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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9117771 No.9117771 [Reply] [Original]

I'm worried guys. Please can we have a serious discussion about this?

What actually causes price rises? It's not mass adoption. It's purely FOMO, and it has to be Reddit /r/CryptoCurrency FOMO. That is what drove rises in bitcoin, Nano/raiblocks, XRP, etc etc. No coin has mooned without Plebbit FOMO.

I realise that Chainlink is the best crypto out there - I'm all in with 20k. I can see it will advance humanity. Decentralized automation, 4th industrial revolution - I'm a true deluded linkie. But do you think normies can ever hope to understand this?

Do you remember when IOTA was rumored to be partnered with Microsoft? FOMO pump was unreal. Guys, smartcontract.com is with 100% certainty involved with Microsoft Enterprise Smart Contracts (Cryptlets) and if you listened to those interviews posted yesterday we can strongly reason that ESK is an implementation of the Chainlink network. This is absolutely amazing. The only reason price isn't astronomical right now is because we have zero marketing and zero hype.

My fear is that Microsoft will never publicly acknowledge this. Chainlink will be used, but no one will ever acknowledge it therefore Redditors will never hear about it and therefore we won't have the buying pressure to sustain price rises (remember Sergey holds 35% of tokens to give away to Microsoft et al. so they don't need to buy in).

Can you give any examples of price rises without visibility, marketing etc? What do you think is going to happen with Chainlink when Ropsten and then mainnet launches, but there are no public statements from either Sergey or any clients/partners? Please convince me I'm totally wrong here. I just want us all to make it.

>> No.9117798

The absolute state of linkies
t. linkie

>> No.9117837

no one knows
thats why its a meme coin
they dont outline the token specifics, in fact the white paper only has one or two paragraphs talking about the token, the rest is muh oracles

>> No.9117856

It’s 2018. C’mon anon. We live in a social media world where information travels at light speed.

>> No.9117904

Then why does no one care about chainlink despite the Microsoft stuff being publicly known now?

>> No.9117935

/biz/ shills have killed any hope for plebbit support.
And you'll need plebbit to fomo in when the time comes. Unfortunately, the extreme shilling for the past 8 months with no main net in sight has made everyone hate LINK and the linkmarines were the one to seal their own fate.
Everyone on reddit knows LINK holders are desperate and obnoxious. Congrats on this.

>> No.9117952


>> No.9117967

nah plebbit has no clue

>> No.9117998

Every single thread or comment on r/cryptocurrency that is to do with chainlink now has a bunch of comments from Plebbit retards saying “better stay away from the 4chan meme coin...”

I don’t think it would put them off once the real news about just how huge chainlink is drops like >>9117935 says though. Btc, ETH and ANS were biz memes but they became huge.

The fact that it’s a meme is not the problem. The problem is the absolute lack of any marketing and refusal to acknowledge chainlink ...

The only hope I can see is if Sergey finally hires the marketing manager.

>> No.9118019

No clue about what? When you post LINK in those general crypto subs, you get downvoted to hell and people are telling you to stop shilling your bags. I've seen this so many times.

Also one of the reasons is general lack of knowledge about how the technology will work and this makes it easier to FUD with other oracle solutions that make LINK useless. We often cannot refute some of the questions because the team has never made it clear how certain things will work and that's how every time you get into an argument about oracles, you lose.

Exactly this. The word has spread around that it's a meme coin and while stupid holders think they're being so smart with their "we're just accumulate more xddd" scheme, they're losing money because LINK is constantly getting pushed out of Top 100 by LITERAL scams.

>> No.9118020

Because this place is an echo chamber, and the amount of money we put into buying cl is pretty tiny compared to the big money involved in it, so we get this weird sense of self importance, while assuming that even tech savvy normies actually know what this is because we spend so much time here talking about it. This is not a token for normie use, which is why it is so much less likely to get mentioned. The only thing that matters is your iron hands and buying the dips if you can't trade.

>> No.9118027

>Redditfomo is the reason why projects have value
You are a retard
Also why would they already be marketing? They dont have a product yet
I think they do just fine and progression on the project seem to go pretty fast

>> No.9118036

Goal post will keep moving until this shitcoin goes the way of NXT(Sergey's former exit scam).
>when your investments founder is a known exit scammer
>when your projects core "philosophy" is not to release any news until it is "done"
>when your community manager has openly said if this shit flops on release it is dead on arrival(we have one bullet)

>> No.9118066

You'll need those retards eventually. That's how every big moon happens and no the price won't rise "organically" like some holders think.
They don't need to "market" and 99.5% of projects don't have a product yet but they still keep their communities updated. Still, that's not the issue here, /biz/ shills are.

You're dumb as shit.
That's like saying the founder of Etherdelta exit scammed Ethereum.

>> No.9118081

>>Redditfomo is the reason why projects have value
>You are a retard

No mate, prove me wrong. When has a coin mooned due to muh intrinsic value. It's all about hype, (((partnerships))), etc.

>Also why would they already be marketing? They dont have a product yet
Also why would they already be marketing? They dont have a product yet
Sergey said only "partners" would announce this. They will ever announce anything themselves.

