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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 1000x618, LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9143311 No.9143311 [Reply] [Original]

I have had a good time with frens here, but we all know what's coming next.

When LINK moons and everyone hears about how 4chan was the only place that knew-and that they knew from the beginning-newfags and normies will flood the board. It will stagnate and die just as pol did for a time.

When we make it, we'll have to take care of a lot of things in our personal lives. We won't post as much. We'll be done chasing the moon. Maybe, by the time we get our biz sorted, we won't need biz for a while. We'll migrate back to pol for the election as members of the donor class.

>> No.9143362
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I like this pasta. It's almost prophetic.

>> No.9143381
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>> No.9143424
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>> No.9143440

I always liked these -Riddle

>> No.9143927

tell us some good info riddle

>> No.9144052

Remember we.trade? IBM Denmark is now involved too. No mention of ChainLink or smartcontract.com, but if you thought we.trade use case was eerily similar to what CL does you'll be excited about this.

>> No.9144316

Batavia is something I suggest linkies to look into. Maybe some Spanish anon can read into this in more detail, my Spanish is limited and so is google translate. https://www.elperiodico.com/es/economia/20180419/caixabank-batavia-completan-primera-transaccion-real-blockchain-6769164

>> No.9144401

Some salesforce news also:

>> No.9144450

link 1000$ eoy

>> No.9144459

NoLinkers are a joke. Their understanding of finance is at best warped, but likely closer to 'perverted.' They have demonstrated throughout these past months a limited grasp of what Chainlink is or what it seeks to do, and multiple assertions in their fud threads have been disproven with the most basic, cursory, surface-level research. But the specifics don't annoy me so much as Nolinker’s basic mindset.

Nolinkers have an arbitrary set of critera with which they seem to be evaluating projects, but it does not involve fundamental analysis or technical analysis. Nolinkers are evaluating based on "community support" by looking at twitter followers, and have a standard of professionalism based on... the website? How frequently the CEO makes 'announcements'?

While Nolinkers intelligence is worthless in that it is deeply misguided and not even particularly useful for what it seems to want to do (measure community involvement and the professionalism of the team), I wonder if they could become part of an indicator. I'll look at some of their shills and mull it over....

>> No.9144601

Thank you anon! Great find! Dropping this too https://www.bankingtech.com/2018/04/first-pilot-client-transactions-executed-on-batavia-trade-finance-platform/ and bumbing this thread, solid new info on possible CL ground

>> No.9144631
File: 456 KB, 1260x840, illust_67146767_20180428_171222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LITTERALLY everything said about LINK on /biz/ is a lie
No one has developed LINK for months
It has no partnership

Sergey does not even work on chainlink anymore, he moved for work on Smart Contracts

The volume spikes are whales meeting quotas so LINK not get delisted

There is no such thing as "Oracle problem"


The only interest thing about LINK is how whales tricked you into believe in LINK
Reminder that you whale food

>> No.9144654

Can the hive mind start processing these things? Both of these things are huge

>> No.9144663



>BBVA has closed a EUR75 million corporate loan deal with technology partner Indra, performing the complete process from negotiation to the signing of the loan over a mix of different public and private blockchain-based platforms.

>The Spanish bank says the pilot transaction reduced the time taken to complete the deal from days to hours by recording and tracking interactions, reviews and iterations over an inhouse-developed digital ledger using the Hyperledger platform.

>Once the contract was agreed, Ethereum’s public blockchain (testnet) was used to register the hash or unique identifier related to the transaction’s documentation, in this way guaranteeing the 'immutability' of the agreed contract.

>> No.9144683

this board is already infested with normies, we just lurk.

>found chainlink on youtube, then the subreddit, then finally transitioned to /biz.

>> No.9144724

LINK is going to be really valuable when the people holding on Binance can't get their tokens out due to the coming exit scam

>> No.9144735

For anyone who doesn't already have it bookmarked, cryptopanic.com is a fantastic crypto news aggregator

>> No.9144749
File: 220 KB, 885x879, smug link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When LINK moons and everyone hears about how 4chan was the only place that knew-and that they knew from the beginning-newfags and normies will flood the board. It will stagnate and die
This unironically. Where can we go? The link node discord?

I've already filtered that bearwolf fag, if you start the same routine with LINK, ie. namefagging fud in every thread, I'll filter you too.

>> No.9144758

6 months later still zero evidence smartcontract.com and we.trade are in any way connected other than the same plausible use case.

Same with project ubin.

Though we-trade.com has some new people it appears. Also hard to believe they'll be using it since they won't be using the ethereum blockchain and chainlink is still months from having even an ethereum main net, let alone one for whatever blockchain we.trade is using.

This larp is pretty convincingly busted in my mind.

>> No.9144763

Oh :/
This just pasty

>> No.9144849
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>> No.9144860

Looks like we.trade is using IBM Hyperledger. Project Ubin has released news about trade finance too. Nothing's for sure. Well at least I'm trying to provide some info and maybe get a fruitful conversation going

>> No.9144875

Many anons are pessimistic
i am not
think about what a horde of normans reading the 90% fud 5% pajeet 5% epic shitslide that biz is will do
so many idiots will get rekt
so many sjw types will hate 4chan for life
and the select few
who stfu, lurk and get it will join what is, unironically, the best source of investing information on earth

It will be fucking beautiful

>> No.9144903

batavia looks the exact same. Chainlink/smartcontract.com could be used, but zero evidence that's actually the solution they've chosen, and it's unlikely because they've carried out tests before the product is even finished.

