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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9115077 No.9115077 [Reply] [Original]

How do people afford being neets?

>> No.9115153


>> No.9115483

dey live with there mum

>> No.9115498

unemployment and/or disability benefits

>> No.9115505

I only have about $250 in bills. I make that in crypto pretty easily.

>> No.9115511

You should be asking their parents

>> No.9115525

i live with my mom. i want to be a temporary neet for a few months cause i feel like i can afford it from getting lucky in crypto (180k while my portion of rent would be 2k/month). for some reason when i told her that she got all pissed at me for not wanting to work. i don't see why it matters when i'm still paying the same rent I would as if i was working

>> No.9115536

1. some form of disability payment. good 'condition' choices include: depression and anxiety, autism (severe), low back pain, PTSD
2. unemployment pay. not as viable in USA as other first-world countries
3. Rich kid/trust fund-based strategies
4. large inheritance from dead relative
5. boomer parents that feel guilt for being terrible to their children and raising an incapable moron (rare, usually boomers just kick you out and go on a cruise)
6. crypto rich (mostly bitcoin early adopters)
7. rich from some business venture
8. adherents of the 'early retirement extreme' philosophy (very rare)

Not that most of these usually require a very frugal lifestyle. This limits options for entertainment and hobbies. Porn/anime/vidya/rarely weed aren't just stereotypes because normies (pretend to) find them unpalatable; it's because they are often the only things NEETs can afford to do. Without such cheap, addictive entertainment a lot of NEETs would start doing productive things out of sheer boredom.

>> No.9115579
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I have autism. My mom feels bad and let's me live with her for free. I did promise to look for a job and improve myself everyday though. In the mean time, I learn things on the Internet so I can one day fulfill my dreams and repay my debt to my mom.

>> No.9115593


you'll get there anon. just make sure you're always trying

>> No.9115633

you own your house/apartment?

>> No.9115661

Yeah I have anxiety/autism, going through the disability process soon.

>'early retirement extreme' philosophy


>> No.9115721

I'm a 32 yr old NEET because I heavily invested in 2017 and made enough to not work for 1-2 years and the rest im banking on certain cryptos to moon so I can retire permanently.

>> No.9116463

hello, long-lost twin

>> No.9116530
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We're on the same ride anon. You're eventually gonna make it.

>> No.9116554
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I get every benefit possible, I get disability benefits, food stamps, welfare and live in government house, steal my neighbors wifi and only pay about $200 a month for the actual bills I have to pay or extra food/games etc. (What's left which is about $700) invest in crypto. Feelsgood to be a neet :)

>> No.9116581

Unintentionally save money because you don't have much of a social life, quit job to neet, money runs out, get job again, repeat. At least that's how I did it.

>> No.9116586


Wow, I'm in exactly the same boat as you except I'm 27. I'm finishing a job in two months and then will cash out a small amount to go live cheap in SE Asia while waiting for LINK to moon and then retire for good.

>> No.9116596

>5. boomer parents that feel guilt for being terrible to their children and raising an incapable moron (rare, usually boomers just kick you out and go on a cruise)
It's this one for me.

>> No.9116610
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I bought a condo close to the beach in Florida at the bottom of the market in 2009 for 25k. Total bills every month including mortgage, hoa, lights, etc, is $600. My affiliate sites pay for that and crypto is my hobby. I go a week without leaving the house sometimes. It's glorious.

>> No.9116659

how long did it take you to achieve that sort of revenue from affiliate marketing?

>> No.9116674

Took about 6 months but I had a buddy that showed me the ropes. I believe he worked on it for a couple of years before any breakthroughs.

>> No.9116683

McHow the hell do you get some $900 in benefits?

>> No.9116927


I get around 1000+ Euros a month from affiliate.

"Worked" on the sites for maybe 3 months, did nothing not even building backlinks or new content for the last 5 years.
Love it.

>> No.9116944

any tips on getting started in aff marketing so I can live the dream too?

>> No.9116989

I am not that guy but I am >>9116927

I think my "secret" is that I didn't chose any high competition niche and timeless topics.

>> No.9117007

I OP'd this thread back in March of 2017 trying to get /biz/ on the affiliate train. Check it out.

>> No.9117036

ty my man, will look into it

>> No.9117114

i pretend to have multiple mental illnesses, welfare/unemployment + disability gives me most of it. My state is pretty retarded, I'm living comfy right now and steady with making gains, my plan is to live off this

>> No.9117158

No problem. We started a biz affiliate discord after that thread and some anons got on there discussing different ideas. I forget the link now and haven't visited in a while since I've been doing other things but a few guys said they were really inspired by that thread and are making money. Lots of good info in there by me and some other people that chimed in.

>> No.9117159

This anon pretty much listed all there is.

Also some people like me want to NEET even if their job pays very well and they kinda enjoy it (programming). I got lucky thorugh my small business and get passive income for now..don't know how much that is going to last though (in my most hopeful dreams until i have enough to retire)

>> No.9117203

They come from a class of people better than yours where they have substantial amounts of something we call "savings". I don't expect you to understand the simple concept.

When will your kind die off?

>> No.9117229

Never work for someone.

>> No.9117281

based. I'm doing the same thing except the illnesses are real lol

>> No.9117387

I'm #8, been doing internet marketing since 13 years old

And #6 now...early adopter in 2012 but had only 0.014 BTC lol. Decided to just become a good trader. No BS hodling for me

>> No.9117669

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever.