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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9151838 No.9151838 [Reply] [Original]

It's trading at x1.76, great opportunity to buy more. First, it was IOTA. Then it was RaiBlocks. Next it will be Holochain.

>> No.9151848

the king gains of this year. Now shut up so I can accumulate

>> No.9151874

Fucking insane project. It's like a more redpilled Raiblocks, and will see a similar rise.

>> No.9151890

How? Fast and free is normie frirndly and eye catching. What does holochain have?

>> No.9151897

This is like getting in on Hashgraph, EOS or Dfinity at a 40m market cap.

>> No.9151903

Might be much more desu, prob a 500x this year

>> No.9151916

shill me ORI please

>> No.9151971

>raiblock nodes constantly out of sync due to not hashing to a main chain, every user has their own chain
>holo nodes never out of sync because each user has their own hashchain, but signs hashes to a main chain
HOT is literally the future of blockchain, it's INFITELY SCALABLE because each node handles their own hashes/transactions (Proof of Service algo) Just look into it and come back to this thread.

I promise you will be completely blown away by what they are proposing.

>> No.9151993

Where is it trading?

>> No.9152001


>> No.9152011

Is it an erc20 token?

>> No.9152031

why on earth would u trade for it?

The ERC20 token has been wanchained.

All traded tokens will be marked void and ruled ineligible for mainnet swap.

>> No.9152034


>> No.9152040

If each user handles their own information what's stopping a user from holding and inputting faulty information into the system?

>> No.9152041

How are you going to get normies to FOMO into a project like this ?

>> No.9152043

thats not true

>> No.9152054

Dude cmon, do some research please.. They made a video which explains their hostile actor protection and its on the front page of their site.

>> No.9152056

Someone just bought 30 ETH worth at 0.0000006, or almost 3x ICO price. FOMO is real.

>> No.9152058
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>> No.9152073
File: 101 KB, 1664x696, Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 14.25.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he kept waiting lmao

>> No.9152078

Stop spreading this bullshit, the devs and admins on telegram have said that this isn't true multiple times.

>> No.9152103

what's the market cap? I am thinking about getting some too

>> No.9152109

DHT, if a user has none matching infomation then they won't be able to share the data with the other peers

>> No.9152128

Easy 100x boys.

>> No.9152141

literally like 30 mil right now, im not sure. get in, this is one of the only 100x you'll ever see in crypto again.

>> No.9152146

Around 50 million right now.

>> No.9152166

around $60m I think atm

>> No.9152178

Supply is 177.6 Billion, just multiply it by the current price to get marketcap

>> No.9152471

thanks, but no thanks. Got some more ori for a quick 3x flip

>> No.9152490

Would be around 70 mill i guess

>> No.9152509

dam shits mooning, 80 mil already.

>> No.9152524

$67.2m marketcap

>> No.9152542

actually its around 90 million

>> No.9152778

At this point i think it would be appropriate to just estimate 100 million

>> No.9152882

You are right, I was too conservative, I think its about 110 million currently though

>> No.9152931

No apparently you can't understand words.
They've said exactly that they are void if you trade them.

>> No.9152944

gentleman i would suggest 120 million

>> No.9152962

Fuck off dinesh

>> No.9152986

Nope, get fucked

>> No.9153081

whats the supply

>> No.9153091

circulating supply is 133 billion, you dont multiple with total supply

>> No.9153138

177.6 B, marketcap is $79M, probably a dump

>> No.9153200

>he thinks holo holders value their coin at 79M

people wont dump till it's at 200m, after that we'll have another wave that'll bring us to 1b

>> No.9153288

Telegram mods, just reconfirmed. Traded tokens will be tagged and rendered ineligible for mainnet swap,

Don't listen to the Pajeets, Dineshs, Patels and Sharmas here. They want as many tokens to be rendered void as possible so their meagre holdings attains greater proportional value.

>> No.9153321

wrong, circulating supply is 133 billion, you dont calculate marketcap with total supply, marketcap is around 58.41 million dollars atm

>> No.9153341
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also baseless fud

all hot tokens are eligible for converting

>> No.9153401

post screenshots or GTFO fudder

>> No.9153409
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Price won't go any lower, anon, you better hurry up.

>> No.9153621

Thanks OP, forgot to buy in the ICO but I don't give a shit if it's a 3x already.

>> No.9153640

where is this shit traded

>> No.9153642

HOT might be "Hydro Protocol" but not holochain on some exchanges. Watch out.

>> No.9153679

It's the right one on IDEX, always check the contract though. I don't think it's elsewhere yet.

>> No.9153696

78.082.000 USD cap right now if calculated with the lastest idex price and the full supply of 177,619,433,541 HOT.

>> No.9153733

I'm getting 51mil.

>> No.9153754

Fuck it, I'm in. Is this a long term hold or is everyone looking at an easy 3x from here?

>> No.9153758

you dont calculate the total supply, only circulating which is 133 billion, around 58 million marketcap

>> No.9153767

I'm keeping until the mainnet swap at least

>> No.9153769

Got £100 to throw into this, the shilling is too convincing and I don't wanna miss something like XRB again. What are we looking at 6 months from now?

>> No.9153773

wow anon that's pretty HOT

>> No.9153776

Nah too high marketcap already, need to be listed on other centralized exchange with higher liquidity, until then it won't x2 anymore from here

>> No.9153784

Thanks, just bought 713k. Can someone tell me what the fuck this thing does and if it's a long-term hold?

>> No.9153794

Bought 5,000,000 HOT in the ICO, should of bought more, people always FUD.

>> No.9153801
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So many whales bought into the ICO, some have like 50,000,000 or more, hundreds of people

>> No.9153819

How will this help us to gas the jews?
t. /pol/

>> No.9153828

Why the fuck are you retards buying this? Devs has said that the platform will be free to use and that the tokens are only there for developers to buy computation power, there are 25,000,000,000 MILLION tokens, normies wont use it, only devs so its barely gonna fucking increase in price, no one will buy this shit except for a few devs and they probably already have them you fucking retards

>> No.9153830

the true history of the holocaust will be embedded in the blockchain for publib viewing and will never be tampered with

>> No.9153853


>> No.9153870
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>> No.9153907

You use them to buy hosting/processing power from HOLO, which is the interface that normies will use to interact with holo apps in browser. Devs will have to buy them to keep their apps working. One holofuel is equivalent to more than 10000 ethereum in processing power. If you weren't such a dumbass you'd understand what this means.

>> No.9153908

I have that and I ain't no whale son

>> No.9153946

Mean't 500,000,000

>> No.9153970

Retard, a company would only need to buy 1 out of the 25,000,000,000 MILLION, thats all they need to run their app, and normies doesnt have to buy them to interact, devs said it themselves

>> No.9154138

but they can buy more to run it without fixed costs

>> No.9154167

where to buy?

>> No.9154180


>> No.9154193
