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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9152189 No.9152189 [Reply] [Original]

I've never read a white paper in my life. Haven't even read the one from EOS... my IQ might be slightly higher than an average niggers IQ.

But guess what? I could tell EOS would be big. Started checking out consensus on this coin on YouTube and Reddit. And yeah the EOS people muh community are complete faggots. But it was so fucking obvious EOS would be huge... if nothing else... it would go huge before mainnet.

The problem with you faggots is you are to fucking analytical and don't go with your gut. Much like pit traders at the CBOT who were former truck drivers and would make much more money trading commodities than Harvard MBA's.

You autists think you are so smart... and you are... but it's also a liability.

>> No.9152306


>> No.9152349

You know i always had a feeling about EOS. I got clues daily...
I want to thank biz for swaying me from buying this at $4.00 and keeping me poor. Im literally gonna stop coming here. You guys really fucking suck at picking proper coins. I could be fucking rich right now.
Not even joking one bit either. Really fucking sucks

>> No.9152374

>You autists think you are so smart... and you are... but it's also a liability.
Till the day your devs go behinde bars and crypto gets regulated. I'm now 100% on the regulate it till no normie will ever think about buying crypto ever again train. Well done

>> No.9152427
File: 43 KB, 1373x374, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are totally right, this is not the MIT yearly autuist awards this is about reading the market and getting into the head of normie crypto investors. No one fucking cares about your smart oracles and Sergey , they want a "cheap" coin with some hype behind it

>> No.9152503

I actually could tell it was gonna be big before it hit 4. I was figuring out the consensus on this coin like 3 months ago. Got super excited about it and then forgot about it for a while because the registering is confusing as fuck and I'm a brainlet with everything tech related. I still don't even know how to set up and deposit in a wallet... and this is after making close to 100k in December off 3k with cardano then tron where I had no idea what I was doing as my first foray into crypto.

Then I saw EOS jump from 4 to 5 pretty quick and immediately threw 10k into it.....

>> No.9152531
File: 42 KB, 1879x118, eosprediction3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were warned

>> No.9152551

Should I FOMO in now or wait for a dip? When is mainnet?

>> No.9152561

What do you predict now?

>> No.9152585

So what do you suggest? When you're smart, it's not like you can turn part of your brain off and fall off right at the level when you're in tune with the normal guy but not so dumb you fall for pajeet scams.

I researched Eos last summer, saw the potential for hype and even bought a little at key moments, but it went sideways for months and block.one ETH recycling + finex connections make predicting price movement much harder.

In hindsight, yes, people of average intelligence go absolutely bonkers for airdrops and snapshots. Any form of nonsense where they feel like they're getting something valuable for "free", they flock to it like moths to the flame. There was a call to be made for smart people who paid attention. So sue me, we're inching towards PoS and debating a contentious fork on the one chain that matters. Can't keep track of everything.

>> No.9152588

LINK 1000 EOY.

But my gut feeling in EOS... I think this shit hits 100 before mainnet. Some people say 35$. No way. A month is so far away. Some anon said the other day in another thread.... the pump starts a month out now. And I instinctively knew that even tho I'm a dumbass.

>> No.9152601

unironically join some normie facebook groups like "Crypto Investors New York" and see what they talk about See how they like "cheap" coins with low price regardless of high mcap like TRX

>> No.9152617

When exactly is mainnet?

>> No.9152638

Yeah but you guys are so fucking good at this shit. How the fuck could you find ETH and ANS and miss EOS???

I've never seen ANYTHING like the research done on link... and EOS is staring you right in the face. Even if it ends up failing... the hype on it trying to dethrone ETH is reason enough to buy.

Just way too much going with this coin especially with the pedophile genius behind it to not skyrocket.

I don't even give a shit about the airdrops. Even if I lived in a pajeet country I wouldn't register.

>> No.9152670
File: 319 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180429-030053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I FOMO the rest of my crypto into eos right now or do you think it'll dip?

>> No.9152702

>i don't even give a shit about the airdrops. Even if I lived in a pajeet country I wouldn't register.
Absolutely brainlet. That snapshot will be used by every single ico or side blockchain that wants to leverage the year long distribution. There's literally no reason to not register.

>> No.9152703

June 1st.

