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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 500x500, bch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9119198 No.9119198 [Reply] [Original]


Traffic to BCH accounts being purposely throttled. I am now in full belief there is a massive conspiracy to destroy bitcoin. Its the only explanation for the absolute retardation which has gone on for the last 10ish months since the Hard Fork.

>> No.9119232


fuck bcash

>> No.9119241


>> No.9119244

the fake bitcoin

>> No.9119257

why would twitter give a fuck about coins? you got any evidence?
give the grandpa some respect, if not for him, none of the other cryptos would happen

>> No.9119261

If they really wanted to destroy digital peer to peer cash, they would attack Monero, not Jihan's scamcoin.

>> No.9119263

op, watch roger vers interview on alex jones

>> No.9119278

My wife still thinks it's a fake bitcoin mhmmm

>> No.9119388

next level redditry.
actually ashamed at the current state of nu/biz/

>> No.9119443

or tptb are using corecoin as a distraction so the plebs fill their bags with air and they get a huge holding of the real bitcoin for dirt cheap.

>> No.9119581
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>reading comprehension

Pic related, it's a fork of your brain

>> No.9119653

Wield the sword, die by the sword.

>> No.9119682
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btc stopped being bitcoin when it became blockstream's segwit second layer's coin

>> No.9119721

Why should we care about Bcash?

>> No.9119737

Ciao, corecucks. Tell me, why is the Bitcoin blockchain necessary when 99.9% of tx's will be done on the LN?

>> No.9119750
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ohh nooo! not the bee cash!

>> No.9119802

That's a lot of trash in one picture.

About the bitcoin "real-bitcoin" cash; LN is funded by DCG which has the same chairman as the FED; do the math. Mastercard has also funded them...

Of course old-world players are trying their damnedest to kill something beautiful just like they always do. The jews want a world of ugliness, they are not like you and me. They don't believe in truth, nature and beauty. They are a kind of rat evolved with the city dependent on the city.

>> No.9119925

Just rewatched it

I think roger makes solid points

I am pretty sure he purposely pumps bitcoin cash before he goes on interviews though, i dont know why he has to discredit himself like that

>> No.9119946

exactly this

>muh im investing in the technology! ~90% of bitcoin speculators before the 20k crash. (i was predicting the pull back and warning people about it, and this is the answer i got from most people)

then they come out and say they actually hate the technology and they want to start again with something else.

i dont know why they cant just make their own coin

>> No.9119965

Im not even a bch shill! I own ZERO of it

I play devils advocate a lot and ask questions because im really just trying to figure all this out.
It is my opinion that BCH is the better bitcoin, but I just cant understand why there are so many who disagree
Im just trying to figure some shit out

>> No.9119982

>but I just cant understand why there are so many who disagree
Mostly paid shills and brainwashed followers

>> No.9120086

It's a long story of cencorship, propaganda and shills on every social media. It started with Theymos who owns both /r/bitcoin and bitcointalk.com banning any talk of increasing the blocksize many many years ago. All the old guys have already been banned and now hang out at /r/btc.

There's tons written on this. It's basically old world forces coming in to strangle a new world revolution and bastardizing it into another network they can control. See:

>> No.9120637
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>> No.9120730

>Why would we care about censorship?

High-ups on twitter have invested money into Blockstream. Can't find the source right now unfortunately.

>> No.9120823
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Oh yeah, Twitter CEO invested in Lightning Labs (related to Lightning Network, which doesn't work on Bitcoin Cash).


Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something. Regardless it's very convenient of anyone with a stake in BTC that twitter has started causing trouble for BCH.

>> No.9120832

They are not really trying to kill it, they want to control it so the banking system doesn't get destroyed, but transforms. Basically nothing is going to change except $ becoming BTC... we've lost.

>> No.9121457

dont worry, luckily Bitcoin (BCH) is there as a backup

>> No.9121514

I don't think so. All we need is mainstream acceptance - which is already well underway -
and winning in places like /r/cryptocurrency which is almost as badly compromised as /r/bitcoin.

I think their goal was a trifecta:

1. Block the stream
2. Introduce system we can control(LN)
3. Make money on this system

With 1 being the most important and 2 and 3 being bonuses.

LN can work on bitcoin cash, don't belive the /r/bitcoin spiel. LN is a complete mess though and most likely will never work -- at least not in a decentralized way which was kinda the point of bitcoin.

>> No.9121529
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Isn't it a funny coincidence places like Plebbit and Twatter ban thousands get brigaded daily delete accounts and also support Corea and Cripple? It's almost as if all the CENTRALIZED venues don't was a decentralized coin to succeed...

>> No.9121596

If you wanted to attack Monero, all you'd need is about 500k worth of hashing contracts, because of their pants on head retarded anti asic policy.
Which is why it will never go anywhere, because who is going to put an economy on something you can nuke for 500k? Eventually someone will get sick of their sad blockchain LARP'ing, put in a big short on XMR, and nuke it into oblivion and laugh their asses to the bank.

