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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 1024x768, avicii-183646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9104126 No.9104126 [Reply] [Original]

>good looking multi millionaire
>offs himself before turning 30

Makes you think

>> No.9104139

>good looking
>too introverted and anxious for the DJ lifestyle
>copes with excessive amounts of alcohol

money doesn't buy happiness. peace of mind does.

>> No.9104146

>good looking

>> No.9104148

Money is a meme

>> No.9104156

>good looking
Looks like a s.o.yboy to me.

>> No.9104165

that's not good looking.

>> No.9104167

come on
he wasn't ugly

>> No.9104179

there's a big difference between not ugly and good looking.

>> No.9104182

He could give me at least 1milllion, or some fancy car before killing himself, he wouldnt loose anything...

>> No.9104184

He was pretty good looking. He got fat and started getting the facee of a drunk though.

>> No.9104186
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>> No.9104189

he looks like a male taylor swift

>> No.9104202

he is not ugly just normal guy

>> No.9104205

i knew that neets would start nitpicking on the good looking part.

well fuck you. he is objectively handsome.

>> No.9104210

Wow, he really does

>> No.9104218

and nothing of value was lost

his music was generic af, i dont get why it even became popular, you barely even hear it

hope he burns in hell though

>> No.9104222
File: 584 KB, 220x335, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exept taylor used to make good country music. edm is not music, it's for monkeys who brains vibrate on the same level as edm bass. the less melody the better for the edm dummies =)

>> No.9104227

It was suicide?

>> No.9104233

I think we can say basedboy now

>> No.9104238

you are objectively gay

>> No.9104250

pink ID, pink attitude, dick dirty of poo.

>> No.9104262

Wtf is up with the axis in this graph? Is the x supposed to be years and genre? Why didn't they label it?

>> No.9104265

Suicide by drinking

>> No.9104271


so. a man makes music that you dont like so he has to burn in hell for that?

you literally are the worst scum which lurks 4chan.

>> No.9104273

How much do you have to drink daily to wreck your pancreas?

>> No.9104279

he was decent looking right when he blew up then he destroyed his body with drugs and alcohol. like one of those meth before and after billboards

>> No.9104313


>too introverted and anxious for the DJ lifestyle
>copes with excessive amounts of alcohol

This was what offed him. Too much of a wimp to say no to free drinks, because it "looks strange" if you do so.
Having to go through surgery because of pancreatitis should have been a pretty clear message to stop the unhealthy as fuck lifestyle.

>> No.9104320


Depending on your genetics around 1 to 3 liters of liquour

>> No.9104322
File: 992 KB, 540x540, cartoon wank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ you sound like women. he was good looking, period.

you know that 15% of women swipe right while ~50% of men swipe right? apparently only about 15% of men look "average".

>> No.9104328

unironically kys normiefag

he should burn in hell because hes a privileged rich faggot who got spoonfed everything and still couldn't handle anything

probably stepped on a toothpick and couldn't handle the trauma

>> No.9104329

Can anyone post pics where he looks radically different?

Kind of gotta admit I don't know anything about him until he died.

RIP, though

>> No.9104343

he was a very talented piano player that went electronic during the peak of the edm boom. "you barely even hear it" he was the headliner at every festival and club for years. just because you only listen to justin beiber doesn't mean other genres don't exist

>> No.9104357


>> No.9104360

this graph is bollocks unless the US for some reason calculates life expectancy for musicians

the life expectancy line should have been completely flat for it to make sense

>> No.9104375


fuck off commie

>> No.9104378
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younger version

>> No.9104380

Ok enough
back to work guys

>> No.9104385

> alcoholic


>> No.9104393

>hes a privileged rich faggot

You sound like a bitter poorfag. You're never gonna make it with that attitude.

>> No.9104409
File: 74 KB, 590x737, Avicii-death-cause-1319652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just days before he died

>> No.9104437

What's the trick to becoming a famous DJ? There's hundreds of thousands of hopeful DJs in the world and yet only a handful make it.

>> No.9104446
File: 139 KB, 1500x700, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He became stupid, that's what happened.

Why the fuck would a guy who's making millions (basically set for a good life) of himself......

He could have easily stayed away from the drugs and booz if he manned up and faced his problems.

All his millions will go to shit, because his senpai is most likely going to spend it like there's no tomorrow.

Such a waste.

>> No.9104456

You should def watch the documentary about him and his life, you would understand.

>> No.9104462

>his family

>> No.9104464

you have to become an alcoholic first

>> No.9104497

>Why the fuck would a guy who's making millions (basically set for a good life) of himself......
I'm not saying he did but there are plenty of rich and successful people that kys themselves.

i.e. Chester from Linkin Park and Chris Cornell.

Both were multimillionaire rockstars with legions of adoring fans. Meanwhile, there are friendless, kissless, NEET virgins on 4chan that continue to press on.

>> No.9104518

DJ and producer are used interchangeably but this guy was a producer. he made a catchy song called 'Levels' that blew up right at the start of the EDM bubble and the rest was history. you seriously couldn't go to a club or party of any kind without hearing it for 6 months

>> No.9104539

He tried for 8 years. One year he started to eat healthy and started to work out, but it didn't make him feel better.

>> No.9104540
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every commie deserve bullet

>> No.9104544

>Distinguishing rock and pop after 2000
That's quite some retardism here in the pic.

Also, how long to live if do noisecore?

>> No.9104547

Why can't you like both? Different genres for different moods/settings

>> No.9104553

Poor guy

>> No.9104555

Literally who is this and why should I care?

>> No.9104573

for good reason
that shit slaps

>> No.9104595


Stay life poor faggot. Keep projecting that internal hatred and bittnerness outward instead of dealing with it. Typical onion boy behavior.

>> No.9104629

>reach the peak of fame and fortune
>realize there is nothing else to achieve in life
>start using hard drugs to chase higher highs
>tolerance builds, drugs stop working
>an hero

>> No.9104632

Your perception gets skewed when you're bombarded daily with imagery of beautiful people.

>> No.9104633

i feel sorry for the guy and family. a few of the guys i went to school with have killed themselves this year. but more than anything im annoyed his money went to waste. you can buy a high quality of life without going full hedonist

>> No.9104646

>be millionaire
>can't be bugged to have personal trainer/chef
Some people aren't meant to be rich

>> No.9104655

Wow. That is one ugly picture. Great sources, too.