Also something I picked up about a week or two ago.... is the mainnet release on June 1st actually coincides with some crypto regs (beneficial it sounded like) in Russia happening on June 1st also.

Also.... if you go to EOS reddit... the 2nd or 3rd thread down labeled "why I'm not selling my EOS before mainlaunch." Towards the bottom someone mentioned that Larimer said something on telegram that something "big" is coming. And then the plebbitor said if Larimer says it's big it will be big.

>> No.9152723

This is the dip. I just sold the top and bought back in

>> No.9152728

I think you should def consolidate a couple of those coins into more EOS. I have link tron and EOS.

No reason to go nuts tho.

>> No.9152729
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 1517179065806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally buying at ATH
sure go for it

>> No.9152742
File: 44 KB, 1169x176, eos scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Don't buy on an exchange the ICO is still running
B)The tokens are vaporware, if nobody builds a mainnet there will never be a mainnet
C)It is a great scam

>> No.9152770

I don't care. Plus I live in America... so I can't register anyway.

I mean what are these airdrops gonna be worth? 2 cents? Less? Will some go up a lot? Maybe . But I'm more interested in the eos gaining lots of value based on muh airdrops

>> No.9152776

I've been telling myself this for days and it keeps going higher.
Should I buy more link? Why would it be mooning right now?

>> No.9152777

But ânon i didnt miss EOS, and i haven’t missed AE either

>> No.9152798

Big players including bitfinex are already fighting over becoming block producers. There's billions of dollars banking on an official blockchain being launched and there's no reason for it not to happen. Why would you bet against big money, the biggest crypto exchange, and a guy who built the most used blockchain project ever? It's mind boggling how stupid some of the people on /biz/ are

>> No.9152808

At this stage the best piece of advice I could give you is to look at it as a missed opportunity and just wait to buy somewhere down the road

>> No.9152814

Yes. Buy link. Not even going discuss why... just do it.

>> No.9152817

You living in America is irrelevant. They don't know that. It's just legalese because they don't want to fuck around with security regulations.

>> No.9152862

Obviously you can't keep track of everything. But EOS was right there and for so long. It wasn't some smaller coin that can end up being huge like ENG.

And I can also tell ZIL will be big. I'm just hoping it stays where it is until tron goes up so I can trade into that

>> No.9152874

The whitepaper is retarded
The scam is stated in plane bold letters on their site
The github is active, but yeah, lots of announcing no working product
Haven't seen anything about bitfinex or others fighting over getting yet another (possible) muah gen3 shitcoin platform into their folio

Overall, nice marketing and pump 22:00 before the current ico ends. It has scam written all over it

>> No.9152890

The test net is feature complete. I've written toy contracts on it and it works perfectly. You will always be poor.

>> No.9152894

Unironically my gut feeling on it is it won't be successful at the end of the day. I actually don't have a good feeling about EOS. But it was relatively obvious this thing would skyrocket

>> No.9152902


>> No.9152919

get that medium shilling out of my face

>> No.9152941

>stop posting facts that prove that I'm a retard
Jesus dude how many eth bags are you carrying

>> No.9152963

I don't care. I don't want airdrops. I'll feel like a Jew.

>> No.9152964

sold the bulk at 1337 when retards fomod like crazy into a buggy shitcoin and screamed muah smart contracts are da future

Crypto needs regulation and some precedent cases of devs, marketeers and VCs going behinde bars for 25 years and more

>> No.9152978

or in the case of china, straight away execution

>> No.9152988

So in other words you tried to leverage short eos, got rekt, and now you go on 4chan crying about how it's a scam and how you need your government daddy to protect you from making dumb decisions. Sounds like another bitfinexed in the making

>> No.9153012


Saaaaaave me govt

>> No.9153031

Fucking idiots want decentralization with centralized regulations.

Get fucked.

>> No.9153062

Not quite
Retarded normal faggots who can't read a line of code, or in that regard even can't read plane english need to be kept out of this space for their own good, as long as snakes and professional scammers like block.one capitalize on their stupidity without fear of getting hold accountable for fucking them dry into the ass and steal funds which could be used to build roads or help single mothers

Really I hope china executes some devs and the us puts them in a cell next to Ross

>> No.9153120

As long as you faggot devs and marketeers enter official contracts with your plane name a bullet will find the way into your brain

>> No.9153524
File: 26 KB, 939x311, anatomy of a scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little calculation for those who think about fomoing

pic related is the formel for the ICO round distributing 2.000.000 eos token

Assuming it receives 10.000 ETH, going straight to the bank account of some talentless professional scammer and you spend ONE eth on it, you receive 200 eos which equates at a current market rate of 4K US dollar.

