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9120716 No.9120716 [Reply] [Original]

i am employed by myself and my bees as a bee keeper and i am making more bank than ever.
how is the possible you ask? basically it is about supply and demand. as you probably know, the world is full of disgusting sweet-toothed fatties who like nothing more in life than raping their own crusty pancreas by chowing down on daddy nature's sugary precum. The demand created by these blimps far outweighs what my african ebola bees can shit out, which in short means i make the big money.
i love my job and i love knowing that i am the only man with the elite skillset required to milk these furry niggers.
how is this done? first i don my sweet beekeeping costume, then i smoke them the fuck out of their stupid house and kiss them all individually and let them know they are going to bee valhalla when they finally get swallowed by a dog. then i get the honey and put it in a jar.
after a hard days work i like to go back to my mansion, sit in my antique oxblood leather armchair, and laugh at some statistics about growing inequality and rising obesity levels in the world.

>> No.9120735

Literally every hipster is making their own honey and selling it. Good luck

>> No.9120764
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Why did you post this?

>> No.9120864



>> No.9121090

Dumbest larp I've seen on this board. You are not making half a million a year on bees. Even old timers with thousands of hives are struggling to pay the bills these days. Commercial beeks are a dying breed. The money is no longer there.

>> No.9121154

hello newfriend

>> No.9121918
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the only reason they struggle is because i want them to. this is because i am the shrewdest of the beekeepers. i use my honey gains to destroy any competition by paying irishmen to go round their hives and whisper "you're gay" at the bees until they get confused and stop producing. i also get them to sabotage the beekeepers costumes so that they get stung in the penis to death by sexually confused bees and die in actute agony.
basically i am sending a message: there can be only one bee daddy up inside this bitch planet.

>> No.9122013

>as you probably know, the world is full of disgusting sweet-toothed fatties who like nothing more in life than raping their own crusty pancreas by chowing down on daddy nature's sugary precum. The demand created by these blimps far outweighs what my african ebola bees can shit out, which in short means i make the big money.

Outstanding description OP

>> No.9122103

How do I get into exploiting these diseased sacks of blubber? Is there any trick to stealing food from insect babies or do you just threaten them with a gun?

>> No.9122134

You can also rent out your bee colonies to farmers that need bees for pollination services.

>> No.9122149

how many hives do you own? I personally only own 6 hives that i keep year round to help pollinate my dads orchards in the spring.

>> No.9122218

Very poetic. You have a way with words, anon.

>> No.9122292

Lool, nice larp, dude. $500k per year is like 1000 hives on a good year, and that's being optimistic.

>> No.9122305

Stay poor honey.

>> No.9122320

nigger if u make 500k on bees u are just seeling drugs

>> No.9122357

>How do I get into exploiting these diseased sacks of blubber?

What you do is cut your honey with sugar or high fructose corn syrup up to 90-99%

Believe it or not up to a few years ago practically every bottle of honey in the supermarket was cut this way.

A study exposed it, but I am positive the practice remains because once you cut the product it is difficult to detect.

Thats right, faggot.

That honey you were squirting on your white bread out the head of the honey bear bottle. You got cucked.

>> No.9122369

We should start a honey farming collective with crypto as collateral, we can collect monthly dividends based off percentage of crypto donated. Then we get a big farm with fiber, shitpost, trade crypto, tend bees. Who's down?

>> No.9122373
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I wanna make bank like you OP.
Do I just go around with a glass jar and catch bees with it and force them to work for me?

>> No.9122399


>> No.9122417


I like your writing style OP

>> No.9122423

Thanks just bought 100k bees.

>> No.9122469

You need to catch a swarm along with the queen

>> No.9122474

>Is there any trick to stealing food from insect babies or do you just threaten them with a gun?

pro-tip for you: one method i like to use is not shower for about a week at at time, then cup my balls with my mousing hand (also unwashed) and wave it over the hive in a figure of 8 pattern for maximum stink trail coverage. this puts the bees in a deep meditative state where i can do anything i want to them. and i mean anything. when i am finished arranging them into lewd sexual positions for my own amusement i scoop out the honey and make the big bux.

>> No.9122486

Fuck im dying hahahaha

11/10 larp we need more quality like this

>> No.9122523
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>> No.9122658

We are diversifying anon

>> No.9122697

I really like this guys style.

>> No.9122731
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>> No.9122771

>Do I just go around with a glass jar and catch bees with it and force them to work for me?

my method is a little unorthodox, but effective: i go to my local park and take my pants off, spread my ass cheeks apart, and run around backwards whilst shouting "supper time" and start absorbing bees until i feel that my colon is suitably buzzing. you'd be suprised how many bees can be harvested in this manner. afterwards, i waddle back to my farm and then fart them into their new abode. because of the time we spent together (i call it "bonding") their loyalty to me is unquestioned.

>> No.9122773

>2018 still into Bees
>not farming shrimp
300k starting my first year catch up.

>> No.9122779

Hao ling at this

>> No.9122791

in order to make 500k a year you would need a 100% success ratio with over 1,000 hives.

and your a dumb ass for thinking honey is for fat asses. Its actually extremely healthy compared to HFCS, GMO beat, or aspartame you fucking low IQ anon.

>> No.9122866

Yeah no thanks gaylord. I make $4.2 million a year as a welder working 3 hours a month from my house so enjoy gaying it up with your homosexual bees for a measly $500k Lololol

>> No.9122897

Is it on binance?

>> No.9122908
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I also keep bees,but I use the honey for social climbing, it's a much better deal than money desu.

Promotion: jar of honey
Getting laid: jar of honey
Housewarming gift: small jar of honey

>> No.9123002

How many hives?

>> No.9123006

this man knows whats up
everyone always welcomes a jar of honey, especially in winter

>> No.9123127

When I started out I was in charge of 28 hives as part of a research project into the fungicide iprodione, so I got a big crash course, doing daily detailed inspections and general maintenance.

I only keep one hive personally now, I've had trouble with robbing when I keep two hives on my property.

>> No.9123177


Best reason for colony collapse.

>> No.9123226


Do people actually steal your honey?

>> No.9123255

He means his bees rob each others hives.

>> No.9123271

the African bees have a tendency to steal honey from other beehives, usually to swarm off into a rotting tree carcase that usually collapses within a few months

>> No.9123273


Makes sense. One's a good hive another's a bad hive. From across the tracks.

>> No.9123338

Yes, this

>> No.9123429

Is it only minority or African bee species that exhibit this behavior?

>> No.9123669

good thread OP

>> No.9123674

>honey is a dying business guys!

fuck off

>> No.9123737


>> No.9124077
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yea good bread I just got high and spent an hour trying to catch a wasp to impale on a toothpick and mount on my fence so the other cunt bees would know to stay the fuck away from my house

i was using a blowtorch and a can of white lithium grease as a flamethrower, and one of the dumb fuckin things finally succumbed to my armament. it was a well preserved specimen but i ended up torching it to ashes.

I fruitlessly hunted for another for quite a while before I decided to set a trap - a slice of kiwi that I pulpified and doused in the aforementioned white lithium grease. I actually managed to soak a big fucker in the grease but he flew off before I could set him alight. Now I am off to Chick-fil-A for a Spicy Deluxe, hell maybe even a chocolate milkshake

>> No.9124784

Bees dint need land to graze like cattles. They flywhere miles to somebody else land to find nectars. Low cost farming.

>> No.9124797

Nobody yells at you if your bees feeds on some one else garden flowers.

>> No.9124806

You dont need to feed bees. They will find their own food. Just need to give them place to live.

>> No.9124817

Best thing I read all day

>> No.9124888

Honey is one source of revenue. There's also bee pollen and royal jelly.

>> No.9125026



>> No.9125050
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this is a good post

>> No.9125076
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