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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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910130 No.910130 [Reply] [Original]

>he collects gold and silver to protect himself from financial collapse

b-but, muh gold buffalo coins!

>> No.910131

What about just to reap mad rewards? Not too long ago silver pushed $50/oz. So why not keep some lying around only to sell it off when it is above what you bought it for?

>> No.910141

because he has an excess of time to post on 4chan not an excess in money which he can spread around in various investments

>> No.910144
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nigga I have more money than you

>> No.910164

>Its the apocalypse! I sure am glad I sank my life savings into this single bar of gold! Now to take my rightful place as Lord of the lost and damned.
Yo, gimmedat gold white boy *pulls out gun*

Scenario 2

>Its the apocalypse! I sure am glad I sank all of my wealth into these smaller and more manageable silver coins, bought individually and at a huge mark-up from that jolly Jewish fellow. Time to become king of the wastelands economy
Dafuq are those coins? Silver? How am I supposed to verify that? We only take dollars here. Take your fake aluminium rounds elsewhere

>> No.910372


Try again faggot

>> No.910393
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physical metals...if you cant hold it in your hand, you dont own it

>> No.910475


Are you retarded?

>> No.910481
File: 57 KB, 640x410, Golden_Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longest reigning civilization-state encourages its people to hold physical. Why do Westerners fail to see this wisdom?

>> No.910486

Fake and gay

>> No.910490
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but Glencore will be here in a thousand years, too!

>> No.910501

Simple drop of nitric acid. It'll tell you if silver is real or not. Bad shit turns green.

>> No.910750
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>investing in gold in the first place

>Longest reigning civilization-state

>> No.910755

>Longest reigning civilization-state encourages its people to submit to Communism, eat ground-up tiger bones to cure baldness, and prance around on the smog-covered roof of their apartment building to build "chi" for health. Why do Westerners fail to see this wisdom?

>> No.910766

He's not wrong though. In a SHTF scenario, where sources of food, water, and medical supplies are scarce and/or uncertain, do you really think anyone would give two shits about your collection of gold coins?

Even if society in the US didn't completely collapse to the point that bartering was the only option, you might as well use cash since that would probably be scarce enough to use as a means of trade, given that everyone uses credit cards nowadays.

>> No.910828


>> No.910841

You present a false dilemma. Precious metals are simply insurance against currency.

If you had physical gold in Ukraine when the currency went tits up you could cash out (price of gold went thru the god damn roof there) and escape to another country.

Same in Greece, Libya, etc.

No more than 5% of your portfolio.


>> No.911008
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Nobody ever wants to talk the middle road scenario. No 'Mad Max' shit, but paper investments crash, including SLV and GLD. The potential is there for investors to then flood the physical market.

>> No.912076

1960something to present
>longest reigning.

>> No.912081

Crashes are temporary. Unless you plan on retiring in 5 years or you are autistic, worrying about crashes is redundant.

>> No.912170

Scenario 3:
>Cool shiny trinkets, but I can't eat this, I can't drink this, and I can't fuck this.

>> No.912965

Pfft. Apply yourself.

>> No.912972

Stupid people collect gold. Smart people do forex.

>> No.912988

In an actual collapse, food, water, and ammo are more valuable than your gold.

In fact, getting a well/water filtering system, some means to produce food, and means to produce electricity will all do you good even without a collapse, in the form of lower expenses.

Scenario 4:
> gold boy buys some food from you, while you keep getting more for yourself

>> No.913550

he who has the bullets can take the gold, the food and your life.

in a collasp in a matter of a few days the polite attitudes will fade away to more aggressive attitudes. Will it hurt to have gold, no. does it hurt to have the other items mentioned? no.