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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 337x385, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9097315 No.9097315 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons, it's me again. I un-ironically brought you DAN, which did exactly to a T what I said it would.

Imagine there was a project not on CMC with actual customers that was totally under the radar at a 400K market cap. Imagine they just switched to bi-weekly updates that should prove fruitful.

Imagine they just partnered with Chainlink.

Imagine they have a healthy Q2, coupled with a Main Net in Q3, and decent use-cases for their token itself.

Imagine you ponder it, Biz says it's shit like they always do (like they did with DAN), and you don't buy.

Imagine later, as it hits a 1.5 million cap, it hits CMC, and the shills make their rounds as they always do. Youtubers, Redditors, Biz Boys, whatever, thinking they found the next 1M Cap gold. While you'll already be 3X.

Imagine being so impatient, thinking "oh, I can make more money elsewhere, that you can't wait a few months for the easiest 20-40X of your life, and quite possibly, if they deliver, the easier 100-200X of your life.

There will be FUD on this. The website is a little wonky, with some spelling and language errors.

Personally, 75% of my stack will go out once it hits 5M cap, which I suspect will be June or July.

The only question is, will you blow this one, too?



>> No.9097357
File: 167 KB, 682x911, 1520732908251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the fucking star of david man. cmon. are yous even trying anymore

>> No.9097374

Who cares.

When will you idiots learn none of this shit matters. Besides, it's a pretty clean little origami logo.

Looks like a buy wall was already eaten, but that wasn't you, and it wasn't me.

>> No.9097379

>Imagine they just partnered with Chainlink
Imagine me never allowing a single one of my sats to touch this

>> No.9097394

I mean, aside from the fact that this totally brings validity to Chainlink as a platform...I don't know what the fuck this post is supposed to mean. This is a very good sign that, coupled with the fact that they switched to bi-weekly updates, that they're growing.

>> No.9097452

How many should I buy?

>> No.9097467

It's up to you. Personally, I see this is a VERY low risk project. Even if it's shit, with the growth they will have in the next few months, 10M market cap will be very easily achieved.

It sounds stupid, but how much do you want to 20X?

NOBODY is talking about this. Trust me. I hunted for weeks.

>> No.9097498

Ill go in with a little bit because decentralized marketplaces are like one of the few actual applications that need to be done. INK is one of their competitors but theyre a bunch of goofballs with VC money and dont realy care about the value of their token.

>> No.9097535

Yep. Good call. Throw 5 ETH at it and walk away for a few months, come back with $20-$40K.

Easy money.

People say Biz is shit, but I post stuff like this (and DAN, and 0xBTC) all the time and most ignore it.

Don't stay poor this time, biz.

Get in.

>> No.9097569

how the fuck do i get em

>> No.9097574

Where do we buy?

>> No.9097581

there is literally no volume on this thing on IDEX. 11 ETH will wipe the whole book.

>> No.9097612

50K isn't terrible volume, but yeah. 11 ETH will indeed wipe the whole book. We are very, very fucking early.

>> No.9097627

This project had an ICO and raised only $400k? Seems sus

>> No.9097663

Not everyone can raise a shitload of money. $400K is a good chunk of dough.

Look, anons. This thing has an actual use case. 6 actual customers. If you don't think it can get to 100K volume in the next weeks, an eventual CMC listing, and hit a 5-10M cap by the end of Q2, you are a total brainlet.

Just like DAN and 0xBTC, you're going to watch everything stated in this thread go exactly as I call it. Wait and see.

Q3 growth potential : 30-50X.

Screencap this.

>> No.9097737

Oh shit, this is on FD too.

>> No.9097760

Hang on. 400k ICO, shipping secured on blockchain, uses chainlink. Sound familiar?


>> No.9097785

I knew someone would bring up the Confido / Chainlink thing. Ha. Classic biz.

Sorry dude, but this thing is a pure fucking moon mission with 6 current customers, and I presume, more coming.

Unironically, stay poor.

>> No.9097817

BTW - you can actually go see their current customer's marketplaces. Most look slick as fuck.

>> No.9097854

you fucks are so dumb

this guy buys these shit coins, posts them here, gets his 3x and gets out, dumping on you

yet you fall for it time and time again

>> No.9097856

what's the circulating supply??

>> No.9097873

Nope. Incorrect. Like I said, I will sell 75% of my stack at a 5M marketcap. The rest will ride, I don't have to prove holdings to you, but I could if I get bored enough. We'll see as this grows.

>> No.9097875

4.3 Million.

>> No.9097919

Also, god damn, you are the type of person who makes posting good information on here so shitty.

You were probably the guy calling DAN a scam in my other thread, when it was 800K market cap, and now hovers near 5M, exactly where I said it would. That was merely 72 hours ago.

I know you can't trust everyone on the internet, but seriously....if you think this is a scam you are fucking brain dead.

>> No.9097982


KEK, good information....hahaha, all you are doing is pumping ultra market cap shit coins for your own gain

don't get butt hurt because I called out what you're doing

acting like some kind of prophet because DAN went from 800k to 5m...is it not obvious that would happen when you start shilling it with such a low market cap......which is of course why you did it!

>> No.9098018

Look, dude...I understand you thinking that way.

However, I am telling you that you are wrong.

I spend all day finding these types of promising things.

I buy in. Then, I tell biz about it first, because people have done the same for me, historically, over the years.

My goal is to keep this board from being total shit.

Just imagine if you and everyone else did their part too, instead of acting like an asshole.

Believe me or not, but this is not 45% up, with like 50 new TG members, and is creeping toward a 1M cap, and I am not fucking selling.

Stay poor.

>> No.9098031

That's so low! Great, I'll check this later

>> No.9098032

picked up a small bag. We will see about this

>> No.9098038

now* 45% up

>> No.9098058

Good work, anons.