>> No.9104690

"As soon as I started making money I realized I didn't need a lot of money"

He regularly donated millions btw

>> No.9104700

I feel sorry for him but there are tons of dance music producers who have died last few years and who I hold higher than superficial EDM producers. These EDM subgenres hijacked real dance music scene for a while but it is coming back.

>> No.9104715


I believe Chester had very bad depression w/our drug or drink use. Avicii was fine before the fame, became an alcoholic, got pancreatitis, didn’t stop.

It’s quite sad really, because people stay uneducated on alcohol. It’s fine, even good in low doses. But it’s a GABA agonist, increasingly inhibitory neurotranmission and suppressing the “upper” feelings via glutamate inhibition.

Unfortunately the body reacts to this by increasingly glutamte to counteract the heavy suppression . Then alcohol wear so off and suddenly you’ve got this excess of bad “upper” physiological symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, increases body temp, palpitations, etc. The anxiety becomes pretty fucking brutal and proper cant deal with, and go back to drinking to get rid of the anxiety. Thus ensues a self-destructive circular loop.

That’s ignoring the other stuff like excessive facial bloating, liver damage etc. same thing happens to Duff mckagan from guns and roses, dude was lucky enough to not die when his pancreas ruptured. He drank for anxiety too.

Phenobarbital works similarly too, except the tolerance is super high. Haven’t used phenobut but it’s common with people online. Just a 2 cents on drinking if you’re anxious guys.

>> No.9104721

Robert Miles died and that was just a minor event... This guy dies and everyone is crying, once again superficially. Fake scene!

>> No.9104729


while you most likely can still produce club hits sober, the majority of your audience is fucked up, so if you can't dance to your own music drunk someone else probably won't be able to either

>> No.9104739

>implying women would swipe right on ‘average’

>> No.9104741

Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions.

An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music.

He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness.

He could not go on any longer.

He wanted to find peace.

Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight.

Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed.

The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive. We love you,

Your family

>> No.9104767

Was probably going to expose the human trafficking, child killing paedophile rings that are so common in the music industry

>> No.9104771

This is me at my portfolio ATH.

>> No.9104781

I can't believe how shitty some people are being towards him:


Fuck people. RIP Avicii.

>> No.9104788

is weed the solution to helping people regain the upper feelings? thanks for sharing knowledge anon, I'm trying to help alcoholics in my family

>> No.9104792

Pedo rings are not common in dance music, man. That is more for pop music.

>> No.9104805

Is there any reasonable explanation for why he wouldn't or shouldn't have just numbed himself with anxiety medication before shows? I know it's harmful too, but it wont destroy your body in a couple years like alcohol did. He had organs removed, and then went straight back to doing the same thing... it's not like there was no signs the alcohol was killing him

>> No.9104806

So much this. All of them dies because said rings are also used by both military and political elites.

It's the jews. They are pedos

>> No.9104813

whoa kys buddy. edm is superior

>> No.9104821

bang for the particle, peace to conscious being

>> No.9104855

>He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness.
I could have coached him about that. Meaning comes from desire, to find meaning one has to find desire. Happiness follows. He found himself stuck in a materialist world where he was bombarded with materialist stimuli. He needed to disconnect from that and connect with nature and the peace and spirituality to be found within. Well if reincarnation is real he'll get another shot at life.

>> No.9104856

This man speaks the truth..

>> No.9104866

he has a black eye did he get punched?

>> No.9104867

God that's an annoying looking fucking face.

>> No.9104869

not sure if it's a confirm or a deny but my Jewish friend went to Thailand with like 3 or 4 other Jews.

I told him if he fucked a child there I would never look at him the same way again and that he'd never look at himself the same way again.

He didn't say anything when he returned about the subject besides the ladyboys being very convincing and the girls looking really young

>> No.9104880

Some people say he didn’t off himself he was murdered.

>> No.9104904

maybe someone close to him was really upset watching him destroy himself

>> No.9104908
File: 57 KB, 1000x563, 1524764574634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
I take the "good looking" part back

>> No.9104917

He should have visited /biz more and found a meaning in pink wojaks. Maybe had saved him.

>> No.9104945

If you listen to EDM, even ironically, I guaranfuckingtee you haven't read Shakespeare or Plato or anything else that's true and good.

If you spent half as much time reading as you do thinking about your stupid little life you would feel better and do better.

Fight me.

>> No.9104952

>ome people say he didn’t off himself he was murdered.
It's possible.
In a place like Oman, if you piss off some Sultan's rich daughter of a sultan and the police/security services will cover your shit up ez.

These arab rich kids have all the money but they are next level and really cant take it when anyone says no (except papa).

>> No.9104965

you must be a janitor because you speak in sweeping generalizations a lot

>> No.9104967

I can enjoy listening to Trance and reading Einstein and Plato and Kant, fight me.

>> No.9104984

>people live shitty poor lives and are happy
>rich superstars kill themselves because of """""depression"""""

literally everyone is depressed, but most bear it and don't kill themselves

what a fucking faggot

>> No.9105048

You should take your music as seriously as you do your literature. You might like it.

>> No.9105055


No problem anon. I’m a doc in a country with a bad drinking habit. Sorry, I was unclear in what I said. When I say “upper” symptoms/ feelings, I mean stimulators feelings. This is good (confidence, energy) and bad (anxiety, insomnia, palpitations). Heavy alcohol use forces the body to produce more of the “upper” neurotransmitter; glutamate. This excess of glutamate (when the alcohol leaves) causes the nasty “stimulatory” feelings I mentioned.

I don’t know much about weed desu. There’s extensive research about heavy long term abuse and schizophrenia paranoia, but it’s good for pain and anxiety apparently. Sorry to hear about your family. Hope you look after yourself. Help if they want, but don’t waste your life if they’re dont want help. Burden of care is very real and harsh when dealing with victim stuff of addiction.


Idk anon. Benzos have just a vicious withdrawal even with an acute cycle, plus people tend to become proper zombied out on them too. Barbiturates can straight up knock you in stage 4 of anasthesia, which is respiratory arrest and you just die flat out. V. Dangerous. I’d imagine alcohol is used because it’s easy to dose, plus all the romanticism surrounding it “healing the pain” and all that stuff. It’s a hard game, and they may end up abusing anxiolytics too.

