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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9139245 No.9139245 [Reply] [Original]

Im a single dad that had to bring my kid with me to my mom and step dads and basically we are a huge burden on them. Its just impossible to pay for daycare,car insurance, food, and then rent on top of that. Im wagecucking in a factory for 11.50 an hr.... Its fucking awful and the girl i had my son with isn't really helping at all at the moment. I have about 3000 dollars but i cant move out with it because 650-750 rent after 800 dollar a month fucking bullshit ass daycare isnt viable... I am humbly asking for your guys' best piece of financial advice.. Please help me find a way to exit this vicious cycle...

>> No.9139265


idk bro

>> No.9139276

Dony get a girl pregnant when you're making minimum wage? You're pretty much fucked. Good luck.

>> No.9139281


bbn might be good. put 10k in bbn. just do it!

>> No.9139294

lol shit suck

>> No.9139297

unironically kys in an ironic way

>> No.9139303

Hit the job market for something better paying. Even entry level construction pays better than your current wage. Things like driving busses and taxis do as well.

>> No.9139318

Yeah lol... I fell for the "i cant get pregnant" meme.... Anyhow i love my son. I know i am retarded for getting a girl pregnant when i am not even financially independent but i mean that's the situation now...

>> No.9139322

build credit. credit = leverage. don't fuck it up and spend more than what you can pay back. later when credit interest is fucking you, take out a small personal loan for lower interest rates and slowly pay that off.

>> No.9139335

Join the military doing a non-grunt job. You'll get paid to learn new skill that you can use after you get out, get lodging for you and your kid, access to a shit ton of veteran benefits when you get it. Use them to go back to school and make something of yourself

>> No.9139342

Gonna do some research on bbn and maybe drop 1k into it.. Seen it shilled here a lot maybe there is something to it.

>> No.9139344

or this. nation guard is the way to go. fuck active duty.

>> No.9139352

did you use protection

or just raw dog?

>> No.9139357

Active would give him the best benefits for lodging for him and his kid. Probably even child care and medical/dental as well. Best way to reset his life and get out of the shit situation he's in

>> No.9139361

RIP dude. You done fucked up. No way around it. Do you have full custody? Maybe try to get gov support or even child support from baby momma if you're not in a cucked state.

You should move to SEA/China, live for $400 a month and try to find an asian sugar momma. Get her to buy you crypto until you have enough shitcoin nodes to live passivley then fuck off.

>> No.9139362

You just have to tough it out, kids grow up fast. Make friends with other parents and take turns babysitting. Teach your boy to take care of himself. By age 10 they can be capable of staying alone a few hours with video games and a phone. Eventually he'll be help instead of a burden.

>> No.9139366
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No matter how down I feel about my finances/job/life at least I'm not this.

>> No.9139373

now just don't get a a girl preggers before you sort that stuff out

>> No.9139377


>> No.9139391

Look at AMB. The masternode reveal will be on 4th of may and the price has been between 97-100k gweis for many many days. NOBODY is selling right now before it. It will pump hard again.

>> No.9139411

Plus if you just don't want some quick bucks there are big partnership reveals incoming and mainnet also later this summer.

>> No.9139417

Raw dogged her like 1-3 times a day every day for about 2 yrs. Was convinced there was no way of a child being born. Out of nowhere "hey anon, i have been feeling sick lately maybe i should get a pregnancy test" And now im a 24 yr old single dad lol...

>> No.9139435

Thanks man. I have a small amount.

>> No.9139437

Work 1 day a week where your parents watch the kid, then use government benefits to pay for food. Watch kid yourself! At least until full time school w afterschool daycare.

>> No.9139474


Unfortunately you're not just poor, you're poor and stupid. I think I learned that benis in bagina makes babies when I was 8, and 'never trust a woman who says she's on the pill/infertile' when I was 15.

Enjoy wagekeking until death.

>> No.9139488

Shit at this point i might have to. I work 45 hrs a week. I applied for assistance with daycare and got denied... Applied for food stamps and got 15 bucks a month xD I lived in Florida for a while and seen some negroid bitches with 4 kids, no jobs, and no ambition, getting 800 in food stamps rofl. They would sell them half the time. Shits so fuckin backwards with government assistance....

