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File: 1.65 MB, 1876x2128, chainlink_is_kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9119537 No.9119537 [Reply] [Original]

andrewmfu18 has btfo chainlink


His comments are incredible.
>chainlink is overvalued
>2 man dev team
>Sergey is a literal who
>other oracles are better

you know he's right

>> No.9119564

>I will start imagining that sitting at a beach on my private island while people like you who don't understand the fundamentals of investing lose all their money and have to work for a living.

>See you are looking at numbers such as wallets and marker cap which doesn't affect value. I look at the project and see they only have 2 team members, fairly small community, not much news and activity. I think this project is completely overvalued, especially when you compare it to a project like Mobius.

>Okay so who else is on the team? How many team members that aren't advisors? Github really isn't that important, plenty of great projects don't share their code on github so I don't determine the worth of a project based on commits. I don't need the CEO to hype up his project but what I would like to see is more activity such as partnership announcements, new team members added, updates, etc. Plenty of projects have enough PR that it makes them a good investment. Clearly you don't understand how to value a project.

>I am not comparing the companies I am comparing their value. Mobius is around 50 million market cap, partnered with Walton and stellar, great team, nearly 10k Twitter followers, working product.

>I don't think that tweet necessarily proves they have hired the ETH core dev, more like they accepted his contributions. However, you can argue that using solidity which is a made-up language only used by ETH isn't always the best solution to a project. I think that anybody they have hired that is contributing a lot to the project needs to be added to their team webpage. I think they need to update the website to show you the real GitHub.Yes open source is great, but it can be bad too.

>> No.9119583
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>Pretty sure I understand the project just fine. I am an investor not a fanboy like some of the people on this channel. While everybody else is sitting here waiting for this project to take off and insulting anybody who has a slight criticism (yet I still said I liked the project) it concerns me a bit. GitHub isn't a big factor in my opinion, partners, the team, a roadmap, connections, etc. everything that could make this be worth billions is what is more important. Because there are plenty of companies worth more than this project that don't keep their Github up to date.

we're fucked

>> No.9119766

>le 2 man team meme
This meme is so fucking retarded. If you follow their github you can see literally dozens of devs working on the project continually. They've also hired this guy https://www.linkedin.com/in/markoblad without announcing it publically. I'm almost 100% certain Sergey is cooking up one hell of a medium post that he'll post in the coming weeks that refutes all these bullshit memes.

>> No.9119818

it's not a meme you stupid fuck. you don't know what a meme is.

>> No.9119901

>an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
Literally one of the definitions of the word "meme", how does this not fit in to the "2 man dev team" every shitposter here spams?

>> No.9119909

>what I would like to see is more activity such as partnership announcements

I'm so fucking sick of the "partnerships" meme as well. Who gives a fuck about partnerships for something like this?

What partners did Ethereum have? Bitcoin? Does it fucking matter?

What "partnerships" did AOL or Macdonald's or Paypal have when they started?

If you're too fucking trenchbrain to see the value in something like ChainLink, I've got nothing for you. If you've watched Bitcoin and Ethereum blow the fuck up in the past few years and don't understand that real world data fed into smart contracts is the next logical step, then you're don't really understand what's going on here. True innovation doesn't give a fuck about partnerships and logos posted on your shitty Indian/Chinese website.

The arrogant ignorance is simultaneously infuriating and hilarious. Don't buy any LINK and chase Indian/Chinese shitcoins all you like. We'll be here to laugh at you for years to come.

>> No.9119919

he's one of those people who thinks macro images = memes

>> No.9119920

>h-haha link doesn't need a partner to grow from it's permastagnant state

>> No.9119938

it's just a stupid argument. just like every faggot who lies on the internet isn't larping.

>> No.9119968
File: 89 KB, 1112x571, sorrylinkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously the better buy. any one who doesn't agree is a fucken brainlet

>> No.9119974

Holy shit this guy has literally read biz memes and fud and made an entire video of it. He fell for all of it kek

>> No.9120028
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So his FUD is based off the small but obviously extremely competent dev team, talking ahit on solidity which should really raise questions considering Ethereum is fucking Ethereum and this is crypto, and a total ignorance of Sergey's development philosophy of not shilling ahead of the project - and then he claims to be a "real" investor. This is why we make fun of reddit. I'll hang out with Ari Juel's and Nick Szabo's god-tier knowledge and periodically check the pivotal tracker. Let the reddit fags fomo in when they can see the "value" displayed on the network.
>Don't buy until it is mooning because reddit fag stroked my pathetic ego with confirmation bias on my safe space echo chamber

>> No.9120088

>This is why we make fun of reddit

This desu. Him calling himself a real investor, then basically criticizing with "there's not enough fancy logos and updates on their website, so it's not gud". What a fucking brainlet. So cringy.