>> No.9121611
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Not if we kill them.

>> No.9121621

SegWit breaks the chain of signatures that defines the Bitcoin system and once SegWit is on the blockchain you can't restore the chain of signatures. This is why Bitcoin Cash was forked in order to preserve the chain of signatures.

>> No.9121627

Ver should buy twitter and 4chan to make them more bch friendly.

>> No.9121652
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one butthurt asshole who can't accept he's wrong. And many forces in the background taking advantage of the equilibrium to advance their agenda.

>> No.9121822
File: 970 KB, 3888x3111, Bitcoin Cash Joyride2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LN can work on bitcoin cash, don't belive the /r/bitcoin spiel. LN is a complete mess though and most likely will never work -- at least not in a decentralized way which was kinda the point of bitcoin.
Lightning Network requires SegWit to work at the moment and I BCH will never add support for SegWit.

Maybe LN will work with BCH in the future though. I know that the plan is to support all crypto.

Which makes it more funny since LN would actually reduce the value of Bitcoin since it boosts the usefulness of all altcoins...

>> No.9122089

For anyone wondering. Cashie shills use the "we're the victim" tactic all the time.

>> No.9122118

Corecuck delusion

>> No.9122197

>Which makes it more funny since LN would actually reduce the value of Bitcoin since it boosts the usefulness of all altcoins...

Corecuks only care about pumping the price using "good news" so they could dump their bags on the next sucker and moon and lambo, they don't care about long term viability or utility.

>> No.9122227

Ah, yes. The time old proven tactic of always being under attack. Works well on the deluded cashies, as it gives them more ammo to spew out whatever pajeet copy-pasta Roger has prepared for them.

>> No.9122294

Bcash is going full bitconnect. Time to stop them.

>> No.9122374

> 500k
Wut ?

>> No.9122669

Are you fucking kidding me? r/bitcoin does nothing but crying "we're under attack" and endlessly posting Ver and Jihan like whiny sissies.

>> No.9122686

we need Kanye to start tweeting about blockstream

>> No.9123503

this thread is literally a bcashies trap and they are all falling for it.

>> No.9124000

Because it's a GPU based algorithm, that means you can easily lease hashpower legitimately to attack it without actually investing in your own deployment thereof, market rate for the necessary hashpower to attack the monero chain right now is about 440k USD per day, if you can make more off that shorting it and you're the kind of person who is ok with attacking a blockchain, it is economically rational to do so.
Pricing based on mining rig rentals and nicehash.
This is the fatal flaw with GPU based asic resistance, there's a morphable pool of hash power ready to attack any non ASIC chain at all and all you have to do is rent it out. And if the GPU owners kill that chain, what do they care? They can just mine another chain, or do AI research, or a million other things with their GPUs. ASIC owners however have actual stake in the chains they mine, and therefore aren't vulnerable to this. This was the reason Sia launched their own ASICs, they recognised it was both inevitable, but also desirable, to secure blockchains by ASIC POW.

>> No.9124010

literally who cares

scam coin operated by guy convicted of selling explosives

also he's a manlet

>> No.9124027

The only reason you can do this with such a high market cap coin is because Monero hard forked away from their old algorithm which actually had ASIC made for it, and was 80% secured by ASIC. Because they're clueless communist fuckwits who don't seem to understand the nature of the product they're messing with, I guess.
Oh well, perhaps they'll get lucky and people will just keep ignoring their weak defense.

>> No.9124062
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It's this, although shills would like you to forget it.

>> No.9124087

>massive conspiracy to destroy bitcoin

Well when AXA and Mastercard are overtly funding its destruction, this should be obvious.

>> No.9124113

Well you see in order to use the blockchain, we have to not use the blockchain.

>> No.9124143

He claimed that he didn't. Its more likely that people got hype because the interview. Although who can know for sure. I think the pump probably did more damage than good in the long run though, thankfully we've /recovered/ and are on our way.

>> No.9124186

Don't forget Segwit throws away the digital signatures.

>> No.9124226

Amongst other things as mentioned in >>9121652

>> No.9124231

4chan is already bch friendly and Twitter while important is mostly the lowest common denominator anyway. Want to know what to short? Follow Twitter nigger hype.

>> No.9124251

>miners would undercut each other's transaction fees until they all went bankrupt

My god, the man is a moron.

>> No.9124280
File: 7 KB, 252x200, bch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, BCH will be just fine with out the pedophiles at Twitter. No one can stop BCH; the only thing they can do it is try and slow it down, which explains the daily in crease in FUD towards BCH.

Remember, BCH is fighting every single other coin, every single ICO, every single central bank, every single douchebag on reddit and twitter, etc. the list goes on.

Companies will be forced to put their data and operate on the BCH chain, insurance and mortgage companies will be forced to operate on the BCH blockchain, any type of business will become exponential efficient operating on the BCH blockchain. Just think about all those people that hate BCH, they won't have another solution and will be obsolete without BCH. People don't understand the magnitude.