>> No.9139519

Touche buddy. I know im retard, but i do love my son unconditionally. That is why i took him with me when i left his mom. I could have just left him but she is really retarded, and its implied that im retarded obviously. ..

>> No.9139535

Man I legit feel bad for you. Atleast you love your kid and didn't just leave him. All the best for you and I hope you make it the way that your satisfied.

>> No.9139536

I'm 24

my biggest fear right now, I pounded a girl from badoo last week and I really hope the condom works if its only half rolled down.

>> No.9139584

Thanks a lot man :) I am gonna buy more amb. I have a little but i dumped a lot of my discretionary money into tron. I see everyone call it a chink scam coin, but i see crypto prices are driven up by new things happening and shilling. Seems tron has a lot of that, and i plan to dump bags after mainnet. Im sure thats mos peoples plan so maybe ill do the night before lol.

>> No.9139588

What do you do for work? Can you learn a trade or something in your free time? Or double your income with a second job? I don’t know man. It’s going to suck for a while. But that’s life. Life is about struggling until you reach the part later.

I’d say keep your son in mind at all times. Do what’s best for him so he doesn’t grow up fucked up

>> No.9139607

I just essentially pack parts off of a line into crates. I have considered looking into trade and it seems like with 4 yr degrees being useless half the time it may be the best plan of action for me..

>> No.9139621

I dont like tron myself but the mainnet will definitely pump it up. Just keep doing safe choices and dyor, I dont want you to lose your money for any pnd or moon chase.

>> No.9139623
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How are people this stupid?

>> No.9139632

i suggest you dump it a bit before mainnet
if you know it'll dump after
why would you want to dump after or along them?
I'd rather lock in profits rather than race with whales

>> No.9139634

And yes keep your eyes open with tron before the mainnet. It will dump h

>> No.9139690

Ehh. Shit happens man ... People do dumb shit sometimes in life. Except you i'm sure you have never strayed from perfection.

>> No.9139701

Ok will do. Ill probably dump a little prior to it launching. Would be a shame if it keeps pumping after launch though lol..

>> No.9139709


>Haha there's absolute no way this 20+ female that I keep ejaculating inside of can be fertile

Seriously wtf man?

>Except you i'm sure you have never strayed from perfection.

GF is on the pill and I pull out. No fucking kids and an assload of money little nigga.

>> No.9139749

Yeah but as this guy said >>9139632
It's better to lock in some profits than lose all the gains. Missed gains are NOT losses. Ofc it feels bad to lose on gains but hey, you can't time if perfectly everytime.

>> No.9139822

Well i'm glad you're happy man. Keep being smart and doing well lol. I was not exactly worried about having a kid either at the time because i thought i was gonna stay with his mother... Turns out one night she didn't respond to any of my texts or calls after she got out of work.. I was worried that she had been murdered so i was up all night and called the police and her mother and everything. I actually prayed to god that the only other acceptable explanation was occuring. Which was that she was banging some other dude and didnt respond. Finally got a call at 10 am the next day to "chill out" she just got drunk. The rest is fucking history...

>> No.9139835

How is that helping?
Fuck I can't stand people who, when asked for help go to judgement first....And then don't help.
Everyone fucks up in their life you dumb cunts, some more, some less.
You will fuck up too, and then I hope that instead of help you get your judgement.

To OP. I'm very sorry that you are in this situation but you did the right thing by taking your son and full responsibility for your actions. There are not many that responsible men out there. Usually they just leave or settle for an easy way aka child support.
I'm sure it would be easier for you to just pay her a couple of bucks a month, but instead of it you manned up and acted like a true man. Respect.
I can't help because in your situation every penny counts and I'm not comfortable advising something that I'm not 100% sure will work.
But my respect to you fren.

>> No.9139862

Put a sharpie in your pooper for some eth

>> No.9139868

Yeah man, im gonna do that then. That is a good point because i put in 1k in eth last year, and it climbed to about 9.8 k and i told myself "ill sell when it hits 10k" Then these last few months happened lol

>> No.9139898

Send the kids to suck dick and buy beer from the money.

