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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9109930 No.9109930 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get my girlfriend to get off her ass and get a job?

I make decent money 55k a year but I want to able to put down a larger downpayment for a house and save for a nicer home quicker. So I am trying to get her to get a job, but she has no interest in doing so.

She is 18 and graduates high school in summer. Good jobs for a female with no college education?

>> No.9109972

Make amateur porn with her

>> No.9109982


>> No.9109997

Post sauce on middle girl

>> No.9110001

>Good jobs for a female with no college education?
The answer is in your pic. Blacked.com.

>> No.9110015

Thats elsa jean from blacked.com.

>> No.9110422


>> No.9110537

90k starting

>> No.9110583

>thinking that's what you'll actually get before or after taxes
You end up paying for a lot of things and get Jewed financially even more than your pussy. Girls in porn are commonly taken advantage of and scammed.

>> No.9110601
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>but she has no interest in doing so.
i dunno what the point is to ask here if she doesnt want to work

>> No.9110702
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Put babies inside her and give her a real job. If you have to slave her out, let her do something from home. Women are creative, let her make something arty to sell on eBay or etsy etc.
You don't want your women to work a slave job, she will be sucking Chads dick under his desk before the first month is out and leave you.

>> No.9110754

>55k a year
>decent money
The absolute state of newfags

>> No.9110845

isn't it a little odd for a 30yo man to be dating a 18yo girl?

>> No.9110867

kek I make 70k a year and I feel like I make shit money

>> No.9110896

>She is 18 and graduates high school in summer. Good jobs for a female with no college education?

you're uhh, generally supposed to go to college at that point, I don't know what the fuck you're expecting out of your life with your uneducated high schooler girlfriend

dumbass pedo

>> No.9110902

love how nowaday every smuck with a youtube channel makes 50k / month

>> No.9110916

>get her pregnant

Fucking dumbass. Yeah, let's just get some random 18 year old pregnant and have to deal with a kid

>> No.9110957

Have her stay at home, and marry your second wife BBN to make you real money

>> No.9111064

for betas, yeah.

>> No.9111081

when you're 18 the LAST thing you need is to be pushed into some job by some pushy boyfriend that wants to buy a house. You need to crystallize out your dreams and discover what you are good in. this can take some time but it's important you do this without any pressure. I personally left my parents house at 17 and relaxed and messed around till 25. you need that shit anon. Don't be responsible for ruining someones life. some people grow up quick maybe like yourself, for others it can take longer. let it be.. If you can have a decent conversation and she is good looking it will turn out alright.

>> No.9111094

Probably bait but
>dating a girl who hasn't even left highschool while you make more than 35k/ over the age of 20

>> No.9111192

You simply said what's happening and put it in green text.

>> No.9111206
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>tfw my gf works two jobs while I sit at home shitposting on /biz/ or playing vidya

I love crypto.

>> No.9111214

op doesnt realize hes getting played for money

>> No.9111234

Stop living in cities.

>> No.9111275

My nigga

>> No.9111551

You need to go fuck the town!!

>> No.9111611

Too close to home. That was my last gf's position in her last job. She was chad's morning blowjob and afternoon fuck in the disabled toilets.

>> No.9112125

Play this game with her:
>give her a one hundred dollar bill
Tell her that she is now in charge of spending that $100 budget over the course of your next three dates
>pay for nothing when you go out
>buy her nothing
>spend nothing on her
Before & during this "new phase" of your relationship, explain to her how you're teaching her something that her parents didn't: the value of money.
>she now must bring money enough for both of you; if she doesn't, just buy whatever you like only for yourself
>do not give her any more money
Now it's time to make a deal:
>100% of your income goes into housing, utilities, groceries, basic staples and... investments.
>100% of her income goes into paying for all of your dates plus whatever else she wants to spend it on
>she still gets to live rent-free with you initially, but she must pay rent equal to $0 per week +$25 additionally per week since beginning this phase
Eventually, your girlfriend will wise up.
>she will meet a well dressed black guy at the club who will buy her drinks in exchange for a blowjob
Congratulations: you just cucked yourself!

>> No.9112159
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story time

>> No.9112476

Damn, what's her disability?

>> No.9112708

well crafted desu

>> No.9112741

she's a woman, that's it.

>> No.9112808
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>> No.9113359
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>you're uhh, generally supposed to go to college at that point
>doing what you're """supposed""" to
>paying 100k for a worthless degree
good goy, >>>reddit is that way

>> No.9113413


Just do FHA

>> No.9114183


I’ve had “relationships” with couple pornstars and a stripper. They don’t make as much as you think. I do not recommend dealing with them beyond pounding.

>> No.9114222
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>he fell for the college meme