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9114751 No.9114751 [Reply] [Original]

>little brother told me he knew about bitcoin in in 2014
>he tried to mine it bu couldnt even install the wallet so he stoped
>he was 12 at the time
fuckingb dumbass

>> No.9114773

>implying he wouldn't have sold them at less than 5 bucks each
also cpu mining didn't last all the long from what I remember

>> No.9114789
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>> No.9114952

kek I did the same exact thing but back in 2009 guess im retarded too

>> No.9115125
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1517990923302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mined it 2010-2011ish
>it was only a few bucks, not worth the time, could even make a few dollars a month mining it
>mfw what I mined was probably worth a few thousand and the hard drive got thrown out

>> No.9115152

Context for this image?

>> No.9115179

I mined for maybe 20 minutes back in 2009 and then deleted the program because it hadn't given me a Bitcoin yet

>> No.9115244
File: 75 KB, 1140x642, 22-Misspelled--Terrible-Tattoos-That-Will-Make-You-Facepalm-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bitcoin in 2012 to buy drugs with on silkroad. ordered some mdma. shit never even arrived. forgot about it until 2017. At least I did not forget about until 2019.

>> No.9115298
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>2012 or so
>read about Bitcoin online
>"you can make free money with your PC? great!"
>realize that I would barely break even due to electricity costs and GPU damage
>delete the program and play vidya instead

>> No.9115565

Yeah pretty much what my thought process was.
me and my friend were mining it, but it was too much work to make a few bucks. I recognized somewhat the potential, I thought it was an amazing idea. I simply didn't have the resources or money to accumulate any.
I told my family to buy it, they didn't listen either. We'd be fucking millionaires right now lol.

>> No.9115719

haha what a cunt i hope he gets raped

>> No.9115744

2014 was pretty late to hear about bitcoin, you couldn't mine it on your home pc by then.

>> No.9115879


No, but I had 250ish from mining for a week. Forgot all about it and threw the computer out in 2012 sometime. No loss - it's worthless Internet funny money.....right?

Kill me....I still twitch when I think about it.

>> No.9115929

I wonder how many bitcoins have been lost like that. I'd imagine a pretty big chunk of them are just gone forever.

>> No.9115989

hope you whooped his ass

>> No.9116003

same shit, couldn't figure out how to receive the bitcoin I was mining so I gave up. 2011

>> No.9116205


Yeah, I forget where but there was an estimate around somewhere, other early wallets like mine with 0 movement and what's now a decent USD value. Was huge I know that much.

>> No.9116235


We need a fucking support group anon - like "Theoretical Bitcoin Millionaire Support Group" or something. We can share our current pitiful blockfolios in anguish as we try to catch up to our losses.

>> No.9116254

2014 was too late to actually mine solo at that point, and even if he did it's not like you'd see any of it.

>> No.9116977

20% of the supply most likely.

>> No.9116986
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Then don't be a retard twice and mine Nimiq today while normies aren't on it yet.

>> No.9116993

why doesn't that brainlet cat have top of his head

>> No.9117009

in 2014 there was no cpu mining, i doubt even gpus were viable back then

asics came pretty quick

>> No.9117503


I wonder what percent of btc ownership are the drug dealers from silkroad

>> No.9117646

Same desu. People talked about some digital joke coin on /b/. but everyone said it was bullshit. I tried to mine it once and failed.

7 years later I bought in.

>> No.9117696

same here. i feel like a dumbass, but christ, if you remember what the shill threads were like...
plus I had a normie job with drug testing, why buy drugs? FML

>> No.9117732


Polish/Russian children torture house cat (snuff).

>> No.9117749

3 times.
>2009 /b/ shills
>2011 tell gf i am going to buy btc
>2014 set up wallet everything but buy

>2017 enter market with all the other normies

>> No.9117757

2014 was well into the asic era, long past the point of useful cpu mining
2014 was more like $500 than $5

2014 just wasn't that early. Really early is early 2011, before it broke $1 and had the first big bubble.