>> No.9139899

Hey man i truly appreciate that :)

>> No.9139908

Because there is no help you fucking idiot. Congrats, you just signed a warrant to never acheive anything in life without leeching off others. There is no possible way for you to have any semblance of a life while raising a child in a minimum wage job. You will test the bounds of your relationship with all family members by forcing them to take care of your mistake. You won't have time to do anything to progress your career because it costs more than minimum wage to watch the kid(s). The only relationship you'll get into is someone in a similar situation or just a fucking crazy person.

Maybe you luck out and you're not like 95% of the rest. But that's not going to happen. Because you're asking for advice from the most depressed people on the internet. You fucked up and the only things that's going to unfuck is changing literally everything about your life. But you won't, because you're a beta faggot and you need to go on a Mongolian message board and ask the other beta faggots.how to survive after you self admittedly raw dogged 3 times a day for 2 years you fucking idiot.

>> No.9139932

step 1: give up son for adoption
step 2: kill yourself

>> No.9139933

I admire how you can take humor in your situation bro, haha. Keep that attitude :)

>> No.9139938



>> No.9139949

Motherfucker you know how id's work dumb cunt?
Then you should know newfag judgmental piece of shit that I'm not the OP.
And I, as opposed to OP am doing just fine but not passing my shit for brains judgement in people to compensate for my 2" Dick.
Kys cunt

>> No.9139955

>How are people this stupid?
I did this too with gf. 2 years of raw dogging then kids is still better than using condoms.

>> No.9139960

Yeah that is true. Although i really do wish to change and do better in the future. Its just a minor set back and i think i will be able to not be a "Beta faggot" as you have put it. You are probably filled with bitterness and resentment it seems. So you are probably of just as large a detriment to your family as i am to mine... You don't seem exactly likable is all im saying lol.

>> No.9139969

This. Judgemental basement dwellers on this board are the worst. Help out your bro

>> No.9139982

Start selling drugs.

>> No.9140004

>a mean man said something mean on the internet, at least this means everyone in real life hates him

ironically kill yourself before you also have to kill your son as youve taught him too many bad things

>> No.9140005

You say I'm judgmental, I just understand how the world works a bit better than you do ;)

>> No.9140011

That's because he's a cunt, anon. You should unironically join the military (simple option) or learn a trade. I suggest learning how to code, but I am a programmer so I'm biased. Also buy and hodl like ~1k worth of eth. Might help you out a bit in the future.

>> No.9140012

That's hilarious. Kids are a blessing if you are able to sacrifice some of your own time and money. My situation is a little fucked but honestly my son is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I use to be a hopeless fucking drug addict and alcoholic. Just the financial issues are a little chaotic...

>> No.9140025

On the bright side man I'm not fucked for the next 20 years and asking random strangers on the internet how to unfuck my life. So I'll take solace in that, you find happiness in whatever it is you need.

>> No.9140045

Yeah join the military and have your familiy take care of your hellspawn for 8 years. Go join a trade where you intern for at least a year and try and pay for childcare.

You fucking faggots have no idea how the world works.

>> No.9140048

Oh so that gives you a licence to judge people, right?
How old are You? 25?
And learn how the id's work here.
I say that you are judgmental unhelpful cunt because you are.
But I'm not the OP so your response to me makes no fucking sense faggot.
And if you know how life works then maybe share your wisdom instead of your judgement, huh, cunt?

>> No.9140081
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>tfw touchless virgin
>tfw stuff like this can NEVER happen to me
>tfw independantly financially

>> No.9140090

Even then your family and everyone that comes in contact with you probably thinks you are absolutely abhorrent ... So on the bright side at least i'm a decent likable human being and not a envious, spiteful, scumsucking faggot like you :)

>> No.9140104

Haaha well maybe you wont ever know the warmth of a woman, but you wont have to deal with their dramatic soulsucking bullshit they tend to come with...

>> No.9140106

i have a five year old at age 35 and i'm still a burden on my parents. i pay my way and they don't mind helping though.
your stepdad and mom want to do other things than occasional child care? or they happy with t he situation?

