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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9128562 No.9128562 [Reply] [Original]

Hey faggots,

I'm saving 6k a month from my new job because I'm not a neet anymore and I still live with my parents because I'm autistic.

I don't have any credit. What's the fastest way to build credit?

I've considered getting 5k on a secured credit card and just putting a 4chan pass on it every month or something. Are there any other good ways to build credit?

I already own 1k link.

>> No.9128593

whats your job?

best way would be to just get a credit card. better is finance a a car (I recomend a used honda civic)

more importantly, is that girl 12?

>> No.9128614

just get a visa and use it everyday for all your small purchases and pay the bill monthly religiously

>> No.9128696

This is how I use my credit card now. It's just more convenient than cash and safer than debit. I don't even know what my credit score is.

>> No.9128703

uh oh

>> No.9128736

I'm the same way and my credit score was like 790 or some shit, never made any major purchases before like a new car or house

>> No.9128749

pay off your cc every month
get something with points (but don't pay for any point-accumulating system, some cards will try to charge you an annual fee for this as an add-on) and buy yourself or your girl some random apartment shit every year like a gay-ass toaster or whatever

>> No.9128758

>saving 6k a month
What profession?
And what percentage of your salary are you saving?

>> No.9128777
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I ain't goin back to jail

>> No.9128805


>> No.9128824


>> No.9128832


Ban this fuck.

>> No.9128847

She is a chinese woman in her twenties.

I am a software architect.

>> No.9128859

Nagasawa Marina
22 years old

Software Architect. I take home 7700 after tax, I'm living on 1700 per month

>> No.9128863

Thats eh
that's a young looking girl anon

>> No.9128882

Nagasawa Marina
22 years old


>> No.9128890

>7700 after tax, I'm living on 1700 per month
Fucking nice.
Is that a full time position or are you a contractor?

>> No.9128906
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>more importantly, is that girl 12?
not with that attitude

>> No.9128924

full time w2 at a small software agency

>> No.9128944
File: 291 KB, 877x655, 62452425425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blood type: O

Why does anyone need to know this?

>> No.9128977

>Burgers are so brainwashed by (((them))) that wish to build debt along their lives...
wew lads

>> No.9128979

lurk 2 years before posting

>> No.9128993

Asians are super racist. Koreans hate Japanese hate Chinese hate Vietnamese... etc etc.

If you are Asian and the same exact race, you get racist about blood type. Not even joking.

>> No.9129000

Blood type is like zodiac signs for slitty eyeds.

>> No.9129002

secured credit card will help.
installment loans(car loan) will be better.

>> No.9129003
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>> No.9129010

Oh. I was looking at this from a fap perspective. I was wrong.

>> No.9129012

credit score affects our life britbongo, especially if i want to use OPM to invest in real estate

>> No.9129047

>Nagasawa Marina

looks like a gook trap siminem