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9154628 No.9154628 [Reply] [Original]

The continuous systematic accumulation and growth happening for the past month.

Big dogs are getting in, slowly and quietly. But when it takes off youre either in or too late.

EOS will look like bitcoin slow growth compared to this

>> No.9155041
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>> No.9155046
File: 116 KB, 1529x943, based snek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the moves on this one. Fiesty little fella.

>> No.9155059

> (not gonna make it)

>> No.9155109
File: 25 KB, 474x355, wakeysnakey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake that motherfuckin snek

>> No.9155128

1500ish sats short of ATH and we are not even in a bull run

We goin 10k sats++++++++++

>> No.9155133

>we are not even in a bull run


>> No.9155220

suck a dick, we aren't

>> No.9155390
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>> No.9155457
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>> No.9155476

Nice. Saved.

>> No.9155910

Dropped another 50k in when I saw IBM advertising blockchain on TV

>> No.9155989

IBM just reported earnings. They are making a shit-ton of money on blockchain.

>> No.9156016

source? esp blockchain part

>> No.9156035

SEC.gov or IBM investor relations, 8-Q is the file I believe

>> No.9156083

here u go dumb bitch

>> No.9156089
File: 11 KB, 299x168, 1523877409894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have boh xrp and xlm in my bag in case for wild shit happens like last year. The most easiest 200k in my life made by xrp last years.

>> No.9156451
File: 35 KB, 420x579, theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All the sheep are distracted by 30%+ gains all over the place - while this stealthily climbing.

>> No.9156748

XLM money move rich boy coin only. Rich Boy Lean Gang!

gang gang gang gang!!!!!
Yall aint gang!!!

>> No.9156880

If it makes it .60 it may pass ripple
But we saw what happened last time it only been three weeks
If does I’m in
If it doesn’t I’m in
I like how stellar Lumans is ran.

>> No.9157696
File: 39 KB, 620x400, xlmtothefuckingmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most viable project going forward into the new cryptospace
watch for $4 eoy

>> No.9157749

Can't wait for this to shoot up

>> No.9158252

completely agree. wouldn't be surprised if some insider info going on, there was a climb before the IBM news last time, someone knew then and someone probably knows now. Regardless this is going to be something and my main holding Im not messing around with.

>> No.9158369

Anyone else feel this way?
The more I look into this the more it feels like the first truly long term hold crypto

>> No.9159041

this looks like a nice coin. how many do i need to make it by end of year 2018?

>> No.9159294


Well, depends on what "making it" is to you, you can expect $4-5 XLM by year's end.

>> No.9159884

Da snek will cuck litecoin in this week

>> No.9159916

i want XLM to hit 15k sats, is that too much to ask?

>> No.9159943

If the Stellar team or the team at IBM can jump all the regulatory hurdles and get tokenized dollars and Euro onto the XLM blockchain what do you think the value of XLM will be? Lumens will be the only truly fungible asset that won't be anchored to a real world bank on its blockchain. I honestly believe thats a $500 billion market cap on a BAD day. The world's currencies are about to get tokenized and stellar will be the reserve asset on the world's only public blockchain used to swap those assets. This is the comfiest hold in crypto.

>> No.9160718


$30 within 2-3 years.

>> No.9160829

you just made me so hard. no homo.

>> No.9160838

never going to buy this niggercoin, why should I fucking fund africa? I'm already annoyed with blacks and white genocide

>> No.9160848

Was mining this shit before it got big, had like 30,000 or something but the pool never paid out so i just gave up and now its like top ten kek

>> No.9160901


>mining xlm

>> No.9160930

Oh shit you're fucking right, my bad, was probably feathercoin or some other shitcoin, one less thing to keep me up at night

>> No.9161007

kek. And I'm a Stellar holder

>> No.9161426

>$30 in two years
ETH went from $10 to $1000+ in 12 months. Sure it slid back afterwards because its blockchain doesn't work as advertised at scale. But, thats a clear indicator of how the growth of a "good" crypto happens: first its nothing, then it explodes. Growth is exponential in crypto, there won't be a friendly two or three year linear growth curve from $2 to $20. It'll explode upwards in just a few months. As soon as a real US bank tokenizes USD (see Micheal Dowling and FairX) get ready to go lunar in a month or less. Once they figure out all the regulatory bullshit worked out this is going to go mainstream as the cheapest way to currency swap when traveling overseas. Its no coincidence that Stellar and IBM Blockchain is full of banking industry insiders and regulatory experts. Buckle up boys, Stellar is the real deal. This is like buying Amazon stock at $5 in 2001.

>> No.9161449

FairX will benefit the entire crypto space. Since it seems to involve onboarding fiat into the space, this is the central thing needed to make crypto go boom, more, and more, and more, fiat dumping in the system.

>> No.9161701

>onboarding fiat into the space
This is already done by multiple companies (Gemini, Bitfinex, BitQuick). Onboarding isnt the problem. The problem is that blockchain does not save anyone any money. Bitcoin is only useful as a transfer of value from shitholes that the wealthy are trying to escape (Cyprus, Venezuela), thats its real world use.

Stellar is actually going to be a better alternative to an existing industry. Exchanging money across borders is fucking expensive for users. An app with tokenized currencies on the stellar network could swap currencies faster and cheaper than anything currently on the market, it allows banks to comply with KYC laws, and the average user wouldnt know or care that XLM is doing all the heavy lifting in the background. This is going to change the remittance industry in a profound way VERY quickly. The stellar network is useful because the price of XLM isnt at all related to how the average user will use the network.

>> No.9161729

OP is a fag, but yes, I have been quietly accumulating for awhile now.

>> No.9162566

I have 5k USD waiting to buy more. I think this will dip in the short term to 30 cent range. Long term I anticipate insane growth.

>> No.9162613

>Imagine all the BTCfags and ETHgays having to cash out through Stellar
>Imagine all the newfags/normies having to buy Crypto through Stellar
I literally can't get more erect right now

>> No.9162655

I'm already using Stellar as my base currency transferring money in and out exchange (for day trading) through Stellar because the fees are $0.01 and it takes 20 seconds.
I honestly fucking love Stellar, one of the few projects in crypto with a top notch working product

>> No.9163000

ATH was double then this.
We hit 0.94 in January

>> No.9163351

He's talking sats value retard. Bitcoin was worth more at the time so of course usd value was higher.