>> No.9140139

They love my kid and I, its just that we live with them and they like their own space. My kid is about to be 2 and has a tendency to scream really fucking loud. Moms a teacher and step dad is a structural engineer. So they have adapted a lifestyle of hedonistic pleasures and comfortability. Having a screaming kid in the house is inconvenient basically and impedes on their comfort.

>> No.9140149

Go jerk off to your favorite CP cunt

>> No.9140228

that's too bad. one story house?

>> No.9140238
File: 78 KB, 420x420, C458C74E-06DA-43B1-8235-A9C3495C7C76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don‘t have to deal with any of that drama mindgame bullshit
>literally CAN‘T get cucked
>all the money I earn goes in my own pocket (don‘t need to feed others)
>retired this year at the ripe age of 29

>> No.9140241

Sorry I forgot you children need context spelled out exactly. /S Am I doing it right??? It's possible to respond to your ID and refer to another person. I know, not trying to break your brain here. You might get it eventually.

I just shared my wisdom. Told him what his life will be like. Want me not to judge? Prove me wrong. But you can't and he won't so I'll continue to judge.

>> No.9140259

Yeah man let me know how much being a nice human works out for you when you're hanging at the end of a rope in 10 years.

>> No.9140277

OP, I can sympathize with your situation. You need to find a better job and pay off any debt you have. Work 60 hours a week for it if you must. Construction pays well. Most skilled trades make around 40-60/hour depending on what it is.

Find an apprenticeship for something that can’t be automated in 10 years and *do not* put more into crypto thank you can afford to lose.

Good luck OP

>> No.9140281


don't have kids if you are poor.

oh wait too late for that

>> No.9140300

2 Story house in a nice area on a lake.. If there wasn't that feeling of being a burden , it would be ideal living conditions. I honestly am not super materialistic though. I would be happy with a one bedroom apartment and my shitty car i have as long as i was able to fully support myself and my son.

>> No.9140327

Dont project your repressed feelings on me. I'm happy besides this financial rut cockboi. Im sure you will be the one swinging before me lol.

>> No.9140335

>>Because there is no help you fucking idiot. Congrats, you just signed a warrant to never acheive anything in life without leeching off others. There is no possible way for you to have any semblance of a life while raising a child in a minimum wage job. You will test the bounds of your relationship with all family members by forcing them to take care of your mistake. You won't have time to do anything to progress your career because it costs more than minimum wage to watch the kid(s). The only relationship you'll get into is someone in a similar situation or just a fucking crazy person.
Yeah sounds like it's a response to OP, but it's to me. Congrats, you just admired that you can't admit to even small mistakes.
>>Sorry I forgot you children need context spelled out exactly
More of the same.
Anyway, thank you for your wisdom. I'm a child of a single mother that managed to run 2 successful businesses with 2 children and did not get any help, so your "wisdom" means that you don't know shit.
I'm not even sorry that life taught you what you are sharing right now and turned you into a bitter cunt. Serves you right.

>> No.9140338

As a vetfag, this. And you can give your gi bill to your son if you’d like.

>> No.9140349


not after mainnet, right before mainnet.

>> No.9140355

Your factory job is going to be automated with robotics. Learn to program, take coursera courses. You have to claw your way out.

>> No.9140365

Thanks dude i did construction for a while and got burnt by some dude. I quit a steady job to go work for him cause he would have stead work year round and then when we finsished the first house he said "sorry man cant use ya anymore" Really fucked me good. Thats when i was with my kids mom still and had just had our son. I suppose i could give it another go for a more reputable company.

>> No.9140379
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This sounds way too silly to be true.

Nice try.

>> No.9140389

multi-generational homes is the new reality. especially for millenials, that's the only chance you will have of rearing a kid without being in the top 20%.
i barely talk to any of the parents at school and know at least two families doing this. regular white collar folk, not white trash. in one case it's the parents taking care of the grandparents (plus a nanny thrown in the mix), in the other case it's the grandparents taking care of the parents/grandkids.
i'm partially a burden too but it's looking more and more common.

