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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 21 KB, 600x398, fuck no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9104976 No.9104976 [Reply] [Original]

Cashing out is not really an option.
If you want to do Crypto right, you figure out a way to create a passive cash flow from your crypto wealth.
Staking, Nodes, Dividends, and any other rewards accompanied by dapp or DAO is what the future will be made off.

You can play with your cute ERC-20 tokens and digital asset printing machines.
But you won't make it like those who really understand Crypto will.
The revolution has just begun.


>> No.9105303

and I won't ever cashout. I wanna be in this until we change the world. took out 50 euros 2 days ago from my cc and got charged 3.44E. do you feel my pain?

>> No.9105330

Ary masternodes and gvt profits. Life is going to be amazing

>> No.9105472

Wonder how much XMR Ye is holding

>> No.9105621

You mean like COSS?

>> No.9105670


VEN thunder node checking in

>> No.9106157

Staking a bunch of NEBL and listening to Late Registration right now.

>> No.9106344

Passive income is only for people that don't know how to trade, If you know how to buy low and sell high you can make more with a single trade than you'd make with passive income.

For example I had just enough for a COLX node which requires 10m COLX tokens but instead I sold high and bought back in cheap now I have 13m COLX tokens. Thats 3m for free. If I had bought a masternode I'd have my original 10m licked up in a node and only made around 60k COLX tokens as the masternodes gives you around 5000 COLX a day.

>> No.9106361

locked up***>>9106344

>> No.9106473


>imagine being this retarded
masternodes are 99% a literal ponzi
your tiny brain can't possibly comprehend why

cashing out when (IF) there is another insane bullrun before this whole bullshit goes down the shitter is the ONLY option

>> No.9106540

Dont cash out!! NOO you're the smart one here. Yes lock up all your paper "profits". Next year you will buy your own yacht!! Yes!!

>> No.9106546

you forgot mention Bitconnect. They're coming back with a new improved trading engine. Guaranteed 2% daily returns!!!

>> No.9106756
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You clearly do not understand what is being created here right in front of your eyes.
This is not a system for investing; "investing"money and hoping to take more money out.
It is about freeing yourself from the global financial system.
It is about autonomy and individual freedom.
If you are here to "invest" you already lost.

Those who understand what this revolution is about,
will become the next "digital oil" rich generation.

Stay ignorant.
If you have to cash out to make it, you do not get it.

>> No.9106800

fucking lol
you idiot have been suckered into a shitty mlm cult
but i assume you are too far gone to understand that
>distributed excel sheet
>muhh revolution
>society as we know it btfo
the level of delusion is truely kanyeesque

>> No.9106991
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You are not ready for the next step in digital evolution.
MOORES LAW in full effect, Bitcoin is 10 years old,


we will see the full utilization of a decentralized economical system.
no need for society as we know to btfo
We are inventing the future.

>> No.9107028

feels like talking to a jehovas witness
oh wait

>> No.9107069

when you think it to the end, it will be hell
every step of your life recorded on a immutable database
if your not a chinese ant peasant now, you will be one in your blockchainfuture

>> No.9107089


And I am the crazy one? lol

>> No.9107101
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, avecmoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, anon, i'll bite. so, say someone has like 50BTC. What do? Hodl for a while and then go all in for wtc nodes? seriously...what do with this magic internet money?

>> No.9107156

Op gets it. Cashing out is a meme. The point is to stay in crypto.

I plan to stay in crytpo and become a digital nomad. Fuck paying the mortgage jew, fuck the gubmint taxing me and giving my funds as tribute israel and for laquisha's 8 kids.

Never cash out. Become a citizen of the world.

>> No.9107175

>trades always go my way:the post

>> No.9107264


You create additional revenue streams. In the past mining has been a popular one, but this one still breaks the barrier of first having to cash out. Devs are clearly working on great stuff like staking mechanisms, masternodes and dividends. Along with dApps which represent financial systems like the MakerDao credit system or a mathematical sound Ponzi like P3D. This is just the start. Over time, most of you will start to figure out how to keep your "wealth" in here and make it work for you. Those who sold for fiat at the next top, or the one after that without realizing the true value will be the poor who missed out the real bull run in years to come.

It is cool that we can track RFID chips of products on the Blockchain,
but that is not what this evolution of a traditional system is about.

>> No.9107684

The only alternative is failure

Most of your shit will go to zero unless you figure this one out anon.
You can survive, but you need to figure out a way not to cash out.

This is not about money, this is about the bare value of "wealth" and "value".

Start by figuring out what "money" really is
> http://moslereconomics.com/mandatory-readings/what-is-money/

And realize that Crypto was not created to offer digitized version of IPO's
The Cypherpunk manifesto, The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto,
TRANSCEND the Blockchain

We have not even gotten started yet

I am out

>> No.9107907

I'll worry about that shit when I have enough fiat to not have to waste my life grinding out a job.

Also what's the difference between selling stuff generated from nodes and just selling the coin?

>> No.9107912

OP is unironically smarter than most snarky anons ITT
being seemingly unhinged is not a sign of intelligence, but some intelligent people do seem unhinged to the average

>> No.9108415

appreciate the share, anon

exactly my thoughts...once in a while there is a post/thread where some light shines through, and it becomes clear that someone here knows how to think in a straight line.

too many anons bought into the pseudo-racism and insult-culture here as a way to fit in, but it gets old and contributes nothing of substance.

inb4 reddit spacing

inb4 kys

>> No.9108439
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Can someone give me a quick rundown of these and what coins offer them?

>> No.9108448

>never cashing out
>digital nomad
KEK you really swallowed the koolaid huh

>> No.9108457
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we're the money kings now

>> No.9108478

It depends on ROI
If the coins are appreciating faster than the node’s ROI.
If you buy and hold the node coin for 2 months and get a 10% profit (paid $1000 for 1000 coins, worth $1100 two months later)
Or the node pays itself off in the first month, and the next month makes 11% profit (paid $1000 for node, paid off, receive $110)

>> No.9108497

Kanye is literally the greatest artist of our generation and perhaps the last 100 years

>> No.9108503

Some coins let you stake a portion of your stack (say 1,000 of them), you connect them to a server, and it handles requests done by others

>> No.9108513

>digital nomad
this is not reddit

>> No.9108555
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Kek keep dreaming kids

>> No.9108620
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Speaking about nodes, 4th of May , at the EDCON , AMB will announce masternodes specifics, for now the only disclosed info is that it will be a multi-tier system. AMB is still relatively cheap and could be a good idea to get some.

>> No.9108684

>bookstore employees don’t understand blockchain yet

wow, you’re really blowing my mind here.

>> No.9108695
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>> No.9109549

>t. Brainlet

Except that's bullshit and tells me you're a noob. Once your position sizes are large enough that order book volume is an issue, you can't keep scaling. I'm not saying you stop - but you need to them start putting money into other shit. And having a constantly growing river of money is a game changer. You can't trade 24/7 - but passive income just keeps coming in. Money shouldn't be sitting idle - put the excess into other shit and grow it.

>> No.9109590


This guy gets it.

>> No.9109646
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>> No.9109799


Doesnt that still involve cashing out to fiat ultimately?