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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9147428 No.9147428 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9147450

fucking why

muh testnet

>> No.9147458

it just keeps fucking climbing and climbing everyday holy shit.

>> No.9147479

Fuck John S. Oliver

>> No.9147490

Sold some at $20, pls let me buy back in at $19.

>> No.9147495

I’m moving to Thailand

>> No.9147499
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All hail the king

>> No.9147505

praise dan

>> No.9147517



>> No.9147518

Fucking nigger coin I hope this goes to zero and you all go to debtors prison

>> No.9147521

No go fuck yourself

>> No.9147549
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congrats :)

>> No.9147586

Set up those stop losses and hop on boys. Just adjust that shit daily and you'll be making some sick gains before the inevitable dump.

>> No.9147589

>Fucking nigger coin I hope this goes to zero and you all go to debtors prison
Being salty and refusing the swallow your pride days/weeks ago is the reason you missed this moon mission loser.

Keep shorting.

>> No.9147599


This is going to $30 by next Friday

>> No.9147600

Repeat after me

W a sH tR a dInG

>> No.9147618
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Anon will I make it

>> No.9147624

T. Reddit

>> No.9147640
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We all gon make it brah

>> No.9147663

Bought 80% of mine at $4 feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.9147713
File: 68 KB, 600x600, D4BE8C2C-8829-4883-BE5D-BB63F8620481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine at about $6 but in December BTC price so 35k sats feels good man

Even sold at 10k when it didn’t hold the first time and got back in on the way us from 68-85k sats


>> No.9147722

prepare eos related wojacks for dump this weekend

>> No.9147733

Is this going to dip any time soon?

>> No.9147734

>prepare eos related wojacks for dump this weekend
You guys have been saying that since $9 faggot hahahaahhaahahaha

>> No.9147757

did none of you learn about market cycles from the first spike?

thought you retards were supposed to be smart

>> No.9147762

yeah it'll dip to 35 soon

>> No.9147769
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>> No.9147775

this market makes no sese

>> No.9147784


If you had bought this when Jon Oliver called it shit, you would have 4x your money.

>> No.9147785
File: 28 KB, 1887x102, EOSFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will dump some day, but not before some sick gains. You're like those buttcoin boomers who show up every time bitcoin crashes while ignoring the fact that hodlers still made like 100x despite the crash.

Pic related. Any day now right?

>> No.9147842

whats with the pump? is there a serious case of fomo going on?

>> No.9147868

Big players who want a stake in the network are starting to realize that this is the real deal. The snapshot is a month away. Everyone part of the snapshot will be getting airdrops forever. Do the math.

>> No.9147870

BCH isnt that far away anymore

few days and EOS overtake BCH in Coinmarketcap

>> No.9147881

Weekend we shall see

>> No.9147916

I bought in $5 (10K) and Ill be the first to admit the pump is great but still a shit coin.

>> No.9147951

do the pajeet shilling more like it

>> No.9147976

>conduses due with do
Hi pajeet, might want to work on your English before accusing others of being what you are

>> No.9148046

anyone know anything about the new coin that just got added to idex?

zco (zebi coin)

is this is the next moonshot?

>> No.9148049
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>tfw could have tripled my money if I just fucking bought that day

>> No.9148055
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wew, you dont get it do you?

>> No.9148058
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>> No.9148104

My portfolio has tripled in value over the past month. Perhaps you're the one who doesn't get it, binder.

There won't be any major dumps before the snapshot, and after the snapshot the token can't be transferred, so there won't be a dump then either. This is as safe an entry point as any. Dan is a market genius desu.

>> No.9148105

Can you go into further detail on this? Only people part of the snapshot are getting airdrops is what you're implying

>> No.9148143

Some people have been getting airdrops with snapshots every month or so done by these dapps that plan to work off of EOS. When EOS main launches, that final snapshop may be used for further distributions of airdrops but its up to each individual dapp how theyll distribute post main.

>> No.9148161

Block.one is taking a snapshot of all registered addresses that hold their erc20 token on June 1. They will publish the snapshot, and then whoever establishes the official blockchain will use said snapshot to distribute the real eos tokens. However since the snapshot is public, anyone can use that same snapshot to distribute their own tokens, and many icos will do that because it's probably the best token distribution that's ever been done, and it saves them a lot of work.

>> No.9148179

EBET will destroy eos. EBET is the eos killer, all hail the new king: EBET (buy EBET on idex)

>> No.9148276
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I'm a retard and I'm still making money. What's your excuse?

>> No.9148321
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>> No.9148355

Bought at 10$ sooo im so pumped im gunna dump!