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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9130501 No.9130501 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, hopefully you guys can follow the path and solidify the connection. I will break into at least 2 parts.

Ok if we start at


We see “We're proud to be working with SWIFT” and “We're partnered with Cornell's IC3”

The team has recently stated in slack they are still working with both Swift and IC3 and we know Ari Juels (IC3 Cofounder) co-authored the Chainlink Whitepaper.


As you can see, Digital Asset is a partner of IC3. Digital Asset CTO, Shaul Kfir, just shared the stage with Ari Juels last week...the subject The Power of and Promise of Smart Contracts.


Digital Asset CEO, Blythe Masters, was a speaker at Sibos 2017 along with Sergey Nazarov. (there are videos of both and I have viewed Sergey’s not Blythe’s)

The above was to establish a connection of Digital Asset and SmartContract.

>> No.9130507

> Mobius’ Patent Pending Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol reduces the Blockchain Oracle Problem into an oracle-arbiter consensus & coordination protocol. Our Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol is designed using a tiered federated byzantine agreement system that minimize trust and allows for the coordination of chains of events (data transfers) between multiple parties unlike current solutions which are akin to internet certification authorities and only coordinate single events between two fixed end users drastically limiting the use cases of such implementations. Mobius’ protocol allows participants to select trusted oracles from indexed listings in our market of competing oracles and then automatically builds tiered slices attaining quorum that are capable of attaining consensus while minimizing trust. Oracles compete on quality and are segmented into tiered levels in order to overcome the market for lemons problem and provide a transcendental quality differential. Consensus solutions at equilibrium exist inside the Shapley-Shubik core and limit collusion amongst oracles. The protocol is designed to protect against Sybil attacks and functions even under a coordinated 51% attack. The most important feature of the protocol is this asymptotic fault tolerance & security which guarantees ease of scaling due to Metcalfe’s law. In fact our decentralized network of oracles become safer to use, with ever lower levels of trust as we scale up.

>> No.9130514


Now What is Digital Asset? The Digital Asset Platform is a permissioned distributed ledger tailored to the financial community. Services include settlements and other external market data driven functions. Their platform has something called “applications” are third party products that connect existing systems and data to this Digital Asset Platform. Digital Asset is now using the term “Enterprise Smart Contract” sound familiar?

I believe Chainlink will be the decentralized oracle application.



Also, Now, I know there is a lot more connections to this but have not had the time to compile but will in due time.

>> No.9130518


Pajeets are back in full force... fucking annoying shitters.

You all were silent for a few months. What happened? How many pupees do you get for each shitpost?

>> No.9130529

Someone walk me through how $1,000 EOY isn't delusion

>> No.9130538
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>> No.9130540

Oh look its fucking nothing.

>> No.9130551

i bet you were waiting for him to post this lmao

>> No.9130561

I have been seeing the connections for a while but what made me jump out of my seat when I saw this press release from ASX or Australian Securities Exchange.


“The The Application layer handles the integration between ASX and the user’s existing infrastructure. It feeds commands into the DA platform and reads outbound events”

Now I haven’t read through the document completely but it looks like they will be using Swift messaging with Digital Asset’s distributed ledger. Swift, Digital Asset, SmartContract - all the connections are there. If this is true, Digital Asset is also DTCC which would greatly benefit from Chainlink.

>> No.9130562

bump because i am in the top one thousand wallets on ethexplorer

>> No.9130572

ari jules didnt really co-author the whitepaper, he basically reviewed it. it says so in the text. look at the asterisk next to his name

>> No.9130695

This is insane OP, your digging skills are wild. Do you think chainlink has any connection to the Blockchain Research Institute? Microsoft is in the group as well as working with link, is there any chance it could be a popular point of discussion among the members? There are tons of use cases, Fedex off the top of my head could use it to validate shipping progress and probably a ton of other shit in their back end. Im an art brainlet so I'm sure there is more use for it but Im dumb and just kinda spouting off bullshit atm

>> No.9130698


great find. so we now have the australian securities exchange and the chicago mercantile exchange both using chainlink


>> No.9130732

>† Ari Juels is a faculty member at the Jacobs Institute at Cornell Tech. He co-authored
>this work in his separate capacity as an advisor to SmartContract ChainLink Ltd., in
>which he has a financial interest.

>> No.9130739

So if pajeet shits on a street and no one steps on it, did it really happen?

>> No.9130744
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Sergey has been working on this for literally years, how much original material did you expect Ari to contribute?

>> No.9130780

So they paid him a bunch of tokens to put his name on the whitepaper. Then sergey said that he'll use town crier which is a product of cornell labs i believe. Thats why it sounds like juels is shilling link but really just being a disinterested leader in the space.

