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File: 86 KB, 992x744, Elliot_Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9145843 No.9145843 [Reply] [Original]

just turned 22 and still virgin. what am I in for?

>> No.9145856

please take this to >>>/r9k/

>> No.9145863
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Become a crypto behemoth and crush all women beneath your feet. Also, become a cute girl.

>> No.9145866

suck on something
-> /adv/

>> No.9145875

If you keep focusing on it, you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.9145877

don't post this shit on biz faggot.

>> No.9145878

HI friend, I think i have the solution to your problem.

Buy ELEC on Kucoin

Kind regards, your newfriend.

>> No.9146150


A lonely, bitter existence.

>> No.9146161
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i had the same question when i was 22

i'm 26 and i'm still a virgin

>> No.9146202

suicide before 30.

>> No.9146215


You will soon realize that most women are fucking spastics and if you're not fucking them you're basically babysitting an adult, you may as well mistreat and fuck as many of them as you can while you can.

Settle for the skinniest one you can find and fulfill your instinctual desires to breed.

>> No.9146483


>> No.9146654
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>24yo virgin
>try to get gf through online dating
>eventually end up talking to some chick
>she asks me for pictures
>send her a dickpic
>reread her message and realize I didn't understand it right
>she is impressed
>still cringe is too hard and I cut off all communication

>> No.9146678

h-how do i become 2d?

>> No.9146698

You aren't missing anything. You can pull prime 20 yo tail well into your 30s and beyond if you stay fit. It's easier and more fun the older you get.

Dating in your early 20s is dumb as fuck. Much better to be a daddy or older brother to young women. The dynamic is easier to maintain and they are more submissive with an age difference.

I'm 34 and I creampied a 19 year old last night. Then she asked for my number so she could come back next week. Just take your time bro.

>> No.9146738


It's just going to get harder and harder the longer you wait

By the time you finally have the chance to get laid, it will have such significance to you that you'll psych yourself out and your dick will go limp.

After the girl laughs at you and puts her clothes back on, you'll still be a virgin and will start questioning your sexuality

>> No.9146830

This is a test. This is only a test. Do not be alarmed.

>> No.9146854
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Jumping off a tall building usually works. As your body hits the pavement, gravity flattens you into 2D.

I want to be a 2d anime girl too.

>> No.9146935

Wow. Exactly this happened to me.
Except she stayed with me and we had a relationship for a year.
She was a total slut though and i was inexperienced so it all kinda got fucked up. You live and learn but when you're older you start to worry about time. When you're 15 everything would be way easier to deal with because you dont have that time pressure

>> No.9147137
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make sure you or he spits on it before ramming it home

>> No.9147156
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hire a hooker already with your crypto gains. Go for a hot japanese bitch

>> No.9147166

super powers if you make it to 30, just focus on what you like to do and sekf improvement and the women will come. Sex is a the greatest meme ever invented.

>> No.9147265
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thats my plan when I make it

>> No.9147275

sex can be great but indeed pretty over rated. Especially if there are no feelings involved its like similar to jacking off just more alpha

>> No.9147478

just become the best version of yourself and don't try to rush sex. it's kind of sweet especially if you join a church and marry another virgin and you can learn together

>> No.9147487

>what am I in for?
The rest of your life.

>> No.9147535

>what am I in for?

Nothing. Crushing nothingness.