It’s a really delicate balance sadly. Taking too much of something which increases GABA release or inhibitors glutamate release will always have a rebound effect, as the body’s natural law of order Is homeostasis (excluding abnormal NT disorders like clinical depression etc). GABApentin was a good idea. If I could, I would love to measure a Buddhist/ Tibetan monks circulating levels of certain neurotransmitters.

Unfortunately most people seek pleasure instead of peace. If you adopt a mindset that there’s a physiological rebound effect for most things you put in your body, you lead a pretty safe life.

>> No.9105068

Life isn't about being serious, read and think a lot more and you might get it some day.

>> No.9105084

Wow gee it's almost as if no amount of money or fame can fix your brain. Go figure.

>> No.9105117

kys faggot go suck to kimmie cum

>> No.9105156

wow you're such a faggot

>> No.9105171

I understand, thank you for your service to the people, I know you have your own reasons for doing it.

I'm almost half-way to opening my own psychology practice, thank you for being an ally in healthcare

>> No.9105173

Think less, live in the present moment.
Be here now

>> No.9105198

sure buddy.
You're easy eh

>> No.9105214

>Unfortunately most people seek pleasure instead of peace. If you adopt a mindset that there’s a physiological rebound effect for most things you put in your body, you lead a pretty safe life.

Woah, thanks for the insight. I'm going to write this down somewhere.

>> No.9105220
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that applies mostly only comedians, they tend to suicide very high rate.

as we can see country musicans die same rate as other people, they are more conservative. hip hop artists and edm artist have drug induced life with lots of stress. and in pop and hip hop these musicans are just a product they dont even write their own music so the fame and money comes too quickly for them. same with hollywood actors with most come from very poor backgrounds they are not used to having it all and combine poor impulse control with that

>> No.9105223

To all suffering from depression i recommend the atypical anti-depressive (also nootropic) Tianeptine. Don't overdo-it tough.

>> No.9105226

Looks like /biz/ is full of late adopter normie faggots now. Guess this place is dead.

>> No.9105237

Survival of the fittest. He was inferior and acted accordingly. Nothing groundbreaking here

>> No.9105239


>> No.9105277

Not really available in North America though right?

>> No.9105290

I unironically like early Tiesto and trance from 2000s, but modern edm is not trance. Trance is dead.

>> No.9105298


No problem. Best of luck in psych, you’ll end up having a much more extensive knowledge of inhibitory, excitatory, dopaminergic, and seretonergic neurotransmisson thsn I will. I’m a cardiologist so my knowledge of psych is limited to a basic level.

Psych is a tough one though

>> No.9105305

Was it a suicide? I read his health deteriorated from stress related alcohol consumption.

>> No.9105310

I believe you can't buy it as a nootropic. Just don't overdo the dosage..keep the recommended dosage..

>> No.9105313

Do you hold LINK?

>> No.9105323

>Too much of a wimp to say no to free drinks, because it "looks strange" if you do so.

Alcohol becomes an addiction. Doubt it was just peer pressure.

>> No.9105325

>apparently I'm not average
feels good

>> No.9105344


NSI-189 mother fricker

Tianeptine's also pretty dandy though, not gonna discount that

>> No.9105356

thanks, let's hope they don't make any cardiologist or psychology bots soon ;)

>> No.9105369

>sure buddy.
Or maybe you won't? Looks like your superior literary readings still haven't taught you respect for your fellow human beings. Have some self-reflection on the subjectivity of experience and value and its relation to open-mindedness. In other words remove that broom stuck in your ass and maybe you'll get to enjoy novel experiences you weren't able to because they weren't getting past your brain cortex. Otherwise remain stuck-up and self-centered, you must lead a pretty happy life for feeling the need to criticize people for their ability to enjoy music you don't.

>> No.9105373

Failed trials, use ket instead

>> No.9105439

FWIW 0.3g of psilocybin mushrooms is doing wonders for me.

5 days on 2 days off.

>> No.9105467


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not lol.

>> No.9105479

Sorry..my brain can be a very scary place (i had dreams i could write thick fantasy books about) and i don't want to explore my mind, i would be very scared to do that.

>> No.9105491


>> No.9105495

That's the one I listen to, trance from 1994-2007 mostly. Chicane, Ferry Corsten, Andreas Schmidt, Salt Tank and so many more. I agree it turned into something completely different later on

>> No.9105498

>"looks like your superior literary readings..."
>"brain cortex"

Why are you still talking to me? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9105512

>ex told me about edm festivals in taiwan taking place in a jungle area
>like some sort of edm festival that took place in an enchanted forest

I truly wish I could experience this

unironically this, but don't get addicted.

T. Was a patient in a Columbia study and never felt the lift in hope/living prior to my first dosage of K. I ended up getting a source for the stuff that was extra cheap ($75 for 2.5 g) and made my own brand of pink k that you would get pink drip from lol

kinda silly but good times.

>> No.9105527

I believe K acts on glutamate to relieve depression. Tianeptine also does that, did you have similar effects from Tianeptine?

>> No.9105568


Yeah. I’m all in with a stack of 121k. I (sadly) don’t have time to trade anymore, and I am aware and believe in the tremendous potential of that type of network. I’m pretty sure most anons have a small stack of LINK tbf, this board tends to have a high level of analysis. Even for people who aren’t particularly meticulous develop a better analytical ability because of all the shilling.

Why do you ask anon? Do you?

>> No.9105591

You're not going to feel anything from 0.3g, the effect is cumulative.

After two cycles you should have about 10% more energy and 10% increase in cognition speed.

Lions Mane and Vitamin D every day will increase the effects.

>> No.9105648

That triggered my autism too!

>> No.9105679


Yeah ketamine is an NMDA antagonist, which are the “fast acting” receptors for glutamate transmission. Stops that and causes a dissociative response and catalepsy. Think some people may experience hallucinations too but I’ve never come across any.

Think Picamilon might be useful for you if you find it. It’s a pro drug of GABA, So it can penetrate the blood brain Barrie’s and exert effects directly on CNS. You would need connections though id imagine .