>> No.9140410


actually its a lot cheaper to keep some factory jobs to humans instead of using robots

>> No.9140411

Fuck them fuck this board and fuck the world. You made a mistake but now you have a reason to live and to fight while 99% of us so called "independent" animals are decaying into void. You have to drive to wage a war because you have a reason: your son. There is literally nothing stopping you from fixing your life. I know people who got out of much worse situatuons and are leading a good healthy life atm. As for coins idk i didnt enter the market yet since i sold the top.

>> No.9140413

sell amb when they announce it. or else be left holding bleedin bags.

>> No.9140427

If you don't consider the exponential growth of compute power and how that will lead to an exponential decrease in costs for automation.

>> No.9140430

hahaha. I know money is great and you can buy nice material things. Just do your best to cultivate meaningful relationships as well because for true happiness oxytocin is needed to.

>> No.9140446

Now when I'm thinking about it, is there a way that your parents could loan you some money?
Dropshipping business on EBay is stilled here sometimes and I've done it too and it's good money.
Also selling shit from garage sales etc online (aka vintage and collectibles)
I know a couple that makes a living out of it. They buy "jewelry bags" in Goodwill and pull some good shit out of it. They don't have day jobs, just this and claim unemployment (a bit risky desu cause it's straight up lying to the IRS, but they get all of the gibs and make cash)
It's not going to make you millions but it's working from home, selling shit so you can make the money and take care of your son. Just an idea.

>> No.9140476

Gonna be tough but you gotta develop a skill in whatever free time you have. Coding, Graphic Design, Financial Modeling, something that is a definable and marketable skill. There are plenty of free classes for all of these on the internet (check out the university of people or khan academy).

Then once you've got enough skill to handle mildly complex jobs, you sign up for an account on freelancer sites like Upwork. You'll have to do a few jobs pretty much for free and knock them out of the park to get 5 star ratings (or cheat and create fake accounts to give yourself fake small jobs with 5 star ratings) before you can start charging a lot.

But the more you do good jobs, the more you can charge. Once you've got enough money you can either invest in crypto/stocks (i recommend this, but only invest what you can afford to lose) or in yourself to get additional certifications to make yourself more marketable.

Ultimately if you put 2 hours a day into it, you could probably have a decent side gig generating supplemental income while padding your resume for better work within 6 months.

>> No.9140508

You're dumb. First sentence is direct response to you. Remainder is directed at OP but in direct reponse to your lack of help comment. Then you go on to tell me about your mother's success and how that means I know nothing. Newsflash dipshit, your mom isn't 24 and making minimum wage in 2018. Your mom lived the dream, that dream is over.

>> No.9140535

Thanks bro :) Hey honestly my son did give me purpose. The three years prior to him being born i firstly got sent to rehab by these same people my son and i are living with. Then i got kicked out of the halfway house i was in after that and became homeless... I was homeless for 3 year dude when i met this girl in a shelter. We finally got our shit together and we were in our own apartment and both working when he was born. So i really came up from the bottom man.... I lived in a tent in sub zero temperatures and outside in florida in 100 degree heat lol. I know the struggle man i seen the shitty parts haaha. Even before this "mom and step dad" I was in 8 foster homes/3 adoptions that fell through. That is just my adoptive mother and her new husband. The adoptive father i had from 12-16 walked out us lol. Both biological parents have died from heroin. My biological father literally died 2 months ago from it. I know it is possible to get out of this shit. And i know even for all this shit that happened to me, There are people that wish to have a life like mine where i have the opportunities i have.

>> No.9140555

Appreciate that sound advice :) Free time is limited but making excuses is not gonna get me anywhere lol.

>> No.9140602

My mom was not American dumb cunt.
And she wasn't living the dream idiot.
And I'm not a bitter 20 something, like you, so I try to help instead of judging. If I can't help practically, at least I don't put people down. Or if I can't do neither at least I have a decency to shut the fuck up.
Did OP ask: judge me, basement dwelling cunts, or did he ask for help?
If he asked for judgement your response would be fine
He didn't, so your response is just a response of a bitter cunt, that learned that life will always bring him down and nothing that he strived for ever worked out, so of course, it will never work out in other people's lives.
We are in 2018 which means that there are more opportunities now then there were in 1950's and We have a technology that OP is obviously using. Working from home, joining the army, learning to code, draft etc.
All of these were given as options by other anons.
You? You are just a bitter cunt that never succeeded in life and so projects this on other people.