>> No.9118088

Don’t worry about /biz/ shills “scaring away” redditors; once the product is finished and it starts rising that’s when redditors will come back with their tails between their legs

>> No.9118097
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I didn't read the thread but saw it was link related

>> No.9118297

I'm not particularly knowledgeable on the ins and outs of how Chainlink works, but why don't you just write a big spiel on the crypto subreddit, hyping it up and marketing it yourself, and we could form a coordinated effort to give you those upboats?

>> No.9118320

Coordinated upvoted get posts deleted because they think it’s “brigading”.

>> No.9118328

How could they tell?

>> No.9118339

I think that on Reddit all they can read is what’s contained in a post. I feel like Reddit only sees the tip of the ice berg, while those on 4chan get all the hidden connections and are inundated with shills and hodl bros

>> No.9118359

I wouldnt worry about that too much, reddit and biz are very small communities and i would say 90% of that communities are just young moonboys... Once Link will be used and making profit ppl will get to know, if not microsoft, link will announce that.

Okay but whats the real value of nano ? Why did reddit pumped it ? Are they using it daily ? NO ! They pumped nano, and ven and other coins only from FOMO and they priced that tokens just from speculation because they are looking for another bitcoin that will make them millionaires out of their 1000$ investment, meanwhile Chain will be priced based on usage and revenue generation, and if microsoft and other institutions will use it, you can bet it will get huge usage and provide a massive revenue. Also link is needed to pay node operators so there will be massive buy pressure from this institutions, spending millions $ not like some redditor spending his lunch money.

Also reddit hated Ripple and it mooned like crazy from media attention. Link is very needed for smartcontract so you can bet media willl shill it once smartcontracts are going to be adopted by huge players.

>> No.9118382

Did reddit shilled ETH ? NO. Did reddit shilled ANT ? NO.

All they shill is "partnership" chinkscams ven,tron,verge,etc etc

>> No.9118389
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>What actually causes price rises? It's not mass adoption. It's purely FOMO,
I'm not sure about that, seems like the mass adaptation of the ethereum platform (in large part by scammy ICOs, but still) has brought the price increase.

Right now oracles are few, limited, and centralized. if chainlink succeeds and gets significant adoption I would expect the price to increase significantly, but I can't really name a price

>> No.9118434
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, Warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw linkes are stuck below $0.5 and everyone else is already at the moon aiming for mars

>> No.9118449

Large number of upvotes in a short amount of time. Also they just assume all posts about chainlink that receives upvotes is being brigaded by 4chan. Then they remove the post.

>> No.9118459
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The r/linktrader is actually quite a nice little sub. Clean without too much memery. Once testnet/ropsten drops the normans will fomo undoubtedly.

>> No.9118461

Shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.9118480

The bigger problem is Vitalik and his ETH cronies actively want to bring down Link and seem to have a vendetta against Sergey

>> No.9118503
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Implying ERC20 will still be relevant in three years

>> No.9118507

Why's that?

>> No.9118511

It's the other way around IMO, the big dildo happens and then college students witht their 1k folios FOMO, creating smaller green dildos and those that bought the first green dildo buy more... then people start selling to themselves until someone removes the rug. It doesn't matter if they never try to get it as long as they see it's rising. FOMO is the effect of the rise, not the cause, it's expecting amazeballs returns on a good entry.

If there's actual usage that information will be spread to someone that matters, then the cryptopress and cryptoinfluencers, then reddit. And then we can see how much it is. There was already an announcement when people could start messing with nodes, but that's not anything that makes anyone give a real fuck. I don't believe they'll shut up if they start being used, because they want other people to be interested in using them and then we discover how much people want to pay for it to actually do anything different than selling it to the next retard.

>> No.9118515

Fuck off, pajeet.

>> No.9118560
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>tfw linkies killed their own coin

>> No.9118582

It's a B to B product, they aren't selling it to people as much as businesses and industry. Just be patient and let them get the product going. Relax...it'll be fine

>> No.9118619
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This coin has ruined everything, I just wanted to never have to work a day in my life, why is that too much to ask? But now I can never sell it because then I could be giving away the fidelity of determining truth to people who don't even like anime. And if it works the autistic AI would probably murder me anyways. It's not like I'm going to learn to run a node. I wish I had bought Ripple at 50 cents instead.

>> No.9118623
File: 12 KB, 321x180, SV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Linkies can you help me out?

Do you think this cartoon is the same guy as the next picture I am about to show?

>> No.9118644
File: 72 KB, 336x250, SV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The profiles have the same name and it looks like him.

His Linked in profile looks like this

IIoT and Digital Industrial Transformation Practice Lead
Company Name
Deloitte Digital
Dates Employed
Aug 2014 – Present
Employment Duration
3 yrs 9 mos
San Francisco Bay Area
Client Success: Successfully sold and delivered over 15 end-to-end IIoT projects, delivering IoT use-cases to fully operationalizing the technology for various clients.

