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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 984 KB, 1121x2005, u710z4co5qt01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9103275 No.9103275 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin Cash is just the current name of Bitcoin, it will revert back to Bitcoin when bcore dies off. Note I said when, not if.

>> No.9103302

My only problem with BCH is that every single person involved is a fucking scumbag. I think they've latched onto a good cause and they have basically taken the moral high ground for that reason, but the people themselves are disgusting. It's truly a unique situation.

>> No.9103340

their whole shill campaign is basically 'hey guys, buy our moon and validate our existence so we can warp and control the narrative'
i thought 4chan hated fake news, or was at least sensitive to msm-channeled manipulative garbage
this is as fake as you can get

>> No.9103346
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>the people themselves are disgusting
Corecucks do a campaign in which they present Jihan, CW, and Ver as the people behind BCH whileshowing them as crooks at the same time. In reality it's a movement which started a long time before they got involved, and they have little influence in the community if you could call it that.

>> No.9103352

The problem is that they are right. A bunch of assholes have lined up behind the correct side. This is like when the Jews come out in favor of nationalism.

>> No.9103361
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>i thought 4chan hated fake news
Worst bait ever.

>> No.9103376

Then be the person, who tries to change the community for the better.
The current Bitcoin community isn't civil either. Deliberately shouting BCASH BTRASH, while the other side obvs dislikes it, is scummy as well.

>> No.9103383

In actuality it's in everybody's moral and ethical interests to ensure that assholes don't profit from being assholes.

Roger Ver is an asshole, for example.

>> No.9103397

MasterCard and AXA must be panicking hard af right now.

>> No.9103402

>Roger Ver is an asshole, for example.
Can you back it up?

>> No.9103408

>t-they have l-little influence in the community :(
fucking liar, they have the most infuence actually. Especially Wu since he owns a majority of the hashing power. how fucking dumb must you be.

retarded enough to save a pic of fake satoshi eating, I guess. some of us are more pathetic than others in our fanboyism

>> No.9103417

That's a rare Satoshi.

>> No.9103426


kek, it doesn't matter if you are nice or a scumbag as long you do your job better than the next nice guy, and like it was said its not like the Bitcore guys are actually any better, Bitcoin Cash is just much more useful

>> No.9103428
File: 23 KB, 480x360, real bch nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btcp is the real bch. crashcucks will realize soon.

>> No.9103448

btc is worth a lot because it is a very good coin right

>> No.9103452

Its actually the markets job to make sure retards like you don't profit.

>> No.9103467

Look at all these brainlets talking about "personalities" instead of fundamentals in the context of a decentrallized system.
Yep, their propoganda is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator like a lot of other (((marketing))) astroturf. Fortunately their rhetorical playbook has started to wear thin and people are starting to lose patien ce with their retarded narrative.

>> No.9103487
File: 21 KB, 320x290, qRxDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys i know that literally everyone involved is a known scammer, but its a really good cause guys i swear!!!!

>> No.9103516

How are they scammers?

>> No.9103587

>clueless newfag shilling bch
imagine my surprise

>> No.9103611

Sounds like you're full of shit. Imagine my shock.

>> No.9103631

Why should I buy bch instead of ETH? ETH has a far larger dev community and doesn't have a bunch of megalomaniacs leading it. If you're arguing people should buy bch because it has "Bitcoin" in its name, that's exactly the argument BTCP shills used...which didn't turn out so well for them in the end.

>> No.9103647

don't be afraid to do 5 seconds of research

>> No.9103700
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This meme is tired and annoying already and it only just started, and it's a pity because the idea of a merger of two blockchains crediting both sides on a new ledger with great anonymity features baked in is actually really good.
Stop making yourselves look like idiots.

>> No.9103709

It's run by power tripping sociopaths.

Wouldn't trust them to hold a bucket of shit, let alone my money.

Bitcoin Private has more merit than cash.