He could even be the advisor wallet that dumped

>> No.9130796

Fucking hell, too much sauce. Mainnet cant come soon enough. The anticipation after bagholding link for nearly 2/3 of a year is killing me. My body is so fucking ready. I dont even want a moon I just want it to be a real tangible thing.

>> No.9130817
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Don't forget whats turned up on searching "agnostic", "dlt-tf", "emsig", "tips", "nodes", "idd", "ami" on
Gotta love eurocucks and their openness about shit. Bunch of PP's, and PDF's for your autictic tendancies.

>> No.9130822

DTCC is also a member of the World Economic forum, and Chainlinks website states that they "were selected by the World Economic Forum's Tipping Point report as the "Shift in Action" for Smart Contracts, for our work on allowing smart contracts in the Bitcoin network to be automatically triggered by external data."

Does this strengthen the connection between DTCC and Link?

>> No.9130829
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>> No.9130831

Oh yeah, I'm sure someone like Ari would be totally cool with some random crypto project paying him to put his name on their white paper. It's not like he cares about his reputation or anything.

>> No.9130854
File: 112 KB, 960x548, tippingpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the WEF literally said that smartcontracts.com will bring 10% of GDP to the blockchain which will be several trillions.

>> No.9130876
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you seen the list of the attendees? accenture was there with lots of important people.

>> No.9130886

thats not literally what they said. They said crypto will have a market cap for $80 trillion, then they used smartcontracts as an example utilization of blockchain tech (seperate discussion points)

>> No.9130897

Keep compiling and posting shit Anon. You're way better than Assblaster

>> No.9130931
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Hold on a minute
How much is needed for LINK $1000?
Did they just predict the singularity?

>> No.9130949
File: 57 KB, 266x782, accenture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smart contracts will bring all the money in

they already agreed years ago that crypto goes multi trillion, smartcontracts.com is the missing link.

>> No.9130976

Thanks for posting this anon.

I also noticed that there seems to be a connection between DAE, the Chamber of Digital Commerece and possibly the Accord Project. Insofar as they move in the same circles, i couldn’t find anything more concrete than that. You might want to look into that as well.

>> No.9131001


market cap = price X circulating supply

there are currently 350 million link tokens and one billion total that could potentially be in circulation. if 350 million are in circulation then link's marketcap would need to be $350 billion to reach $1000 per link.

realistically though most will not be in circulation and will be staked on nodes, the question is, how many? we could have $1000 link at a $50 billion market cap if enough link is tied up in nodes and out of circulation, just depends

>> No.9131037


>> No.9131039

Not that much at all because of staking. Look at who holds LINK. It's not the same demographic of people that holds shitcoins like TRX or VEN who are inclined to dump at the slightest dip, or don't have the capactiy to understand what staking is or how to set up a node.

Most LINKS will be staked, and I suspect staking will be very, very profitable in the near term. The circulating supply of LINK will be relatively insignifcant compared to the amount of staked LINK. As more and more institutions get on board, more money is earn from staking, more people want to buy in order to stake, but nobody wants to sell.

If LInk manages to get any real market share (above 1%) people who sell at $1k will look like fucking idiots.

>> No.9131042
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Awesome digging skills, Anon. You are a vessel in the formation of the new financial oracle smart contract solution.

We are gonna make it. Autists for the win.

>> No.9131067

thanks guys
I was confused b/c coinmarketcap said total marketcap is 412,563,654,485 right now, or 4.12 trillion; then i figured, well, this is 0.025% of gdp; so if we want 10% we'd need 10/0.025; which multiplies by a factor of 400; so if 400*current link price, then LINK is at most $200. Then i was confused since it said global GDP is 80 trillion, and we alraedy have 4.12 trill, then, wouldn't the multiplication factor be only 16x, and LINK is 16x0.45 = 0.72?
Sorry I don't get it
Feel free to screen cap this for a "the absolute state of /biz/"

>> No.9131084

>tfw you realize what the cross means on ChainLink's whitepaper next to Aris name
linkies will forever remember him (this is why the price no longer moves anymore, coin is ded)

>> No.9131086
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Please give us a happening that all of biz will notice universal will being manifested in furthering the growth of Chainlink in this historic times.

>> No.9131093

Appears like they are implementing a replacement system that is taking place over the next two years.

>> No.9131102

*church bell*

>> No.9131104


>412,563,654,485 right now, or 4.12 trillion

4.12 billion

>> No.9131105
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also these niggas been at synchronize 2018

>> No.9131119
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It's just the tip of the ice berg, if you do your research.