Innovation Lab: Developed multiple PoC for the Innovation Lab such as Factory of the Future, Predictive Maintenance, Asset Intelligence

>> No.9118672
File: 337 KB, 918x402, SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first pic is a profile on SC.com

This guy also has a profile on Smart Contract.com

>> No.9118686

Uh yeah, I came here from reddit to shill ETH. At the time all the faggots on /biz/ were only interested in bitcoin and a bunch of useless shit like monero and 90% was useless threads about CVs and college. Fucking newfag

>> No.9118708
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Stupid LINKIES nothing but desperate manipulation causes price changes

P.S. the volume spikes are whales meeting volume quotas for month so LINK not delisted


>> No.9118723

He looks more like the second guy you posted I think but that's serious reaching. That cartoon could be a lot of people.

>> No.9118731

to be honest...

>> No.9118737
File: 83 KB, 1240x528, T Hodges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the same name?

Look at this gem I just found

>> No.9118775


>> No.9118798

Hodges confirmed as assblaster

>> No.9118898

Yea he's a baller. He left up his review from the ICO on Youtube before he joined the team, and he was extremely bullish then too. He said he was buying as many tokens as he possibly could.

Also in another post on reddit, he called someone an "anon," referencing a fud post from /biz/. To me that sounds like he browses /biz/.

>> No.9119013

My point is that it doesn't matter how big chainlink is if retail investors will never FOMO in and trigger the singularity

>> No.9119091

fuck iota
i dont want my fridge and microwave talking about me behind my back

insurance rates going up depending on what smart fridge sees me eating. insurance rates high as fuck without getting a smart fridge

yeah i see where this is going and i dont like it

fuck iota

>> No.9119092

Who cares, all that can change overnight with a few blog posts in which the people that are using the network are revealed. That will be coming, either via the team itself or important bloggers in crypto. Remember they've done literally nothing to get retail buyers in and they're sitting at 100 above other tokens that relentlessly shill their shit. Actual information about who is using the network, forget about it. Nobody cares about cryptlets because no one knows, but the market as a whole salivates over Microsoft. All it takes is one confirmation and it's over.

>> No.9119131

Every time I see a link post on reddit, I down vote and state, beware 4chan meme coin, they're planning to use any gains to invest in kike targeting bioterrorism weapons. I hold 100k link and the price is irrelevant, when it is relevant for the normies they will be priced out. Until then these bags will feel heavy until main net

>> No.9119159

you absolute champion

>> No.9119165

If it's the same person it's the same person but to me the cartoon doesn't look similar at all.

>> No.9119184



>> No.9119224
File: 100 KB, 508x679, 1515827252237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>chainlink mainnet goes live
>tons of big name companies have presences on the chainlink network
>it becomes clear that chainlink will see mass adoption across a wide range of industries
>it's completely unambiguous that chainlink is one of the most important projects in crypto and that it will bring forth the fourth industrial revolution by finally allowing industries to utilize smart contracts
>this all hinges on plebbit
>nobody wants to buy in because a tibetan kite making forum shilled it excessively

god i love galaxy brain threads

>> No.9119251
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>> No.9119311

>mfw this actually happens

>> No.9119323
File: 217 KB, 968x1184, 1515028011857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? thomas wrote this?

>> No.9119371


>> No.9119377


A chara? Presumed I was the only Irish linkie.

>> No.9119387

>Every single thread or comment on r/cryptocurrency that is to do with chainlink now has a bunch of comments from Plebbit retards saying “better stay away from the 4chan meme coin...”

Yeah that's me and other /biz/ affiliates you dumb fuck. Reddit doesn't deserve LINK. It's ours. Link will moon with or without reddit FOMO, it's success hinges on instittuional adoption and not hype because it's actually a real product. We're entering a new phase of the cryto market where you're actually going to have to to deliver in order for your project to reach the top. But when these projects start to deliver, look out.

>> No.9119455

quite possibly. definitely the same provocative writing style

>> No.9119467


>> No.9119788

OTC selling my gox
Goldmen doubles buying power
Israel and Iran may go to war
Stocks are over bought
The time to open account and deposit most people are ready to buy now then not open a account
Historical data goes up this time of year how high nobody knows maybe tomorrow maybe in two to three years.

Think about the really really rich people getting in on the bottom with 5 to 30 millions now. In ten years those millions will be worth way more like the people who bought tech stocks

This is a pivotal point to separate two classes
Crazy but there getting in on the ground floor. The time line before this was like a private placement time . Ipo time line the crypto have come down and there buying

There building wealth for future generations
What is rich in today’s society and what is not rich
The new group of crypto millionaires will already have wealth
It’s a numbers game
There thinking big
Pumping shorting etc
Like computers you get the upgrade or your a dying program
What is destiny ?

>> No.9119876


Lmao that gets me so excited. Tom was a pure bull before Segey grabbed him.

>> No.9119983

great poem anon

>> No.9120011

Was vornth saying these things as a speculator or an insider?

>> No.9120043

Evan Cheng director of engineering at Facebook also consults the project. Interesting seeing so many DIRECTORS OF ENGINEERING at major corporations are interested in this project