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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 1296x760, ASSBLASTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9135423 No.9135423 [Reply] [Original]

Is AssBlaster real ?????!!!!

>> No.9135446

Bitcoin came first - the initial blockchain tech
Ethereum came second - the initial "framework" tech
ChainLink is the third coming - the "infrastructure" tech that interlinks everything

>> No.9135469

so... has the great accumulation already happened?

>> No.9135472

He was just a LARPing NEET that knew how to make vague enough predictions to not disprove himself. He's no different than a psychic medium.

>> No.9135517

No but you’re a gigantic faggot

>> No.9135600

no, but he surely blasted your gullible asses

>> No.9135621

anime-chan was a better shill than that assblaster faggot

but i bet none of you newfags would know

>> No.9135723


Lmao EMBRS. The GOAT shitcoin

>> No.9135948

he predicted link pumps with accuracy to a specific day called weeks in advance
>hurr assblaster was a larper he he listen to me guys he he
fuck off, you're ust one of those butthurt losers who still can't get over the fact that some guy named Assblaster gathered more interest and attention than you ever will lol

>> No.9135969

Assblaster has a very high IQ, unlike your animechan. bum

>> No.9136135
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, nutbusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, what do you neckbeards want?

>> No.9136164

He didn’t predict shit you gullible fucking normie. Kys.

>> No.9136173

and where is anime chan now?

>> No.9136192

probably retired as he had well over 300 ethers shoved into different icos, one of those being obsidian and chainlink, and all did well short term

>> No.9136200

not retired, do you like him?

>> No.9136203

I remember AB threads, they got me so hard. Truly a prophet.

>> No.9136204

yes he did, go look at his early threads and then he also predicted a pump later on a shorter time frame at least once.

>hurrr durrr no! larp hurr durrr!
keep crying you massive faggot

>> No.9136208

no he started the whole meme with chainlink with his fucking 300 reply pool threads

and everything he shilled was utterly terrible medium to long term, obsidian is way below ico price and chainlink we all know

>> No.9136223

300 ether is retirement?

>> No.9136227
File: 338 KB, 1058x1221, 0xyLINK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love anime chan. Shared a 100eth chainlink pool with me before sharing it with anyone else. Forever thankful.

>> No.9136243

;)))))))))))) is this you hans?

>> No.9136258

>wahh muh asslarper profit predicted a pump this one time during the epic bullrun of late 2017 where literally everything was pumping, im telling you guise he’s definitely the link messiah
Plebbit wants you back normie

>> No.9136259
File: 109 KB, 644x699, 1356907857429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was this post that's the most interesting

My new job actually is a lot more directly involved with crypto/blockchain so I should be board informed going forward, although still confined to the realm of fintech. Many anons on /biz/ claim to also be insiders to varying degrees, to any of them who are NOT LARPs I have the following to say: I met with a certain Swiss banker of a Dutch background, I can’t narrow it down further without it being too obvious, either way if you’re remotely involved with hedge funds/private equity you know who I’m talking about. Anyways I actually spoke with him this week, I asked about ChainLINK, he said he hadn’t heard of it, which was as expected because he specialises in asset management etc. not in financial governance. What he did say however was somewhat interesting: he had moved his entire position into Ethereum, and that basically most private asset managers were actually ready to move into crypto, however they still do not trust the fact that there is still a lot of financial power in a few unknown individuals. In fact a lot of banks are spending tons doing all kinds of analyses to determine just how many individuals there are with 50k+ BTC. This problem is further compounded because ETH is one of the most promising cryptos however a lot of these bitcoin ‘ground zero’ holders had tons of money by the time ETH came out, and not only did they buy tons of ETH they also had the added experience and foresight to hide their holdings. The nightmare scenario right now is some 22 year old kid who was 1MM+ Ethereum he got because he was mining Bitcoin. Obviously this isn’t directly what’s holding back institutional money, they are buying, and they are doing so slowly, but they are also wary and willing to sell and buy back in if the boat starts rocking. I am just saying we’re entering a sort of twilight zone of financial powerhouses having to deal with autistic bronies. Which is all in keeping with what I’ve said about LINK.

