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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9143494 No.9143494 [Reply] [Original]

>he STILL hasn't bought in
Literally having the chance to buy ETH at $20 and smugly thinking you are too good for it while everyone else gets rich. The absolute state of /biz/ - Business & Finance.

>> No.9143900

0xbitcoin is the real EOS

>> No.9143938

more like buying at $150

>> No.9143952
File: 12 KB, 800x600, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by amount of POS shilling its gonna dump any minute

>> No.9143956


>buy for 15
>it goes to 20
>it goes to 30 in a few months

Yeah there are other opportunities. This is great and all but buying anything other than Eth or BTC over 10 is stupid

>> No.9143957

but it's not like buying eth, it's better. it's like buying the first gen 3 blockchain

>> No.9143962

i'm just waiting to short this shit with a x3 leverage.

>> No.9143970

>he doesn't know about the kernel leak

>> No.9143971
File: 23 KB, 600x600, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anything other than Eth or BTC over 10 is stupid

>> No.9143983

it has nothing over eth right now. It's a good PnD though, already took my profits.

>> No.9143999

Oh kiddo

>> No.9144012

aaaaahaahaha ghahaha

>> No.9144023

Did you mean to say $300 in a few months? Far more likely.

>> No.9144056

>what is market cap

>> No.9144060

>$300 in a few months
>246,000,000,000 marketcap in a few months


>> No.9144074

$100 more likely but yeah

>> No.9144082

he's right. All the "eth killer" features are just things on the roadmap, which ETH also has on its roadmap. At the moment all that differentiates it from ETH is more tps and letting devs pay for user transactions. which I will admit is a nice feature but it's coming to ETH eventually. in the long run, they will end up fairly similar except for the consensus algorithm. kinda neat but definitely not "obvious ETH killer" material

>> No.9144212

i beleive it

tron coin 10,000 usdt eoy too

>> No.9144236

regardless, there is no need for another ethereum. ETH was there first, erc20 tokens are already established. It is not going to end well for EOS. But the pump will last at least until ETH starts releasing updates.

>> No.9144297

How is that hard to believe? Crypto market cap will be at 1 trillion + and EOS will probably make up at least a fifth of the market share. Ok, I'll give you this one. $250 in a few months.

>> No.9144326

50$ would be really nice already to be honest family

>> No.9144497

This is indeed like buying ETH... in late December/ early January

>> No.9144542

That would be 150$/coin

>> No.9144835

At the moment what differentiates it from ETH is that ETH is a cryptocurrency token in use on a network with dapps and broad corporate and development support, while EOS is a token with no rights, purposes, uses, functionalities, or features, express or implied, other than providing block.one an income stream.

>> No.9144858
File: 83 KB, 792x600, eos vs eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of noeosers coping with their bad decisions

it's not too late to jump on

$1,000 EOY

>> No.9144898

>he hasn't read the faq on eos.io official site
It is entirely too late to jump on, only a month and a half before everything comes crashing down.

>> No.9144928

yes yes you are smarter than everybody yet didn't earn a thing, we get it, good good

>> No.9144949

Buying "the next eth" at 20 won't make you rich unless you already have a good starting stack
Investing 2k and seeing it turn into 50k is great, but you aren't rich by any means.
Other projects probably have a way higher upside. It's not like eos is the only coin you can buy to get a 30x

>> No.9144962

out of the many reasons to not buy EOS, I think the legalese they used is not one of them. the main reason i'm not buying is because I think it pumped too much prior to mainnet, and people are probably overestimating how useful it will be

predicting a 1 trillion market cap for eos is pretty retarded

>> No.9144971

but i bought eth at $20 anon
which is why i don't need to chase shitcoins i don't believe in
good luck with your investment

>> No.9145047
File: 133 KB, 1024x1448, 1516367499828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more cucked than an EOS bag holder.

I swear, EOScrotums go into NEO and ETH threads and shill their shitty token because no one is naturally talking about it.

No matter how much you scream and stamp your feet, EOS will never EVER be on the same level as NEO or ETH.

>> No.9145083

It's valued 3x as much as NEO friend

>> No.9145099
File: 77 KB, 205x204, my_profile_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except ETH was the hippie "world computer" and this is a PTB centralised shitcoin.
It would be like investing in Hitler's anus.
Not interested at any price.

>> No.9145128

you mean a pump and pump?

>> No.9145304

EOS is to Ripple what Ethereum is to Bitcoin.

>> No.9145556

Some of us don't have dreams to be millionaires
I'll be happy with 50k, I'll cash out half and reinvest.

>> No.9145564

It's not legalese, though, it's an honest statement of what the EOS ERC20 token is, and what it is is pointless. If they actually had a product, I'd already be on board, but until some company launches an actual EOS network the only thing you can buy are bragging rights saying "I paid block.one to develop eos.io software, and all I got was this stupid token."

>> No.9146166

>thinking we need another ETH
hasnt Ethereum produced enough shitcoins at this point? you want to do it all over again?

>> No.9146310

NEO is a shitcoin that already mooned.

>> No.9147107

It's just so they can skirt US securities law.

>> No.9147146

Do any of you idiots talk about the products distinguishing features in the market, explain the market/ problem or compare issues with current blockchain currencies? Or is it all some stupid penny stock shills where you guys cant predict shit.

>> No.9147633

Did you grow up in Toronto? Where did you go to high school bruh

>> No.9147887

i was gonna agree but you said NEO. Stupid

>> No.9147899

I approve of this message

>> No.9147964


its like people have said 1920s. "there is no need to better cars anymore..."

cryptoworld is still young, there is coming many improvements

ETH has never been impressive platform

>> No.9148363


160 EOY check em.

>> No.9148787

lol if i get dubs then $7 eoy

>> No.9149881

Last 3 digits of this post is the price of EOS EOY. Checkem.

>> No.9149911

>trying to force Kek's will
digits says LINK $1000 eoy

>> No.9149937

Look at these dubs, it means the price will be $1000 eoy

>> No.9149948


>> No.9149949