>> No.9140628

Social Darwinism at work. You picked a terrible mate because of your inferior genes and now your life is ruined.

>> No.9140634

Hey man, havent read entire thread, but here is my advice. Ive got a son as well, so I feel with you.

Absolutely any coin shilled on here is risky as fuck. Dont do it.

Even when hedge fond people come here to larp (pretty concincing as well), they are shills no matter their intensions.

One way or the other you have to pick coins. You can take peoples advice, but do research. And remember «but muh marked cap is low» is not good reason to buy into anything.

I can tell you what Im doing thats working out. I wont shill any coins.

First of all. Never lose money. Ever! Its better to not lose anything then take a risk that can pay of 20% and end up loosing 5%. Doesnt matter how small gains are, this is a long game. Crypto will be here tommorow, next week, month, year. Just keep gaining.

Play the game like big boys. Never lose money and get that exponential growth.

Watch atleast first 5 min of this video and everything will be clear to you.


In the end you have to make this work for you. And again, doesnt matter if you ask Warren Buffet or a financial institution manager. They will all tell you the same thing. Dont ever lose money.

Hope you make it anon. Best wishes from norway.

>> No.9140656

You're going to have to get a trade man. Go get hired as a laborer and it should be nearly double what you make now. Then get apprenticed and go from there.

>> No.9140668

Sorry to hear that bud, women can be trash.

>> No.9140692

Daym man thats some hard shit..... I have been keeping an eye on this thread for some hours and some people just don't have ANY empathy at all. I'm happy you got some actual helpfull advices and and I hope you got some spirit / new ideas from this. People like to be mean and edgy on this site alot, don't take it personally. I can almost bet that if the people who diss you went through the shit you did they wouldn't be posting stuff like that. I respect you, your going to the right direction. Keep it up and even how hard the situation seems, dont give up. I'm sure your parents love to help you and make sure you and your son are doing well even thought from time to time they might get irritated or something like that.

>> No.9140728

To add to this. It has to be commercial work. Try to join a union as well. Residential (what you did) is the lowest form of construction if you don't own the business. It's the worst paid and you have the least rights as a worker.

Where do you live? Go to the plumbers/carpenters/ironworkers/millwrights union. Go to them all.

You should be applying to literally every commercial construction site within 50 miles.

>> No.9140737


>> No.9140739

thanks a lot dude :D

>> No.9140749

It's because the board is littered with actual autists. There was some spectrum test posted here last week and anything below 30 is autistic. So about 90% of these cunts scored 20 and lower, it was hilarious. Only about 10% of this board are capable of casual, successful social interaction.

>> No.9140773

That means a lot man :) Even though people on this sight are edge lords and talk mad shit i take it with a grain of salt. Honestly it provides catharsis to be able to vent like this. Have not been able to for a long time lol.

>> No.9140777

I remember that thread. But this test was shit. I scored like 25. It was designed to show that you are an autist desu.
And I think it was more about being an introvert than anything.

>> No.9140784
File: 87 KB, 277x182, tmyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a gf to help out.

girls love single dads

>> No.9140788

Nice trips.

>that cope!

No dude I am an introvert and I scored an easy 50+.

>> No.9140798

put 3,000 in bitbeans

>> No.9140807

Considering it lol. My goal is to first and foremost get to stability. What suitable girl wants to have a serious relationship with a single dad who lives with his mom and step dad. I feel like i need to get my self sorted before i engage in anymore relationships .

>> No.9140808

Do anything but this

>> No.9140809

Fuck me then lol
I'm not an autist though. Have plenty of empathy, but don't like people irl...so idk

>> No.9140829


this. military gives pretty incredible benefits for life. would've done airforce if I could go back, feel too old for that shit now.

>> No.9140862

You know the military has daycare programs for their soldiers right, retard? And you know there are free coding bootcamps available online, right?
>hurrrrrr look at me I'm so smug and smart
lets see your life accomplishments faggot

>> No.9140867

Ok done

>> No.9140872

You need a 2nd job hombre, anything - online shit on fiverr or amazon mechanical turk or traditional employment. Save up for 6m living with your folks, burden or not there is no other choice at the moment.