>> No.9131126
File: 98 KB, 1198x741, bita connections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also anyone looked into bita?

look who is members there, looks familiar?

>> No.9131139

shiiiet hahaha i'm a brainlet
413,648,759,366 is 412 billions
I used an online converter instead of counting the zeros...

>> No.9131173
File: 15 KB, 190x138, bita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the pic are not all of them
look https://bita.studio/members

>> No.9131233


>> No.9131254

If they only knew or understood.

>> No.9131257

And when will this turn into a brapper thread?

>> No.9131269
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posting in historic thread

>> No.9131273

You have enthusiasm and are trying to learn. Posts like this are unironically the reason /biz/ exists -- it's not just for shills, shitposts, and pajeets.

That said, take some accounting courses.

>> No.9131360

What does it mean?

>> No.9131363

What does it mean?

>> No.9131372


what's wrong?

>> No.9131391
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I literally can't. LINK seems like a sure thing almost too good to be true. The shadow fork is probably real.

>> No.9131411

I truly wish I did. Either way, sounds very favorable.

>> No.9131433

disregard. classic 'dump on newfag' technique

>> No.9131457
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That you didnt research.

>> No.9131509

What's your price prediction EOY?

>> No.9131531

When will the singularity occur?

>> No.9131539

Wait where the fuck is this video of Sergey at SIBOS 2017? It was a closed room i didnt think there was any recording

>> No.9131547
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Is it literally impossible to predict the price of LINK?
- how many nodes staked
- what percentage of the GDP or derivatives market
- when that is reached
there's just... so many factors
i'm getting anywhere from $9 to $300,000 for a LINK.

>> No.9131563

Cool, I am getting 0.10 USD EOY.

>> No.9131616

i'm not sure if you're being ironic, because outside of a severe FUD campaign i literally cannot see LINK price going down from now on, esp since ropsten will prove they have a working product - even if buggy.

>> No.9131627

Mcap is a meme.
Shitcoins with zero adoption are not actually worth billions and billions of dollars.
A coin with a complex staking system could realistically reach a quadrillion dollars (on paper) with the retarded way mcap is calculated right now.

>> No.9131635

shit... you're right about the shitcoins having way bigger marketcaps than LINK
can't believe i missed that.

>> No.9131661

>When will the singularity occur?
December 31st, 2018.

At precisely 23.59...

>> No.9131667
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Probably June


>> No.9131697

>i'm getting anywhere from $9 to $300,000 for a LINK.
use the geometric mean to get a decent estimation, which for two values given would be:

square root of (9 x 300,000)

= 1643 dollars, which is in the order of magnitude of 1k eoy.

Now that is fucking spooky...

>> No.9131711

OK I need to not think about that too hard, because I'd have $160MM. I'm buying 4chan if that happens.

>> No.9131714
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No. You either understand the implications and market scope of this tech, or you fall for the “Link is a meme” meme and kill yourself as tribute to Kek at the moment of the Singularity.

>> No.9131716

I patented my 5AM shit in the toilet this morning. It was a mastapiece

>> No.9131723
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Stay away from my board

>> No.9131726

Smart contract auction it is, then.

>> No.9131737
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>> No.9131750

This is what astreik says in the whitepaper:

Ari Juels is a faculty member at the Jacobs Institute at Cornell Tech. He co-authored
this work in his separate capacity as an advisor to SmartContract ChainLink Ltd., in
which he has a financial interest.

>> No.9131753

it's even closer to 1k eoy if you take all four of anons prices estimations:

4th root of (9 x 90 x 25000 x 300,000)

= 1569 dollars.

I suspect if anon got more variables it would tend to 1000 eoy. this is weird.

>> No.9131778

Meme magic is freaking me out

>> No.9131782
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Your retort is the masterpiece honestly. Best kek i've had all day in this place.

>> No.9131830

good catch anon, this shows Ari Juels has a financial incentive to push Chainlink as an oracle solution. He most likely has one of the wallets w/ 50,000,000 link.

I just got back to my computer but should have an update tomorrow with more findings. The more and more I dig into Chainlink the more and more I understand why they keep quite as they are setting up to be the backbone to the new financial system.

>> No.9131859

Precisely fellow marine! Keep up the good work

>> No.9131872

Sweet Mary Jane, it's almost June!

>> No.9131888

What if this is why testnet moved up 3 weeks?

>> No.9131900

We have confirmation!

>> No.9131963

Jules does see disinterested in it desu...

But maybe that's because he knows about us on 4chan and doesn't want to be connected to a bunch of racists who own it.