>> No.9147572

Fuck it. Sex is not that important. We're only brainwashed to believe it is. Everything in the media / Hokeywood / popular culture, sends the message, "if you're not getting laid regularly or in a relationship, you must be the Unabomber." Total and utter HORSE SHIT. IT IS OK TO BE SINGLE. It's ok to be a virgin, or not be sexually active. You are still a VALID human being. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Besides, dude, you've got lots of time for everything. I was even older when I lost my virginity. Who cares? Seriously - who cares? Stop listening to the propaganda. Get a life. I don't mean that in a harsh sense. But there's more to life than sex. Find a hobby, interest, sport to pursue. Take classes, meet people. When Daniel Craig said, "Everyone needs a hobby" in "Skyfall", he was absolutely right. When I was a kid, there was at least one major hobby chain in every mall. And those hobby shops were like fucking department stores. Anything you wanted, model planes, trains, cars, stamps for collecting, crochet, fucking basket-weaving. I'm not kidding. Now, there's nothing like that. You have to hunt for hobby places. That's one thing wrong with the world today. People today think walking along the beach and going to movies are hobbies. They're not. A real hobby educates and enriches you, and sometimes even develops new skills. And hey, if you want to get your rocks off, save your $ and go to a massage parlour or strip club - a clean one - lol. The attack in Toronto last week brought attention to the Incel "movement". Incels claim the "Chads and Stacey's" - popular, rich, attractive folks - reject and marginalize incels. If that's true, your best revenge is living well. Show them you are HAPPY regardless. It drives them BAT-SHIT crazy. Remember, shit flows both ways. It's like psychological warfare.

>> No.9147709


Absolutely based. Read this people with short attention span. He is right.

>> No.9147750


IF you are desperate, fuck a prostitute using protection. Get rid of that "I'm a virgin" feel, but might have "lost virginity to a prostitute" feel now.

Realize sex is not as big a deal as you built it up to be in your head.

Move on with your life.

>> No.9147751

Shit. I feel like like Donald Trump. Here goes, DOT DOT DOT Don't be intimidated. Some of them may want to beat the crap out of you. Trust me, there MAY be confrontations. There are folks who don't want to see you walking around with your head held high. So learn to protect yourself. You don't need to be a 3rd-degree Black Belt or anything. Just hit a dojo for 6 months, learn some basic moves, and practise, practise, practise. There's a hobby for you! The art of kicking ass. Lol. And if folks still harass you, I believe those extendable aluminum batons are legal to carry. I'm picking me up a couple, cuz there are some real assholes in my area. There's also mace and pepper spray. Check your local laws and your local martial arts and surplus outlets. Yeah, it really pisses them off when they reject you, and you don't give a shit. Angry, spiteful people. Trust me, they're not happy. As for women, are most of 'em bitches? Sure. Big deal. Even the poor, pussified Chads know that. No reason to call Walter Cronkite. Just ignore them. They crave attention from decent men. Don't give it to them. Remember, if you resort to violence, YOU become the bad guy. Why be The Mad Bomber or Mad Shooter, when you can be Mack the Knife. A quiet, cunning assassin.

>> No.9147772

But pussy feels so good....no real replacement, sadly. As much as I wish there was, there just isn't.

>> No.9147812

Question guys. I am 20, have had sex with 3 women. Still feel like a virgin. Can anyone explain why?

>> No.9148128

Met with an escort the other day as a slump buster. In large part because I don't have time to go out and meet people as I live in the fucking mountains in the middle of nowhere. In all seriousness the evening was much better than the vast majority I've shared with chicks I've been in relationships with. She spoke a foreign language I'm learning, so I got to practice my conversational skills (99% sure this helped contribute to a better than average performance on her part), we ordered pizza, and talked about international law.
God fucking bless shortstacks.
>tfw still prefer riding my motorcycle to getting laid.
There is a ton of wisdom, pasta/ironic whatever or not in this post >>9147572. There are many things I prefer to sex and I don't really feel that much different after breaking out a few months dip. I stay busy and have many many projects going on, and those keep me content and occupied.

All that to say: OP, if you really think this is a measure of your "worth", just meet a callgirl and get it over with. While it's impolite to negotiate, you should familiarize yourself with what you can expect from the provider in the scheduling process and don't let yourself feel pressured. Remember you are the client, not the provider. You want a certain outfit? Ask for it.

You haven't barebacked a girl?

>> No.9148207

Same shit as the year before.

Also, you're in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

>> No.9148246
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this. jacking off is better. all women are whores who cares? rape is at least exciting

>> No.9149110
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I'm 30 and still one. Not even bad looking. I hardly care. I am a wizard. I reject degeneracy and will not have sex until marriage with a virgin wife.

>> No.9149217

I’m 24 and am a virgin. Doesn’t bother me because it’s not that big of a deal if it doesn’t matter much to you, which it doesn’t to me. Plus it’s not like I can’t get any if I wanted to. I’m a vocal, not an incel.