>> No.9103717

>Bitcoin Cash is just the current name of Bitcoin, it will revert back to Bitcoin when bcore dies off. Note I said when, not if.

At some point in time, bitcoin won’t be shit and none of the clones will be, either.

>> No.9103722

that was actually pretty mean, anon

>> No.9103730

BCH has a different model than ETH, if you like the ETH model better, and see no value in the Bitcoin model, then sure, you should just buy ETH. And if you for some reason like the BTC model better, you should just buy that. But all three are quite different in approach at this stage in a great deal of ways and it's kind of silly to suggest they're all the same and you should just pick the one that makes you feel better.

>> No.9103765

Eth is burning alive. SEC is looking at it as a security. Same with Ripple. If they aren't currencies, they are a security, which opens a whole other world of problems.

20 years from now, the SEC could look back and decided to end Eth. The SEC is able to go back 20 years in time to investigate fraud and violations - 20 years is the cut off.

So, the members who are working on Ethereum will realize this and all abandon ship to protect themselves in case the SEC does in fact take action down the line, or the SEC will just take action now.

Either way, Eth is fucked.

But of course, your skelly boy doesn't know shit about economics and the laws surrounding it.

The only way for a coin to survive and meet the legal requirements is to be classified as a currency, with other things built into to it such as smart contracts.

That is why BCH will dominate. That is why they keep pushing the narrative that it is cash and a currency.

You have to realize that geniuses created BCH and they thought go everything. Don't you think a person having PHD's and Master Degree's in law, math, economics, computer science etc would have thought of everything to protect BCH? Yes.

Get a fucking clue and use your brain. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.9103776

Nice copy pasta fud

>> No.9103796

>But of course, your skelly boy doesn't know shit about economics and the laws surrounding it.
He's literally a genius and discusses economics all the time. Man, you retards are just adorable

>> No.9103812

these guys literally plagiarized research papers lmao, so much for geniuses with PHD's. Now shoo shoo Roger

>> No.9103828
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>do this thought experiment where you make a lot of non factual assumptions favoring bcash and don't consider many other things
>corefags btfo

>> No.9103835

The only way that will ever happen is if satoshi moves his bitcoin out of his wallet. Until then there is absolutely zero chance of bch replacing btc.

>> No.9103883
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>GB Blocks
Nice centralization

>> No.9103949

Interesting how during the bottom of the last crash, there were a few very slow weeks of activity in /biz/. Absolutely everyone who stayed at the time here were saying Bitcoin Cash was the right way instead of Bitcoin.

>> No.9103992
File: 35 KB, 320x427, -joluV5AxaEZJtj9c8X_YxYxzEhF8jTxX5iqodCR8IM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think attacking ETH is a particularly effective strategy, it's been a bastion of sensibility compared to the idiocy that has gone down within BTC. The narrative of the government being able to attack blockchains also doesn't really wash, if they actually tried to do that, they'd just drive ETH development underground, just as they would with any other blockchain. They don't have the power to influence any of this stuff, in fact, that's why we're here. Because this is how they die.
ETH is a fine product, it's made some choices that have some benefits and some drawbacks, it's perfectly alright for it to have a fair shot in the market without fearmongering about the government's ability to attack it, which is no greater than any other crypto, and basically nil.
The same goes for BCH, it's BTC after the hijack attempt which is the flaming wreck, and we should all cooperate for the good of the entire ecosystem to see that it dies as quickly as possible.
I would be eminently satisfied with the top two spots being shared by ETH and BCH for some time to come, and I imagine Vitalik views it the same way given his recent activities. Don't let core shills D&C us. They go, we stay.

>> No.9104277

I feel just the opposite the Blockstream and core devs are the biggest liars and scam artist known to man. Instead of working to improve bitcoin they have hidden the real objective from the public and kept the problem of low block size on the front burner to create the solution of off chain 2nd layer fee extraction service going.