Since he's obviously an SJW looking cuck

>> No.9131968

.12 quadrillion is 120 trillion, not 120 billion

>> No.9132000

I have a heart condition but this post makes me want to say fuck it and do a bunch of cocaine

>> No.9132013

$300,000,000 for a link?!

>> No.9132020

Considering that the human understanding of the word trust is being redefined, "backbone" works nicely. You can see why philosophy, might be needed in implementing such a system.

>> No.9132035

Nice digits. Dont do cocaine but buy more link. The cocaine high will be nothing compared to when you check your networth years from now, I just hope your hear can endure it

>> No.9132047

wew those binance withdrawal fees are feeling mighty steep

>> No.9132057

If u do, can u please stop hiroshimoot's datamining operation and make 4chan 100% ad-free?

>> No.9132060

those predictions are brainlet-tier des.u, you can't just say " this is what happens if Crypto becomes 10% of Global GDP"

>> No.9132062
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>as if I wasn't already excited enough

them trips are a beautiful thing. Link threads always have the best digits.

>> No.9132150

$1k eoy

>> No.9132158

Doesn't have to be this year fagit. But probably will be>>9130529

>> No.9132171

I'm genuinely afraid of my future wealth with 250k LINK, as well as my other holds (40% in)

>> No.9132179

if it's too scary you can send some my way

>> No.9132192


>> No.9132233

>.12 quadrillion is 120 trillion, not 120 billion
yeaha, doesnt matter - the eoy price is still in the order of magnitude of 1000 eoy:

4th root of (9 x 90 x 25000 x 300000000)
= 8,828 dollars eoy

this is the power of math. 1000eoy cannot after today ever be denied!

>> No.9132234
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I’d like to bring up, before some street shitter nolinker does, the case of real working projects with smaller valuations, let’s say factom, as opposed to high valued literal shitcoins.... The implications of the ChainLink network are revolutionary (WEF chairman said so). It will be independent of BTC bullshit, will create entirely new markets, and increase drastically in value due to low circulating supply bc of the NEED for staking on the network.. Add it all together and you have the Singularity and the case for $1000 eoy being conservative FUD.

>> No.9132250

Hey, I hold both LINK and TRX. I am selling TRX on mainnet release though. LINK is like super long term hold.

>> No.9132301
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Feeling generous, you can see that anon hasn't pulled his figures or his timetable out of his ass.

>> No.9132322

Does anyone have the link to where they were telling partners not to hint "Oracle service" specifically because of us?

>> No.9132335

Not sure if this link will work but basically realizing that LINK will be the backbone of all transactions. 10% of market may even be FUD. LINK will capture 100% of the market.

>> No.9132407

Define the value of absolute trust in an operation and you will see the significance. It can be hard, since trust is based on a human emotion.

>> No.9132474

300,000 was for 2027
need to include that in Geometric Mean ?

>> No.9132497

If we use $300,000 as 1% of the market it’s possible for EOY because GDP grows by about 2% a year. So I feel like the amount it needs to capture is less because the number as a whole is growing so much? Like if you want to take a bite an apple but the apple is growing faster than how much you want to bite off, it’s proportionately easier to get that size of a chunk.

>> No.9132532

My fear for link is to
A) I can sell prematurely like when it hits $10
B) Protect my private keys for like 5-10 years.

>> No.9132590

I’m nervous about security during the hodl period. Any wise oldfags have any tips?

>> No.9132627

>300,000 was for 2027
>need to include that in Geometric Mean ?
as someone correctly pointed out, the number wasnt 300,000, it was 300,000,000. either way it didnt make much difference: one estimate was for 1500 eoy, the other 8000 eoy.

same difference if you radically lower that figure, liek you say, that upper bound is for 2027.

so, use an order of magnitude lower for the upper bound i.e 30,000:

4th root of (9 x 90 x 25000 x 30000)
= 882 dollars eoy

wow! you literally cant get away from that magic 1k eoy prediction. whether you use 300,000,000 or 300,000 or 30,000!!

we're going to the moon. LINK is unstoppable...

>> No.9132895

Ledger nano, tell NOBODY about your fucking crypto.

>> No.9133146

I bought ledger nano from the official site, but i am worried if i got the original one. How to ensure ?

>> No.9133290

I've got a paper wallet in a fireproof safe on waterproof/ripproof paper. Printed it on my offline laptop running Lubuntu. Never showed the key on screen, printer was USB only. I think I have ultimate OPSEC and I'm not worried a bit

>> No.9133681


>> No.9134079
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coming to the realisation that 1k eoy is possible and we might actually make it... I need to accumulate way more brehs

>> No.9134510


i bought as many as i could

>> No.9134628

i dont even care if its x$ EOY it was worth it for the memes, no matter the outcome