>> No.9140883

don't listen to this fucktards, you have a son that you love. and able to work for his future without being depressed. you have more than 90% of biztards will ever have. also kids are an investment. not saying you couldn't be in a better position, but there are many millionaires on /biz/ who will be worse off than you in 20 years. just listen to your heart and raise your son with love.
your money is not really enough for investment, but i think nano is the best potential if you want to put it in crypto. but there's a very good chance of it going to 0. but also very good chance of it going 10x+. but considering you have someone who depends on you, you should definitely not put all your savings into crypto. really just try to get a better job. seems like you're able to actually work, that's more than most biztard neets are capable of.

>> No.9140899

Kek I remember the thread. It DIDN'T correlate with autims at all. But with empathy a little bit....

I scored 63 but I have pretty much always known (after I grew up a little bit) that I'm very emphatic person, much more than "normal" people. I'm not saying that I'm a better person at all but we are all so different and thats a good thing in my opinion.

>> No.9140929


I'm not trying to meme you, girls really are attracted to single dads. Remember everything is opposite - Males are stigmatized for being virgins, women are not. Women are stigmatized for being single moms, Men are not for being single fathers.

You just need to move out and you're all set.

You'll be the ultimate Chad:

>Not a virgin and produced offspring
>Didn't abandon your offspring
>Moved out of your parents
>Have a job

>> No.9140931

You're an idiot

>> No.9140938

but op loves his son, he probably wants to be there for him. there's a lot more he can give to his son than money especially since the mom doesn't seem to be exactly a role model. also from the sound of it he can likely work a lot more efficiently if he gets to see his son every night.

>> No.9141004

Ask help from your parents. At least to take care of the kid. Get higher paying job, or better education in the meantime.

Never give up. And when you invest remember to stop your losses before they spiral out of control. Also don’t be greedy. Good luck friend

>> No.9141009

Haha yeah i would definitely do well with another single mom. i just have not met any really like minded individuals in the environment that im in. I feel alienated and whenever i try to talk to a girl about anything besides superficial bullshit they look at me like im a fucking psychopath. Although i am in an environment with people who are literally slaves to social media and consumerism. All i hear about at work is football and basketball. They are all fat and chug soda and eat horrible shit all day. I try not to judge but its just not what im looking for nowadays.

>> No.9141019


save every single cent you can write down your life goals and google around and figure out ways to accomplish them spend all the time you can with your son look into something like pizza delivery you can typically make after gas quite a bit more than 11.50 an hour and if your parents or whatever aren't charging you rent cherish that as long as you can

respond if you wish to talk more I was in a similar situation a few years ago, im 27 now with a 6 year old for reference

>> No.9141028


yeah, condoms are the worst. it's a high risk game to play unless you in a long term but nothing really beats it outside of 2xing+ your stack.

had a couple exes that I got super into anal so I just did that. it's nice to be able to fill her up without worrying about her getting preggers. but I guess it's an acquired taste or something cause I know most dudes worry about shit dick. i didn't ask for this fetish but I sure do love it.

>> No.9141066

Haha. I am thinking about getting into a nicer factory right now. Trying to get subsidized housing while at this shit tier wage so they will make me pay less. Its not very ethical but you gotta do what you gotta do ya know? lol

>> No.9141093

Thanks man. They are helping a lot as is. Im extremely grateful they are letting me stay here right now. They even mentioned helping with rent a little but i want to be able to do that myself so they dont have to worry about that.

>> No.9141106

your mom and stepdad are charging you "650-750" rent when your with them or do you have no rent cost currently? what the fuck does your sons mom do does she pay any money at all also daycare is yeah expensive AF but it goes away once yoru son reaches about 3, public school is like $60 a year for registration lol

>> No.9141184

I can not wait for public school xD. no they are not charging me right now but the daycare is 800 dollars a month.... Thats literally more then my rent would be lol and its to house a small child for 8-10 hrs.... They denied me for assistance because i make to much.... Which is literally only 400 a week.. Its half my income every week just for daycare and apparently i make to much lol..