>> No.9105708

never touched tianeptine

presently treating existential pain with online friendships, gaming, and weed as well as healthy life habits

>> No.9105732

Why not just retire and invest in BCH like the rest of us?

>> No.9105749

>this board tends to have a high level of analysis

You can't be serious

>> No.9105750

He specifically mentioned in an interview it looking strange if you don't drink the free alcohol that's offered to you everywhere.
It was most likely an addiction, but there was certainly an element of peer pressure involved.

>> No.9105754

Because I'm fighting with the cause of your depression.

>> No.9105782

are you that same surgeon that was in the other thread giving health advice a few weeks ago

>> No.9105791

>all in in a 8 month old project, that is hardly beyond a concept at present.
I hope your expertise as a physician greatly surpasses your financial calibre.

>> No.9105819


How wonderfully modern. Better than the old school shut up, drink, repress, repeat cycle.

>> No.9105868

Music doesn’t stay the same, nothing does. Welcome to life

>> No.9105877

If you only knew how bad things really are.

>> No.9105916

Bitches love Levels.

>> No.9105932


>> No.9105946

Who is this man?

>> No.9105974


>> No.9106044

Thanks, it took a lot of work but I'm here. So many people have supported me on my way, that's really all anyone needs to get better imo besides the will.

I love psychology, I could talk about it all day, I actually swapped majors to it because it was challenging in the way where it opened me up to new ideas, but also because it literally got my dick hard in a strange comfortable and lulled way.

>> No.9106089

>Robert Miles
Fuck that brings back some memories, anon. I remember my parents playing that during road trips. Great tunes tbqh.

>> No.9106090


I don’t think you realize just how willingly uninformed/ stupid the average person tends to be. I deal with obese people who won’t stop smoking tell me their CAD is genetic. Compared to what I see everyday, biz can elucidate quite well. Especially when the encentive is speculative at best.

Hi anon, not a surgeon, but I’m biz once every few days and usually post medical stuff if an anon asks. I was talking to the younger anons who were bragging about cocaine use while reading and I just asked them to be safe, considering the quite high risk of a reduced ejection fraction/ vascular remodeling that accompanies heavy duty stimulant abuse.


Got in early with eth, haven’t put in more than I can afford to lose, and I make decent money. Are you suggesting I wait until It’s up and running and everyone knows and then it’s a safe buy? LINK could die tomorrow and my life would not change at all. If you’re in something as volatile as crypto, you’d sure as hell want to have a part of the 3rd step. If LINK truly blew up I would take profits and fund cystic fibrosis research. Awful disease and the people with got dealt a shit hand in life.

>> No.9106152

anon this is gonna be a dumb question but since I have your attention, is taking l-arginine safe?

what if I combine it with caffeine, thc, and sometimes a penis pump? (penomet)

>> No.9106195

>Burden of care is very real and harsh
gf is an opiate addict. She's been clean for a year, but I still worry constantly. Shit sucks.

>> No.9106198


This is an example of real dance music. Nothing superficial, just raw emotion.

>> No.9106314

He didn't kill himself you dumb niggers. acute pancreatitis

>> No.9106353

Yes he did

>> No.9106435

L-arginine is fine lol. Just a precursor for nitric oxide which is a vasodilator. Idk even know if it’s particularly effective desu anon as I deal with anti hypertensive drugs a lot and I never use/ come across arginine unless it’s in studies of the NO pathway. You’ll be fine lol. Watch the thx as it’s psychoactive. Using a PDE-inhibitor and an (attempted) vasodilator puts you at risk of hypotension, but even then once you’re erection fades you’ll be fine.

Brutal. Very sorry to hear. Are you North American? Horrible crisis there atm. Where I’m from, opiate addicts tend to be your typical street walker/ homeless type, but over in NA there’s an epidemic of functional addicts. Horrible stuff. Hope she’s ok. Did she go through the methadone/ clonidine tx? Very important I ensure she attends her psychosocial rehab. Physical dependence fades but psych does not. Hope she is ok.

>> No.9106596

fuck outta here with your "real" dance music bullshit. I would take an avicii song over those any day of the week

>inb4 faggot

>> No.9106619

Yeah, in the states. A fucking flyover state at that. About a year and a half ago maybe two she was doing this shit and I left her. Then she had a mental breakdown basically. Ended up doing treatment for almost 6 months IIRC. We ended up back together. She seems well enough for being an addict. She's working two jobs, exercising, has actual hope for the future, etc. However I know better than to let my guard totally down because if she relapses and starts using again, it'll mean she's probably been doing it for a while before I even find out. She's been using Kratom for the past 3 months or so. Although she's started to ween a bit because she's been getting stomach pains, dunno if that is related to kratom or not.

>> No.9106720


Have you fucked yourself yet?

>> No.9106738


Actually his first tracks seem to be okay. He should have stayed with progressive genre instead of this EDM faggotry,

>> No.9106788
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That's my dream life, desu.

>> No.9106806

We have to ban music

>> No.9106849

What is the average life expectancy of LINK trader?

>> No.9106859

This. Also LSD microdose. Read Ray Peat.

>> No.9106901


imagine being as retarded as this guy lmao

>> No.9106929

oh well, i wish YOU the best anon
we both probably know it would be the best for YOU to exit this, but we also both know it ain't that easy

>> No.9107021 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 500x421, fSSh7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my initial goal, but I'll have to settle for doing it while being a poor ugly dude before turning 40.

>> No.9107060
File: 71 KB, 523x586, YDuRvW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this bucko had cleaned his room, he'd still be here today.

>> No.9107066

Playing 300+ shows a yesr, constantly flying and never sleeping while constantly writing more music and deaing with parties and drama and degenerates all around you is not what normal human beings can handle over extended periods of time

Also he probably got murdered for exposing child trafficking rings

>> No.9107161

He had both a personal trainer and chef. He had enormous anxiety thought. Usaully that stuff gets way worse when your heartbeat goes up. Also people who dont want to live often "punish" themselves by living a bad life style i.e drugs, not training, eating junk etc. I really feel bad for people that lives through that shit...

>> No.9107219

(different ID) I was being serious. :)

>> No.9107280

good for you anon. I also have a big LINK stack and hope to fund medical research (life extension, project DRACO, chronic fatigue syndrome)

>> No.9107310

>good looking

>> No.9107328

He did kill himself, according to his family. Left a suicide note.