>> No.9149345

>fpbp every time

>> No.9149506


30 years old and never experienced the pleasure of your dick inside of a tight, warm, wet pussy, with a pair of tits bouncing in front of you waiting to be grabbed

i feel bad for you bro

>> No.9149542

im 23 and virgin, doesnt really bother me at this point. i know ill die a virgin since the only reason i'd have sex is to reproduce and i do not want children whatsoever.

>> No.9149798

Some folks seem upset that that dude posted the "virgin" comment in the Business section. On behalf of that fellow, I apologize to y'all disgruntled ones. Try not to lose any sleep over it. The rest of us are having fun.
Loved the comment about the call-girl experience. Glad you enjoyed it. That's what I'm talking about. I've had lotsa fun in strip clubs and massage joints. If you're willing to leave all your grievances toward the opposite sex at the door, you can enjoy yourself. Female contact doesn't always have to be about sex. I mean, you can be Prince Charming in those places, then walk out the door and go back to being your regular asshole self. Lol ... No pressure - what happens in the strip club/massage parlour stays in the strip club/massage parlour. :) You pay for it, but then so does every other guy, even Mr. Trump. Sound a little cynical? Well, maybe it is. But if anyone can come up with something better, please share. Last I checked, it wasn't a perfect world.

>> No.9149849

Lost my virginity at 20 so you're not far off. 21-27 you should be hitting up the bars and clubs on the regular. If you're closing in on 30 and still have your v card...I'm sorry but you're a lost hope

>> No.9149880

To the guy who wonders why 3 women doesn't feel like enough, the answer is simple - you've been brainwashed to believe 3000 is not enough. STOP listening to the propaganda. Take care what you allow into your head. Remember, back in the day, most people only had ONE sexual partner their WHOLE LIFE. So you're a freakin' STUD. Decades ago, some famous athlete wrote his autobiography, bragging he had slept with over 2000 women. So what??? Who cares??? Do I need to know this? Fuck him!
To any misogynists out there, stop focusing on women's negatives, and start focusing on MEN's POSITIVES. Men are AWESOME. We built EVERYTHING. Literally, EVERYTHING. We design most of the shit. We build most of the shit. We wrote most of the great poetry, literature, music, etc. We even fight the fucking wars. We invented the wheel. It was up to us to start the fire, then sharpen a stick and go hunting for a fucking woolly mammoth to eat, all while trying to avoid BEING eaten by some asshole motherfucking sabre-tooth tiger. If those MEN failed at that, this conversation would not be happening, as the human race would have gone extinct. Thus, I am not obligated to kiss some cute bartender's ass, just because she poured me a beer and smiled at me. Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Women say they create life. Last I checked, it took 2 to tango. And no human has the power to create life. That is God's province. Life only flows THROUGH us. We are the humble vessels. Anyone who says otherwise is a delusional, arrogant prick. Plus, this planet is overpopulated as it is.

>> No.9149899

You know you're setting yourself up for failure, right?

>> No.9149982

PS Thanx for all the positive feedback, guys (and gals). I've commented on other sites, including anti-cult sites like JWsurvey, but it's been a while since I received such positive affirmation. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Usually folks accuse me of being too harsh. Well, I'd rather be too harsh. Thanx again. Keep the faith. As far as sharing my secrets with everyone, You're welcome! ;)
PPS As to that martial arts / self-protection stuff, don't forget strength training.

>> No.9150005
File: 59 KB, 620x620, DZY7ZKQWsAAi469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ELEC isn't going to move until late May, there are no partnerships to be scheduled till then. Buy MWAT instead, a EUROPEAN power utility token.

>> No.9150038

Looks like someone just equated not getting laid with "failure".
Perfect example of the propaganda I was talking about.

>> No.9150205
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28 year old virgin here

My suggestions are to stay away from places like r9k or facebook where normals like to go to brag about their gfs. And if you do travel avoid places with a lot of tourists as you'll be overrun by couples and families.

So long as you keep what you're not allowed to experience out of your mind you won't even feel the suffering.

>> No.9150234

Jesus fuck that literally happened to me.

>> No.9150528
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this fucking hurt me to read