This is riddle anons MO, look up articles that contain plausible use cases related to banks and post them here as if they are in fact using chainlink or will use chainlink. So far nothing he has ever said has panned out. Remember the singapore news? It's the same as all the idiots who post every single article about swift and blockchain or literally anything about smart contracts thinking it has to do with chainlink, except he knows exactly what he's doing. It's just dumb and anyone that thinks there's literally any reason to believe it has anything to do with chainlink is brain dead.

There's enough actually substantiated connections (microsoft, docusign, salesforce, etc.) to make it the best hold but lets not fall hook line and sinker for confirmed larpers that just make link holders look stupid.

>> No.9144919

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it.

Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be on your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter. That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you'd made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.9144957


NoLinkers are a joke. Their understanding of finance is at best warped, but likely closer to 'perverted.' They have demonstrated throughout these past months a limited grasp of what Chainlink is or what it seeks to do, and multiple assertions in their fud threads have been disproven with the most basic, cursory, surface-level research. But the specifics don't annoy me so much as Nolinker’s basic mindset.

Nolinkers have an arbitrary set of critera with which they seem to be evaluating projects, but it does not involve fundamental analysis or technical analysis. Nolinkers are evaluating based on "community support" by looking at twitter followers, and have a standard of professionalism based on... the website? How frequently the CEO makes 'announcements'?

While Nolinkers intelligence is worthless in that it is deeply misguided and not even particularly useful for what it seems to want to do (measure community involvement and the professionalism of the team), I wonder if they could become part of an indicator. I'll look at some of their shills and mull it over :)

>> No.9145025
File: 65 KB, 1028x265, Screenshot-2018-4-28 general ChainLink Slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lets just slow it way down. The "testnet" coming next week isn't even really testing the chainlink network. The aggregation and reputation contracts are still some time from existing. All the ropsten testing coming is for is testing one single nodes ability to be called by a consuming contract and receive data. Not testing a network of nodes working together and coming to consensus like some people here seem to think.

This coming ropsten test net is hardly even a net. It's going to be the most disappointing week ever for people who are expecting way to much and don't understand what's on github. There will be no users or api providers revealed.

>> No.9145027

I'll take this. Fair enough of a warning too. Good to get some criticism. I appreciate you anon, you seem like a smart guy

>> No.9145082

I have no problem with the research and appreciate it. To me, it just seems like you have presented your findings in the past as if you know from someone else in the industry that these are in fact places where chainlink is being used, then later say you don't know. I'm happy to believe a larper but you seem wishy washy about what in fact you are.

>> No.9145195

I agree. My info, if correct and if from the inside, is 3rd hand at best. Add some speculation and silly rhetorics, that's my larp. But I mean well for some poor NEETs

>> No.9145259

This poor NEET appreciates it

>> No.9145286

carry on lurking until you know how to greentext faggot

>> No.9145320

fair enough, thanks

>> No.9145671
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Hope you are right..

>> No.9145808

I'm convinced link holders are cryptospaces resident neckbeards
While the rest of us Chad investors are buying eos and nano and holding btc, linkies studied the art of the blockchain and get mad when all the Chad's get all the gains.
Time to look at yourselves stinkies

>> No.9146098





>> No.9146139

Everytime I get McDonalds, I come home and eat it in front of my PC. I put several sergey pictures on rotate and imagine I'm having lunch with Sergey, sometimes I'll laugh knowing his jokes probably are really funny, othertimes I just stare into his eyes while I take large bites.

>> No.9146249

Kek I like this story

>> No.9146523

you make it sound like as if things in biz are cryptic but it isnt. It doesnt take long for a person to understand how biz talks

>> No.9146758

Can I get the tl:dr on the faith of the delphi? Saw something last week but I'm abroad now with limited wifi so have been missing posts? Frens?

>> No.9146804
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>> No.9146824

This made me smile

>> No.9146873
File: 21 KB, 621x414, 0997839D-2DF0-4DA7-89AC-692DED529CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is written in the cosmos.

>> No.9147151


>> No.9147190


>> No.9147270
File: 127 KB, 456x456, pee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polocks driven from their home board
>reduced to migrants searching for refuge
>find one in /biz/
>get rich and return to /pol/
the policaust becomes the polihoax.

>> No.9147306

Not anon you were talking to but I couldn’t care less about
Romantic love
Parents respect

I just wanna moonwalk

>> No.9147317


>> No.9147358
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>> No.9147443

I enjoyed this a lot.

>> No.9147815

Basically it says that the first use cases with real clients have been done using the blockchain.
"The operations were done combining different financial and industrial entities".
Case 1: Import of cars from Germany to Spain
Case 2: Raw materials for furniture fabrication (Austria to Spain)
Case 3: Industrial machinery from Switzerland to Austria.
"The blockchain technology lets us know the traceability of the financial transactions from start to end, which means the Batavia platform covers a commercial operation in all its phases, from the closing of the agreement to the payment execution, including the rest of the processes on the supply chain"

A question tho, what's the difference between hyperledger and Batavia?. They are both IBM projects.

And another question, would Batavia use chainlink to access legacy systems?

>> No.9147866
File: 497 KB, 500x250, 1524169235929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank (You) based anon. This information is fucking huge.