Buying that shit at pumped prices from an exchange with 1 eth gives you 33 eos which would equates to 660 US dollar


>> No.9153594

This is different, because ETH is sound on a fundamental level. That made it an easy buy regardless of hype.

On the flipside, Eos is fundamentally flawed. For people who have only a vague understanding of crypto, it's easy to hold because everything is a blackbox. But if you get crypto, you know ETH is worth something and you know Eos is worth nothing. Holding Eos becomes purely a bet on greater's fool theory, and that bet gets more and more difficult as time goes on.

>> No.9153748

Yeah... I agree with you. I actually responded that my gut told me this will fail or be inferior at the end of the day. But it was so obvious it would pump think it will continue to pump

>> No.9153791

>>915374 8
they have heavy marketing and currently there are 255 eth in the pot with 20 hours left, so I would wonder if 10.000 eth would be reached. It is certain that the price will dump heavily in 20 hours but as long as it doesn't fall below $1 you can make bank. If you feel lucky go for it, but I suggest you fud every eos thread popping up in the next 20 hours as heavily as you can, or at least don't mention the ico way to get that vaporware

also sage the thread.

>> No.9153848


>> No.9153932

>>915384 8
How much reddit runs around here holy macaroni
At the current period which ends in 20 hours, 2.000.000 eos will be distributed among those participating in the ICO. Assuming 10.000 eth go into the ICO pot, spending 1 eth will give you 200 eos. At a price of $20 this is roughly $4000 (on which you spend $660). Assuming the price tanks you break even if eos keeps a price of $3/eos. Don't spread the message means less eth in the pot, more eos to dump on normal faggots

This tip was for free.

now put sage into the option field, don't answer me by clicking my post number and don't spread this info if you want to make it

>> No.9153953

it's been ATH every day for a week. it will be ATH until June. plenty of time to earn juicy gains

>> No.9154285


I agree anon. I stayed out for exactly this reason - I always underestimate stupidity ffs.

>> No.9154356

Is it the end for EOS? I've bought it at $22. Am I fucked up?

>> No.9154465


Look I’m gonna be completely honest. The most entertaining threads for your average bizraeli to read are the “I missed out on x AAAAAH *shotgun wojak*” threads. This boards deep obsession with schadenfreude is why people WONT give you good advice.

Go all in EOS. Everyone posting *brainlet* “buying ath” is just an EOS holder who doesn’t want you in on the ride. I bought the ETH ATH at 40 USD. Ask me if I regret it.

>> No.9154523

Thanks for sharing this information.
This procedure for raising funds is really a red flag.

>> No.9154555

If people were rich, would they post on 4chan? If they're not rich, they don't make good decisions.

>> No.9154714

But if you look at the distribution the average ETH contributed per pot is currently 57,000.

EOS 2,000,000 / ETH ~57000 = ~35 EOS per ETH. That's basically around market price with no guaranteed exactly how many eth you'll get for your money. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.9154904

no, you are actually right
I underestimated the extend of this scam
Either somebody is really banking on this or it is a big fat dump in the making. I was wrong on the current value of eos

>> No.9155030

Imagine if you bought 10,000 ETH, so 0.001% of the total cap. And because of that you had 0.001% of EVERY ERC TOKEN. OMG, check, KNC, check, 0x, check, LINK, check, etc. etc.

Do you realise that the combined value of all the ERC-20 tokens exceeds ETHs value? But not getting on those free airdrops you will be losing out on HALF of your potential gains.

>> No.9155056

Nigger the pool value of ETH/EOS in their ico changes daily due to market fluctuations. People know this shit already.

>> No.9155417

Are you dumb? Last period had over 56k eth contributed

>> No.9155453

Contributions sky rocket at the very end of each period. Look at all the other periods and where they end up near market price. The downside I see of direct contribution instead of exchange purchase is that you lose all liquidity on direct purchase while you wait for tokens to distribute