>> No.9117944

> selling WoW gold when bitcoin was a thing
> thinking my fishbot was so cool earning me passive income
> discover about btc in 2012
> bought some but only used it for gaming-related stuff
> get fucked by btc AGAIN as gpu prices skyrocket. Now I can't even upgrade my PC as often as I used to


>> No.9117982

>i could have spent 60 bucks in 2011 when i knew about bitcoin and if i had sold last december i would now be a millionaire after taxes

i dont know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.9118007

I mined btc in 2011, but I'm pretty sure I was too dumb to figure out the wallet as well. Shortly after my hard drive broke. Does anyone know a way to retrieve the data? It was win XP and now when I hook it up it says I need to insert CD so it can fix itself. But I wonder if that destroys the data.

>> No.9118059

and now im still a poorfag and a couple hundred in bitcoin is going "all in" for me
>not gonna make it
oh well

>> No.9118083

Create a bootable Linux live USB
(Try Ubuntu)

Boot into the USB without installing it. Access your HDD and copy your wallet to your USB/current HDD

Then boot into your current HDD and access the files on Windows.

If this works and you’re a generous millionaire:


>> No.9118122

The guy above me is right.

>create a Linux live usb (basically burn a Ubuntu .iso to a USB stick)
>do NOT install Ubuntu
>go into your bios
>set the boot order to boot from a USB stick before it boots from your hard drive
>you can now access all files on the drive from that USB stick, if the drive still works

>> No.9118133

can confirm this is legit advice

if the hard drive is empty dont give up, as long as it hasnt been written over then you can get that data back even if its been formatted.

friend of mine accidentally formatted his hard drive but he hadnt written over it yet so i was able to use a software to recover all his files

>> No.9118156

dude youre going to be rich if you dont fuck this up and write over the hard drive with any fresh info

see, hard drives never delete anything. when you think youre deleting something youre actually just telling the hard drive to forget about that file and write over it. as long as you dont put new files on or install anything then the files havent been written over and they are still there

>> No.9118202

do not put an operating system on that hard drive, just use the usb method. let that usb drive be the operating system hard drive. and your original hard drive will be as simple to access as an external hard drive. as long as the os isnt running on that hard drive youre golden, dont write over that hard drive, dont install anything READ ONLY dont change a fucking thing inside that hard drive.

and if the hard drive has mechanical damage it can still be repaired. its expensive and requires a clean room so you cant really do it yourself. but what happens is the professionals take your hard drive, remove the data platters, and put them in a functioning and identical hard drive.

and if you really have even half a bitcoin on there it will be worth it

but try the usb thing first. the advice in this post is in case your hard drive is physically damaged inside in some way. burned out motor or something out of allignment

>> No.9118273

Ah, so it's possible to copy from a broken hdd. That's good to know. I highly doubt anything is actually on there, but it's worth a try. Thanks bro.

Ok, I'll try the usb first. If it doesn't work, I'll get someone to repair it. You can post address if you want, but I really don't expect anything to be on there. Thanks to both.

>> No.9118275

This is legit. Good luck anon

>> No.9118307

>tried bitcorn in late 2010
>software was fucking buggy as hell
>i just started using linux so was still retarded
>couldnt start the wallet after 4h or so trying
>gave up because it was worth nothing back then

i remember being quite close to getting it to work too. sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and think about what im giving up on now that might be worth millions in near future...

>> No.9118346

nice, thanks dude

>> No.9118372
File: 73 KB, 540x540, 1518806275495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started experimenting with distributed software
>SETI, Bitcoin...
>Then my parents came and asked what am I doing
>"Anon, you should stop doing that, you're just wasting electricity and we must save"
>So I did. I gave that old computer to my brother, and the HDD was formatted more than twice.
>I remembered about BTC last summer.
>Saving in electricity was useless, now I am close to the "homeless" line.

Why even live?

>> No.9118579

formatting isnt the problem, rewriting over the files is. its incredibly unlikely but vaguely possible that your wallet wasnt written over. it would take some miracle though. try the usb thing and use a hard drive recovery program like recuva. it will grab every file that wasnt written over and you can sort through it by file type and comb through what was recovered. might be worth a shot, but i dont know what your odds are, probably not good so dont get hopes up.

>> No.9118620

I already tried to recover the files with serious software, I spent hours, but it was too late. After years of formatting, defragging and installing stuff there's no way to recover the wallet file.

Btw, "MiniTool Power Data Recovery" is better than "Recuva".