>> No.9120095

I made a reddit account just to downvote all of his comments

>> No.9120137

Mobius has 32 developers

>> No.9120162


>> No.9120192

>See you are looking at numbers such as wallets and marker cap which doesn't affect value. I look at the project and see they only have 2 team members, fairly small community, not much news and activity. I think this project is completely overvalued, especially when you compare it to a project like Mobius.

>> No.9120207

>Github really isn't that important, plenty of great projects don't share their code on github so I don't determine the worth of a project based on commits. I don't need the CEO to hype up his project but what I would like to see is more activity such as partnership announcements, new team members added, updates, etc. Plenty of projects have enough PR that it makes them a good investment. Clearly you don't understand how to value a project.

>> No.9120221

>those "arguments"

Is it September 2017 again?

The how manieth wave of newlinkers are we on that this fud is still getting peddled?

>> No.9120234

>think this project is completely overvalued, especially when you compare it to a project like Mobius.
*breathes in*

>> No.9120261


It legitimately is making me angry, how fucking stupid he is, because he's trying to talk about this like he's some fucking crypto investment expert. At best, he got in early by luck alone. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about generally, not even just with LINK.

Jesus christ what a brainlet.

>> No.9120274

This guy doesn’t even know Sergey has hired multiple people and it’s much more than 2 people now.

>> No.9120305


>muh roadmap
>muh pre-mainnet price
>muh lack of marketing
>muh other oracle projects

so basically a youtuber and self-titled "investor" created a video asking every brainlet-tier question that routinely gets btfo but he did so in a way which is earnest and concerned so now we all need to be earnestly concerned

>> No.9120320

"I'm not technically minded, I'm business minded"

Guarentee he is under 25 and used some old guys money to buy bitcoin/eth last year, and had no idea what cryptocurrency was before then.

>> No.9120326

>I am not comparing the companies I am comparing their value. Mobius is around 50 million market cap, partnered with Walton and stellar, great team, nearly 10k Twitter followers, working product.

>the fact that I know I have an IQ higher then 85 makes me understand why this project doesn't have very many followers behind it

>Okay but its not FUD when its real information. Yes on their github they have 4 people contributing but literally all of it is from the CTO, the other 2 people havent done anything since November and have only 2 commits each.

>well 400 commits really isnt that much and when most of it is from the CTO makes me wonder if you understand it
>Not really embarrassed, you just proved that they have missing and wrong information on their website. That if they have 16 contributors and yet only 6 are on their linked in profile. They don't put their roadmap on their website. I mean go look at some of those billion dollar projects and all of this information is up to date and accurate and even some of them don't have a fully functioning project yet. I don't think its much of a hassle for them to go and switch their GitHub account information and add a quick roadmap. Do I go and read every single slack or telegram message? no, because I am a real investor unlike the children on this subreddit. There is basic information that a company should provide otherwise they shouldn't even be asking for money until they do have a working project.

>> No.9120372

>all replies are calling him a retard
>his comments all downvoted to hide them
>typical reddit circlejerk
>VERGE-tier coping, calling everything fud
Shittiest coin ever

>> No.9120379

I love how he thinks that the ChainLink team gives one single fuck about what a bunch of redditors/biztards think about his project lol. Like we're the "big investors" he needs to attract. Jesus christ man. I can't take it. I'm normally the first person to start FUDing LINK (out of boredom), but this is just too fucking stupid.

>> No.9120435


>Definitely not invested in this project and probably never will. I don't line cults and clearly this is what it is. This is my last thing on this reddit before I stop following and supporting this project. But I have been trolled by 1 other project in which I had a tiny negative comment and as soon as I saw the community was not very good i got out and turned out that project was a scam and unsuccessful. This is the 2nd project that is exactly like that. And for everybody who invested their life savings into this project and don't understand how business and investing works good luck to you.

