

You're probably a Pathetic blue collar wagecuck

>> No.9157888

He makes less than McDs workers if we're talking about actual salary. His success depends completely on the success of his ventures

>> No.9157921

This is true. He has worked shifts on the assembly lines to show he is dedicated to his employees and their safety. And that's awesome from an employee standpoint, but if you're a shareholder, that's not what you want your golden boy doing

>> No.9157950

Might check this out tonight, thanks for the recommendation. Can confirm that right before the roadster release he had less than a week's worth of funds. He told his employees and they agreed to work for free until launch if they had to. Still wouldn't have had a happy ending, but some angel investors really like him

>> No.9157989

Most people are fine once they reach $5 million and will happily retire and spend the rest of their lives relaxing, but some people are mentally ill and think they never have enough, even if they're the richest man in the world.

>> No.9158074

Not if you actually work for it

>> No.9158194

no sleep cos he's up all night partying with bitches

>> No.9158203


>> No.9158214

Mentally ill captains of industry propel us into the next stage of humanity.

>> No.9159392

Design wise, BMW is goofy and VW does just a slight facelift for its entire portoflio for the last 20 years.
Technologically they are cucked by EU regulations

>> No.9159412

>tfw you havent reached Peter Weyland levels

>> No.9159444


This triggers the bootlicker

>> No.9159518


>> No.9159537

working and having money don't contradict each other. You can choose not to work if you have money, but you still have to do something 12+ hours a day so might as well go for the iron man meme in his place and build some cool shit. He's also too autistic to do otherwise

>> No.9159554

you still have to do something during the day, if you want to "relax" you can just be homeless and live in a van, that shouldn't be too hard

>> No.9160737

>CEO's dont work
Tired of this meme. Most CEO's ive met are absolute workaholics and zealots for the company they work for.

>> No.9160937

This is retardedly false
Its cause he's got work to do he owns his house now

>> No.9160966

People like him are rich because they actually LIKE WORKING. Imagine doing something you like and get paid shitloads of cash for it. Talk about an easy life. He'll propably never stop working no matter how rich he gets lol.

>> No.9160996

>you'll see him crack just before the original Roadster release.
Yeah he looked and sounded like he was on the verge of suicide at that point.

>> No.9161161

>He literally works 16 hours a day.

glorified wagecuck

>> No.9161250

Working for long hours actually feels good though. When you get used to it at least, you feel like a junkie.

>> No.9161252

>Isn't money supposed to help you sleep
Money can buy a higher-quality bed. I could sure use one.

>> No.9161271

>that feel when you work 12 hours skipping your breaks and you finish the day in a state of absolute exhaustion
It's literally euphoric.

>> No.9161487

CEOs aren't (((Limited Partners))), anon

>> No.9161915

Every single CEO billionaire from the CAC40 I know is a self made man and working hard on keeping their brand relevant

>> No.9161959

>that feel when you work 12 hours skipping your breaks and you finish the day in a state of absolute exhaustion
>It's literally euphoric.

>That feel when you wake up in the morning knowing you never have to work another day in your life.

It's literally euphoric.

>> No.9161988

you fucking moron hahahaha. you think you could do elon musk's job huh? lmfao

>> No.9162045

PT Barnum, cept the original didn't owe billions in debt. Explains why he Elon wants to get off the planet lol.

>> No.9162128

you're a fucking idiot. it's not, it's literally the fucking opposite. if this was true, everyone would be doing it. there's a reason hardly anyone is that dedicated, because it sucks.

>> No.9162140

he's getting financially rekt behind the scenes according to CDAN:

>> No.9162169

Because Sears posted positive net income while Tesla is out nearly 1 bill a year. Just matter of time untill investors bail on him.

>> No.9162193

Those are war scars. Stripes. I respect guys whose eyes are permabagged. It’s from getting little sleep, presumably from working. The most successful guys wear permabags in their pursuit of wealth.

>> No.9162352

I carry bags with me everywhere I go, will I be like Elon one day?

>> No.9162510

Maybe different things affect different people differently..?

>> No.9162865

It is for me, but it helps that if I'm doing nothing my mind is constantly filled with negative thoughts. Working to exhaustion prevents this and I get a feeling of acheivement at the end of the day.

>> No.9163409

Christ what kind of cuck faggot defends some billionaire welfare queen who makes shitty cars. Am I on fucking reddit?

>> No.9163450

this. These onions are the worst.

>> No.9163469

s oygoys not onions

>> No.9163501

>if you truly felt a certain way in a particular situation, everyone else would feel that way too
of course it's the retard calling other people fucking idiots.