>> No.9141203

You came here for actionable suggestions, not to vent, right?

1. That factory job is not going to work. Low upward mobility and you are highly replaceable.

2. "Develop a skill in your spare time" Kek that works for kids and college students but you need improvement immediately.

Realistic options: union tradesman and military. That may not be what you'd like to hear, but they offer job security, competitive wages, and upward mobility.

Tradesmen: research apprenticeships in your state. They pay you usually 15-18 per hour. Google (your state) + electrician/plumbing/ironworking/longshoreman/train (conductor/mechanic/electrician)/carpentry/ hvac + apprenticeships to find wages and availability.

Military: as other anons have said, they will set you up for a civilian career, while paying you, insuring you, feeding you etc. I am in army national guard and they set me up for success, I joined at 18 tho. It is a fun gig, even an autist can make friends there and deploying is actually safer than driving to work in most areas. Free college for your kid is probably $200k in 20 years.

Please don't bring up Latoya and her 4 kids with welfare again. You are not looking for a handout, you are looking to improve your life. Good luck anon.

>> No.9141241

Make sure to let your parents know you are grateful from their help also : )

>> No.9141304

these are good ideas, your goal if you can, and talk to your parents about this, is stay with them figuring out a new job until your son is out of daycare and into public school, then stay with them for another year or 2 or 3 rent-free, so you can save up a solid 5 figures amount of cash and THEN move out when your son is 5-6 years old; by that time you may have found a new girl too, might just move straight from your parents to her place

also dont waste your time wth toxic people especially women, if some girl your talking to is tough to get to respond or takes too long or doesnt seem to make you a priority then just dump that shit move on its not worth the time, if somebody wants to know you better or be with you etc they will make the time for it not be silent and slow but then say 'i do want to see you but its so hard to find time etc' that shit is all lies just move on dont waste your time

>> No.9141331

As a follow up, you would want the apprenticeship to specifically be in a union. This guarantees you a solid wage for 20 years, and you can transfer to other states.

Your current path:$1 per year increase in wage or less, Chance at manager one day, if you have to leave this gig you restart to literally day 1 at the next place.

Union trade: guarantees $35 per hour in 3 years, transferability of experience, $100k easily if you start your own business in 10 years.

This should be an easy choice.

>> No.9141384

Downsides: you have to deal with scheming, competitive, high minded fucks who try to screw you over every step of the way.

>> No.9141399
File: 62 KB, 620x786, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This same thing happened to me many years ago (my son is 25 now)...so its more than believable to me; i lived it

>> No.9141460

Thank you i am going to look into unions asap . i appreciate it dude. This is probably the most realistic path to get me out of this situation.

>> No.9141486

you'll be fine, and your mother/stepdad should realize how lucky they are to have a grandchild in the house. boomers really love that hedonism phase but it's vapid and unrewarding in the long term. he won't be a screaming toddler forever. if it takes you 3-5+ years before you can move out, whatever.

>> No.9141499

Hey man, I haven't read through this thread, but I imagine it's full of autist virgins telling you how much women and kids are cancer.
You probably already know what you need to do. Keep going dude. Set worthy goals and work towards them everyday. Make the choice ever day to step closer to where you want to be. It's a long road....you'll get tired...but there's nothing else you can do.
I also had kids before I had my shit figured out financially; I busted my ass for years to bring my family out of poverty....taking online classes after my kids went to bed. I made it, you can too, just don't loose sight of your goals.


>> No.9141580

Thanks bro , the last relationship with my child s mother proved to have a lot of value as far as increasing my awareness of what you are talking about. It's easy to be blinded to the truth if you don't wanna see it. I will never stay in a toxic relationship again. Shit that even applies to my own family members at this point.

>> No.9141635

What education/certifications do you have? What is your actual job in the factory? How old is your son? Are you paying alimony?

>> No.9141639

Thanks dude :). Love earl nightingale btw. Appreciate it

>> No.9141653

well said anon

>> No.9141870

I only have a diploma and a certificate for landscaping and green house mgmt. Job is putting various bumpers in crates. We were never married so no alimony. My son will be 2 on july 23 .