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9140794 No.9140794 [Reply] [Original]

Any reason for the recent underperformance?

>> No.9140805

it's a piece of shit

>> No.9140826

Last time bitcoin was so high it was selling for 202, so you tell me.

It kinda sucks.

>> No.9140854

Actual working product that doesnt get pumped by pageets and mjning companies

>> No.9140877

we are in a bearmarket and no druggie is speculating on coins. There are those who buy and there are those who sell, nobody hodles

>> No.9140885
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>Any reason for the recent underperformance?

>> No.9140901

Because it's absolute shit.

Monerdo is trash.

Intelligent peple invest in THE KING: Bitcoin!

>> No.9140902

I always speculate on monero, trade on monero, hold on monero - because drugs.

It's my BTC replacement.

>> No.9140996
File: 146 KB, 1121x543, unknown_amount_of_Monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your coin will never be able to achieve true fungibility and a complete anonymous transaction set
>pic very related

>> No.9141018
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drugs will help you

>> No.9141058

then you should maybe keep up to date with your underlying asset. If you thought advertising ban on fakebook was bad for crypto, think about how bad the shutting down of darknetmarket subs is for online drug trade and getting new customers

>> No.9141075

It's at greater than half it's ATH. That's better than most coins so I'm not really sure what you're getting at. If you want a pump and dump buy some Tron or Verge

>> No.9141077

retards prefer to buy the scams.

>> No.9141097

>Implying the entire fate of darknet markets relies on plebbit

Jesus Christ this board has gone to shit.

>> No.9141175

Chinese not propping up the price due to ASIC forks.

>> No.9141206

That is not what I said delusional retard. Let me spell it out again

With the darknemarket subs gone and without an easy to reach active community on the clearnet, getting new customers and easing their paranoia up for that they spend their moonero has become way harder. Or for a retard like you.

No friendly reddit fag inviting little Jimy to CMGC, less growth

>> No.9141214

probably the worst possible coin to invest. 100% usage for illegal purposes only, zero investment potential or any application to the mainstream world. its good if you want to use it for personal reasons but stay away from it if you want an investment

>> No.9141231

MONERDO will never have LIGHTNING

>> No.9141305

Privacy coins are the only coins that are actually viable in the long-run. Crypto will never have sufficient scaling for day-to-day transactions, and companies will just build their own smart contract platforms so they can make edits.

>> No.9141382
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>Crypto will never have sufficient scaling for day-to-day transactions, and companies will just build their own smart contract platforms so they can make edits.
Oh vey, its so jewish. Fk capitalism

>> No.9141395

there is a difference between having privacy and being untraceable. I am sure a lot of coins will succeed offering privacy but no one will ever become mainstream for offering becoming untraceable from the government

>> No.9141420

Because people are manipulated into buying shitcoins like BCH etc.

>> No.9141448
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probably this, but it's still a secret
you have a chance to be a whale

>> No.9141470

Reminder purchasing weed used to be illegal same with alchahol. The black market aka free market is getting greyer, less regulated.

>> No.9141502

yeah, when the time comes that all taxes are 0% and terrorists don't exist they might make monero legal.

Governments don't even have to make new laws to make monero illegal, it is already illegal. Transferring up to a threshold of money through untraceable means is considered laundering

>> No.9141590

>Transferring up to a threshold of money through untraceable means is considered laundering
Thank you Anon for this statement

>> No.9141815

>implying any1 can track me using btc

bitch please

>> No.9141919

Maybe if the government focused more on important things like keeping a secure border instead of kidnapping and murdering peaceful people who just want to do some stupid party drug on the weekend people would respect the law.

>> No.9141985

Monero is a bad investment. ChainLink is too. Both are long term holds and no moonshots or marketing.

>> No.9141999
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> Do same stuff but better with less fees ?

>> No.9142033

Monero has marketing. Fluffy just doesn't market to plebs.

>> No.9142094

Yeah. It's dying. It will be banned. They don't give the privacy feature as an option. Big red flag for regulators.

They should have made a coin where the 100% privacy feature was built on top of it as an option for the user, since there is no option, it's fucked.

Also, with all the recent forks it's already dead. That can't be sustained. ASIC producers don't like this coin. Either it will be banned first, or completely die with dilution with all the other forks.

Get a brain.

>> No.9142164

Imagine being this much of a brainlet. You don't even know how monero works.

>> No.9142312

To many verge shills, way to many chink forks for asics. And the never ending fud on here coupled with dozens and dozens of scam pump and dumps. Monero will succeed don't lose faith. Personally I feel confident in the developers and the community as a whole, and no amount of fud and shilling is going to sway me.

>> No.9142369
File: 112 KB, 479x359, iok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To many verge shills
Its just the start ;)

>> No.9142378
File: 43 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW bought 2000 DERO at 0.00005000 and sold 1000 at 0.00027 and freerolling the ride up right now. ZERO risk with my DERO. FEELSGOODMAN.

>> No.9142763

good point fuck

>> No.9143567

Monero is the future. I have laundered a lot of money for some customers using this and the government has no chance. This post is purely fictional of course.

>> No.9143645
File: 68 KB, 585x501, BC7B5BDE-EE52-452C-A76A-3E5CDF9B5288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me a fictional story of your fictional methodology

>> No.9143704

Cloakcoin is a better product.

>> No.9143796

Nice try FBI. Nah, I can't comment this issue without exposing myself even in a pure fictional way. Google can help if you know what to look for.

>> No.9143833
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Of course.

The people who understand this, can help a lot of "friends and family" move their money around in seconds

>> No.9143893
File: 30 KB, 607x648, 03BE5EBF-9C19-41AC-B66F-865775529D68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i don’t know what to look for