It's not just a currency, it will be an operating system for all entities/companies and the chain grows, and it can't be stopped.

When there are only a few BCH coins left to mine, they will be worth trillions per coin.

BCH will change the global economy and make it easier for the poor and 2nd/3rd world countries to TRADE with each other. Multiculturalism is liberal and kike bullshit, they only why cultures can somewhat get a long, is by being exposed to other cultures by trade and economics.

Now you know what something like Twitter shadow banning is laughable and doesn't matter.

>> No.9124286

>Lightning Network requires SegWit to work at the moment
tbf though LN doesn't even really work on Segwit.

>> No.9124333

"LN needs segwit" is a classic blegacy talking point. LN needs a malleability fix. Segwit is a shit type of malleability fix.

Off chain solutions will work better on BCH than BTC. The main difference is that on BCH they will be competitive not mandatory.

>> No.9124401

He, or someone who had his exact opinions down to the letter, was in here two days ago arguing with someone who claimed to run a multi megawatt mining deployment about POW production invariably favouring large producers with zero doubt, it's like he's never heard of the limits of economy of scale or something, and just thinks big businesses will inevitably take over everything and it's all just as simple as having a ton of money to throw at the problem.
That he then thinks those ruthless businesses would undercut themselves out of operation is just.. eugh.
Guy fucking grinds my gears. I wish he would stick to deep protocol work as he said he intended on """resigning""" from blockstream, on some economically ignorant communist chain, it's no wonder he's such good buddies with monero.

>> No.9124416

>manipulative garbage
>literal scammers behind the coin
>spreading misinformation and calling itself the "true" bitcoin
>attempting to warp the narrative into what they want and mislead normies

stop trying to play yourself off as this heroic underdog david vs. goliath thing, it's literally fucking laughable. you guys are sneaky and scammy and creepy, not fucking heroes. jesus.

>> No.9124465

LN does need segwit...

>> No.9124504

I think its the disconnect many devs have with economics. Bitcoin is just so cutting edge in both of these fields that one camp often doesn't understand the other, however both are extremely important.

>> No.9124519

*UASF's your coin*


>> No.9124524


>> No.9124665

Nobody with a brain is buying your bullshit, we're building a trustless environment, you whinging about trust is just proof that you don't get it. That you can't even pick credible arguments for a character assassination just makes you look like a fuckwit.

>> No.9124935

>manipulative garbage
It's all backed up by various sources.
>literal scammers behind the coin
How is Roger Ver a scammer? He has been promoting BTC since 2011, what were you doing back then? and don't bring me that Mt.Gox bullshit, he got hurt by it as well.
>spreading misinformation and calling itself the "true" bitcoin
How is it us spreading the misinformation, when BCH is closely following Satoshi whitepaper and forked when BTC was still BTC (before softwork aka SEGWIT got activated) and not you, significantly changing the direction of development that is against said whitepaper and the whole idea of crypto; no middle man?
>attempting to warp the narrative into what they want and mislead normies
No one is warping shit you dumbass, you can check everything on the internet if you actually care, but you won't anyway. Who do you think is in charge of BTC? do you think the changes are made by the whole community? because what I know is that it's Blockstream's job. Yes, they are PAID to work on bitcoin by various centralized institutions and it's THEM who decide what happens with bitcoin because rest of the community is fucking dumb as rock and won't research anything by themselves. It's even worse when you dare to say something against them, like you disagree with their ideas or something, they either ban you or straight up ignore and do their thing anyway. BCH fork was a defensive mechanism to protect the orginal chain from getting corrupted. ETH is also a fork if you didn't know it already...

>> No.9125064

Good news then

>> No.9125095

i'm gonna trust legit dudes like nick szabo et al over some faggot scamster like ver who deceptively shipped unmarked fireworks through regular mail and put actual human lives at risk to make a quick buck. he went to jail for that too. but hey, he's been a btc supporter. hurr. he's not shady at all.
also, fake satoshi a la craig wright, confirmed narcissist and plagiarist and complete fucking liar who tried to revise history to make himself look like satoshi. no one's buying it now, except you faggots are hoping people will buy it later after you ride through the outrage.
and that little chink asic dude, lol.
c'mon, man.
i don't care about btc and bch like you do, but what i do understand and can evaluate is scammy, shitty activity by scammy, shitty people, and bch is full of warning signs.
i'm sure hal finney is rolling in his grave right now.
keep trucking, you hero you. you've got a solid team of backers and then you have your immaculate shill army polluting the fuck out of everywhere and claiming you're the victim.

>> No.9125110

fuck BTRASH, I only buy that shit to gain more BTC. Fucking trash

>> No.9125128


>> No.9125699
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they are outright banning

t. banned

it just makes me like BCH even more

>> No.9125707
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Trustless motherfucker, do you speak it? Also, pic related, gas yourself.