>> No.9107375

How do you do cocaine safely?

Is LSD okay to take once or twice a year?

What about normal doses of MDMA? Exactly how toxic is one normal dose of mdma a year?

>> No.9107376

he probably went all in on LINK

>> No.9107423

you're gonna make it anon. look into numerology if you need help staying the course. or simply find the thing you feel guides you the right way.

heck, even if not by your own free will and agency, you may honestly just get lucky

>> No.9107437

What the fuck is the X value for the life expectancy lines, this pisses me off more than it should
why don't you go ahead and explain it then retard

>> No.9107453

If I were in the music business I would only do it for 2 years then do pop up shows whenever I miss performing and just live off the money I made in those two years and investments.

you have to admit, the fame and power one experiences over a crowd is a drug within it's own right.

>> No.9107505

x axis is genre, y axis is average age of death. It's just average age of death by genre lmao

>> No.9107548

This. Sergey you sick fuck how does it make your scammer pajeet ass feel now?

>> No.9107583

Bump for drug questions because curious

>> No.9107616

you're the dumb one in this situation, the graph is flawed

>> No.9107634

Find what you love... and let it kill you. He bought high and sold low..

>> No.9107655

I think he meant for the superimposed male/female US life expectancy. The graph is easy to understand as far as the musician lines go, but it appears that for the "normal life expectancy", the x should be the year... So it doesn't make sense to superimpose them like this.

>> No.9107672

my father was high essentially 24/7 raising me. Was literally the most neglectful person when he was high, and when he was sober the most brutal and emotionally abusive person ever. Made me hate myself and feel worthless because he is worthless, and as an adult makes me hate and resent him. my2c

>> No.9107711
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>> No.9107760

This is now occult thread.

>> No.9107777

Honestly whom of you is truly happy? I feel like nothing would make me happy not even being the supreme leader of the universe and having a beautifuly family. What is life?

>> No.9107863

If you learn to control your emotions rather them controlling you, you will be happy, almost always. Being perfectly balanced is happiness in my opinion.

>> No.9107892

I feel like having a gf would make me happy but it seems as realistic as being the supreme leader of the universe at this point

>> No.9107894

This is beyond emotion and controlling it. Emotion can't be controlled fully but it can be guided partially. It's about deriving a reason from this life. What is my reason? idk

>> No.9107909


Basically this chart shows that if you are jew, you are happy.

>> No.9107911

Well you have to do what >>9107863 is saying. Control your emotions and learn that fucking nothing from the outer world can ever bring you lasting happiness. No car, no house, no girl, no amount of money. It has to come from the inside. Only there you can find it, if you are willing to look.

>> No.9107973

for the .1% of the population who are extreme thrillseekers this might be true.
for the other 99.9% money makes you pretty happy

>> No.9107982

modern swedes have no soul and no will to live, didnt you know?

>> No.9108006

Where, how? Been looking for a reason, a drive since I know myself. Talking in riddles doesn't help.

>> No.9108007

Also if you have health that is reason to be happy.

Avicii did gain all but lost health.

>> No.9108026

>that hairline
I would off myself too

>> No.9108041

No surprise there. Avicii was redpilled about whats happening to his country, Sweden. Even his millions would be a drop in the bucket against two generations of ZOG machine brainwashing.

>> No.9108073

>offing yourself because of hair
Are you a faggot by any chance? Shit why am I even asking

>> No.9108076

First if I may start by saying this, with all the respect I have for you as a person, you are not worthless.

As a drug user, student of psychology, and fellow conscious being on this earth, I feel it's the person using the drug that was responsible for the abuse you've overcome in your life.

In psychology and more specifically the psychology of morality there are the concepts of agency and patiency.

There is a degree of emotional intelligence one can elevate to when reading up on the concepts of agency and patiency, but as one delves deeper one realizes the science and explanations become a debate of philosophy.

If the person who abused you is a simple case then likely they rejected their agency over them abusing you just as you are doing now by saying he "made" you feel the way you do. Certainly the actions have affected you and imprinted on you, but by rejecting agency over your being and sense of self-worth you are rejecting the power which lies within you if you were to accept agency.

Agency and Patiency aren't things that exist in balance to each other, ALTHOUGH a person with a healthy sense of agency and patiency is usually a well balanced individual. Instead senses of agency and patiency exist independent of each other and a hypersensitivity to either, both, or neither of the two can result in people who are varying degrees of what one may consider despicable.

I use the word despicable here because more often than not the negative emotions one feels towards themselves or their environment is the result of identifying behavior that they despise within others or themselves.

you sir, if I were to analyze you based on what you just said, are a high-patiency low-agency individual, someone low in self-esteem and self-worth. But you're not, you, anon, are a dynamic human and much more than one thing you typed into history. I hope you can recognize your power within and see the strength you already have displayed in overcoming your past to be here.

>> No.9108125
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Real chad material

>> No.9108143


Sorry was getting food. The risk of stimulant abuse is mainly lowered ejection fraction / LVEF/ hypertension. Very basically, it causes your heart to beat harder (contractility) and faster (heart rate). Overtime, the force of the stress by the above causes the heart cells (myocytes) to adapt to the more stressful environment. Does this by growing bigger to deal with the stress (hypertrophy) and this most often occurs in the left ventricle, as it’s where your body gets its blood pumped from. This is common condition known as LVEF. The issue with this is that with the growth, the internal diameter of the chamber decreases, meaning blood ejection/ sec is worse, so your Heart beats faster/ harder to ensure the body is receiving adequate blood supply. Outside of the heart, the arteries eventually become stiffer to deal with the harder blood flow. This results in an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) which can contribute to coronary artery disease.

That’s not taking into account the noradrenwrgic/ dopaminergic neurotransmission/ mental state that comes with cocaine abuse.

MDMA works a bit different. Where cocaine causes an temporary inability of the body to reuptake noradrenalin/ dopamine (sort of like putting a plug into a sink; more NA available, more effects), MDMA is sort of like turning on all the taps into one sink.

This lasts much longer, but causes a massive depletion of serotonin, which if anyone has experienced a comedown follow heavy MDMA use, is not pleasant. MDMA is neurotoxic too, so use infrequently. Honestly, and any experienced recreational mdma users will know, all your serotonin is flushed out, so redosing more than once is pointless and causes more harm than good. This is unlike cocaine, where redosing is common every 20-40 minutes or so, you will still be stimulated, hence why users tend to go on day long binges.