Let 'em FUD. It happens with everything.

>> No.9098063

Forkdelta link?

>> No.9098070

Holy new 17ETH buy wall at 0008. O_o.

That is not me. I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me.

>> No.9098087

Dude, you seriously can't just load up FD, and type ORI?



>> No.9098100

Thanks Ranjesh just bought 700k

>> No.9098110

Allah Akbar, may Prajeeshna be with you, sir.


>> No.9098113

Yeah I already found it, but there is zero liquidity and also no 17eth buy wall...

>> No.9098151

sell wall* sorry, it's been a long day.

>> No.9098216

This entire post didn't actually have a fucking argument

Fuck you

>> No.9098227

I can't buy this anyway because you guys are buying everything up

>> No.9098277

It's barely a 1M cap now. Still super early, anon.

>> No.9098456

....and the buy walls fall. Good work anons.

Now, DON'T FUCK IT UP AND SETTLE FOR a 2X or something stupid like that.

Hold until Coin Market Cap, a 5M market-cap, and for God's Sake, don't sell your whole stack in case this goes 150X or something.

>> No.9098571

Haha. Right?

Fuck you, too. ;)

>> No.9098602

No argument at all lol kill yourself

>> No.9098619

You kill yourself! Rabble rabble rabble!

Smart money bought in today. Good work homies.

>> No.9098680

all 016 FD mini-orders are gone. new floor of 02 and above for now.

>> No.9098725


>> No.9098969

Your dan call made me Some money so unironically in on this.

>> No.9099410

you all act surprised to see a micro market cap coin grow rapidly....but fail to realise it is you who is causing the price movement


>> No.9099422
File: 933 KB, 3264x1836, 20180415_090034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bought you x, now i give you y

>> No.9099445

Looks jewy but it's a nice logo, you should buy

>> No.9099512
File: 37 KB, 888x568, 1523167639014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares.
>When will you idiots learn none of this shit matters.

you sound like a woman. in 100-200 years time well all be enslaved by them indefinitely and the couple grand we make from this shit wont be worth anything.

buy monero fag

>> No.9099562

What does it matter if it’s a self fulfilling prophecy? I mean not too many coins stay at low caps like this and the volume and price rising is definitely beneficial.
Yeah it won’t be the next eth but buying in now and waiting until coin market cap is a probably a good move

>> No.9099635

pic source now

>> No.9100017

Nail on the head. Still well under a 1 million cap. Dump on pajeets at a 3x for all I give a shit, but it’ll be the easiest 10x of your life if you can just wait a month or two. Much more
If you’re not a weak handed pussy. In this market, that’s a very good thing.

>> No.9100030

Nice! Good to hear someone isn’t an idiot. You shouldn’t lurk in the good threads dude. All the replies were garbage. Don’t just silently buy and let it die. I’m here to help you all.

>> No.9100311

I hate those threads too, but I initonically did give you a 5x on Dan. Literally nobody had ever talked about it, from my knowledge.

>> No.9100819

FUCK YOU. My transfer didn't clear yet and now it's 4x from my buy-in price.

>> No.9101242

What exchange are you guys buying on? IDEX or forkdelta?

>> No.9101405

I mean....you had hours, anon....ETH doesn't take that long.

>> No.9101416

Also, it's not 4x your buy price. It's only about 70% up.

IDEX is down. There's only one sell order on FD, and it's higher than the last one on IDEX. I'd wait until IDEX goes back up.

>> No.9101549

Hey thanks for your DAN post a couple days ago, already made 35k from it and holding until a 10-30MC.

Do you know what the MC for the coin is now?

>> No.9101759

MC is about 750K, but there are currently no reasonable orders on the IDEX books, and FD is dead. Wait to buy in the 2's, if you can.

35K? Jesus. Awesome. Show me you love me:

>> No.9101781

I want to get in on this but it looks like price has spiked some, also I've never traded on idex but I see that there are a lot of coins that start trading on there why? also why no cmc listing?

>> No.9101794

If you add me on TG and shill me on gems WHEN you buy them then I will throw you some btc no worries

>> No.9101796

Should i sell my 871 linkies and put in it?

>> No.9101804


>> No.9101806

Dump that shitcoin right now and buy into DAN and you'll likely be able to buy 10x as many in a month

>> No.9101813

Learn to use it. No CMC listing because it's early as hell.

>> No.9101820

What's your Telegram name?

>> No.9101834

Dear dumb idiot, can you not read? I was literally the first one to buy DAN, and shill it to you while it had a 900K marketcap. I sold the 5X and 75% of the rest rides, as I told you to do then.

>> No.9101874

See :

>> No.9101885

Hahaha I know that, and you also told everyone you were shilling to, to wait until the end of Q3. Funny, you'll be the one missing the run to 1$ in the next month.

Talk in the Daneel Group chat and I'll message you

>> No.9101910

I'm not missing anything. 25% of the stack is good enough to let ride.

>> No.9101925

To each his own, chat in the Dan telegram

>> No.9101997







>> No.9102003

>thinks jews would keep us alive if they had the choice

>> No.9102008


Nevermind, I just did. PM me. Literally offering you free money

>> No.9102118

I mean, you don't have to be a dick. You could just listen, instead. Or do you want me to literally go screencap the DAN thread as it continues to rise?

>> No.9102137


>> No.9102197



>> No.9102204

Oh boy. Dan. Wow.
Such coinnnnbn

>> No.9102236

Jesus, did I upset a pajeet Discord group who missed the bottom, or something?

You probably didn't buy the bottom of this, either, did you.

As always, stay poor, dudes.

>> No.9102272

Kill yourself

>> No.9102352

fucking kill yourself and your """gems"""

>> No.9102468

Poor dudes. So salty.