>> No.9136263

are you a fucking brainlet?

i said he had 300 ethers in different ICOs, not in his wallet

if he had 50 of those in obsidian, which pulled a 10x shortly after it got released, he would have 500 ethers worth of odn

my god what has happened to this board

>> No.9136282
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The next part of my update regards the LINK conference and just what Sergey is hinting at when he says ‘beyond tokenisation’, see one of the many advantages of my new job is dealing with a lot of people who have a broad knowledge both of legacy systems of finance, and blockchain/cryptocurrencies. Many people with a deep technical knowledge experience ‘tunnel vision’, this is why often times idiots can outperform experts at investing, and also why every trader has the concept of ‘gut instinct’, it’s because sometimes you look too closely. These people have helped my articulate my own understanding even further, pay attention carefully because what I’m about to tell you is very obvious but also extremely neglected:

>> No.9136297
File: 530 KB, 600x591, 1571653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry had to split it up, this last bits the most interesting

Ethereum is currently positioning itself as the trustless ‘legislative’ branch of crypto, one of the reasons it is so popular right now with legacy money transitioning is because they can wrap their head around it a lot better. What I mean by that is essentially Ethereum is increasingly becoming the ‘courtroom’ of cryptocurrency, this may seem obvious by the term ‘smart contract’ but people still seem to apply analyses to Ethereum as if it is a currency. It incorporates a currency because just like the legislative branch of America, lawyers need money. Think about it this way: America prints money, the money is invested in securities, those securities are guaranteed by the legislative system, the legislative system is paid in money. The problem is legislative systems cannot be self contained systems, if Ethereum does not begin to interact with actual external systems/goods/rights then it will become entirely speculative. This is also why you need to recalibrate how you view ERC-20 tokens, think of them as fungible contracts, bearer bonds. They are not items in themselves, they are deeds of entitlement. The whole point of ChainLINK is that the tokens themselves are a mere deed to a share of the network, the network is and will always be the only thing of value. The point of Sergey’s speech will likely revolve around how value through token issuance can no longer be sustained, that essentially we’ve all been giving away deeds to ideas, but that those deeds are going to have zero value the second real items are deployed through smart contracts. So think of it like a barrier: on the one side you have these smart contracts, on the other you have real world ‘things’, currently people have been creating smart contracts for things that will eventually exist, but the minute pre-existing companies and services deploy ERC20 tokens, they are going to wipe out the tokens that are unbacked.

>> No.9136359

Lol idiot anime chan now ha a private discord of dicksuckers who look up to him but he lost a TON on JNT and other cryptos. His ETH net worth now is around 200 tops. Kek you’re probably one his discord fags. Honestly recommend people check that discord out its fucking sad.

>> No.9136376

i just know what i know when he posted here

i bet he lost pretty much everything on stupid shit as everything he shills turns out to absolute garbage long term

however you could have made a fortune if you sold early on the shit he shilled

>> No.9136413

where can i read this shit in the archive

>> No.9136424

go back to around early september 2017 or something like that

>> No.9136427

t. guy that got kicked

>> No.9136450

so anime chan started the chain link? im starting to think it might be a way to suck money from new fags

>> No.9136466
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I'm sad about link not being worth more, don't forget, it wasnt just abs threads, there is the whole thing with that chainlink crypto fund. Plus the history of the smartcontract website is strange.

>> No.9136471

is correct


>newfag calling others for newfags

>> No.9136482

as also said to watch the top wallets. That came out to be true as well.

im just trying to figure out if its shit or not. I have a large stake in chain link

>> No.9136498

Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Cought you fucking pasta posting pajeets redhanded !!
Read this fucking thread
and cry poo-tears !!
CL (shit on it!) is fucking worthless !
Can't bring decentralized and trustless data into the blockchain lol because the smartcontract creator has to choose APIs, thus making the whole CL (shit on it!) project worse than fucking Mobius, not to speak about Oraclize.
You fucked up skizos got literally fucked in the asses by a faggot who calls himself Assblaster and there is nothing you can do about it but circleshit in eachothers mouths !
Motherfuckers !
I'm dieing of laughter right fucking now !

>> No.9136509

Fuck y'all bitches !

>> No.9136524

He's a real shitposter.

>> No.9137299

Anime chan if that’s you, thank you. You made me bank off EMBRS, I bought quick and sold quicker. Thanks brah.

>> No.9137375

Nope, is fomo

>> No.9137615