I don’t know much about any hallucinogenics/ psychotropics outside of any used in anasthesia, unfortunately.

>> No.9108158


Sorry was getting food. The risk of stimulant abuse is mainly lowered ejection fraction / LVEF/ hypertension. Very basically, it causes your heart to beat harder (contractility) and faster (heart rate). Overtime, the force of the stress by the above causes the heart cells (myocytes) to adapt to the more stressful environment. Does this by growing bigger to deal with the stress (hypertrophy) and this most often occurs in the left ventricle, as it’s where your body gets its blood pumped from. This is common condition known as LVEF. The issue with this is that with the growth, the internal diameter of the chamber decreases, meaning blood ejection/ sec is worse, so your Heart beats faster/ harder to ensure the body is receiving adequate blood supply. Outside of the heart, the arteries eventually become stiffer to deal with the harder blood flow. This results in an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) which can contribute to coronary artery disease.

That’s not taking into account the noradrenwrgic/ dopaminergic neurotransmission/ mental state that comes with cocaine abuse.

MDMA works a bit different. Where cocaine causes an temporary inability of the body to reuptake noradrenalin/ dopamine (sort of like putting a plug into a sink; more NA available, more effects), MDMA is sort of like turning on all the taps into one sink.

This lasts much longer, but causes a massive depletion of serotonin, which if anyone has experienced a comedown follow heavy MDMA use, is not pleasant. MDMA is neurotoxic too, so use infrequently. Honestly, and any experienced recreational mdma users will know, all your serotonin is flushed out, so redosing more than once is pointless and causes more harm than good. This is unlike cocaine, where redosing is common every 20-40 minutes or so, you will still be stimulated, hence why users tend to go on day long binges.

I don’t know much about any hallucinogenics/ psychotropics outside of any used in anasthesia, unfortunately.

>> No.9108169
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>> No.9108176

He cute.

>> No.9108177



struggle hard with this myself. life seems such a joke. don't really feel bothered to do much of anything, but at the same time have enough survival instinct not to off myself. it's a shitty sort of existence man

>> No.9108178


I have no issues with people taking drugs as long as they know the risks. A small bit of pure cocaine wouldn’t be the worst, but it’s the addictive and fiendish behaviors which fuel further use, and this damage is where it goes down

>> No.9108190

he was objectively good looking, what the fuck you incels are on about

>> No.9108203

Do you know actually who is Avicii of /biz:


This guy

>> No.9108204

I'm happy right now anon, thanks for asking.

Atleast now you know being the supreme leader of the universe isn't what you want to give all your being to doing, I don't see a problem here, just guidance from your inner self.

Life is ours to share in.


>> No.9108219

Tim wasn't fine before the fame. He had battled with anxiety since 2006.

>> No.9108246
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because atleast he wasn't a retarded autist who invests in monopoly money

>> No.9108253

the things you're saying are the type of stuff that should be taught in dare programs. Please if you ever have the ability or will to release a pdf or book on safe drug use, I'm sure it could save many livers and lives.

Also, based on what you say about mdma I'm gonna all-in the first company to come up with an mdma that has none of those side-effects.

>> No.9108258

Got anything to say about CBD oil my man?

>> No.9108323

He looks like a not-as-fucked-up-but-still-fucked-up Bogdanoff.

>> No.9108333

Thank you a lot for this, but I kind of already knew that

My question is more like if you did cocaine/mdma at a party, would you see any real phsysiological damage from that one time use?

From what ive read 1.7mg/kg of body weight seems to have no effect on serotonin levels. Basically what im asking, is if its possible to do these drugs in extreme moderation without any virtual consequence

>> No.9108406
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skin and haircut pill

he looks like a different person here

>> No.9108468

brushing your teeth twice a day pill definitely in effect too LMFIO

>> No.9108504
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>> No.9108506

Well go ahead do it. I think smack is fuckin free of consequences with a reasonable pattern of consumption. Problem is you almost certainly can't fuckin do it. Get yourself just some Kratom and see how fast you eating 10-20 grams a day. If you selfmedicate with benzos, gaba or opiates or all together the psychological addiction is fuckin insane.

>> No.9108580

Unironically thinking of quitting all painkillers and anxiolytic and start doing heroic doses of shrooms, acid, dmt, salvia and whatever comes my way. Fuckin sick of risking my health for feeling like a fuckin normie. I need so 4D crazy shit.

>> No.9108679

Hi anon. Haven’t extensively looked into it, but it’s from the non psychoactive component isn’t it? Heard from pts and friends it helps with anxiety, and apparently anti inflammatory. The last term is such a broad term so I don’t value it until non-biased clinical results are available. Haven’t seen any reports of side effects at all. Also a friend of mine isn’t looking to import a fucktonne for a buyer. He makes incredible money, and money follows utility. You would be better off talking to a CBD manufacturer as my knowledgenis rudimentary at best. Sorry anon.

Sorry that was my fault. Long day and I read your question wrong. It’s hard to definitively say, because normally you can say that no, a small bump of cocaine once won’t do anything other than make you feel good for a bit. However I see the results of the person who has a high susceptibility to one off the impurities that cocaine usually contains. This can trigger heavy palpitations/ tachy —> anxiety —> more panic —> higher HR etc. since this is an anonymous board, no, a small dose of cocaine once off wont have any real repercussions if your haven’t taken anything else.

MDMA is different, one heavy/ hard night of that can cause mild scarring of the internal walls of the chamber from the heavy and fast beating that goes on for 4-6 hours. Combine that with dancing and dehydration, and yeah, you can do damage. Dehydration causes your intevasculr volume be lowered (obviously, water is a Large component of blood). Your heart/ arterial smooth muscle response by either pumping harder/ faster or via vasoconstriction to keep the BP stable. Again this in extremes. When I did MDMA once a year at festivals (in my youth lol), i never did more than 120-140mg, including a redoes which was ~half of the initial.

Tl; dr no you should be fine, once the dose isn’t high, or you aren’t drinking heavily. Also it’s good to see you have the sense to look up actual dosages.