>> No.9120439

>barely scratch the surface on the project
>makes an investment """report""" by reading stuff off a website that hasn't been updated for 12 months
>tries to defend his clueless statements on a subreddit full of people that have been following the projects for the last 9 months
Damn I wonder why he got downvoted so hard, it's almost as if he's spreading false info

>> No.9120458

He is literally retarded though and he obviously doesn’t understand what an oracle is
Other critical/negative posts always receive good discussion on Rebbit as long as the poster isn’t a literal brainlet.

>> No.9120484

>Actually the projects I am invested in are probably better then chain link and have a stronger support level. Clearly this community hasn't looked beyond chain link to see there are other projects that are doing similar things and creating new technologies that will be better for the world. I don't invest in fancy logos I invest in accurate up to date information and projects.

>> No.9120492
File: 3 KB, 124x108, 1460201304151s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't invest in fancy logos I invest in accurate up to date information and projects.

>> No.9120543

You're not totally wrong but he's hurting his throat sucking his own dick so hard and when you see someone like that it's a completely natural reaction to tell him to go outside. If he's just better, what does he expect to get from puny peons?

>> No.9120574

Hope low IQ pleb sells all his LINK.

>> No.9120622

>andrewmfu18[S] 1 point 17 minutes ago
Actually the investor I work for would make you tiny little mind seem irrelevant and this project extremely irrelevant. He has made more money with my help and research then this project is worth and I don't need the validation of YouTube or dickwads on a cult project to accept it. Clearly this entire community cannot think of anything but trolling anybody who has a negative opinion of a project. And when I am quite successful because I don't follow cults and am smart with my money then we will see. But you proved my entire point about this project.

>> No.9120666

He is gonna be the first no linker to commit suicide.

>> No.9120676

Praise Y33TY

>> No.9120683


>> No.9120722

I imagine the vast majority of people in crypto right now are relatively on this guys caliber. I mean /r/bitcoin is still a thing despite bitcoin being on a killing spree, deapite Binance paving a road to being more valuable than some of the oldest banks, and in the next few years will be more profitable than Goldman Sachs.

>> No.9120791



>> No.9121119
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>> No.9121606
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>> No.9121641


are you new? this video is older than my dried up cum.

>> No.9121683

No it isn’t.

>> No.9121735

>Sergey Nazarov - does not have any major experience.
does he not realize Sergey worked for one of the leading VC firms in the US?

>> No.9121766

Blasphemy. He needs to be punished. We must punish him.

>> No.9121778
File: 1.57 MB, 250x250, 1522861215862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conclusion: I don't believe they are coming up with anything revolutionary.

>> No.9122096


>> No.9122201

Holy fuck
>godlike id
>satanic trips
>laying out the truth

>> No.9122314

Someone please doxx this idiot YouTube scum

>> No.9122544
File: 259 KB, 512x512, 1524284072287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did you idiots get baited this hard?

>> No.9122664
File: 91 KB, 470x595, 02F0BF44-0295-41CC-8252-181E2021CF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122696

Lol why? He is a literal nothing with a shit opnion
No reason to dix someone over this

>> No.9122733

Ever watch Jay and silent Bob?


>> No.9122762

Ohhhh my sweet and salty summer Rebecca, you have so much left to learn.

>> No.9122844

Best post in that thread was the one where this joker was called a moron. Totally accurate.

>> No.9122873

(he?) is an obvious troll

>> No.9122921

/nubiz/ is the worst of underage kikebook, reddit, and mumbai shitting streets.

>> No.9123052


>> No.9123087

I find LINK to be weird technically
The way they provide data to the Blockchain is by accepting calls on a centralized API. So data requests to the Blockchain have to originate off-chain. Its solution is poor compared to what MOBI is planning for their initial implementation IMO. LINK implementation has a lot to be desired in my opinion. I agree with the people who say they're trying to do too much.

To expand on what I said, my personal issue with LINK is their API:

To buy data and create an Ethereum contract to use it, you need to go a centralized API. In practice, this means that even though the data retrieval is decentralized, the management of that data is completely centralized.

Mobius will be completely different. To request the data, it can originate from on-chain or off-chain. The API for requesting the data is also each individual node, which then propagates that request across the network. So even though Mobius will have a centralized FE which makes it easy for people to use it, it means that the requesting of the data and the management of it all, is completely decentralized.

Also keep in mind that the retrieval of data into Ethereum is just one aspect of Mobius, the aspect included in the initial implementation. There's also BTC/Hyperledger and what MOBI can do there, The BTC/Hyperledger functionality will be completely different to that, and creates a whole new aspect not yet seen in any other Oracle projects at all.