>> No.9108713

They do. It's just that what they THINK is average is actually the 85th percentile.

>> No.9108714

Doesn't MDMA carry other risks as well? Like the fenfluramine disaster, except x20 stronger.,,
Kinda scary how the negative effects can come years after use

>> No.9108773

Thank youfor this! I ask since im probably ganna be taking at edc next month, probably doing some coke on day 2, im thinking 130mg mdma on day 3 should do the trick

But this is pretty good info. Please consider making a website/blog about these topics. Would happily donate ETH for this info

>> No.9108774

in your opinion, how valid are these research studies?


i'm asking because i was bored/going with the flow in college and did 200-300mg MDMA binges once a month for 12 months. wanting to know if there are any long term damages, or if the damages can be reversed over time. right now i currently feel a deficiency in my verbal memory/recall and i sometimes forget about my responsibilities that i have due the next day.

>> No.9108798

5HTP and some nootropics daily should help, but i dont think its reversible

>> No.9108822

also during EDC/Coachella last year i did 600mg total throughout all three days.
100mg first dose, 100mg redose for all three days.
with raves i'll usually do 100mg first dose, 50mg redose 2 hours in

>> No.9108824


We’ll if you’re on a script, finish it, say to your doctor you want to get off them. Idk your hx or tx atm so I can’t say anything. Go seek out a CBT professional, use them to teach yourself the skills necessary to deal with your anxiety (if you can). If you’re poor, there’s plenty of sources online about CBT which can help. Unfortunately, it often involves a deep inquiry into your core beliefs, which are formed in your formative years, and can be quite traumatic for some people to awaken those repressed/ confront those causes. Especially if the mere though generates the physiological response.

Regarding psychs, I have no experience with them. While reported experiences vary between fun hallucinations, I wouldn’t recommend them to people with anxiety at all.

Personally, I am a big believer in desentizing yourself to the stimuli, and if it’s a thought, to let it roll over you. accept the anxiety, resist the urge to try to relive it if the cause is irrational. Eventually it has no/ minimal effect. Any psychs reading this will kill me for saying that lol.

>> No.9108876

i did a fuckload of ecstasy. started at 15, until 21. didnt do it daily but i did it a lot, did while drinking, while doing coke, and while smoking weed. i did way more shit too, actually. but anyway the point is i recovered from all of that brain damage, but it took a few years, and maybe im still not as intelligent as i could be, but i hardly notice it. im a programmer and a math geek. so you're fine dude.

>> No.9108889

just dont do it anymore and you will be fine. seriously, that shit really is neurotoxic

>> No.9108913

well now he is dead while we are alive,who is the retarded autist now?

>> No.9108915

gradual desensitization therapy is ised by psychs. any psychs reading you won't be mad about that, they'll just be bothered than an untrained individual is dishing out psychiatric advice on a business and finance image board

>> No.9109034


I’m aware it is. But seeing as I don’t know that anons hx, I wouldn’t be able to make a proposed tx plan, etc. then I gave my own personal opinion. I’ve had psych patients before during my intern/ sho years, but yeah, my advice on the psych stuff is from my personal experience; not as a medical professional.

Also, just because you “took a fucktonne” of ecstasy and cocaine for 6 years does not mean that’s the threshold before irreparable/ irreversible damage. If you did heavy stimulant abuse (x4 times a week) for longer than a few months, I would very heavily advise a CVS exam with the BNPs and all.

>> No.9109035

>Haven’t used phenobut but it’s common with people online.
Phenibut? It's a great social enhancer and anxiolytic but very dangerous to people who try to self-medicate anxiety and have an addictive personality. Alcohol is a slow downward spiral for most but this stuff builds tollerance like crazy, much faster than benzos and the withdrawals are hellish.

>> No.9109142

I would say so, yes. You should be just fine

>> No.9109167

there's undoubtedly irreparable damage, but i wasn't trying to refute that. i was just saying that anectdotally if i could come back from what i did then other anon can do it too, especially since he did far less damage to his body than i did.

>> No.9109210

>Sorry was getting food. The risk of stimulant abuse is mainly lowered ejection fraction / LVEF/ hypertension. Very basically, it causes your heart to beat harder (contractility) and faster (heart rate). Overtime, the force of the stress by the above causes the heart cells (myocytes) to adapt to the more stressful environment. Does this by growing bigger to deal with the stress (hypertrophy) and this most often occurs in the left ventricle, as it’s where your body gets its blood pumped from. This is common condition known as LVEF. The issue with this is that with the growth, the internal diameter of the chamber decreases, meaning blood ejection/ sec is worse, so your Heart beats faster/ harder to ensure the body is receiving adequate blood supply. Outside of the heart, the arteries eventually become stiffer to deal with the harder blood flow. This results in an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) which can contribute to coronary artery disease.
c-can this happen from too much coffee, anon?

>> No.9109233

>Makes you think
no it doesnt

>> No.9109263

>probably smarter than OP

>> No.9109355
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>> No.9109381

Norwood reaper

>> No.9109450

Sigh. God damnit

>> No.9109565

Good stuff

>> No.9109624

says the poorfag. speaking from experience, money does not solve anything other than your ability to pay for bills and unlock material trinkets that will keep you "happy" about as long as a child is excited to open his christmas presents. by the end of the day, the shit is the same.
good luck anon.

>> No.9109697

LSD is perfectly safe to take. Just be careful with it. Be in a good a good area. Be in a good head space. if you're really worried, have some xanax to take if you feel like you don't want the trip to last any longer. It's really fun.

>> No.9109713

ty, I had to take a semester off but I'm thinking my next school will give me a full ride if I present myself better this time around.

I know drop out of college is the present meta though

>> No.9109803

>LSD is perfectly safe
LSD is the hardest drug there is
if you dont respect it it will scare you more than you could ever imagine.

>> No.9109827

It’s safer than many other drugs since it doesn’t really directly affect your body like say coke or meth do, more of a mind thing

>> No.9109924

You can easily take LSD once every month, it's very safe physically speaking, it's the mental part that can be tricky, don't try it when you have a mental disorder, or if mental illness is prevalent in your family

>> No.9109934

MDMA is probably the drug I personally would recommend the highest to anybody. Normal dose, don't binge like an idiot, and there's plenty of supplements you can take before and after to minimize any sort of negative effect on your brain health. Pure bliss, self confidence, forgiveness, love, and clarity that can persist long after the experience. Can absolutely change your outlook on thing for the better

>> No.9109962

100% a mind thing but that's what makes it so much more dangerous. Could be an innocently magical experience or a deathgrip on your psyche. I've had 2 friends go legally insane and grazed past that mental state myself. Completely changed the way I view the world

>> No.9110049

Is "suicide" a polite way of saying "overdose" now?

>> No.9110122

Holy shit, the generalizations are insane. Someone who is actually intelligent would understand that everything you're saying is just your own possibly insecure personal bias.

>> No.9110146

i'd fuck him

>> No.9110155

You only think this if u want to hump a good looking corpse

>> No.9110180

How did he kill himself?

>> No.9110833

LSD is literally the least dependent drug, opposite to heroin. No physical damage.

>> No.9110855

holy shit thanks for this bizbro.
got any high speed swing trading tracks?

>> No.9110861

Maybe just drank too much on accident?

>> No.9110988

Are you saying don't drink if you're anxious because after you get done drinking you'll be even more anxious than before?

>> No.9111087

We’re all gonna die one day anon. One day the human race will go extinct, what does it matter if he lived 28 years and I live 80?

>> No.9111157

Why because he's a genius?
Holy smokes he does hold link...rly makes me think.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge cardiobro.

>> No.9111290

>Are you suggesting I wait until It’s up and running and everyone knows and then it’s a safe buy?
Hey cardiobro doc stick around you add value around here. Thanks again for insight about medical stuff. I'm beginning to learn how porn affects the brain and I'm almost 18 months quit from tobacco as well.

>> No.9111316

Do you have more stuff you've written online? I would like to learn about it. I didn't know about the concept of agency vs patiency

>> No.9111748

>Phenibut? It's a great social enhancer and anxiolytic but very dangerous to people who try to self-medicate anxiety and have an addictive personality. Alcohol is a slow downward spiral for most but this stuff builds tollerance like crazy, much faster than benzos and the withdrawals are hellish.
I am a self-medicator and tend to have an addictive personality and IMO as long as you can stick to a therapeutic dose it's okay. I do get rebound anxiety from both phenibut and alcohol so I try to use both sparingly or on weekends when I have no obligations to tend to. I find that 250mg phenibut is best, unless you're a fat ass in which case you might need 500, but never more. Anything else is purely recreational IMO.

>> No.9111781

>>>9107375 #
>Sorry was getting food. The risk of stimulant abuse is mainly lowered ejection fraction / LVEF/ hypertension. Very basically, it causes your heart to beat harder (contractility) and faster (heart rate). Overtime, the force of the stress by the above causes the heart cells (myocytes) to adapt to the more stressful environment. Does this by growing bigger to deal with the stress (hypertrophy) and this most often occurs in the left ventricle, as it’s where your body gets its blood pumped from. This is common condition known as LVEF. The issue with this is that with the growth, the internal diameter of the chamber decreases, meaning blood ejection/ sec is worse, so your Heart beats faster/ harder to ensure the body is receiving adequate blood supply. Outside of the heart, the arteries eventually become stiffer to deal with the harder blood flow. This results in an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) which can contribute to coronary artery disease.
>That’s not taking into account the noradrenwrgic/ dopaminergic neurotransmission/ mental state that comes with cocaine abuse.
Same thing with adderall then right?

>> No.9112320

nope, atleast not in one place. I've never felt like having a blog but I do have a collection of other anon's posts or my own where I've written to other anons.

There are some inspiring people here

>> No.9112356

This is how /biz/tards will be.
A bunch of autistic idiots with depression issues and no actual friends.

>> No.9112391

holy fuck i laughed so hard

>> No.9112396
File: 62 KB, 999x536, bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this faggot? I bet he doesn't even double bass

>> No.9112451

I believe aviicii was a fraud he stole the only good song levels from someone else. One hit wonder that wasn't even his, nothing he made came close

Prove me wrong

>> No.9112464

Literally who?

>> No.9112485

Double bass is for faggots, in actuality. Real men can play that fast with a single bass pedal. See: Lars Ulrich.

>> No.9112518

im sorry but no. LOL. single bass will not be able to do nearly as many things at the same velocity as double bass can, ESPECIALLY for hardcore.

>> No.9112539

Einstein was a brainlet

>> No.9112563

"DJ" isn't a real job. It's like "rapper".

>> No.9112581

LVEF stands for left ventricular ejection fraction, it is not a condition but rather just describes the ejection fraction of the heart, if it is reduced then you have heart failure.
LVH is left ventricular hypertrophy usually caused by uncontrolled hypertension not the other way around
cocaine and other stimulants can cause a dilated cardiomyopathy

>> No.9112671

>money doesn't buy happiness. peace of mind does.

yea im sure you have so much peace of mind as a NEET basement dweller checking his blockfolio every 10 minutes waiting for a moon

>> No.9112797

Weren't Cornell and Chester looking into pedowood? I skimmed a little bit of that conspiracy and it seemed plausible. Actually I was watching his carpool karaoke and wow he did not look like a guy that was two days away from killing himself. Joking with his buddies, calm, at ease.

>> No.9112881

I really hope you're trading crypto, because you're probably the one making me a shit ton of money
Also RIP whoever the fuck the OP guy is

>> No.9113424


I'd FCK him in the ass too anon.

Its not gay if you say "no homo".

No homo.

>> No.9113461

reread what you just wrote moron.

>> No.9113824

>MDMA is probably the drug I personally would recommend the highest to anybody. Normal dose, don't binge like an idiot, and there's plenty of supplements you can take before and after to minimize any sort of negative effect on your brain health. Pure bliss, self confidence, forgiveness, love, and clarity that can persist long after the experience. Can absolutely change your outlook on thing for the better

>> No.9114157

I would understand if you said no, but it would mean a lot to me if you were able to send that or upload it somewhere.

I also collect meaningful posts I read on here as well. I actually screen shotted yours.

>> No.9114279

Avicii was asexual and anhedonic. What's the point of being rich and famous if you're unable to experience joy? I would have offed myself if I was in his shoes.

>> No.9114304

he's not wrong. women will see a hot guy and think he's average. that shit has been studied on dating sites